Skyfall (ST)
Posted: 2007-03-13 12:12pm
This is my first foray into ST fic writing, although not my first fic. Since I'm not a Trekkie, and also since I want to at least try to keep this internally consistant and don't have the best knowledge of physics, Trekverse or otherwise, I thought I'd post this here so that people that are probably a lot smarter than me can comment on it, and pull me up short if I start doing something completely bizzare. Hopefully, It'll be an enjoyable read as well.
Feel free to poke holes in it as much as you like. Don't worry about my fragile ego. I've tried to catch as many spelling/grammar errors as possible, but no man is perfect.
And just to head off any possible problems with plaugarism, I've also posted this on under the username 'Screwball', so if anybody sees it there, it's me, not somebody else.
Disclaimer: Star Trek is not mine. If it was, I wouldn't be having money problems. The Thousand Systems are my own creation.
* * *
HMS Spartan never even saw the distortion bomb that killed her. One moment, there was a forty thousand ton cruiser holding formation with the rest of the Eighth Cruiser Squadron, the next, there was an expanding debris field. Pacific, Tennyson and Hermes dissolved into wreckage seconds later, and Roman was crippled when the bomb meant for her misfired, detonating several thousand kilometres short of it's target.
The bridge of the squadron command ship, HMS Ajax, was in utter chaos when the Commodore in command of the squadron reached his station. He had just enough time to ask the Officer of the Watch “What the hell...” before another D-bomb tore his ship apart around him.
* * *
Konteradmiral Otto Bauer watched the British ships die under his squadron's missiles, and allowed himself a small smile. The enemy hadn't even had time to launch their ready drones.
“Yes, Herr Konteradmiral?”
“Prepare a dispatch drone for Generaladmiral Mauser, alpha priority. Message reads 'Target enemy picket elements destroyed. No drones launched. The attack can proceed as planned.”
“Yes sir. At once.”
The young officer bent over his console, tapping out a string of commands. A short time later, a small lump of machinery detached itself from the side of the matte black cruiser, and flashed into supralight, heading towards the outer reaches of the system, near the Oort cloud.
* * *
The space near the planet was rent with the ugly pockmarks of antimatter explosions and the headache inducing spasms of twisted space produced by distortion weapons. The remnants of mushroom clouds were still present in the atmosphere of the world below the battle, marking the former locations of cities that were now little more than plains of glass. Streaks of light showered down on the planet, where the wreckage of ships and orbital stations fell into the atmosphere, or were flung by the detonation of a warhead, and burned up before it could reach the ground.
It was obvious that the defending fleet had lost. Most of the wrecks drifting around the planet were theirs, and most were still in their parking orbits. What had been a large complex of military stations were now wrecks, taking thousands of personnel with them into death, along with the multitude of light ships that had been docked at them. The dull grey vessels still in action were outnumbered by their black opponents, and most of them were significantly smaller as well. Most of the main line units had been destroyed at anchor.
The surviving defenders had launched what was clearly a breakout attempt. A needle shaped column of ships, headed by the few remaining battleships, lunged desperately away from the planet, fighting to avoid being pinned against the world and providing perfect targets for their enemies' battle line. The attackers rained fire upon the desperate ships, but the defenders had chosen their location well, and they smashed through the shell of dark ships riding a wave of antimatter flame, spewing dispatch drones as soon as they escaped the seemingly solid wall of point defence systems that would have intercepted the automated messengers.
Most of the would-be escapees died, smashed into wreckage before they could escape into supralight, but here and there, squadrons did make it through the hail of missiles, and sped away from the battle at maximum speed. Like a swarm of hornets, the attackers light units pursued the fugitives.
* * *
Captains Log, Stardate 2834.3. The Enterprise has, for the past several months, been involved with Starfleet survey efforts at the edge of the Federation. So far, there have been no events of note. We have encountered no intelligent races, with or without supralight capability. The area appears to be bare of life supporting worlds, almost suspiciously so, according to Mr Data. We are currently en route to an unsurveyed system designated MX336, accompanied by the USS Chickasaw.
Picard was interrupted by the admittance chime on the door to his ready room. Pausing his log, he turned his chair to face the door.
The door opened quietly, allowing Data into the room. He stopped a short distance inside the door.
“Sir, sensors have detected multiple transient subspace anomalies in close proximity to one another The source appears to be moving across the MX336 system.”
“Subspace anomalies?” Picard frowned as he rose from his chair.
