Stravo wrote:I just want to remind everyone that there is evidence that these bastards can pull WMD style attacks as Sodom and Gomorra
There's a question of scale here. We call mass destruction killing people by the millions (btdtb). If we do the maths based on known population levels of the era, towns of the size of Sodom and Gomorrah probably had a population of between 300 and 400. Most "towns" were little more than fortified farms occupied by an extended family. "Armies" were a couple of thousand people at most, more usually a few tens. Warfare had more in common with gang warfare than what we call warfare. So biblical "WMDs" are really nothing of the sort; we could do better with a machine gun. In reality, brimstone is a pretty feeble weapon, we can do much better. By the way, "fire from the sky" was probably blazing bales of straw fired from a catapult or ballista.
Also, critical point. "demons" are a mythological account "baldricks" are the reality behind that account. So, tthey have some remarkable capabilities but there's a physically plausible reason behind them. They can breath fire - but that's because they use hydrogen to lighten their bodies enough to fly and throwing blazing hydrogen is a good way of using the excess. They can't conjure up weather but they can use the entaglement capability to persuade humans that the weather has changed.
proved as well as if God decides to unleash the angel of death how exactly do you defend against all your first born dying in a single night? I doubt tin foil helmets will do in that case.
"The angel of death" was probably a catastrophic military defeat; the whole book of Exodus is in my NAAHO is simply an account of the last years of the Akhenaten civil war in Egypt. The likely mechanism for an angel of death would be a powerful demon using its entaglement capability to convince its victims they were dying. The shielding of tinfoil stops that dead. Possession is also a function of entaglement so that's being inhibited as well. The scientific victory won by James Randi in his laboratory is vastly more important than the military battle about to be fought in the Iraqi desert.
They may not understand what they're up against just yet but these bastards have magic and we can't even conceive of how it works much less how to defend against spiritual attacks such as possession.
Not really; they think they have magic. The challenge facing humans is to take the tricks one by one, work out what is really going on and come up with a counter. Incantations and conjuring and chanting etc don't work - magic doesn't exist. What does exist are capabilities and processes we don't know about. What we do when we find them is use science to figure them out and either neutralize them or turn them against their owners.
Its science versus magic. Reason and logic versus faith and superstition.
We know magic doesn't work, we can see that the baldricks can do thus and so - how do they do it?