Valencia - newly named collaborative piece.
Posted: 2007-06-04 03:14am
28 October 2007
The 42nd day.
I am having my first real food in several weeks. I'm in clean clothes and have been able to enjoy a long hot shower. We were picked up by an Air Cav unit that was sweeping our area. They apparently liked our temporary home so much that they decided turned it into a local OP.
We're all in a hotel here, a fairly nice one too. All the rooms are sealed and guards are in the corridors - if we want anything we can call on our military room service. Its a prison of sorts, but I don't mind. I'm warm. Happy. I'm watching Married With Children re-runs on cable. And to top it all off I can look out my window and see rings or razor wire, machine gun and mortar emplacements and circling gunships.
We got here about eight hours ago. We were escorted at gunpoint off the helicopter which had picked us up and into temporary holding cages that they had built into the drained roof-top pool. From there it was the expected mix of medical reviews and a bit of a debrief. Apparently all the scaremongering and panic of the early days had been unjustified. I'd thought as much. Still, the world is about 30% less populated than it was about two months ago.
But somehow, out of all of this shit, I've survived. And humanities survived. Hell - Michael Bay survived and apparently announced Bad Boys 3 two weeks ago. I guess that means Martin Lawrence is still alive.
It sounds like it was Africa, Eastern Europe and South East Asia that really suffered - along with a few parts of South America. The rest of the world just battened down the hatches and weathered the storm. The soldiers who picked us up said that they'd been going pretty much non-stop for the past six weeks. They've been all up and down the Eastern seaboard and had just been redeployed to the interior after the forces from Iraq had arrived home - and gone to work keeping Eastern states under martial law. Some homecoming.
But, here I am now. Safe and sound in some four star tower in downtown St Louis. This will probably be the last entry in my diary. Sgt Panzyk asked me if I'd mind handing it over to them to be used as a basis for future debriefs with me and my fellow survivors. Apparently our area is to be the next focus of a sweep, so they want any info we had. I'm more than happy to help. And I want this book behind me. I can remember some of the things that I've written about in here and wish to god I couldn't. Anything that will help me forget one day is fine by me.
Transcripts of meeting between CDC, USAMRIID and JCS representatives.
Timestamp: 0215Z - 29 August 2007
Dr August Keller - CDC Virology specialist [AK]: We have so far identified the pathogen as being related to the previously known strains which were recovered in Sudan and Bosnia. This is a more virulent strain however - shorter incubation time of between three and eight days, with a median length of six days and a far greater neurological effect than the previously identified strains. We have designated this strain the Valencia Strain.
MajGen Pete Norton - USMC JCS [PN]: Greater how? Is this still showing the enhanced aggression and reduced functional capacity?
AK: Yes. Far greater aggression than previous strains - in fact, verging on uncontrollable in the early stages and rapidly becoming uncontrollable once the nervous system is overwhelmed.
Dr Phillipa Gregory - CDC morbidity specialist [PG]: We should bear in mind people, that this particular pathogen has shown very minimal rates of morbidity directly attributable to the virus and its symptoms. Only in those with existing nervous system dysfunctions, have been at any real risk, along with the usual mix of eldery and very young. This virus seems to be well balanced in that once it has overcome the immune system there is little ongoing damage being done - and from our albeit limited observations it seems that the greatest morbidity threat here may be the same faced by most homeless - exposure, malnutrition and possibly secondary infections, especially given the fact that the immune system is so heavily compromised.
Thomas Belcher - Unspecified agency [TB]: So, there is no definate timeline for the infected to be killed by the virus?
PG: No. The virus will rarely kill. As I stated, the main morbidity factors have been secondary.
TB: So this could become a multi-generational issue?
PG: Possibly, but work is being undertaken to develop vaccines and to look at possible treatments, but you are reminded that this is a virus and reliable treatment is still elusive for the common cold.
Staff-Sgt Norman Webster - US Army Intelligence [NW]: Apologies for interrupting, but we are receiving footage from a UAV over Ethiopia.
NW: This is a regional fishermans market - we can see that there has been some military action and we are seeking out any ongoing action.
