The Broken (Forgotten Realms)
Posted: 2007-05-09 08:43am
Okay, I know it says Forgotten Realms up there, but I really don't have that much background in it. As such, you can expect inaccuracies in terms of setting. Really, I'll do them on purpose.
However, they may be because this is supposed to be a funny story. If anything, it will be ... different. My thanks to Sir Nitram especially, who's advice has spawned this beginning. And so:
Strange Adventures in the Forgotten Realms
Chapter the First
“But I don't want to be devoured by the giant brain!” wailed Samael, his tentacles writhing. He squirmed in the grip of two remarkably beefy specimens of his kind.
“Now now.” chided Sadramu-het, stroking one of his two extra-long face-tentacles. He turned to face his struggling prisoner. “Don't be like that, Samael. In the end, we all become a part of the Elder Brain. Indeed, it is our greatest calling, to be assimilated, our 'self' absorbed by that great intelligence. To live on, immortal, as part of the distributed multiversal ganglia of Ilsensine. To become apart of the trans-temporal memories of millions, billions of others. To know Penumbra or the Outside or any number of other worlds so intimately it would be as if you had lived their your entire life. To be the mightiest, most far-reaching intelligence in the vastness of existence. To be immortal. That strikes me as a beautiful thing.”
“That's because you don't know what happens!” shrieked Samael, suddenly kicking and leaping with more ferocity than he had felt before. His guards redoubled their efforts and the three illithids pushed back and forth under a roof of solid stone. Sadramu-het watched for a moment then placed one hand over the aching part of his cranium. He reached forward and snared Samael by the tentacles, and yanked him forward. He almost instantly felt a sudden numbness in his hand, and quickly smacked his fist down on the back of Samael's head. The prisoner shook his captors off with sudden ease, and Sadramu-het became quite persistant in hammering his fist against the lunatic's skull.
It lasted for a good two minutes, and when he was done, Sadramu-het fixed his prisoner with the stare that paralysed brave men from sixty yards. It was known to kill at ten.
“Hear me well, Samael Soulswallower. Quite frankly, I've had it up to here-” he indicated an area above his head. “-with your quite frankly blasphemous statements. Did you know that you've hurt the Elder Brain's feelings with your claims? Younger illithids have contacted it incessantly about your 'destroyed personality' rubbish. It's rather depressed right now, and it keeps on sending me bad poetry. This in turn is making me very upset.
“Yet despite the fact you've been a total wanker to it, the Elder Brain in its ancient and rather impressive wisdom has decided to let you become one with it, to prove that you are gravely mistaken.” the ulitharid grabbed Samael by the collar, hauled him up and dragged him down the tunnel. “Really, you should be thankful that the Elder Brain is more developed than I, because I would prefer to pull your tentacles clean off.”
With a grunt, he swung Samael out so that his feet were on the edge of an outcropping of rock. Below, almost stewing in its pool of cerebral fluid was the mass of grey-pink of the Elder Brain. Its great fleshiness, its mass of folds, the zillions of neural pathways nurtured at the core of the city, looked up at Samael, despite the fact that it had no eyes. He began to panic. “Seriously, if you think it's such a great thing, why-” he was cut off when Sadramu-het shoved him off the edge.
“You suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!” Samael howled, his voice trailing off as he fell. Naturally, this is absurd as Samael communicated telepathically.
The fall was a long one, lasting nearly eight seconds. The folds of squishy brain matter cushioned his fall, and Samael heaved an involuntary sigh of relief. Then there was a squelching, a wet sound that reminded Samael of the noise that brains made when he sucked them out of a skull. He felt himself moving, and he realised that the Elder Brain was trying to eat him
Desperately, he began to claw at yielding think-mush. Though he knew that the experience was to be unpleasant, he honestly hadn't expected that the Elder Brain would open up some of its folds and literally swallow him. When he found that his attempts at pulling himself out weren't doing anything, Samael began to flail, tendrils reaching up to wrapped around him. Inexorably, he slipped into reeking moistness. Inch by inch he went, and by the time he was in to his chest, Samael was calm again. He, like Sadramu-het, was given to stroking his tentacles when thinking, and he was stroking them furiously now.
He needed an out. When he found he had one, the Elder Brain dragged him in, swallowing him with such suddenness that it was as if he had teleported.
Small caps, thought Samael, impressed despite his situation. He couldn't seen anything except for the warm glow of the brain encasing him He found himself saying: “Only if you want to be rude.”
“I crack open skulls to feast upon the goo within.” Samael sighed. “I think it would be highly unlikely that I was anything other than rude. Biologically speaking. I'm right though, aren't I. You're not going to incorporate my personality into a grand networked soul-god.”
