Look What I Found Under a Rock
Moderator: LadyTevar
- Imperial Overlord
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11978
- Joined: 2004-08-19 04:30am
- Location: The Tower at Charm
Kaeryn walked past the Turmish guards towards the white walled house. The square bearded, dark skinned mercenaries wore cloaks of scarlett silk over their mail coats. It was hard to look exotic in Calimshan, even if you were foreign and and spectacularily dressed. The managed to convey formidable and that was enough.
A beautiful dark haired woman opened the door and greated them. She wore a simple robe of white cotton. She was slightly taller than Kaeryn. She bowed slightly to Zasheir. "High Priest, you are welcome as always in the house of my master. We are delighted to recieve you. Won't you please come in?"
"Thank you Sadira. This is Kaeryn, who serves as one of Mystra's Dweomer Keepers." The mage's eyes went slightly wider.
"Mistress, be welcomed to my master's house."
"Thank you," Kaeryn replied. "We have urgent need to speak with your master."
"Then follow me," she said and lead them inside. The house of Adala Syel had been decorated with restraint. It was a simple two story square building that surrounded a courtyard garden. Sadira lead them down a carpeted hallway onto a porch that ran around the courtyard. A man in a plain black robe but wearing gold rings was tending to a rose bush with clippers. He was about thirty or so, Calishite, with a neatly trimmed goattee and hair.
He turned to face his guests. "Ah Zasheir it can be nothing good from the expression you have on your face."
"No, I am afraid it is not. May I introduce Kaeryn, a Dweomer Keeper in Mystra's service. She has travelled a considerable distance to meet you."
"And your long face has some bearing on this matter, eh? Young lady, I am delighted to meet you. Do you require any refreshments?"
"No thank you," Kaeryn replied. "We have some difficult questions to ask you."
He nodded. "I suspected as much. Ask away. I will not be offended by you doing your duty." He trimmed a rose off the bush. It's petals were the colour of freshly spilt blood.
"Thank you for your understanding, honoured magus. There has been a murder and worse, a soul stealing. The victim was Ranses Firehand."
"I see. You think it has to do with the Ilythiiri artefacts. That not all of them were junk or inconsequential. Yes, I am well aware of Firehand's expertise in the Crown Wars. Continue."
"Your former apprentice, Fadina, purchased on of these artefacts. It is unlikely to have been dross."
"It was not," Syel replied. He studdied another flower. "She brought it to me."
"She did?" Kaeryn said, startled that it would be so easy.
"Yes," he replied. "She was unable to decode the inscription. I declined to try, but she didn't ask for that. She wanted me to recommend an expert. I attempted to dissuade her, but she would not listen. So I gave her the name of one. I have a question of my own."
"Yes," said Kaeryn.
"Why not use divination to find the murderer's name?"
"That has been blocked."
He nodded. "I see," he replied. He sparred the flower he was considering. "The name I gave her was that of Nalifan, once and perhaps still, of the High House of D'Azurentein."
"I am familiar with that name. Mystra has an eye on him and he performed a useful service at Myrmidria."
Syel put down his knife. "Now, for your last questions. What is between me and my former apprentice is not your concern and even if I disaprove of some of her choices that does not mean all of our ties have dissolved. I would not lie to shield her from the consequences of her own actions. She did know about Ranses, but I doubt she would have gone to him and I don't think she is your murderer."
"Thank you, magus" said Kaeryn as she bowed, "you have been a great help."
Nalifan walked down the main hall of his manse, Fadina and Mikos in tow. A third of his servants were drow, including his formidable major domo Laerasis. They swooped into action as the returned: bath water was heated, rooms selected for his guest, and cold cuts, pastries, and wine prepared.
Laerasis bowed low and elegantly before her master. She was tall, strong, and wore a gown of dark velvet that displayed the muscles of her arms to very good effect. "My lord, I must inform you that Trizkel returned with Sylvetria not half an hour ago. They are currently arming, after which they intend to seek you out. I sent a messenger to them, informing them of your arrival."
"Very good," said Nalifan. "We will be in the side dining room." He lead Fadina to a cozy room dominated by a round table and a fireplace. Several platters of finger food were present. The drow plucked several green olives, a thick slice of cheese, and a peach onto his plate. He poured himself a half glass of cooled white wine. He offered the flagon to Fadina.
"I do not eat in public," she replied.
He shrugged. "Suit yourself, but whatever is under that mask, I have seen worse." Mikos began slathering jam onto several large pieces of bread as he wolfed down a wedge of cheese.
Trizkel and Sylvetria walked in. She was wearing full plate armour with her shield slung over her back. Trizkel was wearing the rugged leathers he usually wore when expecting trouble. "What is problem?" Nalifan asked.
"Someone tried to kidnap us. Her to help control me and me for leverage against you. They were careful to try and take us alive."
The necromancer's eyes blazed hot then cold. To raise your hand against him or his meant terrible retribution. "Do you know who?"
"We have a name, but that's just a start. They were from Calimshan Nal. Who in Bane's unholy name would want to do us ill in that country?"
Nalifan's smile was perfect and false as he turned towards Fadina. "Perhaps you can explain?" he said lightly.
A beautiful dark haired woman opened the door and greated them. She wore a simple robe of white cotton. She was slightly taller than Kaeryn. She bowed slightly to Zasheir. "High Priest, you are welcome as always in the house of my master. We are delighted to recieve you. Won't you please come in?"
"Thank you Sadira. This is Kaeryn, who serves as one of Mystra's Dweomer Keepers." The mage's eyes went slightly wider.
"Mistress, be welcomed to my master's house."
"Thank you," Kaeryn replied. "We have urgent need to speak with your master."
"Then follow me," she said and lead them inside. The house of Adala Syel had been decorated with restraint. It was a simple two story square building that surrounded a courtyard garden. Sadira lead them down a carpeted hallway onto a porch that ran around the courtyard. A man in a plain black robe but wearing gold rings was tending to a rose bush with clippers. He was about thirty or so, Calishite, with a neatly trimmed goattee and hair.
He turned to face his guests. "Ah Zasheir it can be nothing good from the expression you have on your face."
"No, I am afraid it is not. May I introduce Kaeryn, a Dweomer Keeper in Mystra's service. She has travelled a considerable distance to meet you."
"And your long face has some bearing on this matter, eh? Young lady, I am delighted to meet you. Do you require any refreshments?"
"No thank you," Kaeryn replied. "We have some difficult questions to ask you."
He nodded. "I suspected as much. Ask away. I will not be offended by you doing your duty." He trimmed a rose off the bush. It's petals were the colour of freshly spilt blood.
"Thank you for your understanding, honoured magus. There has been a murder and worse, a soul stealing. The victim was Ranses Firehand."
"I see. You think it has to do with the Ilythiiri artefacts. That not all of them were junk or inconsequential. Yes, I am well aware of Firehand's expertise in the Crown Wars. Continue."
"Your former apprentice, Fadina, purchased on of these artefacts. It is unlikely to have been dross."
"It was not," Syel replied. He studdied another flower. "She brought it to me."
"She did?" Kaeryn said, startled that it would be so easy.
"Yes," he replied. "She was unable to decode the inscription. I declined to try, but she didn't ask for that. She wanted me to recommend an expert. I attempted to dissuade her, but she would not listen. So I gave her the name of one. I have a question of my own."
"Yes," said Kaeryn.
"Why not use divination to find the murderer's name?"
"That has been blocked."
He nodded. "I see," he replied. He sparred the flower he was considering. "The name I gave her was that of Nalifan, once and perhaps still, of the High House of D'Azurentein."
"I am familiar with that name. Mystra has an eye on him and he performed a useful service at Myrmidria."
