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Possible Dominon War Fanfic.

Posted: 2007-06-29 11:16pm
by DrMckay
Basically, what the prompt says.I would write a Star Trek fic about a Starfleet ship in the Dominion war, with a few additions:

The Captian is Intelligent, sensible and rational, (ie: not Janeway)
Also, a complete military history er- aficianado.

The ship constantly goes on raids behind the lines (guerilla warfare+ Maquis)

Troops have body armor, tanks or possibly APC's of some sort.

The Cardies meet Mr. Assault rifle. and the Jem'Hadar meet the Claymore Clan.

Little to no technobabble,

oh. And the uniforms have pockets. a minor detail, but oh so important.

If anyone is interested, please post. I won't be inspired to write it if
it is a crappy idea, or no one wants to read it. It is still very preliminary, and I may decide to just stick to my NBSG + Firefly story.

Anyway, your feedback and suggestions mean a lot to me.

Thanks much.

Re: Possible Dominon War Fanfic.

Posted: 2007-06-30 03:05pm
by Edward Yee
While the ideas are all well and good on their own... how did all this come to be?

Sorry if this is a let down, but this would not be the first time "militarily sensible Starfleet" has been done, and I'm not seeing what's new here from what's been posted.

Posted: 2007-06-30 05:13pm
by DrMckay
Discussion with a friend about all of the stupid stuff Starfleet does.

I'm going with a sardonic world-weary captain, sort of a Bruce Campbell meets Saul Tigh, who only cares about good diplomatic relationships with other planets as long as they don't threaten his crew.

gunboat diplonacy, if you will

if they are threatened, he wiil A: Launch a COMPETENT strike team, or B: nuke the planet as long as it takes to get the man back.

needless to say, although the redshirts love him, starfleet is not happy with him, and he is sent on extended sabbaticalto Risa, and only called back in the Dark Days of the Dominion War when things get REALLy bad.

he gets a ship and is sent behind the lines to raise hell.

Re: Possible Dominon War Fanfic.

Posted: 2007-06-30 05:45pm
by NecronLord
DrMckay wrote:The Captian is Intelligent, sensible and rational, (ie: not Janeway)
Remember, the GCS Deflector Dish can be modified into a weapon more powerful than a GCS' phasers and photons combined. :wink:

Posted: 2007-07-01 01:45am
by DrMckay
Only on alternate Thursdays when all the planets in the solar system align.