Dr Montgomerty Chalmers - USAMRIID biowarfare specialist [MC]: Looks like a fairly standard hotzone sweep - the troops seem to have limited NBC protection.
NW: Gas masks only, some have been sighted wearing long-sleeved poncho type clothing.
MC: Are those burning areas - are they structures, or are those funeral pyres?
NW: Mainly structures, though we have seen at least four mass graves being constructed.
Lt-Gen Zach Albright - USAF JCS [ZA]: Do we know what kind of temperature is required to eliminate the virus?
AK: Its not especially temperature tolerant, which is another indicator that this is a naturally occuring rather than engineered virus - boiling water will kill it, which means that basic purification techniques can help in negating that vector - as for pure heat tolerance, around 80 centigrade is its threshold. Between 50 and 70 its forced into a dormant state, but at 80 degrees centigrade we have observed 98% decomposition of the virus samples. Increase this temperature to 150 and we can see that 100% of the virus has been eliminated - only basic proteins remain, no active components of the virus are persistant at that point.
ZA: So, traditional countermeasures will work.
MC: If by traditional you mean saturation fire-bombing. Yes. Do we have additional information on UV resistance and airborne persistance at this time?
AK: Limited. Both the Bosnian and Sudanese samples have shown minimal tolerance for UV exposure - as well as other limiting factors meaning that airborne persistance is at most a few seconds, and this is under ideal conditions - high humidity, dark and warm. The Valencia strain seems to have developed a much better airborne persistance, but intense UV exposure will still kill the virus.
TB: Intense?
AK: Standard disinfectant lamp arrays should destroy the virus on exposed materials. It is persistant in room temperature air for up to two minutes. This increases to up to five minutes in air at forty degrees centigrade. Low humidity decreases the persistance, higher levels will assist persistance. This means that airborne infection scenarios are usually only likely in cases where there is prolonged contact in confined areas. However - it also means that fluid transfer infection is now an even more reliable vector due to increased persistance outside of a host.
[Assorted outcries]
TB: What the hell is going on?
NW: It looks like the sweeping team was ambushed -
AK: This is an unprecedented level of aggression being displayed.
MC: More importantly, this is beyond the usual rash, aggressive actions. This appears to be a planned ambush by infected individuals.
PN: Looks like fairly primitive tactics, but they all appear to be armed - a variety of knives and clubs.
MC: And some throwing stones..
TB: And here we see that anomalous behaviour emerging again - lacking a direct threat, most infected have been nothing but increasingly territorial and occassionally psychotic. However, with the new strain it appears that less of the higher cerebral functions remain - this is almost regressive behaviour.
AK: We need copies of this footage for study - can it be authorised for release to some psychologists and anthropologists?
*****AP Wire*****
Orig: Johannesburg Bureau
Date: 02 September 2007
_Heavy Rioting in shanty town areas
_Police response has been brutal at this time
_Current information indicates that this may be related to recent outbreaks in other areas of Africa
-additional to follow-
*****AP Wire*****
Orig: Paris Bureau
Date: 05 September 2007
_First case reported in France
_Recently returned business man confirmed as infected
_Returned from conference in Shanghai
_Police are enforcing quarantine of his apartment building and office
-additional to follow-
*****AP Wire*****
Orig: Beijing Bureau
Date: 06 September 2007
_Prem. firmly denies all reports of Val infection in China
_Denies that Shanghai conference centre has been confirmed as a source of more than 350 infections
_Stated that China intends to supply USD2.5bn in aid to affected African nations
-additional to follow-
*****AP Wire*****
Orig: London Bureau
Date: 10 September 2007
_PM Brown declared quarantine in effect from 0000 GMT
_Exclusion zone will include all UK territorial waters and airspace
_Internal travel to be restricted
_Citizens advised to remain in their own homes
_RN and RAF have free-fire orders for all breaches after this time
_Statement: "Britain will weather this storm, there is no threat here, except that to which we allow ourselves to succumb."