Syel put down his knife. "Now, for your last questions. What is between me and my former apprentice is not your concern and even if I disaprove of some of her choices that does not mean all of our ties have dissolved. I would not lie to shield her from the consequences of her own actions. She did know about Ranses, but I doubt she would have gone to him and I don't think she is your murderer."
"Thank you, magus" said Kaeryn as she bowed, "you have been a great help."
Nalifan walked down the main hall of his manse, Fadina and Mikos in tow. A third of his servants were drow, including his formidable major domo Laerasis. They swooped into action as the returned: bath water was heated, rooms selected for his guest, and cold cuts, pastries, and wine prepared.
Laerasis bowed low and elegantly before her master. She was tall, strong, and wore a gown of dark velvet that displayed the muscles of her arms to very good effect. "My lord, I must inform you that Trizkel returned with Sylvetria not half an hour ago. They are currently arming, after which they intend to seek you out. I sent a messenger to them, informing them of your arrival."
"Very good," said Nalifan. "We will be in the side dining room." He lead Fadina to a cozy room dominated by a round table and a fireplace. Several platters of finger food were present. The drow plucked several green olives, a thick slice of cheese, and a peach onto his plate. He poured himself a half glass of cooled white wine. He offered the flagon to Fadina.
"I do not eat in public," she replied.
He shrugged. "Suit yourself, but whatever is under that mask, I have seen worse." Mikos began slathering jam onto several large pieces of bread as he wolfed down a wedge of cheese.
Trizkel and Sylvetria walked in. She was wearing full plate armour with her shield slung over her back. Trizkel was wearing the rugged leathers he usually wore when expecting trouble. "What is problem?" Nalifan asked.
"Someone tried to kidnap us. Her to help control me and me for leverage against you. They were careful to try and take us alive."
The necromancer's eyes blazed hot then cold. To raise your hand against him or his meant terrible retribution. "Do you know who?"
"We have a name, but that's just a start. They were from Calimshan Nal. Who in Bane's unholy name would want to do us ill in that country?"
Nalifan's smile was perfect and false as he turned towards Fadina. "Perhaps you can explain?" he said lightly.
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
Although I feel it was rude to refuse the refreshments, in both cases LOL!
Great job, keep them coming!
And if anyone's planning to come after Kaeryn, let me know and I'll give you ideas on her usual attacks
Although I feel it was rude to refuse the refreshments, in both cases LOL!
Great job, keep them coming!
And if anyone's planning to come after Kaeryn, let me know and I'll give you ideas on her usual attacks

Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
- Imperial Overlord
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11978
- Joined: 2004-08-19 04:30am
- Location: The Tower at Charm
The typical paladin does not face an enemy that controls the legitimate authorities of the city. A paladin can't fight the Night Masks conventionally without raising an army and storming the city. Short of that, Gaheris is doing it the best way he can.LawGeek wrote: I'd point out that the ability to take the fight to undead in their own lairs is pretty much the main justification for tolerating paladin's overbearing self righteousness in the first place. They certainly aren't designed to adapt to the moral gray areas typical of city living.
Not that this means Nalifan couldn't do it better than a paladin, just saying that it's what paladins do best.
It works excellently for keeping your the legal authorities under your control. Nalifan isn't running a shadow empire, doesn't want to run a shadow empire, and sucks at enchantment spells. Mind control is fine for someone who you intend to keep under your thumb. It's not so nice when you want them to think for themselves and be loyal to you after being hit by a dispell. He's also a much nicer guy than he would admit to.As for the earlier point, about vampires being willing to threaten families and use mind control.
Mind control is a poor substitute for loyalty. Nalifan knows this. It is one of the reasons he values Triskel so highly. You've said so numerous times in your writing.
This is the nice guy and long term thinking coming into play again. He's really not nice at all when he's thwarted or insulted. Threatening people and then leaving them alive is leaving an enemy behind you. He generally prefers polite warnings not to treat him lightly and murderous surpise attacks if that doesnt' work.As for threat-making, I found Nalifan to be rather conserative in his threat making. My sense is that Nalifan doesn't want to overcommit himself to promises that he isn't really prepared to follow through on. Threats, like promises, entail a commitment of resources in order to maintain credibility.
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
- Imperial Overlord
- Emperor's Hand
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- Joined: 2004-08-19 04:30am
- Location: The Tower at Charm
- Rogue 9
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And if he has a problem with Gaheris' character concept, he can say it to me. Actually, it seems he and I have a fundamental disagreement over what's necessary for the nature of a paladin.
It's Rogue, not Rouge!
HAB | KotL | VRWC/ELC/CDA | TRotR | The Anti-Confederate | Sluggite | Gamer | Blogger | Staff Reporter | Student | Musician
HAB | KotL | VRWC/ELC/CDA | TRotR | The Anti-Confederate | Sluggite | Gamer | Blogger | Staff Reporter | Student | Musician
- Youngling
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- Location: Whispering from the shadow of madness
Rogue take no offense, Lawgeek if I am right in who I think it is, has made many a character that have had Imperial Overlord and I wanting to beat thier heads against the wall 

"Forgiveness is between them and god, its my job to arrange the meeting."
"I don't want you to kill him -- I just want you to bury him. If he dies in the process, that's his problem."
"I don't want you to kill him -- I just want you to bury him. If he dies in the process, that's his problem."
- Imperial Overlord
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11978
- Joined: 2004-08-19 04:30am
- Location: The Tower at Charm
He deleted his post in an attempt to avoid sidetracking the discussion. Too bad I quoted it and replied before he did it.Rogue 9 wrote:And if he has a problem with Gaheris' character concept, he can say it to me. Actually, it seems he and I have a fundamental disagreement over what's necessary for the nature of a paladin.
And as he's the king of triple classing so he can reach an obscure prestige class, he's go no business knocking anything as tame as paladin/rogue dual class.

The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
- Rogue 9
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I'm not offended; I'm just saying I'm willing to talk about it. 

It's Rogue, not Rouge!
HAB | KotL | VRWC/ELC/CDA | TRotR | The Anti-Confederate | Sluggite | Gamer | Blogger | Staff Reporter | Student | Musician
HAB | KotL | VRWC/ELC/CDA | TRotR | The Anti-Confederate | Sluggite | Gamer | Blogger | Staff Reporter | Student | Musician
... Paladin/Rogue Dual Class? WTF?Imperial Overlord wrote:He deleted his post in an attempt to avoid sidetracking the discussion. Too bad I quoted it and replied before he did it.Rogue 9 wrote:And if he has a problem with Gaheris' character concept, he can say it to me. Actually, it seems he and I have a fundamental disagreement over what's necessary for the nature of a paladin.
And as he's the king of triple classing so he can reach an obscure prestige class, he's go no business knocking anything as tame as paladin/rogue dual class.
Now I'm wondering if Kaeryn's normal, having gone Cleric, then Dweomer Keeper, and finally adding Lorekeeper and a couple Wizard levels

Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
- Rogue 9
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Come on Tevar, you played in that campaign; it was here on the boards. You were playing Torma, the baby dragon, remember? Or did you just never catch on that Gaheris was a rogue before coming to the paladin's path, despite the fact that I played this up constantly?LadyTevar wrote:... Paladin/Rogue Dual Class? WTF?Imperial Overlord wrote:He deleted his post in an attempt to avoid sidetracking the discussion. Too bad I quoted it and replied before he did it.Rogue 9 wrote:And if he has a problem with Gaheris' character concept, he can say it to me. Actually, it seems he and I have a fundamental disagreement over what's necessary for the nature of a paladin.