“Yes sir. The Chickasaw has detected them as well. They appear to be short lived, no longer then a tenth of a second, however, they are replaced by fresh anomalies as they fade.”
By now, they were standing in the centre of the bridge, gazing at the streaks of light that filled the viewscreen. It was set to zero magnification, and the yellowish pinprick of light directly ahead of them was growing almost imperceptibly larger.
“Time to visual range?”
“Approximately 45 minutes, sir.”
“Very well. Inform the Chickasaw that we intend to investigate, then adjust course to intercept.”
The minutes seemed to creep by. While, in and of itself, a subspace anomaly, or even several, were not usually anything particularly special- they were common enough, after all, especially for the Enterprise- the crew had been slightly bored with the uneventfulness of their assignment so far. Even Picard, although he hadn't let anyone know.
They were barely fifteen minutes away when the ensign manning the sensors spoke up.
“Sir, I'm getting additional readings.” The ensign gulped. The look on his face told Picard that he wasn't going to like this new information. “Sir, there appear to be multiple antimatter detonations accompanying the anomalies. I'm also detecting energy weapons fire and a debris trail.”
“Yellow alert. Raise shields and open hailing frequencies.”
“Aye aye sir!”
* * *
It was not, Vice Admiral Lord New Salisbury mused, a good day. He glanced at his left arm, splinted and held to his chest by a pressure sling, and then at the bloodstain that splattered a nearby bulkhead where Sub-lieutenant de Valier had died. No. Not a good day at all. Mentally, he cursed the Germans for their surprise attack. He cursed the incompetence of Admiral of the Fleet Lord Rock Fall, cursed the complacency of most of the crews of 4th Fleet and he cursed the bean counters who had refused to pay for a proper perimeter detection net at Crestwell. The sole reason that they weren't all dead was because the god-damn Huns had blundered into BC-div fifty on it's unscheduled departure vector. The two battlecruisers had died, of course- no battlecruiser ever built could stand up to even a single battleship in a straight fight, let alone more than thirty of them from a position of complete surprise- But the destruction of the two ships, in plain view of Crestwell Station's sensors, had given 4th fleet a brief warning. New Salisbury imagined that a German junior flag officer would be getting an earful for that little gaffe right about now.
The warning hadn't been enough to save the fleet. 4th fleet was far from combat ready, composed as it was mostly of obsolete ships with substandard crews, either too green, too stupid, or just plain bad. It was a dumping ground, a place for the dregs. Unfortunately for New Salisbury, it was also a major fleet base, the purpose of which was ostensibly to guard the frontier with the Reich. Increasing tensions with the Germans had prompted the redeployment of several cruiser squadrons- of which his own 34 Squadron was the most powerful, with four Thermopylae class battlecruisers and twelve Hero class cruisers- to boost the strength of 4th fleets screen, in preparation for the redeployment of several battlesquadrons to the area as a show of strength. Of course, that idiot Rock Fall hadn't used them, preferring to instead give picket duty to his cronies, who could be trusted not to intercept any of his very expensive, very illegal goods shipments, mostly of mysteriously 'lost' military grade hardware.
The same competence which had blacklisted his squadron with the station commander had ensured that it had survived the massacre of most of the rest of 4th fleet. New Salisbury felt no shame in hoping that Rock Fall had died painfully. Their escape had not been painless, however. Ypres had been destroyed in the breakout from Crestwell, and Achilles and Hector had been slowly picked apart in the running battle the squadron had been fighting with pursuing German scout elements for the past four days. New Salisbury was confident that he could destroy his opponents- he had three battlecruisers left, and they only had one after the death of the second yesterday- but he had a nasty suspicion that the squadron hounding him was in contact with heavier forces, and stopping to finish them off might allow those follow up ships to catch him. So, he ran, hoping that he would be able to loose his pursuers, or bleed them to death, so that he could get back to the Empire and bring a more detailed account that a panicked drone message to his superiors.
So far, that didn't seem like it was happening. They were deep in the Charred Worlds now, the planets that all the nations in the Thousand Worlds had banded together to destroy, in order to end the threat that they posed, and end the campaign of horror launched by a single madman. There were no nav beacons here. Nobody was exactly sure of their location any more. His navigation officer, Hannah Anderman, thought that they were in the New Detroit system, but the sensor hash caused by the constant jamming made it almost impossible to get a proper fix on their location. In any case, the long chase would have to end soon. Consumables of all sorts were running low, and Reprieve had suffered a hit to her drive cells. Unwilling to abandon her, New Salisbury had been forced to drop out of supralight. That hit had been freakishly bad luck. His squadron had run our of supralight capable missiles on the second day. The Germans, who habitually carried larger stocks of the long range ordnance, had stretched their supply out longer, but that missile was almost their last. They had used no more in the battle that had trailed across the ruins of the New Detroit system, sticking instead to conventional propulsion missiles and beams.