-additional to follow-
11 September 2007
Talk-back radio program, New York City, NY, USA
Host: So, what's the feeling about this "Val" threat anyway? Is Europe just over-reacting? I mean, look at us here - six years on from 9/11 and now they want us to be scared of something that makes people angry? Hell, we live in New York. Everyone here is angry anyway - hate to think what this might do in Jersey! Caller, you're on the air.
Caller: Things are far worse than are being reported! We've already got tens of cases in all major US cities - and we know that number is only going to sky rocket. How long until this gets out of hand?
Host: You don't think that we can deal with it?
Caller: Oh - I have no doubts that we /could/ deal with it, but do you think most people have the ability to kill a loved one who is infected? Because, we've seen the reports - no cure! No hope of a cure any time soon. And in the mean time, you've got the equivalent of a PCP raging maniac on your hands. How many parents do you think are going to be able to take care of their kid if the kid turns into a "Val" case?
Host: That's a bit of an extreme view?
Caller: Extreme? What the [deleted] are you talking about! This kind of [deleted] is going to be an every day occurance for the majority of the population. My only recommendation - get lots of fresh water, tinned food and make sure that your house can lock down tight. [hangs up]
Host: One of the more paranoid members of our community there. Joining me now is NYPD spokesman Daniel Fitzgerald, now Daniel - tell me what precautions we should be taking.
Spokesman: We'd ask that people be more careful with hygiene - this is critical for public and personal health at this time. Be very mindful of your own security, should you feel threatened, do NOT attempt to engage the attacker on your own, instead call for police assistance immediately and find a populated, safe venue to await a response.
Host: So, the usual nights business in New York?
Spokesman: With a few exceptions - all off-duty, reserve and auxilliary personnel have been recalled to duty. From tonight all NYPD units will be given the option to wear full protective equipment.
Host: Protective equipment?
Spokesman: Officers are being encouraged to wear riot armour and helmets with face-shields while on duty. Respirators are also being encouraged. The appearance may be different, but the NYPD will still be providing a courteous and timely service to the community throughout this situation.
*****AP Wire*****
Orig: Moscow Bureau
Date: 13 September 2007
_Fighter bomber aircraft have targeted outlying sections of Moscow
_3 apartment blocks have been bombed
_Multiple army units have been deployed to isolate the area
_FSB troops are massing near press outlets and foreign embassies
*****AP Wire*****
Orig: Seoul Bureau
Date: 14 September 2007
_Reports of massed executions are reaching the South Korean capital
_Border forces report seeing multiple civilians being shot while attempting to flee the North
_Military spokesmen refuse to confirm reports of artillery fire being heard by listening posts
*****AP Wire*****
Orig: Manilla Bureau
Date: 15 September 2007
_No confirmation yet received on the reports of intensive aerial bombardment of towns in Mindano area
_President Arroyo has declined to comment on the use of military force in containing the Valencia-strain cases
_Opposition figures have labelled the actions "premature" and "excessive"
White House Press Briefing
16 September 2007, 1042Z
Speech transcript for distribution
"This crisis is one which the United States will not be effected by. Our nation is strong. Our nation is secure. Our nation is safe. We will not over-react. But we should not mistake this for a lack of action.
Our nation is now, more than ever, reliant on its people. It will be on the strength of will of the average citizen that this crisis is resolved.
Our borders have been strengthened in the past years. Our nation is as secure as it has ever been. I can see no reason why we should close our skies, blockade our ports and empty our streets.
This nation is strong enough to survive. We will make it through this dark time. Our friends abroad will always see America as a beacon, burning as a hope to all mankind.
So, people of America - be strong. Hold your loved ones close and know that you will be safe. Be strong . . . Be strong and work together to make sure that our proud nation continues to stand at the pinnacle of the world."
Underground press release
16 September 2007, 1400Z - 12.54mb
Uploaded to anonymous file server - link mass posted to thousands of BBS sites.
*movie starts*
Card - white text on black:
This is the true account of the events at the White House today.
*fade in - camera is positioned to rear of the room, no watermarks or other logos present, quality would indicate a mobile phone or other small camera with direct broadcast capacity*
[background noise, chattering]
Reporter 1: [shouted] Do you have no answer to the reported 1000 percent increase in assaults in the past three days?