And as he's the king of triple classing so he can reach an obscure prestige class, he's go no business knocking anything as tame as paladin/rogue dual class.

It's Rogue, not Rouge!
HAB | KotL | VRWC/ELC/CDA | TRotR | The Anti-Confederate | Sluggite | Gamer | Blogger | Staff Reporter | Student | Musician
HAB | KotL | VRWC/ELC/CDA | TRotR | The Anti-Confederate | Sluggite | Gamer | Blogger | Staff Reporter | Student | Musician

Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
- Imperial Overlord
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11978
- Joined: 2004-08-19 04:30am
- Location: The Tower at Charm
All eyes focused on Fadina. "This was not the only Ilythiiri artifact that was for circulating through the city. If someone else acquired a similar piece, perhaps from the same tablet, well you can figure out the rest."
Nalifan leaned back in his chair. "Interesting. Any idea of who they are?"
"No," she replied.
"Really? Mages, from your home city, who have the will and the resources to do this. That can't leave many candidates. Think again."
"It's not that simple," she said. " Almraiven is a commerce center and the more valuable items weren't sold immediately. Wizards from all over Calimshan, and perhaps from outside it, could have gotten their hands of this hypothetical other piece. As for wizards in Almraiven, none of them would do this."
"You are sure?" Nalifan asked.
"Only a few of them have required resources and power. None of them would cross me. Or Syel."
Trizkel picked up a shiny green apple and examined it. "I might be able to help with that. The leader of the snatch and grab team was a mage by the name of Mehmen Skycloak." He took a large bite.
"I know of him," Fadina admitted. "A sell-staff not affiliated with any group. Someone else is holding his chain."
"But we have a place to start," said Nalifan. "A division of labour seems sensible. Triz, take Mikos and Fadina. Find Skycloak and bring him back here."
"I am not one of your lackies," she said hotly.
"They are my partners, not my lackies," he said coldly. "As are you in this venture. Sylvetria?"
"I stand with Trizkel," she said.
"I never doubted it," Nalifan with a smile. "You five, grab Skycloak and squeeze him. I'll start trying to make sense of our prize."
"Without me," said Fadina.
"I'm the only one who can do it," replied Nalifan. "The best allocation of our resources is adding your magic to our strike team. Unless you have a better plan?"
"That leaves you alone and vulnerable," said Trizkel.
"Nonsense. I have the staff. And the cats."
Funny, replied Trizkel in finger speech. Are you sure the defences are strong enough?
Yes, Nalifan replied. You're the one going head first into the meat grinder.
"Alright," said Trizkel. "First thing we have to do is find him." He looked over at Fadina.
"I don't know him," she replied.
"But you can scry for him."
Karesh of the Ten Thousand Blades walked through the orchard. Bright warm sunlight shone down on him as he walked in between orange trees. He found her. She was wearing the form of a black haired, brown skinned
young human woman in good health. She was reaching up for an orange. "Mistress," he said.
"Karesh," she said as she turned.
The mercenary bowed. "I beg pardon mistress. I am here to report failure. The drow Trizkel and his paramour overpowered those sent to take them."
"Unfortunate," she said, "but not disasterous. Fadina and Nalifan?"
"They continue to employ mind blanking spells to evade scrying. We cannot find them."
"There are other ways. Trizkel will return to the manse and they will gather in council. If Fadina isn't there, she will have left an urgent message there to contact her. There they will be torn between examining the prize and tracking back the attackers. Prepare a warm welcome for them."
"Your will mistress. And the manse?"
"Nalifan will be unable to resist the prize. He will remain and study it. I will see to him and it."
Nalifan leaned back in his chair. "Interesting. Any idea of who they are?"
"No," she replied.
"Really? Mages, from your home city, who have the will and the resources to do this. That can't leave many candidates. Think again."
"It's not that simple," she said. " Almraiven is a commerce center and the more valuable items weren't sold immediately. Wizards from all over Calimshan, and perhaps from outside it, could have gotten their hands of this hypothetical other piece. As for wizards in Almraiven, none of them would do this."
"You are sure?" Nalifan asked.
"Only a few of them have required resources and power. None of them would cross me. Or Syel."
Trizkel picked up a shiny green apple and examined it. "I might be able to help with that. The leader of the snatch and grab team was a mage by the name of Mehmen Skycloak." He took a large bite.
"I know of him," Fadina admitted. "A sell-staff not affiliated with any group. Someone else is holding his chain."
"But we have a place to start," said Nalifan. "A division of labour seems sensible. Triz, take Mikos and Fadina. Find Skycloak and bring him back here."
"I am not one of your lackies," she said hotly.
"They are my partners, not my lackies," he said coldly. "As are you in this venture. Sylvetria?"
"I stand with Trizkel," she said.
"I never doubted it," Nalifan with a smile. "You five, grab Skycloak and squeeze him. I'll start trying to make sense of our prize."
"Without me," said Fadina.
"I'm the only one who can do it," replied Nalifan. "The best allocation of our resources is adding your magic to our strike team. Unless you have a better plan?"
"That leaves you alone and vulnerable," said Trizkel.
"Nonsense. I have the staff. And the cats."
Funny, replied Trizkel in finger speech. Are you sure the defences are strong enough?
Yes, Nalifan replied. You're the one going head first into the meat grinder.
"Alright," said Trizkel. "First thing we have to do is find him." He looked over at Fadina.
"I don't know him," she replied.
"But you can scry for him."
Karesh of the Ten Thousand Blades walked through the orchard. Bright warm sunlight shone down on him as he walked in between orange trees. He found her. She was wearing the form of a black haired, brown skinned
young human woman in good health. She was reaching up for an orange. "Mistress," he said.
"Karesh," she said as she turned.
The mercenary bowed. "I beg pardon mistress. I am here to report failure. The drow Trizkel and his paramour overpowered those sent to take them."
"Unfortunate," she said, "but not disasterous. Fadina and Nalifan?"
"They continue to employ mind blanking spells to evade scrying. We cannot find them."
"There are other ways. Trizkel will return to the manse and they will gather in council. If Fadina isn't there, she will have left an urgent message there to contact her. There they will be torn between examining the prize and tracking back the attackers. Prepare a warm welcome for them."
"Your will mistress. And the manse?"
"Nalifan will be unable to resist the prize. He will remain and study it. I will see to him and it."
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
- Ford Prefect
- Emperor's Hand
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- Location: The real number domain
- Imperial Overlord
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11978
- Joined: 2004-08-19 04:30am
- Location: The Tower at Charm
Nalifan was huddled over a long table in his library. Reference books and notes formed a semi-cirlce around the mithril slab in front of him. Off to the side was the snack platter and a flagon of light white wine. A half empty glass was at his elbow as the drow arch-mage made notes.
He could not read the Ilythiiri script, but that was not the same thing as being unable to decipher it. Many of the elements of the notational script were similar to those in widely used forms of drow magical notation. It was the ancestrial script, ancient elven magic corrupted and altered with the addition of Abyssal power. Nalifan had begun to trace it back and pull it apart.
The reference works around him delt with elven magical script. With that as a basis, along with his own knowledge of drow and Abyssal magical symbology, he was able to begin making sense of the Ilythiiri magic. Such rapid progress was truly the work of a genius, but some of the symbols defied Nalifan's intellect.
He ran his fingertips lightly over the runes. Its meaning was beginning to take form. Further research and context would enable him to comprehend the rest. He smiled. A worthy challenge, one that would frustrate a lesser mind, a less talented wizard, but another victory for him. As always.
"My lord," Laerasis purred from behind him. "You have a visitor."
Nalifan turned his head. "Who?"
"A rather scrumptous human woman, my lord."
