Children of the Ancients

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Post by Tstuka »

I've just read the fanfic, and I just want to say I think it's good. It's fun to read the mix of SW,ST and Stargate!

Keep up the good work!

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Post by SpecWar826 »

I am sorry to say I totaly forgot about this but I am happy I found it again. I had to read the whole thing over so as not to confuse myself
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Post by LadyTevar »

Great job, keep it going! :D

PS: the "made in Taiwan" ws a cute touch ;)
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

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Post by Crown »

LadyTevar wrote:Great job, keep it going! :D

PS: the "made in Taiwan" ws a cute touch ;)
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Post by Xon »

LadyTevar wrote: the "made in Taiwan" ws a cute touch ;)
It would be amusing to see the reaction of Data & Co when they start looking at samples SGC technology which will be a blend of 20th & 21st century electronics and the comparitively hyperadvanced Go'auld technology. All integerated onto the same thing.

Also; What about the Atlantis expedition?
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Post by Jaepheth »

NOTES: done in a half hurry and after much sleep depravation... other than that: w00t :wink:

Chapter 8

Counselor’s Log, Stardate 52593.1

Thomas and Mary are still not communicating effectively. If they are unwilling to work out their problems, I’m afraid they may break up. I’ll need to remind them that marriage isn’t a walk in the park, and that it takes an effort on the part of both people to make it work.

As to my latest patient, Samuel Carter, I don’t know what to do. I went to see him earlier today, and he wouldn’t even acknowledge my presence. The guard informed me that all he does is curl up and rock back and forth while murmuring to himself (nothing intelligible); he’ll also occasionally pace his cell for awhile. He continues these two activities for a day or two at a time until passing out. When he wakes up, he continues again. He doesn’t eat, so the doctor has been keeping him alive by feeding him intravenously. In all my years I have never seen anything like it, a complete withdraw from all reality and possibly paranoid delusions as well. I’m ordering a full drug screen as well as a detailed physical examination and brain scan. The only things that could explain this behavior are drug abuse, severe post traumatic stress disorder, or possibly a genetic disorder. Since the subject has not been in front line combat, I’m inclined to believe one of the others, and given the lack of family history of genetic disorders; that leaves drug abuse. If the presence of illicit narcotics is detected, an investigation will have to be conducted to discover the drugs’ source. If it is a drug, I hope the affects are reversible; otherwise he’ll be confined to an asylum for the rest of his life.


Imperial Transmission Stream
Time Index: 55.876.256.677Xfa
Encryption Key: 3511fg82nd0b5wn

Col. Irenicus: Did you even check the crates before you sent them through?

Cmdr. Thrax: Sir, I simply forwarded to you what I received.

Col. Irenicus: Commander, what am I going to do with a battalion of OUTDATED CLONE WAR ERA DROIDS?!

Cmdr. Thrax: Sir, I apologi….

Col. Irenicus: And what’s more… they seem to be devoid of their blasters!

Cmdr. Thrax: Sir, there must have been a mix up with the shipping orde…

Col. Irenicus: I don’t want to hear about the screw ups on your end commander! I want to hear that you WON’T make this mistake again!

Cmdr. Thrax: I assure you sir, from now on I’ll personally make sure the contents of your shipments are double checked before they’re sent through the gate.

Col. Irenicus: Be sure that you do.

Cmdr. Thrax: Do you want me to send blasters for those droids?

Col. Irenicus: No, we’re on a tight enough schedule without wasting gate time for a bunch of deprecated droids. How are those Defenders coming?

Cmdr. Thrax: Sir, I don’t know if I can get you more than maybe 6 or 7 TIE Defenders.

Col. Irenicus: I wanted at least two squadrons.

Cmdr. Thrax: I’m aware of that sir, but Defenders are extremely expensive, rare, and every Admiral, Captain, General, and Moff in the fleet is requesting or commandeering them faster than they can be produced. I may be able to procure some TIE Advanced as replacements.

Col. Irenicus: Very well, what about Missile Boats?

Cmdr. Thrax: Only one, maybe two of those. Could you use regular Gunboats, sir? They’re plentiful.

Col. Irenicus: Send them through only if you have spare gate time. What’s the status on the generators and relay satellites?

Cmdr. Thrax: The generator is approximately 10% through. The satellites are still being constructed in accordance with your engineer’s specifications and will be transferred after the generator is done.

Col. Irenicus: Carry on Commander, Irenicus out.

**End Transmission Stream**

Irenicus turned away from the communications console in his make-shift command center to come face to face with his chief of operations. “Sir, we still have a battalion of unarmed clone war battle droids that need assignment.”

