Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by MysteriousDarkLordv3 »

SapphireFox wrote:I don't see this ending up well for Picard. I can just see it now assuming our "dear" captain lives,

Admiral: You destroyed another Enterprise!?

Picard: To be fair they didn't completely destroy the Enterprise just render it unable to fight or move or hold atmosphere on its own.

Admiral: *insert random choking sounds* That's the same thing!!
Picard: Not really, See, you can still read the name! Well, you can once you polish off the carbon-scoring, anyway. You don't want to press too hard or your hand goes through the hull ...

Memo - Admiral's boot to Picard's [BLEEP]: KICK-KICK-KICK!
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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by Night_stalker »

It's not like he could get court-martialed anyway. Last I heard, that nescessitates the person who is being charged to be alive, and after a encounter with the IOM fleet, he won't be alive.
If Dr. Gatling was a nerd, then his most famous invention is the fucking Revenge of the Nerd, writ large...

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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by ziasyn »

Besides D got destroyed and they gave him E and he allowed to get fucked up twice I haven't watched the last movie with the Picard Romulan clone but from what I heard E gets destroyed in that one I think. If he lives they'll just give him another one to frag.
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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by Night_stalker »

Don't forget, both those times he managed to elimnate the threat before it could cause more damage. This time, he won't be successful in that goal.
If Dr. Gatling was a nerd, then his most famous invention is the fucking Revenge of the Nerd, writ large...

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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by Kuroji »

They didn't destroy the Enterprise, but they tore up its front end by ramming a ship (which by all rights shouldn't even exist, how do you build that sort of thing secretly?) and exposed the bridge to open space.

If anything, maybe it means the next generation of ships will put the bridge someplace that isn't likely to end up getting exposed to open space or any smartass going 'target their bridge' in hopes to decapitate the ship. But... gee, that would be the smart thing to do. But I digress...
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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by Madzcat »

Yeah I've never understood why in Star Trek or Star Wars the bridge is always located in some absurdly obvious and easy to reach place. I mean especially in Star Trek where they just use the viewscreen anyways.
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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by SapphireFox »

Madzcat wrote:Yeah I've never understood why in Star Trek or Star Wars the bridge is always located in some absurdly obvious and easy to reach place. I mean especially in Star Trek where they just use the viewscreen anyways.
The same reason it's exposed on the top in so many other sci-fi or anime shows. It's because it hearkens back to ocean going ships and in earlier shows copied/mimicked stock footage from WWII especially if there are fighters present. The smart thing would be to place the bridge in the center of the ship protected by the rest of the ship like in the Battlestar Galactica remake.
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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by Night_stalker »

Yeah, but when has the Federation ever shown a ounce of military consideration?
If Dr. Gatling was a nerd, then his most famous invention is the fucking Revenge of the Nerd, writ large...

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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by SapphireFox »

Night_stalker wrote:Yeah, but when has the Federation ever shown a ounce of military consideration?
That would be giving them too much credit. But that might change after the Spanish Holy Inquisition begins it's most sacred work and begins correcting the problems with the federation... with sacred fire. :kill:
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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by Eternal_Freedom »

I always interpreted the SW Imperial ships's bridge loaction being arrogance on their part. As in, "we've got a big powerful ship, no one is going to break our shields so we don't need to hide away. We'll stand in plain view and dare to enemy to attack our mighty vessel"

Of course, by the time the Rebels began knocking down Imp shields, it was too late to change designs

That doesnt explain ther other SW ships though
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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by MysteriousDarkLordv3 »

Night-stalker's right - when it comes to military matters, the Feddies make good scientists. :wtf: Even when I was a kid watching reruns of Kirk and Co. I was thinking "Why do they have only one ship doing all these different jobs? Navies use specialized ships, don't they?" That neither-fish-nor-fowl design used for everything (they had the Enterprise hauling grain at one point!) has never made sense.