Press Sec: There is no evidence to back that up. The president has made his -
Reporter 1: [shouted] This report came directly from the desks of five police chiefs!
Press Sec: Each of whom rescinded their statements at a later time.
Reporter 2: [shouted] After they had been specifically requested to by your office!
Press Sec: The President's statement is complete. There are no further questions at this time.
[general uproar]
Reporter 3: [shouted] What about the El Paso incident?
Press Sec: No comment.
Reporter 4: [shouted] So you have no comment on the killing of 72 civilians by a local militia?
Press Sec: No comment.
Reporter 1: [shouted] So the position of the administration is that nothing is wrong and we should all go on with our lives?
Press Sec: No comment.
[Press Sec leaves room]
*fade to map of US with reported Valencia Strain cases marked*
Voice Over: There is no justice or truth in this nation anymore. Only lies and deception. The Valencia Strain is a serious issue. Not one to be treated with flippancy, brutality and cover-ups. Listen to the voices of the silenced - make sure that your family and yourself are safe. This is no time for executive complacency and ineptitude. We have seen the effects on other nations so far. What makes you think that ours will be spared?
*end of video*
BBC World Service Report
16 September 2007 2309GMT
Today saw an explosion the number of cases of the Valencia Strain worldwide. WHO and CDC officials admit that their predictions had fallen well short of the actual number infected. Civil disturbances and unrest have made this day all the more horrific, as we continue to receive reports of atrocities committed by both the infected and those seeking to stall the spread of the virus. We go now to one of our correspondants in Australia, where the government today ordered further measures. With the borders already closed, Prime Minister John Howard has ordered the country under martial law, suspending the Constitution and, to the dismay of many - the scheduled elections, until the crisis has passed.
So, that was part one of what I intend to be a collaborative fic - I'll post the setting details later. Effectively its a 28 Days Later type scenario, but with more intelligent "infected". They are about neolithic level in terms of intelligence (will pick up and use basic weapons) and share the amazing bloody-mindedness and relentlessness of infected (but are still fucking mortal - goddamn you 28WL). The basic concept is that all the characters who are the focus of anyone's writings will end up in the hotel featured here.
The 42nd day.
I am having my first real food in several weeks. I'm in clean clothes and have been able to enjoy a long hot shower. We were picked up by an Air Cav unit that was sweeping our area. They apparently liked our temporary home so much that they decided turned it into a local OP.
We're all in a hotel here, a fairly nice one too. All the rooms are sealed and guards are in the corridors - if we want anything we can call on our military room service. Its a prison of sorts, but I don't mind. I'm warm. Happy. I'm watching Married With Children re-runs on cable. And to top it all off I can look out my window and see rings or razor wire, machine gun and mortar emplacements and circling gunships.
We got here about eight hours ago. We were escorted at gunpoint off the helicopter which had picked us up and into temporary holding cages that they had built into the drained roof-top pool. From there it was the expected mix of medical reviews and a bit of a debrief. Apparently all the scaremongering and panic of the early days had been unjustified. I'd thought as much. Still, the world is about 30% less populated than it was about two months ago.
But somehow, out of all of this shit, I've survived. And humanities survived. Hell - Michael Bay survived and apparently announced Bad Boys 3 two weeks ago. I guess that means Martin Lawrence is still alive.
It sounds like it was Africa, Eastern Europe and South East Asia that really suffered - along with a few parts of South America. The rest of the world just battened down the hatches and weathered the storm. The soldiers who picked us up said that they'd been going pretty much non-stop for the past six weeks. They've been all up and down the Eastern seaboard and had just been redeployed to the interior after the forces from Iraq had arrived home - and gone to work keeping Eastern states under martial law. Some homecoming.
But, here I am now. Safe and sound in some four star tower in downtown St Louis. This will probably be the last entry in my diary. Sgt Panzyk asked me if I'd mind handing it over to them to be used as a basis for future debriefs with me and my fellow survivors. Apparently our area is to be the next focus of a sweep, so they want any info we had. I'm more than happy to help. And I want this book behind me. I can remember some of the things that I've written about in here and wish to god I couldn't. Anything that will help me forget one day is fine by me.