Fortunately for New Salisbury, the Hero class was beam heavy, giving them far more striking power over their range than a more conventionally armed cruiser, and the German acceptance of close action had played into his hands. His three BC's- well, two now, after the death of Reliant in taking down the last Hun BC- had a more conventional missile armament, with only light beams as backup, but they were still BC's, and therefore the equal of any two normal cruisers. It had been going rather well, and 34 Squadron had all but annihilated their pursuers.
It was at that point that fifteen more German cruisers had dropped out of supralight. The battered 34 Squadron had dove desperately into the German formation in an attempt to close the range enough for it's heavy beam armament to be decisive, but it had payed a heavy price to do so. Reprieve, Guerriere, Lancelot and Mordant and been blasted to atoms, and Odysseus and Theseus had been crippled whilst closing. All but Terror and Charlemagne had been crippled or destroyed in the ensuing battle, but the enemy squadron had broken. Terror and Charlemagne were pursuing the last three German ships towards the planet that had once been the major inhabited world of the system, while the rest of the squadron limped towards a rendezvous over the moon that had once been the local headquarters of the Holy Fleet.
“Sir! Sir! Incoming contacts! Bearing three three two by six eight one. Moving at SL 9.7!”
New Salisbury almost groaned. Another German squadron would finish them. He only had two combat capable ships, and they were on the opposite side of his formation than this new contact, and over three AU's away to boot.
“Identification?” He barked.
“Unknown, sir. Warbook gives a negative match.”
New Salisbury was about to demand an explanation, when the Midshipman that had taken over the comm section from the late de Valier leapt to his feet.
“Unknown communication! Sir, they're broadcasting over multiple Marcus Bands with no encryption or security protocols!”
“Well, somebody wants to make sure we can hear them. Analysis?”
“I... I think it's an FC protocol, sir. I can't think of any other reason that they'd be broadcasting like that.”
“First contact? I have to say, it's bloody inconvenient of them to find us right this minute. Bounce a comm laser off of Theseus. We'll have to use their comm array until we can get ours operational. Standard FC protocol response, if you please, Mr Ollivers.”
“Yes sir.”
* * *
Feel free to poke holes in it as much as you like. Don't worry about my fragile ego. I've tried to catch as many spelling/grammar errors as possible, but no man is perfect.
And just to head off any possible problems with plaugarism, I've also posted this on under the username 'Screwball', so if anybody sees it there, it's me, not somebody else.
Disclaimer: Star Trek is not mine. If it was, I wouldn't be having money problems. The Thousand Systems are my own creation.
* * *
HMS Spartan never even saw the distortion bomb that killed her. One moment, there was a forty thousand ton cruiser holding formation with the rest of the Eighth Cruiser Squadron, the next, there was an expanding debris field. Pacific, Tennyson and Hermes dissolved into wreckage seconds later, and Roman was crippled when the bomb meant for her misfired, detonating several thousand kilometres short of it's target.
The bridge of the squadron command ship, HMS Ajax, was in utter chaos when the Commodore in command of the squadron reached his station. He had just enough time to ask the Officer of the Watch “What the hell...” before another D-bomb tore his ship apart around him.
* * *
Konteradmiral Otto Bauer watched the British ships die under his squadron's missiles, and allowed himself a small smile. The enemy hadn't even had time to launch their ready drones.
“Yes, Herr Konteradmiral?”
“Prepare a dispatch drone for Generaladmiral Mauser, alpha priority. Message reads 'Target enemy picket elements destroyed. No drones launched. The attack can proceed as planned.”
“Yes sir. At once.”
The young officer bent over his console, tapping out a string of commands. A short time later, a small lump of machinery detached itself from the side of the matte black cruiser, and flashed into supralight, heading towards the outer reaches of the system, near the Oort cloud.
* * *
The space near the planet was rent with the ugly pockmarks of antimatter explosions and the headache inducing spasms of twisted space produced by distortion weapons. The remnants of mushroom clouds were still present in the atmosphere of the world below the battle, marking the former locations of cities that were now little more than plains of glass. Streaks of light showered down on the planet, where the wreckage of ships and orbital stations fell into the atmosphere, or were flung by the detonation of a warhead, and burned up before it could reach the ground.