A smile touched Nalifan's lips. "Really? Who is she?"
"She calls herself Kaeryn. She is a priestess of Mystra. She awaits in the entry hall."
"I will be with her presently," the arch-mage and necromancer replied.
"This is it?" Trizkel asked.
"Yes," replied Fadina. "My magic indicates Skycloak is in that house."
The adventurers were standing near the mouth of one of Calimport's inumerable allies. A square two story house with peeling plaster was just across the street. The faint wind disturbed the cool night air. Mikos looked up, finding the moon Selune and her Tears that orbited her. "Bless us, goddess," he whispered.
"The light's too good," Trizkel grumbled.
"Some of us aren't drow," Mikos replied. "We kick in the door and hit him hard before he know's what's happening."
"That's not a particularily sophisticated plan," replied Fadina.
"Fancy is different than good. This will work," replied Mikos.
"I'm in first. Everyone else backs me. Ready?"
"Yes," said Sylvetria as she readied her shield and drew her sword. Mikos nodded.
"Fadina?" Trizkel asked.
"Good. Try to keep up." The drow sped across the street and shoulder charged the door. There was a flash as killing sorcery filled the air around him with impotent lights. The wood cracked and spintered under the force of the impact. The iron bar on the other side bent.
Trizkel rammed Mind Eater through the door and severed the bar. The remains of the door fell inward as his boot slammed in. Sylvetria hadn't quite reached him as he lunged inside. Mikos and Fadina were half way across the street.
It took Trizkel merely seconds to assertain that there was no one on the ground floor. The drow's swift and powerful strides propelled him up the stairs. He found company waiting for him at the top.
The stairs lead up to a large central room with several other rooms leading off it. A lush red carpet with intricate gold designs covered most of the floor and several shelves containing trophies and curiosities lined the walls. Skycloak was at the far end. Two swordsmen in black plate stood on each corner of the far wall. Their shields were as featureless as their armour. It was the last figure that held Trizkel's attention.
He was about average height for a human male and wore brown leathers and a tattered cloak of a thousand patches. His head was covered by a baroque helmet of black metal in the shap of a sylized boars or ork head set with red jewels. Beneath the leathers Trizkel could see the glint of some kind of network of sapphire scales. Dagger were strapped over several points of his body.
"You are Trizkel, I presume," said the helmed warrior. "And that would be Mikos and Fadina just now coming up the stairs. I'm afraid I don't know your lover's name. As you can see, we've been expecting you. Surrender is the easiest option."
Trizkel responded by exhaling a blast of acid. The caustic fluid splattered off Karesh and dissolved into nothingless before it touched the carpet. Fadina unleashed killing sorcery and a bolt of black lightning splattered harmless over him. Karesh slapped away Mikos's first arrow. "Pointless," he said. "Take the flanks," he ordered and then his hands blurred.
He pulled blades from his cloak and flung them with preternatural speed. Sylvetria raised her shield and deflected one. A second buried itself half way into spell reinforced wood. Trizkel dodged one, another opened up his leg. Mikos took one in the left shoulder. Then Karesh filled his hands with different blades. Single edged, slightly curved bastards swords with black adamantine blades three and a half feet long. Trizkel met his charge.
Trizkel dodged the first low stab and parried the next cut. His arm ached with the force of the impact. Karesh sliced low and Trizkel leapted back. "You're still alive," Karesh said easily. "Impressive."
Sylvetria took the charge from the warriors on the right. She swung at one's head and he raised his shield to parry. She shield slammed the other, hooked her leg around his, and spilled him onto the floor. He swung at her, but the angle was bad. She took the blow on her breastplate without pause and kicked him in the head.
Mikos surmounted the pain and disability of his wounds and knocked another arrow. It was as if his skill trancended his merely mortal flesh. He fired with incredible speed. He aim the first shaft at helmet of one of the swordsmen on the left, causing him to raise his shield. He put the next one high two before punching the third through the cuisse covering his left thigh and into the bone. Mikos drew his sword just as the other closed.
Sorcery clashed in a burst of light and thunder as Fadina conjured lighting and Mehmen countered the spell. Deadly blasts of magic flashed between the mages as their defences frayed and fell into dwindling sparks of colour. Green light coalesced around Fadina's hand as she began uttering another spell.
Karesh sliced his blades high and low, forcing Trizkel back. A green beam flashed from Fadina's hand and struck Skycloak. The Calishite mage dissolved into a few fading green motes. The drow smiled mockingly.
"Not bad, but I am Karesh of the Ten Thousand Blades," his opponent said. "And I have your measure now. A pity. I would have prefered to deliver you alive."
He could not read the Ilythiiri script, but that was not the same thing as being unable to decipher it. Many of the elements of the notational script were similar to those in widely used forms of drow magical notation. It was the ancestrial script, ancient elven magic corrupted and altered with the addition of Abyssal power. Nalifan had begun to trace it back and pull it apart.
The reference works around him delt with elven magical script. With that as a basis, along with his own knowledge of drow and Abyssal magical symbology, he was able to begin making sense of the Ilythiiri magic. Such rapid progress was truly the work of a genius, but some of the symbols defied Nalifan's intellect.
He ran his fingertips lightly over the runes. Its meaning was beginning to take form. Further research and context would enable him to comprehend the rest. He smiled. A worthy challenge, one that would frustrate a lesser mind, a less talented wizard, but another victory for him. As always.
"My lord," Laerasis purred from behind him. "You have a visitor."
Nalifan turned his head. "Who?"
"A rather scrumptous human woman, my lord."
A smile touched Nalifan's lips. "Really? Who is she?"
"She calls herself Kaeryn. She is a priestess of Mystra. She awaits in the entry hall."
"I will be with her presently," the arch-mage and necromancer replied.
"This is it?" Trizkel asked.
"Yes," replied Fadina. "My magic indicates Skycloak is in that house."
The adventurers were standing near the mouth of one of Calimport's inumerable allies. A square two story house with peeling plaster was just across the street. The faint wind disturbed the cool night air. Mikos looked up, finding the moon Selune and her Tears that orbited her. "Bless us, goddess," he whispered.
"The light's too good," Trizkel grumbled.
"Some of us aren't drow," Mikos replied. "We kick in the door and hit him hard before he know's what's happening."
"That's not a particularily sophisticated plan," replied Fadina.
"Fancy is different than good. This will work," replied Mikos.
"I'm in first. Everyone else backs me. Ready?"
"Yes," said Sylvetria as she readied her shield and drew her sword. Mikos nodded.
"Fadina?" Trizkel asked.
"Good. Try to keep up." The drow sped across the street and shoulder charged the door. There was a flash as killing sorcery filled the air around him with impotent lights. The wood cracked and spintered under the force of the impact. The iron bar on the other side bent.
Trizkel rammed Mind Eater through the door and severed the bar. The remains of the door fell inward as his boot slammed in. Sylvetria hadn't quite reached him as he lunged inside. Mikos and Fadina were half way across the street.
It took Trizkel merely seconds to assertain that there was no one on the ground floor. The drow's swift and powerful strides propelled him up the stairs. He found company waiting for him at the top.
The stairs lead up to a large central room with several other rooms leading off it. A lush red carpet with intricate gold designs covered most of the floor and several shelves containing trophies and curiosities lined the walls. Skycloak was at the far end. Two swordsmen in black plate stood on each corner of the far wall. Their shields were as featureless as their armour. It was the last figure that held Trizkel's attention.
He was about average height for a human male and wore brown leathers and a tattered cloak of a thousand patches. His head was covered by a baroque helmet of black metal in the shap of a sylized boars or ork head set with red jewels. Beneath the leathers Trizkel could see the glint of some kind of network of sapphire scales. Dagger were strapped over several points of his body.