I'm sure the Imperium has dedicated science and explorer vessels and such-like. But WH40K being a wargame we don't see them. But if they're as efficient at their functions as the warships are, the Imperium's non-military is probably a miracle of efficiency.
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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by drklord »

The fleets of the God Emperor do indeed have science vessels, let us not forget the mighty excavation fleets of the blessed Mechanicus. Even then these research vessels would destroy anything that the xeno loving Starfleet could possibly throw at it. The Mechanicus serve the Omnissiah and through it the will of the blessed Emperor.
Strafleet, the Romulans, Klingons, Vulcans, any and all heretics and xenos that befoul the blessed stars that are the Emperor gift to mankind must be clenssed.
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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by Madzcat »

Yeah the Imperium does have specialized ships, not just science and explorer vessels. But massive cargoships and promethium tankers as well.
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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by SapphireFox »

MysteriousDarkLordv3 wrote:Night-stalker's right - when it comes to military matters, the Feddies make good scientists. :wtf: Even when I was a kid watching reruns of Kirk and Co. I was thinking "Why do they have only one ship doing all these different jobs? Navies use specialized ships, don't they?" That neither-fish-nor-fowl design used for everything (they had the Enterprise hauling grain at one point!) has never made sense.

I'm sure the Imperium has dedicated science and explorer vessels and such-like. But WH40K being a wargame we don't see them. But if they're as efficient at their functions as the warships are, the Imperium's non-military is probably a miracle of efficiency.
True the Adepus Mechanus has ships that can do such things AND double as warships but I don't believe there are any that transitioned to Trek in this Fic. That is unless they just haven't been mentioned yet by the author. hint. HINT! :wink:
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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by ChrisWWII »

well, here it is.....apologies that it took so long. 4th of july celebrations tend to put a bit of a dampner on my writing time. :oops:

in any case, just to clear up a question i feel that needs answering, in my fluff, each lubyan regiment that has distinguished itself in battle gets a regimental song as a badge of honor. to the regiment, this song is as great a rallying point as an imperial hero or their own standard. for the 707th, their song is this (song starts at 1:00) :


yes, i know they shouldn't have copies of terran music in the 41st millenia, but i find the idea of guardsmen marching to war shouting this song at the top of their lungs to be epic. =P

Chapter 4

707th Lubyan Mobile Regiment, Cadia Company

Near Xenos Government Building

Trooper Ilya Casaya clutched her lasgun tightly as she popped her head above the piece of wrecked building she had been covering behind. In front of her, the xenos invaders of her beloved world were holding the rest of the building’s ruins. They were popping in and out from behind cover, and sending quick pulses of green energy back that the Guardsmen. A few of her squadmates lay dead around her, struck in the chest with the streams that the xenos’s weapons emitted. All in all, she thought, this battle had gone well for the Guard. The xenos defenders of their world were not true soldiers, and had quickly fallen to the professional attacks of the Imperial Guard and Astartes. Armed with nothing more than pistols, they had stood little chance. They had been torn apart by lasgun, bolter, and tank tread alike. Unfortunately, fighting in the ruins of a city allowed even the most unprofessional, ill equipped army could hold out for a long time, and she was beginning to curse the long range Basilisk fire that had created the ruins in the first place.

“Move up!” she heard shouted from behind her. She turned around to see her squad sergeant brandishing his chainsword as he sent several blasts from his laspistol forward. Behind the squad, a heavy weapons squad opened up, sending dozens of heavy bolter and autocannon rounds smashing into the barricades that the enemy had sheltered behind. Ilya paused for a moment to lock her combat knife onto her lasgun’s lugs, prepping herself for the nightmare of close combat that she was no doubt about to enter. Screaming battle cries of the Imperium, and Lubya, she and her fellow Guardsmen charged the final line of xenos resistance. Behind them, lines of Leman Russ battle tanks advanced as well, pouring salvo after salvo into the romulan resistance, and burying the xenos defenders underneath the rubble of their own barricades.

With bayonet, knife, chainsword, and lasgun, the Imperial Guard cleansed the xenos from existence. It was a close range, hand to hand duel. Some fights even taking place with the bare hands and teeth of the Guardsmen. The xenos defenders had hoped that this close range fight would shelter them from the punishing long range fire of the Imperial tanks and artillery. What madmen would shell their own troops? Even before the Basilisks and Leman Russ’s continue their relentless bombardment, killing Guardsmen and alien alike, the romulans knew they were doomed. They knew it when the first roar of a chainsword took of the head of a young defender. They knew it when gouts of flame tore from the flamers of the Guard and burned them alive in their bunkers. They knew it when the first Baneblade rolled down the streets of their capital city, and put a shell into the Senate Hall.

Holding her lasgun ahead of her like a spear, Ilya skewered one of the romulan defenders. Her face was hard as the alien clutched at the wound in its belly, and with the same mask she yanked the bayonet free and clubbed the alien’s skull in with the butt of her lasun. Ahead of her, she could see her squad’s sergeant brandishing his chainsword as he sliced another xenos in two. He swung again, slicing yet another romulan in half from shoulder to waist, the whirring teeth of the chainsword sending chunks of gore flying. He finally looked back at her, and their eyes met for a split second. His face splattered green with the alien blood, the sergeant brandished his sword again.