It was obvious that the defending fleet had lost. Most of the wrecks drifting around the planet were theirs, and most were still in their parking orbits. What had been a large complex of military stations were now wrecks, taking thousands of personnel with them into death, along with the multitude of light ships that had been docked at them. The dull grey vessels still in action were outnumbered by their black opponents, and most of them were significantly smaller as well. Most of the main line units had been destroyed at anchor.
The surviving defenders had launched what was clearly a breakout attempt. A needle shaped column of ships, headed by the few remaining battleships, lunged desperately away from the planet, fighting to avoid being pinned against the world and providing perfect targets for their enemies' battle line. The attackers rained fire upon the desperate ships, but the defenders had chosen their location well, and they smashed through the shell of dark ships riding a wave of antimatter flame, spewing dispatch drones as soon as they escaped the seemingly solid wall of point defence systems that would have intercepted the automated messengers.
Most of the would-be escapees died, smashed into wreckage before they could escape into supralight, but here and there, squadrons did make it through the hail of missiles, and sped away from the battle at maximum speed. Like a swarm of hornets, the attackers light units pursued the fugitives.
* * *
Captains Log, Stardate 2834.3. The Enterprise has, for the past several months, been involved with Starfleet survey efforts at the edge of the Federation. So far, there have been no events of note. We have encountered no intelligent races, with or without supralight capability. The area appears to be bare of life supporting worlds, almost suspiciously so, according to Mr Data. We are currently en route to an unsurveyed system designated MX336, accompanied by the USS Chickasaw.
Picard was interrupted by the admittance chime on the door to his ready room. Pausing his log, he turned his chair to face the door.
The door opened quietly, allowing Data into the room. He stopped a short distance inside the door.
“Sir, sensors have detected multiple transient subspace anomalies in close proximity to one another The source appears to be moving across the MX336 system.”
“Subspace anomalies?” Picard frowned as he rose from his chair.
“Yes sir. The Chickasaw has detected them as well. They appear to be short lived, no longer then a tenth of a second, however, they are replaced by fresh anomalies as they fade.”
By now, they were standing in the centre of the bridge, gazing at the streaks of light that filled the viewscreen. It was set to zero magnification, and the yellowish pinprick of light directly ahead of them was growing almost imperceptibly larger.
“Time to visual range?”
“Approximately 45 minutes, sir.”
“Very well. Inform the Chickasaw that we intend to investigate, then adjust course to intercept.”
The minutes seemed to creep by. While, in and of itself, a subspace anomaly, or even several, were not usually anything particularly special- they were common enough, after all, especially for the Enterprise- the crew had been slightly bored with the uneventfulness of their assignment so far. Even Picard, although he hadn't let anyone know.
They were barely fifteen minutes away when the ensign manning the sensors spoke up.
“Sir, I'm getting additional readings.” The ensign gulped. The look on his face told Picard that he wasn't going to like this new information. “Sir, there appear to be multiple antimatter detonations accompanying the anomalies. I'm also detecting energy weapons fire and a debris trail.”
“Yellow alert. Raise shields and open hailing frequencies.”
“Aye aye sir!”
* * *
It was not, Vice Admiral Lord New Salisbury mused, a good day. He glanced at his left arm, splinted and held to his chest by a pressure sling, and then at the bloodstain that splattered a nearby bulkhead where Sub-lieutenant de Valier had died. No. Not a good day at all. Mentally, he cursed the Germans for their surprise attack. He cursed the incompetence of Admiral of the Fleet Lord Rock Fall, cursed the complacency of most of the crews of 4th Fleet and he cursed the bean counters who had refused to pay for a proper perimeter detection net at Crestwell. The sole reason that they weren't all dead was because the god-damn Huns had blundered into BC-div fifty on it's unscheduled departure vector. The two battlecruisers had died, of course- no battlecruiser ever built could stand up to even a single battleship in a straight fight, let alone more than thirty of them from a position of complete surprise- But the destruction of the two ships, in plain view of Crestwell Station's sensors, had given 4th fleet a brief warning. New Salisbury imagined that a German junior flag officer would be getting an earful for that little gaffe right about now.