"You are Trizkel, I presume," said the helmed warrior. "And that would be Mikos and Fadina just now coming up the stairs. I'm afraid I don't know your lover's name. As you can see, we've been expecting you. Surrender is the easiest option."
Trizkel responded by exhaling a blast of acid. The caustic fluid splattered off Karesh and dissolved into nothingless before it touched the carpet. Fadina unleashed killing sorcery and a bolt of black lightning splattered harmless over him. Karesh slapped away Mikos's first arrow. "Pointless," he said. "Take the flanks," he ordered and then his hands blurred.
He pulled blades from his cloak and flung them with preternatural speed. Sylvetria raised her shield and deflected one. A second buried itself half way into spell reinforced wood. Trizkel dodged one, another opened up his leg. Mikos took one in the left shoulder. Then Karesh filled his hands with different blades. Single edged, slightly curved bastards swords with black adamantine blades three and a half feet long. Trizkel met his charge.
Trizkel dodged the first low stab and parried the next cut. His arm ached with the force of the impact. Karesh sliced low and Trizkel leapted back. "You're still alive," Karesh said easily. "Impressive."
Sylvetria took the charge from the warriors on the right. She swung at one's head and he raised his shield to parry. She shield slammed the other, hooked her leg around his, and spilled him onto the floor. He swung at her, but the angle was bad. She took the blow on her breastplate without pause and kicked him in the head.
Mikos surmounted the pain and disability of his wounds and knocked another arrow. It was as if his skill trancended his merely mortal flesh. He fired with incredible speed. He aim the first shaft at helmet of one of the swordsmen on the left, causing him to raise his shield. He put the next one high two before punching the third through the cuisse covering his left thigh and into the bone. Mikos drew his sword just as the other closed.
Sorcery clashed in a burst of light and thunder as Fadina conjured lighting and Mehmen countered the spell. Deadly blasts of magic flashed between the mages as their defences frayed and fell into dwindling sparks of colour. Green light coalesced around Fadina's hand as she began uttering another spell.
Karesh sliced his blades high and low, forcing Trizkel back. A green beam flashed from Fadina's hand and struck Skycloak. The Calishite mage dissolved into a few fading green motes. The drow smiled mockingly.
"Not bad, but I am Karesh of the Ten Thousand Blades," his opponent said. "And I have your measure now. A pity. I would have prefered to deliver you alive."
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
- Ford Prefect
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 8254
- Joined: 2005-05-16 04:08am
- Location: The real number domain
- Imperial Overlord
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11978
- Joined: 2004-08-19 04:30am
- Location: The Tower at Charm
Kaeryn accepted a glass of chilled cranberry juice from a petit brunette girl. "Is there any way else we can accomodate you until my lord arrives?" the servant asked.
"No thank you," Kaeryn replied. "This is excellent." She took another sip and settled back into the over stuffed chair. The front door and entryway to the manse showed clear signs of having been recently rebuilt to her decerning eye. The decoration was also more sedate without the heavy handed and baroque displays she had noticed in other rooms. The new master's preferences were clearly being expressed.
The handsome drow woman returned. She had a sly smile on her lip. "My lord will be with you shortly," Laerasis said. "Have your needs been satisfied?"
Kaeryn raised an eyebrow. That was . . . blatant. "Yes," she replied, "thank you."
"Excellent," she replied. "Ahh, Nalifan approaches." She turned and bowed. "My lord."
"Thank you Laerasis," Nalifan replied. The drow was much as she imagined. His silver hair was constraned by a black band around his head set with a black sapphire. The drow wore light black robes marked with silver runes over a black vest and a shirt of vibrant violet silk. A black cloak trailed behind him and she was unsurprised to note magical rings of black metal on each hand. The adamantine bracers were a surprise. One was set with star sapphires, the other with star rubies. She could tell from a glance their power was awesome.
What she didn't expect was for the arch-mage to be so handsome. Arrogant, brilliant, and carrying enough magic to equip an Waterdhavian army; but the magnetic quality he possessed was unexpected. "The arch-mage Nalifan I presume," she said and bowed shallowly to him.
"I am he," the drow responded. "And you are Kaeryn, priestess of Mystra."
"I have the priviledge of serving the Lady of Mystries as a Dweomer Keeper. I have come on a matter of some urgency."
"I should have known. Without exception, beautiful women who choose to visit my home are always involved in a crisis of some sort. Please, follow me to my sitting room so we may discuss this matter in full."
The mage lead her down a long corridor to a more sedately decorated room. A large fireplace dominated one side of the room and several well apholstered chairs and couches were arranged around a table. The mage sat down in one of the chairs. Kaeryn chose to sit on the couch opposite.
"Let me guess: this concerns the Ilythiiri."
"Yes," she said. "I see the matter has already touched you."
"Why don't you take it from the beginning and we shall compare notes?"
"Very well," she replied. "It started with a murder of an old friend."
Sylvetria drove the tip of her enchanted blade through the mercenary's gorget. Blood fountained from his neck and he fell, grasping at the wound. She spun to face the rest of their enemies.
Karesh and Trizkel's blades clashed again. The swordmaster's boot smacked into the drow's abdomen. Trizkel's psionic force armour prevented his intestines from rupturing, but the blow was sufficient to lift him off his feet, propel him into the wall, and send him tumbling down the stairs.
Mikos hacked his still standing opponent in the shoulder. The swordsman's knees buckled and Mikos kicked him in the hip. As the swordsman fell, the archer switched to a two handed grip and his sword and brought it down hard on the crown of the helm. There was a flash as the enchanted blade sundered the helmet and blood splattered from the wound.
Karesh slashed high at Mikos. The archer ducked and stabbed. Karesh parried and slashed, opening a shallow diagonal cut on Mikos's chest and incidently cutting through spell reinforced mithril mail. The mercenary slashed Mikos across the legs and then spun to deal with the warrior-woman as a blast of flame sputtered out impotently around him.
He easily parried her blow with his left hand blade and with the other he severed her right arm at the elbow. She stepped back, blood pumping from her stump. He kicked her in the kneecap and heard the crunch of bone. So much for her. He went back to Mikos.
The archer penetrated his guard, landing a bruising hit on his right bicep. Karesh retaliated by running Mikos through the abdomen. The force of his stab drove the blade out through the back of Mikos's armour. The archer staggered back, still keeping his guard up and in the process, earning a measure of Karesh's respect as the drow leapted back in to the fray.
Karesh unleashed a flurry of blows at the drow, driving him back on the defences. Trizkel was good, very good indeed. Karesh had slaughtered blade masters on a dozen worlds and a half dozen planes and found that they rarely lived up to their billing. Easy meat, for the most part. But this one did. He was just totally outmatched.
Karesh beat down or penetrated the drow's defences. Shallow cuts appeared on the drow's arms and legs, a bloody line marked his cheek. Trizkel dodged, wove, and parried. He landed a pair of blows that failed to draw blood.
Trizkel lunged and stabbed Karesh hard in the side with Mind Eater. The tip of the blade penetrated the armour of blue scales and drew blood. Karesh twisted and smashed the drow in the side of the head with his elbow. Trizkel fell and rolled away, regaining his feet in a flash.
His stand had allowed Mikos and Sylvetria to retreat down the stairs rather than face the Master of Ten Thousand Blades "Hate I see," said Karesh. "I maimed your woman. It won't be enough. I've killed dozens better than you." He poured it on, increasing the speed and tempo of his attacks. The need to keep Trizkel's head intact for ease of resurrection was annoying limit on his options.