Irenicus thought for a moment, “I suppose they’ll simply have to serve as cannon fodder. But at the very least upgrade their combat algorithms.”

“Yes sir.”

The chief turned to leave, but then a thought struck Irenicus, “Wait, how many Terran weapons did you say we found?”


Counselor’s Log, Supplemental

Very strange, blood toxicology reports show traces of several chemical substances yet to be identified. After speaking to Mr. Carter’s commanding officer at the preserve station, I’m fairly convinced that whatever happened to Mr. Carter happened during his journey into the forest. Perhaps he had a bad reaction to one of the plants? I find it difficult to believe he would have such a volatile reaction to something natural. Perhaps he made the drugs himself? No… surely such drugs would be easily identified. While the specific drugs cannot be identified, their functions seem to include: hallucinogens, depressants, stimulants, and amphetamines.
Stranger still are the marks found near the base of the skull, in the small of the back, and in the bicep of each arm. They appear to be needle marks or bite marks. A sufficiently mutated or even alien insect may explain his situation. If so, then there has been a huge breach in customs. However, the marks seem too deliberate to be the result of insect bites. Upon closer inspection the marks on the arms would appear to be injection marks made by a hypodermic needle. The other marks, however, seem to have slight burn marks as though a large amount of energy passed through them. At those points, such an action would produce tremendous amounts of pain.
The conclusion is inescapable; this man was tortured. But by whom? And for what purpose? I need to hear Carter’s side of the story, but in his current state that’s impossible. I’ve transmitted a request to Starfleet for two things, to send a Vulcan here to attempt a mind-meld, and permission to begin a formal inquiry into a possible human rights violation. While I wait for a response the only thing to do is wait and see if Carter will come out of it on his own.


Captain’s Log, Supplemental

Since we determined that the computer board fragment the Ferengi offered us was genuine, I purchased the board along with the coordinates of the system where the Ferengi claims to have acquired the artifact. Starfleet agrees that the mystery of how a relic of Earth’s past wound up so far from home is worth postponing the Enterprise’s scheduled maintenance. We are currently en-route to Beta-Aquilae, a system on the outskirts of explored space near the far end of Ferengi territory. A few “gifts” have ensured that the Ferengi Alliance will not object to our presence so far within their borders. We should be arriving very soon. What mysteries coul…..


A sudden jolt cut off Picard’s log entry and nearly threw him out of his chair. He tapped his comm. Badge, “Picard to the bridge, report!”

Riker’s voice replied over the intercom, “Sir, minor injuries being reported around the ship; slight stress fractures and minor buckling on the ship’s also occurred.”

“What happened, number one?”

Riker’s response was a bit delayed as he conferred with engineering, “It seems our warp bubble suddenly collapsed, we’re determining cause right now.”

“Understood number one, I’m on my way.”


Picard stepped onto the bridge from the turbo lift, “Well, what happened?”

Data looked up from a science console to report, “Sir, it would appear that we have encountered an area in which sub-space has been severely damaged. Enough so that creating a stable warp bubble is impossible. I believe the source of this phenomenon is here.” Data pointed to the screen which should a solar system, one of the planets seemed to be heavily fractured.
“Several hundred years ago, Beta-Aquilae IV suffered some sort of catastrophe. An explosion of enormous magnitude cracked the planet’s crust, and managed to splinter much of the planet into the surrounding space. Though our sensors are limited due to the rupture in sub-space, I have determined that this planet is the center of the disturbance.”

Picard studied the readouts for a moment, “Vik said the board was discovered on Beta-Aquilae III, how long would it take us to get there using our impulse engines?”

Data replied nearly instantly,”Sir, such a journey would take at least a month.”

Geordi’s voice chimed in over the intercom, “Engineering to bridge.”

Picard turned his attention away from the monitor, “Go ahead Geordi.”

“Sir, I think if I tie the deflector into the warp systems, I may be able to get the ship moving at warp under these conditions. But only up to warp 3 or 3.5”

Picard cheered up at that news, “Excellent Geordi, let me know when it’s ready.” Picard turned his attention to the helmsman, “Helm, set a course for Beta-Aquilae III, maximum impulse until Geordi has completed his modifications.”

“Aye sir.”
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Post by Xon »

I like your depiction of what an exploding stargate can do :D
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Post by Murazor »

What was that? An experimental Stargate made of tricobalt? Because that boom is a tad bit too big even for an overloaded gate.
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Post by Xon »

Murazor wrote:What was that? An experimental Stargate made of tricobalt? Because that boom is a tad bit too big even for an overloaded gate.
I'm fairly sure earlier it was stated Anubis took off the kiddy gloves and caused a suicide overload of every stargate in the milkway(and posible the elsewere too).