“Forward!” he cried. “Forward you….” He began, but never finished as a lance of green energy vaporized his head. His smoking corpse slumped to the ground, and Ilya followed it, going to ground as fast as she could. Even then, she felt the ambient heat of the passing blast of a xenos firearm, and the sudden chill on her head as the blast ripped her helmet away. She stood again, brown hair falling from its well kept place as she charged yet again, hundreds of her comrades behind her. She let go of her lasgun for a split second so she could prime a frag grenade, and hurled it into a mass of aliens. The resultant blast coated her with their blood. Her face was glowering in fury as she shot, hacked and fought her way through the xenos lines. In the confusion, somehow she found herself side to side with her company’s standard bearer. A giant of a man waving the flag of the 707th high above as he gestured forward with his power sword clutched in an augmentic arm. As he stood to lead yet another charge, a blast of green energy smashed into his chest. It vaporized flak armor and burned deeper into his torso. The man collapsed, leaning on the company banner before it too began to fall. Without a second thought, she threw away her lasgun and grabbed hold of the banner. She charged forward, ignoring the green blasts of energy that flew all around her. Behind her, she could hear the sounds of the orchestra of war. Massed lasgun fire gave the strings, while the chatter of heavy bolter fire kept time. The shots of Baneblade, Leman Russ and Basilisk gave the bass, and in the din of the symphony, she could almost swear she could hear the faint strings of the regimental song. With determination burning in her eyes, she smashed a romulan with the staff of the flag before impaling it through the rubble of the alien government building. With tears in her eyes, she joined her comrades in song.

Romulan Senate Building

Praetor’s Chamber

The Praetor of the Romulan Star Empire clutched to his seat of office as the whole building shook once more. He could already tell that this was the end. On the hologram in front of him that depicted his precious world of Romulus, lights that showed the position of Romulan land units had faded out. More and more vital cities, shipyards and factories had been overrun and annihilated by the invaders. He shook his head as he stood to pace around the room.

‘How could it come to this?’ he thought to himself. ‘Our Empire brought low by invaders we know nothing about,’ he paused for a second to think about that statement. ‘Almost nothing,’ he corrected mentally. He knew that they were humans, but these humans were so unlike the Federation weaklings he had dealt with his entire career that he almost thought of these invading humans as a new species; one completely different from the original line. The building shook again as yet another shell struck it, and the Praetor could hear a part of the great Senate Hall itself collapse and fall in. He heard screams of Senators and their bodyguards who were crushed beneath the falling stones of the very heart of the Romulan Star Empire. He sat back down in his seat, sighing yet again as he heard the explosions from outside. He knew the end was near, and he was ready to face that end. He clutched the distruptor pistol on his desk tightly as he stared at the door, letting his mind drift away from the situation at hand as he tried to organize his final thoughts. He glanced around his office, noting that the distress signal was still going, and more importantly, that it was useless. No matter who received the distress call and what they did it was too late for Romulus. Too late for his people. Too late for….

But his thoughts were interrupted by a crash so loud it couldn’t have happened outside. It had to have happened within the Senate Hall itself; inside the corridor leading to his chamber in fact. Outside, he heard a series of thuds and a loud roar that drowned out the screams of the guards stationed outside his chamber. With another bang, the doors flew open and a giant entered the room. The thing was shaped like a humanoid, but was simply too massive to be a human. It was covered in great plates of armor, and massive pauldrons on his shoulders. The giant carried a massive gun in one hand, and some kind of sword in the other. The weapon was giving a gently clattering sound as huge teeth rotated slowly. The Praetor grabbed his distruptor and fired. The green blast struck the giant straight on the head, and deflected harmlessly of its armor. The giant raised his sword and shouted something. The exact words were lost on the Praetor as the chainsword embedded itself in his skull.

USS Enterprise-D

Romulan Neutral Zone

“A distress signal?” Picard repeated, a small strain of disbelief entering his voice.

“That is correct sir,” Data replied, nodding slightly. “The signal claims that Romulus is under attack by invaders of an unknown origin. They request whatever aid the Federation can provide.”
Picard stared out into the void ahead of him, seemingly unsure of what course to take. Finally, he looked out at the main viewscreen. “Dispatch a message to Starfleet command,” he ordered. “Inform them of our course and action, and attach a copy of the Romulan distress call to the message. Mr. Data, set a course for Romulus. Maximum warp.” There was a small flurry of movement as the bridge officers moved to comply with their captain’s orders. As the flurry died down, Picard leaned back in his chair, and with a simple motion of his hand gave his trademark order. “Engage.”