Flesh Shredder was knocked out of Trizkel's left hand. Karesh ran him through the left hip and the right lung. The drow staggered back, blood pouring from his wounds, remaining upright more through the power of his space bending will than the strength of his flesh. He toppled down the stairs, leaving a trail of blood.
Fadina's hand closed on his shoulder and space twisted and tore. They reapered in the alley mouth they had begun the attack from. Mikos was there, sword held in a shaky hand. Sylvetria was limping out of the building. There was a boom like thunder from the house and white fire blasted out the windows and doors. The house quivered and then collapsed on itself. "That won't hold him," Fadina said. "We haven't much time."
Rubble shifted and fell aside. Karesh leapt out of the rubble, his leather stain with soot and ash but the Master of Ten Thousand Blades had apparently escaped serious injury. He landed near Sylvetria. The warrior-woman turned to face him and got a fist in her face for her efforts. She slumped to the cobbles.
A roar of primal rage errupted from Trizkel's throat. He defied his injuries to step forward as Fadina shouted a spell. Space twisted and they were gone.
"No thank you," Kaeryn replied. "This is excellent." She took another sip and settled back into the over stuffed chair. The front door and entryway to the manse showed clear signs of having been recently rebuilt to her decerning eye. The decoration was also more sedate without the heavy handed and baroque displays she had noticed in other rooms. The new master's preferences were clearly being expressed.
The handsome drow woman returned. She had a sly smile on her lip. "My lord will be with you shortly," Laerasis said. "Have your needs been satisfied?"
Kaeryn raised an eyebrow. That was . . . blatant. "Yes," she replied, "thank you."
"Excellent," she replied. "Ahh, Nalifan approaches." She turned and bowed. "My lord."
"Thank you Laerasis," Nalifan replied. The drow was much as she imagined. His silver hair was constraned by a black band around his head set with a black sapphire. The drow wore light black robes marked with silver runes over a black vest and a shirt of vibrant violet silk. A black cloak trailed behind him and she was unsurprised to note magical rings of black metal on each hand. The adamantine bracers were a surprise. One was set with star sapphires, the other with star rubies. She could tell from a glance their power was awesome.
What she didn't expect was for the arch-mage to be so handsome. Arrogant, brilliant, and carrying enough magic to equip an Waterdhavian army; but the magnetic quality he possessed was unexpected. "The arch-mage Nalifan I presume," she said and bowed shallowly to him.
"I am he," the drow responded. "And you are Kaeryn, priestess of Mystra."
"I have the priviledge of serving the Lady of Mystries as a Dweomer Keeper. I have come on a matter of some urgency."
"I should have known. Without exception, beautiful women who choose to visit my home are always involved in a crisis of some sort. Please, follow me to my sitting room so we may discuss this matter in full."
The mage lead her down a long corridor to a more sedately decorated room. A large fireplace dominated one side of the room and several well apholstered chairs and couches were arranged around a table. The mage sat down in one of the chairs. Kaeryn chose to sit on the couch opposite.
"Let me guess: this concerns the Ilythiiri."
"Yes," she said. "I see the matter has already touched you."
"Why don't you take it from the beginning and we shall compare notes?"
"Very well," she replied. "It started with a murder of an old friend."
Sylvetria drove the tip of her enchanted blade through the mercenary's gorget. Blood fountained from his neck and he fell, grasping at the wound. She spun to face the rest of their enemies.
Karesh and Trizkel's blades clashed again. The swordmaster's boot smacked into the drow's abdomen. Trizkel's psionic force armour prevented his intestines from rupturing, but the blow was sufficient to lift him off his feet, propel him into the wall, and send him tumbling down the stairs.
Mikos hacked his still standing opponent in the shoulder. The swordsman's knees buckled and Mikos kicked him in the hip. As the swordsman fell, the archer switched to a two handed grip and his sword and brought it down hard on the crown of the helm. There was a flash as the enchanted blade sundered the helmet and blood splattered from the wound.
Karesh slashed high at Mikos. The archer ducked and stabbed. Karesh parried and slashed, opening a shallow diagonal cut on Mikos's chest and incidently cutting through spell reinforced mithril mail. The mercenary slashed Mikos across the legs and then spun to deal with the warrior-woman as a blast of flame sputtered out impotently around him.
He easily parried her blow with his left hand blade and with the other he severed her right arm at the elbow. She stepped back, blood pumping from her stump. He kicked her in the kneecap and heard the crunch of bone. So much for her. He went back to Mikos.
The archer penetrated his guard, landing a bruising hit on his right bicep. Karesh retaliated by running Mikos through the abdomen. The force of his stab drove the blade out through the back of Mikos's armour. The archer staggered back, still keeping his guard up and in the process, earning a measure of Karesh's respect as the drow leapted back in to the fray.
Karesh unleashed a flurry of blows at the drow, driving him back on the defences. Trizkel was good, very good indeed. Karesh had slaughtered blade masters on a dozen worlds and a half dozen planes and found that they rarely lived up to their billing. Easy meat, for the most part. But this one did. He was just totally outmatched.
Karesh beat down or penetrated the drow's defences. Shallow cuts appeared on the drow's arms and legs, a bloody line marked his cheek. Trizkel dodged, wove, and parried. He landed a pair of blows that failed to draw blood.
Trizkel lunged and stabbed Karesh hard in the side with Mind Eater. The tip of the blade penetrated the armour of blue scales and drew blood. Karesh twisted and smashed the drow in the side of the head with his elbow. Trizkel fell and rolled away, regaining his feet in a flash.
His stand had allowed Mikos and Sylvetria to retreat down the stairs rather than face the Master of Ten Thousand Blades "Hate I see," said Karesh. "I maimed your woman. It won't be enough. I've killed dozens better than you." He poured it on, increasing the speed and tempo of his attacks. The need to keep Trizkel's head intact for ease of resurrection was annoying limit on his options.
Flesh Shredder was knocked out of Trizkel's left hand. Karesh ran him through the left hip and the right lung. The drow staggered back, blood pouring from his wounds, remaining upright more through the power of his space bending will than the strength of his flesh. He toppled down the stairs, leaving a trail of blood.
Fadina's hand closed on his shoulder and space twisted and tore. They reapered in the alley mouth they had begun the attack from. Mikos was there, sword held in a shaky hand. Sylvetria was limping out of the building. There was a boom like thunder from the house and white fire blasted out the windows and doors. The house quivered and then collapsed on itself. "That won't hold him," Fadina said. "We haven't much time."
Rubble shifted and fell aside. Karesh leapt out of the rubble, his leather stain with soot and ash but the Master of Ten Thousand Blades had apparently escaped serious injury. He landed near Sylvetria. The warrior-woman turned to face him and got a fist in her face for her efforts. She slumped to the cobbles.
A roar of primal rage errupted from Trizkel's throat. He defied his injuries to step forward as Fadina shouted a spell. Space twisted and they were gone.
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
- Ford Prefect
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 8254
- Joined: 2005-05-16 04:08am
- Location: The real number domain
- Imperial Overlord
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11978
- Joined: 2004-08-19 04:30am
- Location: The Tower at Charm
And this is with him fighting with one hand metaphorically tied behind his back.Ford Prefect wrote:I say again - Karesh is just totally awesome. Also, this is impressive, three installments in one day?
I've been slack of the last couple of days. It's been building.
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
- Ford Prefect
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 8254
- Joined: 2005-05-16 04:08am
- Location: The real number domain
- Rogue 9
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So, when does Nalifan blow his ass up for his insolence? Or at least try?
It's kind of hard to imagine him responding in any other way to this event.

It's Rogue, not Rouge!