Transcripts of meeting between CDC, USAMRIID and JCS representatives.
Timestamp: 0215Z - 29 August 2007
Dr August Keller - CDC Virology specialist [AK]: We have so far identified the pathogen as being related to the previously known strains which were recovered in Sudan and Bosnia. This is a more virulent strain however - shorter incubation time of between three and eight days, with a median length of six days and a far greater neurological effect than the previously identified strains. We have designated this strain the Valencia Strain.
MajGen Pete Norton - USMC JCS [PN]: Greater how? Is this still showing the enhanced aggression and reduced functional capacity?
AK: Yes. Far greater aggression than previous strains - in fact, verging on uncontrollable in the early stages and rapidly becoming uncontrollable once the nervous system is overwhelmed.
Dr Phillipa Gregory - CDC morbidity specialist [PG]: We should bear in mind people, that this particular pathogen has shown very minimal rates of morbidity directly attributable to the virus and its symptoms. Only in those with existing nervous system dysfunctions, have been at any real risk, along with the usual mix of eldery and very young. This virus seems to be well balanced in that once it has overcome the immune system there is little ongoing damage being done - and from our albeit limited observations it seems that the greatest morbidity threat here may be the same faced by most homeless - exposure, malnutrition and possibly secondary infections, especially given the fact that the immune system is so heavily compromised.
Thomas Belcher - Unspecified agency [TB]: So, there is no definate timeline for the infected to be killed by the virus?
PG: No. The virus will rarely kill. As I stated, the main morbidity factors have been secondary.
TB: So this could become a multi-generational issue?
PG: Possibly, but work is being undertaken to develop vaccines and to look at possible treatments, but you are reminded that this is a virus and reliable treatment is still elusive for the common cold.
Staff-Sgt Norman Webster - US Army Intelligence [NW]: Apologies for interrupting, but we are receiving footage from a UAV over Ethiopia.
NW: This is a regional fishermans market - we can see that there has been some military action and we are seeking out any ongoing action.
Dr Montgomerty Chalmers - USAMRIID biowarfare specialist [MC]: Looks like a fairly standard hotzone sweep - the troops seem to have limited NBC protection.
NW: Gas masks only, some have been sighted wearing long-sleeved poncho type clothing.
MC: Are those burning areas - are they structures, or are those funeral pyres?
NW: Mainly structures, though we have seen at least four mass graves being constructed.
Lt-Gen Zach Albright - USAF JCS [ZA]: Do we know what kind of temperature is required to eliminate the virus?
AK: Its not especially temperature tolerant, which is another indicator that this is a naturally occuring rather than engineered virus - boiling water will kill it, which means that basic purification techniques can help in negating that vector - as for pure heat tolerance, around 80 centigrade is its threshold. Between 50 and 70 its forced into a dormant state, but at 80 degrees centigrade we have observed 98% decomposition of the virus samples. Increase this temperature to 150 and we can see that 100% of the virus has been eliminated - only basic proteins remain, no active components of the virus are persistant at that point.
ZA: So, traditional countermeasures will work.
MC: If by traditional you mean saturation fire-bombing. Yes. Do we have additional information on UV resistance and airborne persistance at this time?
AK: Limited. Both the Bosnian and Sudanese samples have shown minimal tolerance for UV exposure - as well as other limiting factors meaning that airborne persistance is at most a few seconds, and this is under ideal conditions - high humidity, dark and warm. The Valencia strain seems to have developed a much better airborne persistance, but intense UV exposure will still kill the virus.
TB: Intense?
AK: Standard disinfectant lamp arrays should destroy the virus on exposed materials. It is persistant in room temperature air for up to two minutes. This increases to up to five minutes in air at forty degrees centigrade. Low humidity decreases the persistance, higher levels will assist persistance. This means that airborne infection scenarios are usually only likely in cases where there is prolonged contact in confined areas. However - it also means that fluid transfer infection is now an even more reliable vector due to increased persistance outside of a host.
[Assorted outcries]
TB: What the hell is going on?
NW: It looks like the sweeping team was ambushed -
AK: This is an unprecedented level of aggression being displayed.