Outside, the stars stretched into long thin lines as the great vessel accelerated to warp speed, and the Enterprise began to tremble as the warp core spiraled up. All of it was replaced by a brilliant flash of light that left the Enterprise silent and drifting in the void, with no stars in sight on the viewscreen. Standing in front of the viewscreen was a figure dressed in the uniform of a Starfleet officer.

“Bonjour, mon Capitan!” Q said happily, smiling happily at Picard.

“What do you want Q?” Picard demanded, barely even looking at the alien. “I have much more important things to worry about than you.”

“Oh, I know,” he cheerfully replied. “And I come to offer you some advice on dealing with those problems.” Q paused, waiting for Picard to notice and turn back to pay attention to him. “That advice is: ‘Don’t bother’. Turn around. Run back home to your little planet, and hope that the Imperium doesn’t try and follow you.”

“The what?” Commander Riker demanded from his chair.

“The Imperium!” Q repeated. “The Imperium of….oh, how could I have forgotten! They’re tens of millennia into your future!” he continued on with a small tap of his hand to his forehead. “But let’s just say that if the Federation is the ‘best’ humanity can offer, then the Imperium is the worst.”

“I don’t have time for your games Q!” Picard snapped. “Stop talking in riddles, or get off my ship!”

“Very well,” Q said with a sigh, vanishing in a flash of light, and reappearing again. This time he was dressed in a uniform that seemed to come out of the ancient histories of Earth. Q wore a black great coat with red trimmings over a black uniform and a red sash with a high peaked hat adorning his head. “You aren’t facing some new alien menace, Picard,” Q replied, advancing on the Captain of the Enterprise. “You’re facing a dark reflection of yourself. Humanity millennia and millennia into the future.” Q smirked as he vanished again, this time reappearing in a suit of massive power armor. He dwarfed Picard, Riker, and even Worf as he flexed his hands. “The Imperium has moved beyond your hallowed principles of negotiation and peace, and does whatever it has to do to survive. And when I say ‘whatever’, I mean whatever,” he said as he locked eyes with Picard. “They’ve forgotten whatever promises your values offered, and replaced them with violence.” The captain started, only to be silenced as Q placed a massive armored finger against Picard’s mouth. “I know what you’re about to ask. You’re about to ask if this is all a massive charade. Another part of my ongoing trial of humanity. I’d just like you to know that it’s not. Their appearance was not expected. Not even by me!” he admitted. Picard stood unmoving for a second, not knowing how to respond to the revelation that something had occurred outside of even Q’s devious master plan.

“Why are you here then?” Picard finally managed to ask. “To warn us? To help us?”

“I can’t ‘help’ you, Picard,” Q admonished, like a parent lecturing a child who had reasked the same question again and again. “No, I can’t help. But I can advise.”

“And your advice is, Q?”

“I’ve already given it to you,” he said with a shrug of his ridiculously massive shoulders before reappearing as his normal self. “Turn around. Run for home, and hope that the Imperium doesn’t follow you.”

“And abandon the Romulans?” Riker demanded.

“Dishounourable they may be, but what honor is there in ignoring the pleas of the innocent?” Worf demanded, his voice angry.

“Oh trust me,” Q said with a smirk. “By the time you arrive there won’t be any Romulans to save.” With a final wink, he vanished, and the Enterprise reappeared in warp flight. Considering Q’s words, Picard looked out to the screen in front of him.

“What is our course, Mr. Data?”

“The same as before Q’s interference sir,” the android officer replied.

“Continue course for Romulus. Increase speed to whatever you can squeeze from the warp core,” he barked as he sat down in his command chair. “And take the ship to red alert."
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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by Night_stalker »

Hmm, Picard it seems want to prove Darwin wrong, and try to get his ship vaporized in the process. Keep up the good work!
If Dr. Gatling was a nerd, then his most famous invention is the fucking Revenge of the Nerd, writ large...

"Lawful stupid is the paladin that charges into hell because he knows there's evil there."