Given the mass of Naquadah in a stargate and the explosive potential of 10 pounds (safe evac distance is orange county!), you would expect a massive boom if you can get the naquadah to energise.

The exploding stargate with the 3 gigaton explosion, was just the energy in the local buffer. Not the naquadah itself blowing up.
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Post by Jaepheth »

Murazor wrote:What was that? An experimental Stargate made of tricobalt? Because that boom is a tad bit too big even for an overloaded gate.
also remember that it's not uncommon for a stargate to be located on a world rich in naquadah... or naquadria for that matter.
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Post by LadyTevar »

Wasn't there a planet where they tested a Naquada bomb, and the Gate stuck open? The one where Hammond was replaced by an idiot general?
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

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Post by Crazedwraith »

LadyTevar wrote:Wasn't there a planet where they tested a Naquada bomb, and the Gate stuck open? The one where Hammond was replaced by an idiot general?
Yep, Chain Reaction Season 4. It might have been a naquadah/potassium bomb in fact IIRC.
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Post by Jaepheth »

CrazedWraith wrote:Yep, Chain Reaction Season 4. It might have been a naquadah/potassium bomb in fact IIRC.
I think the planet destroyer was a naquadah enhanced nuke

the naquadah/potassium bomb was the one in cassandra's chest, wasn't it?
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Post by Crazedwraith »

Jaepheth wrote:
CrazedWraith wrote:Yep, Chain Reaction Season 4. It might have been a naquadah/potassium bomb in fact IIRC.
I think the planet destroyer was a naquadah enhanced nuke

the naquadah/potassium bomb was the one in cassandra's chest, wasn't it?
Yep but I thought Sma mentioned something about not having enough naquadah to get the right Potassium/naq mix while building the bomb.
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Post by Duken »

Jaepheth wrote:NOTES: done in a half hurry and after much sleep depravation... other than that: w00t :wink:
The sleep deprivation doesn't show.
Jaepheth wrote:The chief turned to leave, but then a thought struck Irenicus, “Wait, how many Terran weapons did you say we found?”
Since I don't watch Stargate, what weapons do they use? Oh, and that idea = :twisted:
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Post by Crazedwraith »

Duken wrote:
Jaepheth wrote:NOTES: done in a half hurry and after much sleep depravation... other than that: w00t :wink:
The sleep deprivation doesn't show.
Jaepheth wrote:The chief turned to leave, but then a thought struck Irenicus, “Wait, how many Terran weapons did you say we found?”
Since I don't watch Stargate, what weapons do they use? Oh, and that idea = :twisted:
Modern day weapons. Mainly FN P-90s Colt M4s and M-16s. H&k MP5s. etc.
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Post by LadyTevar »

Crazedwraith wrote:
Duken wrote:
Jaepheth wrote:NOTES: done in a half hurry and after much sleep depravation... other than that: w00t :wink:
The sleep deprivation doesn't show.
Jaepheth wrote:The chief turned to leave, but then a thought struck Irenicus, “Wait, how many Terran weapons did you say we found?”
Since I don't watch Stargate, what weapons do they use? Oh, and that idea = :twisted:
Modern day weapons. Mainly FN P-90s Colt M4s and M-16s. H&k MP5s. etc.
Don't forget the 50 or so Staff weapons, and about that same number of Zats
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

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Post by Duken »

Crazedwraith wrote:Modern day weapons. Mainly FN P-90s Colt M4s and M-16s. H&k MP5s. etc.
LadyTevar wrote:Don't forget the 50 or so Staff weapons, and about that same number of Zats
This is going to be very funny to watch.
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Post by Xon »

Duken wrote:Since I don't watch Stargate, what weapons do they use? Oh, and that idea = :twisted:
Its a good bet the SGC has every man portable weapon in active use by modernday USA military.

Including Anti-tank RPGs and man-portable AA missiles.
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Post by JME2 »

ggs wrote:
Duken wrote:Since I don't watch Stargate, what weapons do they use? Oh, and that idea = :twisted:
Its a good bet the SGC has every man portable weapon in active use by modernday USA military.

Including Anti-tank RPGs and man-portable AA missiles.
Given how many times the base has been breached, it's a safe assumption.
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Post by Tstuka »

Can't wait for the next one, keep it up!
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Post by Jaepheth »

Notes: Put together rather piecemeal, but it's been too long since an update (and I wouldn't want you guys to lose interest)

Hope you enjoy it.