Soulswallower was not merely a derogatory term, though Samael didn't think it was badass enough. Up until now he hadn't actually known if he could drain the soul of the Elder Brain, or if the Elder Brain even had a soul. Conveniently, it did. So Samael drew in its lifeforce, feeling it pound on his mental barriers. He felt weak, woozy, so he opened his mouth and began to eat the Elder Brain back. It thrashed its tentacles about, as though throwing a very strange tantrum. Cerebral fluid rose in waves, then churned to foam. Then it exploded, showering its meticulously cleaned chamber with chunks of smelly, thousand year old brain.
Samael emerged triumphant, waded through the pool and climbed onto the platform surrounding it. He unleashed a victorious cry, cut off as a voice from above roared: “SAMAAAAAAAAEEEL!”
“That's 'Mister' Samael, punk!” he shouted back, hurriedly extraditing himself from the chamber, shoving his way through a rank of shocked attendants.
Samael escaped from the Underdark after a full three weeks of being pursued by his vengeful city. That is to say, the whole thing – just over four hundred illithids, and several thousand thralls, monsters and constructs. Undoubtedly it would be very exciting to detail his frenzied escape from vampire squids in the Underdark waters. Or indeed, thrilling to relate the tale of Samael's daring when he tactically espionaged his squidy head through a drow city. Or his skillful ploys when he was captured by kuo-toa, only to be captured by a party of Dwarves. Or his fiendish manipulations when be started a Beholder war, and lured his pursuers, kuo-toa, dwarf and illithid all, into the midst of it.
Of course, that would take forever. Though he will not be pleased about it, Samael's exploits will not be chronicled. With those exploits nothing more than vague snapshots in his mind, the Soulswallower emerged into the sun. He slathered on a gooey gel to maintain his moisture, and examined his surroundings.
As far as he could tell, he was in what some called the 'Old Kingdoms' and what others called the 'Unapproachable East'. Samael didn't know the reasons behind this certain name, nor did he particularly care. On the other hand, he had no idea where he was exactly. He knew it was the eastern regions of Faerûn. That was fine. On the other hand, he only knew a handful of landmarks of that region, and none of them were in view. Samael picked a location and walked in it.
In the end, he walked for fifteen minutes before he came across a person, in this case a human. He had dark hair, dark eyes and was wearing a loose fitting robe tied with a sash. With incredible speed the man was on his feet and flipping Samael on his head. “What is your purpose, fiend!?” the man said, hands ready to fall upon Samael like twin moons.
“Mind crush!” Samael shouted, the world still spinning. The poor man collapsed, and Samael's tentacles twitched. “I'm a genius.” he declared.
However, they may be because this is supposed to be a funny story. If anything, it will be ... different. My thanks to Sir Nitram especially, who's advice has spawned this beginning. And so:
Strange Adventures in the Forgotten Realms
Chapter the First
“But I don't want to be devoured by the giant brain!” wailed Samael, his tentacles writhing. He squirmed in the grip of two remarkably beefy specimens of his kind.
“Now now.” chided Sadramu-het, stroking one of his two extra-long face-tentacles. He turned to face his struggling prisoner. “Don't be like that, Samael. In the end, we all become a part of the Elder Brain. Indeed, it is our greatest calling, to be assimilated, our 'self' absorbed by that great intelligence. To live on, immortal, as part of the distributed multiversal ganglia of Ilsensine. To become apart of the trans-temporal memories of millions, billions of others. To know Penumbra or the Outside or any number of other worlds so intimately it would be as if you had lived their your entire life. To be the mightiest, most far-reaching intelligence in the vastness of existence. To be immortal. That strikes me as a beautiful thing.”
“That's because you don't know what happens!” shrieked Samael, suddenly kicking and leaping with more ferocity than he had felt before. His guards redoubled their efforts and the three illithids pushed back and forth under a roof of solid stone. Sadramu-het watched for a moment then placed one hand over the aching part of his cranium. He reached forward and snared Samael by the tentacles, and yanked him forward. He almost instantly felt a sudden numbness in his hand, and quickly smacked his fist down on the back of Samael's head. The prisoner shook his captors off with sudden ease, and Sadramu-het became quite persistant in hammering his fist against the lunatic's skull.
It lasted for a good two minutes, and when he was done, Sadramu-het fixed his prisoner with the stare that paralysed brave men from sixty yards. It was known to kill at ten.
“Hear me well, Samael Soulswallower. Quite frankly, I've had it up to here-” he indicated an area above his head. “-with your quite frankly blasphemous statements. Did you know that you've hurt the Elder Brain's feelings with your claims? Younger illithids have contacted it incessantly about your 'destroyed personality' rubbish. It's rather depressed right now, and it keeps on sending me bad poetry. This in turn is making me very upset.