HAB | KotL | VRWC/ELC/CDA | TRotR | The Anti-Confederate | Sluggite | Gamer | Blogger | Staff Reporter | Student | Musician
HAB | KotL | VRWC/ELC/CDA | TRotR | The Anti-Confederate | Sluggite | Gamer | Blogger | Staff Reporter | Student | Musician
Hopefully, Fadina is taking them back to Nalifan's manse. I have a feeling that Kaeryn will be needing her highest level spells in this matter. Mass Heal first, since they will be close to death, and then Regeneration on that arm.
As for Karesh of Ten Thousand Blades... ouch. He fucked with Nal's friends. I think Kaeryn would like to have a WORD with him as well.
Great stories, Impy. They're a wonderful Xmas gift
As for Karesh of Ten Thousand Blades... ouch. He fucked with Nal's friends. I think Kaeryn would like to have a WORD with him as well.
Great stories, Impy. They're a wonderful Xmas gift

Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
- Imperial Overlord
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11978
- Joined: 2004-08-19 04:30am
- Location: The Tower at Charm
- Imperial Overlord
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11978
- Joined: 2004-08-19 04:30am
- Location: The Tower at Charm
"So," Nalifan said, "Fadina was not the only one to end up with Ilythiiri magical secrets. And these others are willing to kill in order to use them." He took a sip of wine. "That coincides nicely with recent events and my own suppositions. What can you tell about these killers, besides they have powerful retainers and contacts in Calimshan?"
"Little, as of yet," Kaeryn admitted. "Other than they will stop at nothing to get what they want. It's the secrets of high magic, isn't it?"
"Yes, or so it appears. An excellent deduction."
She smiled. "Nothing else makes sense, given the context. I can't say you would be my first choice of whom to entrust the secrets of high magic to, but the Lady of Mysteries seems to have a use for you. And you made my endeavours in Myrmidia considerably easier, even if that was not your intent."
"You were there as well? Ahh, that would explain while certain loose ends were so nicely tied up. I take it those were the main thrust of your mission?"
"Yes." She took another sip of cranberry juice. "From what I have gathered our two inadvertantely acted in a mutually beneficial manner. It was-" Nalifan's face twisted. His lips curled, he bared teeth in a feral snarl, and his eyes filled with muderous fury. In the blink of an eye he had gone from an urbane sophisticate to a murderous fiend. The quintessential drow noble.
"Attackers," he hissed and then he uttered a single, space twisting word. Time blured around him and arcane defences were thrown up in the blink of any eye. Temporal acceleration, Kaeryn realized. A score of six inch diameter silver globes now orbited the mage.
"Wait!" she called. "Where?"
"My front door," he hissed and spoke another word and was gone.
Nalifan appeared in mid air, a hundred feet above above his courtyard, suspended on wafts of sorcerous power. The intruders had been unable to teleport inside the walls surrounding his manse. There were five of them. Two silvery constructs with four arms, each one roughly humanoid and twice human height. The third was a black robed humanoid. The last two almost made him flee.
They were skeletons with crowns of black flames. Their bones were covered with ice as a human's bones was covered with muscle and armour. Terrible glacial talons extended from its hands. It was a winterwight, an undead of awesome power and terrible, life hating malice. They were nearly invulnerable to spells and blades. They were more rumour than fact, dire legend than reality. And yet two were here.
Nalifan struck before they knew he was there. Defences that could repell some of the most powerful magic commanded by mortals collapsed as a flare of emerald light. The winterwight lost all colour and turned transparent, transmuted to glass by the drow's magic.
The other winterwight and the robed mage turned and saw Nalifan's handiwork. It took them a few seconds to stop scanning the ground and look up. They didn't have seconds.
There was another flash of emerald light and the other winterwight turned to glass. The robed mage looked up. Nalifan locked his gaze with the dark eyes of a handsome, woman with light brown skin as he finished his spell. A terrible blast of sound rent the air. It battered at the woman's defences and burst blood vessels. The winterwights exploded in a storm of fragments and the constructs rocked back on their heels as their exterior's cracked.
The womans raised her bloody face and spoke words of power. The air around Nalifan shimmered and nine silver globes burst and vanished, expending themselves to counter the oncoming spell. Nalifan struck back with a deadly ray of crackling ebony and crimson lightning. The spell struck an invisible barrier inches from her and rebounded half a foot before fading into sparks.
Kaeryn burst out of the front door just in time to see a seven foot tall grey skinned humanoid appear next the righthand construct. The creature seemed to be a blend of toad and reptile, although the heavy armour plate it wore concealed much of its features. In its hands it wielded a long blade that glittered even in the moonlight.
Xachotis brought the blade down on the upper left arm hard. The cracked metal failed under the strike by the blade that was slaad's lifework and his supernatural strength. The limb fell, sheared off at the joint. The construct raised the other three.
Kaeryn shouted an invocation. Lightning flashed from her hand, struck the woman and exploded into a spray of sparks. Secondary bolts arced out and struck the metal goliaths. The staggered as globs of white hot metal sprayed from their chests.
The woman ignored the other attackers. She brought four globes of jade flame into being and they shot straight towards Nalifan. Most of the remaining silver spheres consumed themselves countering the spell.
The slaad dodged two of the construct's swinging fists, but not the third. It smashed into the slaad's belly, knocking him down and denting the armour. The slaad rolled to its feet and slashed it across the chest. The damaged armour failed and the superb blade penetrated deep inside. Azure lights flashed and smoke came from the interior. The construct teetered and topled over.
The second construct came towards Kaeryn. Dark red flames erupted behind it as Nalifan unleashed a meteor swarm of his own in retaliation. Kaeryn began an invocation of her own. The flames cleared away to reveal the mage still standing. Most of her clothes had burned away, but she still stood.
Blue-white fired struck from the sky, enveloping the advancing juggernaught. The metal on its surface melted and ran, distorting its features as globs of its substance fell away. It wavered and fell, sky-blue streamers of power drifting up from its violated chest cavity. It's fall shook the ground.
The woman was no longer beautiful. Her skin was either blackened or red. Her clothes were charred rags. Her injuries seemed to bother her not at all. She intoned more words of power through blistered lips.
The last of Nalifan's orbs vanished, his spell wrought protections frayed and decayed, and his spell of flight collapsed. The last tatters of the decaying spell slowed his fall. The mage landed like a cat. Killing words erupted from his throat.
More black and red lightning erupted from his finger. The bolt struck her and she staggered but did not fall. An explosion of blue-white flames engulfed her. Grinning skull shapes danced in the flame. She was untouched. She countered with a blast of icy vapour. Nalifan rolled to the side, avoiding the brunt of his blast. Icy particles coated his left side.
Kaeryn advanced, intoning a terrible spell of destruction. Black lightnings sizzled around her fingers as she directed the fell energies at the mage. She didn't even deign to turn and face the priestess as the power washed over her and failed.
Eye searing lightning flashed from Nalifan's hand and reduced her left arm to a charred. She spoke a word of power and sent the drow realing as the slaad charged at her with its sword held high. A long word and pass of her right hand turned Xachotis's flesh to stone.
Kaeryn was just about out of options. The woman resisted her magics and was seemingly impervious to injury. Nalifan was down and she would be next. However, Kaeryn had one trick left. She ran forward, a prayer to Mystra on her lips.
The woman paid Kaeryn no mind. Why should she? Kaeryn's magic had not harmed her and she was undoubtedly warded against even the enchanted weapon that was sheathed on Kaeryn's belt.
Kaeryn was close as the woman began to intone another spell. The Dweomer Keeper invoked one of her own. The flow of the weave was disrupted around her. The magic of mortals was supressed, unless they happened to be Mystra's Dweomer Keepers. That meant the spell that the woman was casting was now lost and all of her protections were undone, including the ones that had fended off Kaeryn's spells.