Chapter 9

“You’re sure about this?” inquired a voice over the communications link to Coruscant.

The chief engineer and technology analyst, Lt. Byron Naedo, looked up from his diagnostic equipment and replied, “It works for the natives; I don’t see any reason why it shouldn’t do the same for us.”

“Ok, well, we’re ready on this end. Standing by for your order.”

Byron took one last look at the readouts, took a deep breath, and gave the order, “Energize.”

A stream of data and energy shot out from the Stargate and hit the collector. Then, in another room, through the shimmer of a stasis field, something began to take shape. A few moments later all that remained in the chamber was a starfighter’s primary reactor.

Irenicus turned from the view screen to address his chief engineer. “So, let me make sure I have this straight. You disintegrated a reactor, sent it through an active wormwhole, and then reintegrated it?”

Byron smiled as he replied, “Yes sir.”

“And… this whole process was designed by a primitive race of humans who still use antimatter and fusion reactors?”

“Yes sir.”

“And… you’re certain that it put that reactor together again perfectly? Without any molecular flaws in the reaction chamber walls?”

Byron thought for a moment before replying, “uhh…. Yes, sir.”

“Well then, excellent work, this will greatly reduce the strain of getting objects through the Stargate.” Irenicus began to walk out of the room, but turned to address Byron once more before the door closed, “Oh, and make sure that reactor does work before sending anything else through.”

Byron thought a bit before turning to his assistant, “Hey Verb, go activate the reactor.”

Verb looked up from his datapad, “Uhh… yes sir.” Verb turned and hit a button on the console behind him. “Gordon, go initialize the reactor.”

In the test chamber, Gordon acknowledged the command, and approached the reactor. The stoormtrooper armor he was wearing felt much safer than the hazard suit that he’d used at the last place he worked. Gordon flipped open the control port and pressed a few buttons. The reactor came to life and began to emit a low hum. Back in the control room Verb looked at Byron and asked, “So… should we send something bigger through?”

Byron smiled as he replied, “Oh yeah.”


Captain’s Log Supplemental

We have completed maneuvers to take us around a large debris field in Beta-Aquilae Iv’s orbital path. I had Data calculate some exit time windows so that when we leave Beta-Aquilae III we’ll be able to more closely investigate Beta-Aquilae IV and try to discover what disaster could possibly rip a planet apart. As for now, I want to know how a relic from earth’s Information Age wound up this far from Sol.


As Captain Picard stepped onto the bridge the helmsman reported, “Approaching Beta-Aquilae III, sir.”

“Very good. Standard orbit. Data, report.”

“The planet is M class, consisting mostly of forest. The planet’s surface is unusually dense, and the upper atmosphere has an unusually high amount of electrical and ionic activity. I am detecting no signs of intelligent life nor is there any evidence of any advanced civilization ever inhabiting the planet.”

At that moment Data’s console emitted a few beeps as new sensor information was displayed.

“Sir, sensors have just detected a large concentration of titanium and tritanium near the center of the planet’s second largest continent, in the Southern hemisphere. The metals are pure enough and localized enough to suggest artificiality, and the size and concentration suggest it could be a ship. A more detailed analysis is impossible, as our sensors are not only being hampered by the fractured sub-space, but also by the planet’s atmosphere.”

Upon hearing Data’s report, Riker spoke up, “That can’t be what we’re looking for, 21st century Earthlings wouldn’t have tritanium, it doesn’t occur naturally on Earth.”

“That may be so Number One, but for the lack of a more obvious place, that’s where we’ll be starting our investigation. Besides, the opportunity of investigating an alien ship is always a plus on any mission. Myself, Geordi, Dr. Crusher, and… ” Picard ran a few quick searches on the crew manifest before arriving at an appropriate crew member. “Lt. O’neill will go down to the coordinates Data has provided us to see what we can find.”

“Use of the transporter would be unadvisable due to the planet’s highly charged atmosphere, sir.” Data informed the captain.

“Verywell, have Geordi, Crusher, and O’neill meet me in shuttle bay two. Data, continue scanning the planet, and notify me of anything else you find. You have the bridge Number One.” With that, Picard turned, and got on the turbolift.


Geordi was busy running pre-flight checks on the shuttlecraft that occupied the center of the shuttle bay. Picard was going over the equipment that had been assembled for the away mission. The turbolift doors opened and two crewmembers stepped out.

“Lieutenant Margaret Simpson O’neill reporting for duty, SIR!”

“Ensign Hansen Zolo reporting for duty, sir. Dr. Crusher has a pressing operation scheduled in half an hour and so will be unable to make it.”