“Yet despite the fact you've been a total wanker to it, the Elder Brain in its ancient and rather impressive wisdom has decided to let you become one with it, to prove that you are gravely mistaken.” the ulitharid grabbed Samael by the collar, hauled him up and dragged him down the tunnel. “Really, you should be thankful that the Elder Brain is more developed than I, because I would prefer to pull your tentacles clean off.”
With a grunt, he swung Samael out so that his feet were on the edge of an outcropping of rock. Below, almost stewing in its pool of cerebral fluid was the mass of grey-pink of the Elder Brain. Its great fleshiness, its mass of folds, the zillions of neural pathways nurtured at the core of the city, looked up at Samael, despite the fact that it had no eyes. He began to panic. “Seriously, if you think it's such a great thing, why-” he was cut off when Sadramu-het shoved him off the edge.
“You suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!” Samael howled, his voice trailing off as he fell. Naturally, this is absurd as Samael communicated telepathically.
The fall was a long one, lasting nearly eight seconds. The folds of squishy brain matter cushioned his fall, and Samael heaved an involuntary sigh of relief. Then there was a squelching, a wet sound that reminded Samael of the noise that brains made when he sucked them out of a skull. He felt himself moving, and he realised that the Elder Brain was trying to eat him
Desperately, he began to claw at yielding think-mush. Though he knew that the experience was to be unpleasant, he honestly hadn't expected that the Elder Brain would open up some of its folds and literally swallow him. When he found that his attempts at pulling himself out weren't doing anything, Samael began to flail, tendrils reaching up to wrapped around him. Inexorably, he slipped into reeking moistness. Inch by inch he went, and by the time he was in to his chest, Samael was calm again. He, like Sadramu-het, was given to stroking his tentacles when thinking, and he was stroking them furiously now.
He needed an out. When he found he had one, the Elder Brain dragged him in, swallowing him with such suddenness that it was as if he had teleported.
Small caps, thought Samael, impressed despite his situation. He couldn't seen anything except for the warm glow of the brain encasing him He found himself saying: “Only if you want to be rude.”
“I crack open skulls to feast upon the goo within.” Samael sighed. “I think it would be highly unlikely that I was anything other than rude. Biologically speaking. I'm right though, aren't I. You're not going to incorporate my personality into a grand networked soul-god.”
Soulswallower was not merely a derogatory term, though Samael didn't think it was badass enough. Up until now he hadn't actually known if he could drain the soul of the Elder Brain, or if the Elder Brain even had a soul. Conveniently, it did. So Samael drew in its lifeforce, feeling it pound on his mental barriers. He felt weak, woozy, so he opened his mouth and began to eat the Elder Brain back. It thrashed its tentacles about, as though throwing a very strange tantrum. Cerebral fluid rose in waves, then churned to foam. Then it exploded, showering its meticulously cleaned chamber with chunks of smelly, thousand year old brain.
Samael emerged triumphant, waded through the pool and climbed onto the platform surrounding it. He unleashed a victorious cry, cut off as a voice from above roared: “SAMAAAAAAAAEEEL!”
“That's 'Mister' Samael, punk!” he shouted back, hurriedly extraditing himself from the chamber, shoving his way through a rank of shocked attendants.
Samael escaped from the Underdark after a full three weeks of being pursued by his vengeful city. That is to say, the whole thing – just over four hundred illithids, and several thousand thralls, monsters and constructs. Undoubtedly it would be very exciting to detail his frenzied escape from vampire squids in the Underdark waters. Or indeed, thrilling to relate the tale of Samael's daring when he tactically espionaged his squidy head through a drow city. Or his skillful ploys when he was captured by kuo-toa, only to be captured by a party of Dwarves. Or his fiendish manipulations when be started a Beholder war, and lured his pursuers, kuo-toa, dwarf and illithid all, into the midst of it.
Of course, that would take forever. Though he will not be pleased about it, Samael's exploits will not be chronicled. With those exploits nothing more than vague snapshots in his mind, the Soulswallower emerged into the sun. He slathered on a gooey gel to maintain his moisture, and examined his surroundings.
As far as he could tell, he was in what some called the 'Old Kingdoms' and what others called the 'Unapproachable East'. Samael didn't know the reasons behind this certain name, nor did he particularly care. On the other hand, he had no idea where he was exactly. He knew it was the eastern regions of Faerûn. That was fine. On the other hand, he only knew a handful of landmarks of that region, and none of them were in view. Samael picked a location and walked in it.
In the end, he walked for fifteen minutes before he came across a person, in this case a human. He had dark hair, dark eyes and was wearing a loose fitting robe tied with a sash. With incredible speed the man was on his feet and flipping Samael on his head. “What is your purpose, fiend!?” the man said, hands ready to fall upon Samael like twin moons.
“Mind crush!” Samael shouted, the world still spinning. The poor man collapsed, and Samael's tentacles twitched. “I'm a genius.” he declared.