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My Poem - Alone

Posted: 2003-01-14 03:20pm
by Lord Pounder

Every Day I Wake Up And I Am Alone
I Feel My Heart Shrivel Up And Die A Little More

I Go Through My Day Putting On A Game Face For The World
It's Not Me

I See People Everywhere
Couples staring Into Each Others Eyes And Kissing Passionately
I Wonder Why Can't I Have That

I Never Asked For Much All I've Ever Wanted Was Someone To Love
Someone To Make Me feel Wanted and Special

I Begin To Feel Sad And Self-pity
Am I That Bad A Person That Not One Person Wants To Be With Me?

My Sadness Turns Into Blind Hatred and Self Loathing
And I Know Why I'm Alone

The Day Is Over

I Feel My Heart Shrivel Up And Die A Little More
I Am Alone When I Fall Asleep Every Night

Stephen James Herron

Copyright ©2003 Stephen James Herron

Posted: 2003-01-14 10:39pm
by SecondStorm
Reminds me of my life.
Hold on to your self.
The pain will ease with time.

For all its worth "you are not the only one".

Posted: 2003-01-14 10:46pm
by Dalton
Seriously dude, you need a hug.

*bear hug*

Posted: 2003-01-15 02:08am
by Shinova
Me thinks this belongs in the main poetry thread, but oh well.

Posted: 2003-01-15 01:47pm
by Lord Pounder
I wrote this 2 years ago when i was at the height of my depression and when i was re-covering from my suicide attempt.

Posted: 2003-01-15 04:53pm
by Kuja
Darth Pounder wrote:I wrote this 2 years ago when i was at the height of my depression and when i was re-covering from my suicide attempt.
*claps Pounder on the shoulder*

I know how that feels, man.

Posted: 2003-01-15 04:56pm
by Stravo
VERY good, sorry about the sentiments that created this poem but see there is some positive energy in anything, we just have to look for it.

Shinova is right though. Next time, please post in the main poetry thread.