Academia Nut wrote: But Xon gets half a cookie for being hilarious.
Knowledge is power, and one thing Skuld is not lacking is knowledge. It also helps the Forgotten Realms is hilariously broken and the local laws of physics was setup by a office clerk from the divine equivlent of the secretarial typing pool.
A per-scientific method mindset if horifically limiting when you start applying complex physics and how to game rulesets.And yeah, Skuld is limited to powers she's acquired locally, but the fact is that she, and Lars, simply think differently from the deities in the Forgotten Realms. There's all sorts of things that they think of and know of that the others just don't. Like for example, Skuld took light and turned it into another form of light while still remaining within the confines of 'shadow'.
In fact, the drow should be glad that she's new at this because a black hole would probably 'count as' being part of the purview of shadow.