MC: More importantly, this is beyond the usual rash, aggressive actions. This appears to be a planned ambush by infected individuals.
PN: Looks like fairly primitive tactics, but they all appear to be armed - a variety of knives and clubs.
MC: And some throwing stones..
TB: And here we see that anomalous behaviour emerging again - lacking a direct threat, most infected have been nothing but increasingly territorial and occassionally psychotic. However, with the new strain it appears that less of the higher cerebral functions remain - this is almost regressive behaviour.
AK: We need copies of this footage for study - can it be authorised for release to some psychologists and anthropologists?
*****AP Wire*****
Orig: Johannesburg Bureau
Date: 02 September 2007
_Heavy Rioting in shanty town areas
_Police response has been brutal at this time
_Current information indicates that this may be related to recent outbreaks in other areas of Africa
-additional to follow-
*****AP Wire*****
Orig: Paris Bureau
Date: 05 September 2007
_First case reported in France
_Recently returned business man confirmed as infected
_Returned from conference in Shanghai
_Police are enforcing quarantine of his apartment building and office
-additional to follow-
*****AP Wire*****
Orig: Beijing Bureau
Date: 06 September 2007
_Prem. firmly denies all reports of Val infection in China
_Denies that Shanghai conference centre has been confirmed as a source of more than 350 infections
_Stated that China intends to supply USD2.5bn in aid to affected African nations
-additional to follow-
*****AP Wire*****
Orig: London Bureau
Date: 10 September 2007
_PM Brown declared quarantine in effect from 0000 GMT
_Exclusion zone will include all UK territorial waters and airspace
_Internal travel to be restricted
_Citizens advised to remain in their own homes
_RN and RAF have free-fire orders for all breaches after this time
_Statement: "Britain will weather this storm, there is no threat here, except that to which we allow ourselves to succumb."
-additional to follow-
11 September 2007
Talk-back radio program, New York City, NY, USA
Host: So, what's the feeling about this "Val" threat anyway? Is Europe just over-reacting? I mean, look at us here - six years on from 9/11 and now they want us to be scared of something that makes people angry? Hell, we live in New York. Everyone here is angry anyway - hate to think what this might do in Jersey! Caller, you're on the air.
Caller: Things are far worse than are being reported! We've already got tens of cases in all major US cities - and we know that number is only going to sky rocket. How long until this gets out of hand?
Host: You don't think that we can deal with it?
Caller: Oh - I have no doubts that we /could/ deal with it, but do you think most people have the ability to kill a loved one who is infected? Because, we've seen the reports - no cure! No hope of a cure any time soon. And in the mean time, you've got the equivalent of a PCP raging maniac on your hands. How many parents do you think are going to be able to take care of their kid if the kid turns into a "Val" case?
Host: That's a bit of an extreme view?
Caller: Extreme? What the [deleted] are you talking about! This kind of [deleted] is going to be an every day occurance for the majority of the population. My only recommendation - get lots of fresh water, tinned food and make sure that your house can lock down tight. [hangs up]
Host: One of the more paranoid members of our community there. Joining me now is NYPD spokesman Daniel Fitzgerald, now Daniel - tell me what precautions we should be taking.
Spokesman: We'd ask that people be more careful with hygiene - this is critical for public and personal health at this time. Be very mindful of your own security, should you feel threatened, do NOT attempt to engage the attacker on your own, instead call for police assistance immediately and find a populated, safe venue to await a response.
Host: So, the usual nights business in New York?
Spokesman: With a few exceptions - all off-duty, reserve and auxilliary personnel have been recalled to duty. From tonight all NYPD units will be given the option to wear full protective equipment.
Host: Protective equipment?
Spokesman: Officers are being encouraged to wear riot armour and helmets with face-shields while on duty. Respirators are also being encouraged. The appearance may be different, but the NYPD will still be providing a courteous and timely service to the community throughout this situation.