The warning hadn't been enough to save the fleet. 4th fleet was far from combat ready, composed as it was mostly of obsolete ships with substandard crews, either too green, too stupid, or just plain bad. It was a dumping ground, a place for the dregs. Unfortunately for New Salisbury, it was also a major fleet base, the purpose of which was ostensibly to guard the frontier with the Reich. Increasing tensions with the Germans had prompted the redeployment of several cruiser squadrons- of which his own 34 Squadron was the most powerful, with four Thermopylae class battlecruisers and twelve Hero class cruisers- to boost the strength of 4th fleets screen, in preparation for the redeployment of several battlesquadrons to the area as a show of strength. Of course, that idiot Rock Fall hadn't used them, preferring to instead give picket duty to his cronies, who could be trusted not to intercept any of his very expensive, very illegal goods shipments, mostly of mysteriously 'lost' military grade hardware.
The same competence which had blacklisted his squadron with the station commander had ensured that it had survived the massacre of most of the rest of 4th fleet. New Salisbury felt no shame in hoping that Rock Fall had died painfully. Their escape had not been painless, however. Ypres had been destroyed in the breakout from Crestwell, and Achilles and Hector had been slowly picked apart in the running battle the squadron had been fighting with pursuing German scout elements for the past four days. New Salisbury was confident that he could destroy his opponents- he had three battlecruisers left, and they only had one after the death of the second yesterday- but he had a nasty suspicion that the squadron hounding him was in contact with heavier forces, and stopping to finish them off might allow those follow up ships to catch him. So, he ran, hoping that he would be able to loose his pursuers, or bleed them to death, so that he could get back to the Empire and bring a more detailed account that a panicked drone message to his superiors.
So far, that didn't seem like it was happening. They were deep in the Charred Worlds now, the planets that all the nations in the Thousand Worlds had banded together to destroy, in order to end the threat that they posed, and end the campaign of horror launched by a single madman. There were no nav beacons here. Nobody was exactly sure of their location any more. His navigation officer, Hannah Anderman, thought that they were in the New Detroit system, but the sensor hash caused by the constant jamming made it almost impossible to get a proper fix on their location. In any case, the long chase would have to end soon. Consumables of all sorts were running low, and Reprieve had suffered a hit to her drive cells. Unwilling to abandon her, New Salisbury had been forced to drop out of supralight. That hit had been freakishly bad luck. His squadron had run our of supralight capable missiles on the second day. The Germans, who habitually carried larger stocks of the long range ordnance, had stretched their supply out longer, but that missile was almost their last. They had used no more in the battle that had trailed across the ruins of the New Detroit system, sticking instead to conventional propulsion missiles and beams.
Fortunately for New Salisbury, the Hero class was beam heavy, giving them far more striking power over their range than a more conventionally armed cruiser, and the German acceptance of close action had played into his hands. His three BC's- well, two now, after the death of Reliant in taking down the last Hun BC- had a more conventional missile armament, with only light beams as backup, but they were still BC's, and therefore the equal of any two normal cruisers. It had been going rather well, and 34 Squadron had all but annihilated their pursuers.
It was at that point that fifteen more German cruisers had dropped out of supralight. The battered 34 Squadron had dove desperately into the German formation in an attempt to close the range enough for it's heavy beam armament to be decisive, but it had payed a heavy price to do so. Reprieve, Guerriere, Lancelot and Mordant and been blasted to atoms, and Odysseus and Theseus had been crippled whilst closing. All but Terror and Charlemagne had been crippled or destroyed in the ensuing battle, but the enemy squadron had broken. Terror and Charlemagne were pursuing the last three German ships towards the planet that had once been the major inhabited world of the system, while the rest of the squadron limped towards a rendezvous over the moon that had once been the local headquarters of the Holy Fleet.
“Sir! Sir! Incoming contacts! Bearing three three two by six eight one. Moving at SL 9.7!”
New Salisbury almost groaned. Another German squadron would finish them. He only had two combat capable ships, and they were on the opposite side of his formation than this new contact, and over three AU's away to boot.
“Identification?” He barked.
“Unknown, sir. Warbook gives a negative match.”
New Salisbury was about to demand an explanation, when the Midshipman that had taken over the comm section from the late de Valier leapt to his feet.
“Unknown communication! Sir, they're broadcasting over multiple Marcus Bands with no encryption or security protocols!”
“Well, somebody wants to make sure we can hear them. Analysis?”
“I... I think it's an FC protocol, sir. I can't think of any other reason that they'd be broadcasting like that.”
“First contact? I have to say, it's bloody inconvenient of them to find us right this minute. Bounce a comm laser off of Theseus. We'll have to use their comm array until we can get ours operational. Standard FC protocol response, if you please, Mr Ollivers.”
“Yes sir.”
* * *