Kaeryn expected the mage to turn, to see fear in her eyes. That didn't happen. Instead the body collapsed bonelessly, a puppet with its strings cut. Nalifan shook his head and regained his balance as Kaeryn tried to make sense of what was going on.
There was a dull rumble of displaced air. A woman wearing a silver mask appeared, along with an archer who was holding in his own intestines, and a drow warrior who was slumped on the ground, blood pouring from numerous wounds. "Mother Mystra," Kaeryn whispered.
Trizkel looked up. "Nal, we have a big problem," and then he collapsed.
"Little, as of yet," Kaeryn admitted. "Other than they will stop at nothing to get what they want. It's the secrets of high magic, isn't it?"
"Yes, or so it appears. An excellent deduction."
She smiled. "Nothing else makes sense, given the context. I can't say you would be my first choice of whom to entrust the secrets of high magic to, but the Lady of Mysteries seems to have a use for you. And you made my endeavours in Myrmidia considerably easier, even if that was not your intent."
"You were there as well? Ahh, that would explain while certain loose ends were so nicely tied up. I take it those were the main thrust of your mission?"
"Yes." She took another sip of cranberry juice. "From what I have gathered our two inadvertantely acted in a mutually beneficial manner. It was-" Nalifan's face twisted. His lips curled, he bared teeth in a feral snarl, and his eyes filled with muderous fury. In the blink of an eye he had gone from an urbane sophisticate to a murderous fiend. The quintessential drow noble.
"Attackers," he hissed and then he uttered a single, space twisting word. Time blured around him and arcane defences were thrown up in the blink of any eye. Temporal acceleration, Kaeryn realized. A score of six inch diameter silver globes now orbited the mage.
"Wait!" she called. "Where?"
"My front door," he hissed and spoke another word and was gone.
Nalifan appeared in mid air, a hundred feet above above his courtyard, suspended on wafts of sorcerous power. The intruders had been unable to teleport inside the walls surrounding his manse. There were five of them. Two silvery constructs with four arms, each one roughly humanoid and twice human height. The third was a black robed humanoid. The last two almost made him flee.
They were skeletons with crowns of black flames. Their bones were covered with ice as a human's bones was covered with muscle and armour. Terrible glacial talons extended from its hands. It was a winterwight, an undead of awesome power and terrible, life hating malice. They were nearly invulnerable to spells and blades. They were more rumour than fact, dire legend than reality. And yet two were here.
Nalifan struck before they knew he was there. Defences that could repell some of the most powerful magic commanded by mortals collapsed as a flare of emerald light. The winterwight lost all colour and turned transparent, transmuted to glass by the drow's magic.
The other winterwight and the robed mage turned and saw Nalifan's handiwork. It took them a few seconds to stop scanning the ground and look up. They didn't have seconds.
There was another flash of emerald light and the other winterwight turned to glass. The robed mage looked up. Nalifan locked his gaze with the dark eyes of a handsome, woman with light brown skin as he finished his spell. A terrible blast of sound rent the air. It battered at the woman's defences and burst blood vessels. The winterwights exploded in a storm of fragments and the constructs rocked back on their heels as their exterior's cracked.
The womans raised her bloody face and spoke words of power. The air around Nalifan shimmered and nine silver globes burst and vanished, expending themselves to counter the oncoming spell. Nalifan struck back with a deadly ray of crackling ebony and crimson lightning. The spell struck an invisible barrier inches from her and rebounded half a foot before fading into sparks.
Kaeryn burst out of the front door just in time to see a seven foot tall grey skinned humanoid appear next the righthand construct. The creature seemed to be a blend of toad and reptile, although the heavy armour plate it wore concealed much of its features. In its hands it wielded a long blade that glittered even in the moonlight.
Xachotis brought the blade down on the upper left arm hard. The cracked metal failed under the strike by the blade that was slaad's lifework and his supernatural strength. The limb fell, sheared off at the joint. The construct raised the other three.
Kaeryn shouted an invocation. Lightning flashed from her hand, struck the woman and exploded into a spray of sparks. Secondary bolts arced out and struck the metal goliaths. The staggered as globs of white hot metal sprayed from their chests.
The woman ignored the other attackers. She brought four globes of jade flame into being and they shot straight towards Nalifan. Most of the remaining silver spheres consumed themselves countering the spell.
The slaad dodged two of the construct's swinging fists, but not the third. It smashed into the slaad's belly, knocking him down and denting the armour. The slaad rolled to its feet and slashed it across the chest. The damaged armour failed and the superb blade penetrated deep inside. Azure lights flashed and smoke came from the interior. The construct teetered and topled over.
The second construct came towards Kaeryn. Dark red flames erupted behind it as Nalifan unleashed a meteor swarm of his own in retaliation. Kaeryn began an invocation of her own. The flames cleared away to reveal the mage still standing. Most of her clothes had burned away, but she still stood.
Blue-white fired struck from the sky, enveloping the advancing juggernaught. The metal on its surface melted and ran, distorting its features as globs of its substance fell away. It wavered and fell, sky-blue streamers of power drifting up from its violated chest cavity. It's fall shook the ground.
The woman was no longer beautiful. Her skin was either blackened or red. Her clothes were charred rags. Her injuries seemed to bother her not at all. She intoned more words of power through blistered lips.
The last of Nalifan's orbs vanished, his spell wrought protections frayed and decayed, and his spell of flight collapsed. The last tatters of the decaying spell slowed his fall. The mage landed like a cat. Killing words erupted from his throat.
More black and red lightning erupted from his finger. The bolt struck her and she staggered but did not fall. An explosion of blue-white flames engulfed her. Grinning skull shapes danced in the flame. She was untouched. She countered with a blast of icy vapour. Nalifan rolled to the side, avoiding the brunt of his blast. Icy particles coated his left side.
Kaeryn advanced, intoning a terrible spell of destruction. Black lightnings sizzled around her fingers as she directed the fell energies at the mage. She didn't even deign to turn and face the priestess as the power washed over her and failed.
Eye searing lightning flashed from Nalifan's hand and reduced her left arm to a charred. She spoke a word of power and sent the drow realing as the slaad charged at her with its sword held high. A long word and pass of her right hand turned Xachotis's flesh to stone.
Kaeryn was just about out of options. The woman resisted her magics and was seemingly impervious to injury. Nalifan was down and she would be next. However, Kaeryn had one trick left. She ran forward, a prayer to Mystra on her lips.
The woman paid Kaeryn no mind. Why should she? Kaeryn's magic had not harmed her and she was undoubtedly warded against even the enchanted weapon that was sheathed on Kaeryn's belt.
Kaeryn was close as the woman began to intone another spell. The Dweomer Keeper invoked one of her own. The flow of the weave was disrupted around her. The magic of mortals was supressed, unless they happened to be Mystra's Dweomer Keepers. That meant the spell that the woman was casting was now lost and all of her protections were undone, including the ones that had fended off Kaeryn's spells.
Kaeryn expected the mage to turn, to see fear in her eyes. That didn't happen. Instead the body collapsed bonelessly, a puppet with its strings cut. Nalifan shook his head and regained his balance as Kaeryn tried to make sense of what was going on.
There was a dull rumble of displaced air. A woman wearing a silver mask appeared, along with an archer who was holding in his own intestines, and a drow warrior who was slumped on the ground, blood pouring from numerous wounds. "Mother Mystra," Kaeryn whispered.
Trizkel looked up. "Nal, we have a big problem," and then he collapsed.
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
- Ford Prefect
- Emperor's Hand
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- Joined: 2005-05-16 04:08am
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