*****AP Wire*****
Orig: Moscow Bureau
Date: 13 September 2007
_Fighter bomber aircraft have targeted outlying sections of Moscow
_3 apartment blocks have been bombed
_Multiple army units have been deployed to isolate the area
_FSB troops are massing near press outlets and foreign embassies
*****AP Wire*****
Orig: Seoul Bureau
Date: 14 September 2007
_Reports of massed executions are reaching the South Korean capital
_Border forces report seeing multiple civilians being shot while attempting to flee the North
_Military spokesmen refuse to confirm reports of artillery fire being heard by listening posts
*****AP Wire*****
Orig: Manilla Bureau
Date: 15 September 2007
_No confirmation yet received on the reports of intensive aerial bombardment of towns in Mindano area
_President Arroyo has declined to comment on the use of military force in containing the Valencia-strain cases
_Opposition figures have labelled the actions "premature" and "excessive"
White House Press Briefing
16 September 2007, 1042Z
Speech transcript for distribution
"This crisis is one which the United States will not be effected by. Our nation is strong. Our nation is secure. Our nation is safe. We will not over-react. But we should not mistake this for a lack of action.
Our nation is now, more than ever, reliant on its people. It will be on the strength of will of the average citizen that this crisis is resolved.
Our borders have been strengthened in the past years. Our nation is as secure as it has ever been. I can see no reason why we should close our skies, blockade our ports and empty our streets.
This nation is strong enough to survive. We will make it through this dark time. Our friends abroad will always see America as a beacon, burning as a hope to all mankind.
So, people of America - be strong. Hold your loved ones close and know that you will be safe. Be strong . . . Be strong and work together to make sure that our proud nation continues to stand at the pinnacle of the world."
Underground press release
16 September 2007, 1400Z - 12.54mb
Uploaded to anonymous file server - link mass posted to thousands of BBS sites.
*movie starts*
Card - white text on black:
This is the true account of the events at the White House today.
*fade in - camera is positioned to rear of the room, no watermarks or other logos present, quality would indicate a mobile phone or other small camera with direct broadcast capacity*
[background noise, chattering]
Reporter 1: [shouted] Do you have no answer to the reported 1000 percent increase in assaults in the past three days?
Press Sec: There is no evidence to back that up. The president has made his -
Reporter 1: [shouted] This report came directly from the desks of five police chiefs!
Press Sec: Each of whom rescinded their statements at a later time.
Reporter 2: [shouted] After they had been specifically requested to by your office!
Press Sec: The President's statement is complete. There are no further questions at this time.
[general uproar]
Reporter 3: [shouted] What about the El Paso incident?
Press Sec: No comment.
Reporter 4: [shouted] So you have no comment on the killing of 72 civilians by a local militia?
Press Sec: No comment.
Reporter 1: [shouted] So the position of the administration is that nothing is wrong and we should all go on with our lives?
Press Sec: No comment.
[Press Sec leaves room]
*fade to map of US with reported Valencia Strain cases marked*
Voice Over: There is no justice or truth in this nation anymore. Only lies and deception. The Valencia Strain is a serious issue. Not one to be treated with flippancy, brutality and cover-ups. Listen to the voices of the silenced - make sure that your family and yourself are safe. This is no time for executive complacency and ineptitude. We have seen the effects on other nations so far. What makes you think that ours will be spared?
*end of video*
BBC World Service Report
16 September 2007 2309GMT
Today saw an explosion the number of cases of the Valencia Strain worldwide. WHO and CDC officials admit that their predictions had fallen well short of the actual number infected. Civil disturbances and unrest have made this day all the more horrific, as we continue to receive reports of atrocities committed by both the infected and those seeking to stall the spread of the virus. We go now to one of our correspondants in Australia, where the government today ordered further measures. With the borders already closed, Prime Minister John Howard has ordered the country under martial law, suspending the Constitution and, to the dismay of many - the scheduled elections, until the crisis has passed.
So, that was part one of what I intend to be a collaborative fic - I'll post the setting details later. Effectively its a 28 Days Later type scenario, but with more intelligent "infected". They are about neolithic level in terms of intelligence (will pick up and use basic weapons) and share the amazing bloody-mindedness and relentlessness of infected (but are still fucking mortal - goddamn you 28WL). The basic concept is that all the characters who are the focus of anyone's writings will end up in the hotel featured here.