"Although you may win the occasional battle against us, Vorrik, the Empire will always strike back."
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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by drklord »

More foul xenos, I dont suppouse there is a member of the holy Inquisition on board that battle fleet?? I would love to see what happens to Q if he comes face to face with a Beta level Inquisitorial psyker.
Also excellent choice with the music, very insperational. As for the Praetor suffering from a sudden case of chainsword to the face that was very amusing...what chapter of the Emperor's choosen has been attached to the battle fleet?
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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by MrCIA »

The one other vessel was left mostly with a grey skeleton, yet some parts were painted a deep royal blue, and while most of the vessels boasted a dark grey bird with two heads, this blue outlier had a white symbol, that almost resembled a cross section of pot.
The pot was an ancient human letter, in an even older language that apparently meant simply….the end.
I know what Chapter I'm betting on.
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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by Night_stalker »

Hmmm... Sounds like we might be seeing the Ultramarines spill some Federation blood. Hopefully, when they board the Enterprise, the Federation's red shirted security learn how to get crushed by a force better than them, but then again that's all they've been doing so far, so why change it?
If Dr. Gatling was a nerd, then his most famous invention is the fucking Revenge of the Nerd, writ large...

"Lawful stupid is the paladin that charges into hell because he knows there's evil there."

"Although you may win the occasional battle against us, Vorrik, the Empire will always strike back."
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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by MysteriousDarkLordv3 »

Why is Q making the Imperium sound so wimpy? Is he trying to trick Jean-Luc into a false sense of security?

I mean - telling Picard that he can run back to Earth and be safe! Does Q really think that the Imperium won't go and reclaim their Holy World? And once they have a forge-world going, not even the Dominion or the Borg are going to be safe.

Query - will the Imperium see Q as a Demon of Chaos? And if they do, what are they going to do about it? Omnipotent trumps everything, after all. (Although the probably will insist that the Enterprise - "tainted" by Q - be "purified" with a Nova Cannon).
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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by PaperJack »

MysteriousDarkLordv3 wrote: Query - will the Imperium see Q as a Demon of Chaos? And if they do, what are they going to do about it? Omnipotent trumps everything, after all.
Q may be omnipotent and immune against the Federation and their tools, but maybe he isn't against the Imperium aswell. Perhaps psyker powers can hurt him or something.
Or maybe he can just choose not to show himself to the Imperium.

MysteriousDarkLordv3 wrote: I mean - telling Picard that he can run back to Earth and be safe! Does Q really think that the Imperium won't go and reclaim their Holy World? And once they have a forge-world going, not even the Dominion or the Borg are going to be safe.
Well first they have to FIND Terra, and considering the distance between the worlds it won't be easy. While they're looking for it, the fed. will hopefully have enought time to make a plan or something.
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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by MysteriousDarkLordv3 »

PaperJack wrote:Well first they have to FIND Terra, and considering the distance between the worlds it won't be easy. While they're looking for it, the fed. will hopefully have enought time to make a plan or something.
Why would they have any trouble finding Earth? They found their ancestral homeworld - 24th century Romulus - by consulting their own records and compensating for the known motions of the stars. All they would have to do is the same thing. Of course, without the Astronomicon they don't dare make long warp jumps, so they'll probably rampage from one system to the next on a direct line for Earth ...

Wolf 359 redux, anyone?
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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by Night_stalker »

Hell, the Ave Humanas alone could out perform the Borg Cube at Wolf 359! Starfleet really is about to be crushed into the ground. In a way, if the Astronomicon was still functional it would be better for the Federation, as only Earth would be devastated. Without the Emperor's guiding light, EVERY system that doesn't outright surrender to the Emperor's justice will be turned to ash.
If Dr. Gatling was a nerd, then his most famous invention is the fucking Revenge of the Nerd, writ large...

"Lawful stupid is the paladin that charges into hell because he knows there's evil there."

"Although you may win the occasional battle against us, Vorrik, the Empire will always strike back."
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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by justicar5 »

Good story, don't seee it going quite as smoothly for the Imperium as you do, but thats a difference of opinion. To clarify, the entire of a sector battlefleet would crush the Feds, 1 battlegroup? Not so sure.
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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by Darmalus »

While the Imperium can stomp anyone in the ST verse, they have the problem of a lack of supplies and replacements. Now that they have reclaimed their home world, they are going to need to colonize it, set up factories, mines, farms, etc. or watch as their battle group slowly gets worn down and runs out of ammo and fuel.

They also likely have a very large male to female gender imbalance, so I wouldn't be surprised if they start outright attacking the Federation to secure more breeding stock when they start thinking long term. The Federation can't stop them, but they don't have the numbers to secure that many planets yet.
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