Picard approached the two crewmembers. “And just what makes you qualified to replace Dr. Crusher on this mission?”

Zolo replied with confidence, “Sir, I am fully capable of handling any first aid or emergency medical concerns that are likely to arise on this mission. I am currently serving directly under Dr. Crusher on an internship from Starfleet Medical Academy.”

Picard nodded in approval as he turned his attention to Lt. O’neill. “Miss O’neill, I understand from your service record that you’re an expert at xeno-wilderness survival, demolitions, and marksmanship. Is that correct?”

“I consider myself proficient, sir.”

“And modest as well. I saw several commendations from Captain Abkar for your performance during your tour in the Dominion War. He’s not an easy man to impress. You must be very good at what you do.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“Alright, get the equipment on board the shuttle you two.”

“Aye sir.” Came the crewmembers’ reply in unison.



Where am I?

Obeying the voice, Carter got off the cold stone floor on which he’d apparently been lying. He looked around and saw no one.

Why does my head ache so?

He was in a library… an old library. Books and scrolls lined the wooden shelves. A strange mist prevented him from seeing too far from his location. Carter walked slowly to a nearby table and sat in the chair that was beside it.

He closed his eyes to try and think, but there was only blackness. He opened his eyes to find himself looking into the piercing blue eyes of another man sitting across from him. A chill ran down his spine. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words emerged.

The man across from him spoke, though his words seemed to come from elsewhere. “You are weary; yes, you struggle daily. You continue to resist, you cling to your old life as though it actually mattered. You will learn. It will not end, you know. Why do you still fight?”

Carter thought a moment and was about to answer, but then a sound interrupted him. Like a rushing wind of white noise. When it had passed, he opened his eyes.

Where am I?

There was a man sitting across from him, a board game resembling chess sat between them.

“Your move” said his opponent.

Carter looked at the board. Had he been playing? He thought a moment about his move and reached down to move a piece, but as he touched the piece he felt a twinge at the back of his eyes and was suddenly overcome with dizziness.


Where am I?

Obeying the voice, Carter got off the cold stone floor on which he’d apparently been lying.

Why does my head ache so?

He was in a library… an old library. Books and scrolls lined the wooden shelves. A strange mist prevented him from seeing too far from his location. Carter walked slowly to a nearby table and sat in the chair that was beside it. Across from him sat a man… he looked familiar, and it was a very unpleasant familiarity. On the table rested a chess board… or what looked like a chess board.

“Your move” said his opponent.

Carter looked at the board. Had he been playing? He searched the board for meaning… did he even know how to play this game? The room was eerily silent as he contemplated his options.

A distant, disembodied voice broke the silence.

“Your mind to my mind.”

What was that? Sounds familiar…

”Your thoughts, to my thoughts.”

Where’s that coming from?

Carter looked around until his eyes locked with those of his opponent. They stared hard at him with a cold, resilient, and calculating look that made Carter uneasy. After a short pause, his opponent spoke, “Now the game begins.”

Suddenly, Carter fell through the chair and floor, as though they were vapor. The grey fog enveloped him and quickly faded to black.


Counselor’s Log Stardate 52703.4

Mr. Carter is still unresponsive. A Vulcan came by the other day to attempt a mind meld; unsuccessfully. During the mind meld and slightly after, I swear I could see fear in the Vulcan’s face. He said all he gleaned from Carter’s mind were a few glimpses of a man’s face, and a sense of fear that transcended what humans usually feel for death itself. He hurried out of here too, I suspect the experience must’ve shaken him more than he let on. As for Mr. Carter, I’m afraid there’s nothing more I can do. The guard said there’s been a slight change in his behavior since the Vulcan left, but at this point I’d say that any hope Carter has of regaining anything approaching a normal life rests entirely on his own shoulders and his mind’s ability to heal itself.
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Post by Xon »


A follow up!

It really is going to be a mind fuck for the Enterprise crew them they find the remains of the Prometheus. Given the durability of Go'auld/Ancient/Asgard technology the computer core should be completely intact, as well as significant chucks of the sub-light drive systems and ring transporters. At least structurally.

The actual computers of the Prometheus which do any of the real work, would be Go'auld/Ancient crystal technology. The 21st century Earth computer hardware is just a thin coating which allowed the SGC to easily use the stuff.
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Post by Chris OFarrell »

ggs wrote: The exploding stargate with the 3 gigaton explosion, was just the energy in the local buffer. Not the naquadah itself blowing up.
Ummmm yes it was.
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Post by Crazedwraith »

very nice. I can't wait for more.
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