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Starcrossed: Wesley: Good/Bad?

Posted: 2003-01-24 03:37pm
by 2000AD
When Stravo announced Wesley's appearence in his fanfic a lot of usimmeadiatly screamed out in pain and anger. Why would Stravo bring back that little twerp? Had he gone mad?

Well he's been back a while so what is your opinion on Wesley? Has he been a good character or an annoying little f*ck like usual?

Posted: 2003-01-24 03:40pm
by Kuja
Good character in a sense. He is still an asshole, but he's a very well-done asshole. :)

Posted: 2003-01-24 03:46pm
by Ghost Rider
Stravo's at least done something with Wesley.

Seriously I'm amazed he invigorated any life in the whiny biznatch.

Posted: 2003-01-24 04:38pm
by Kelly Antilles
That little bastard nearly killed me! Why I outta.... wait.... :twisted:
*skips off to PM Stravo*

Posted: 2003-01-25 10:22am
by Singular Quartet
Stravo made the character much more intresting then the bland little shit he was in TNG. He's made the character both more and less human, but the character itself is still Wesley. We already have a bias against him.

Posted: 2003-01-25 11:54am
by Stravo
I appreciate the fact that it seems alot of you like the way Wes was handled (with the possible exception of Kelly :wink: ) It was really hard to try and NOT make him a wuss because the TNG writers did a pretty fine job of doing that so I really examined the character (that was probably the hardest part just watching some Wesley episodes and remembering some others GAH How culd writers let a character go so bad??) and I found the one point that seemed to follow him through in the end. Here's this brilliant kid that ha saved the ship single handedly so many times (groan) and in the end he leaves Starfleet Academy (which was his life long goal) and then goes on a vision quest journey with some weird alien because he just couldn't fit in.

How does that effect a person? How does that make them feel that they are this super genius yet you can't accomplish anything? And how does that make you feel when the Dark side comes a calling?

Posted: 2003-01-25 08:17pm
by Sea Skimmer
I will continue to mindlessly hate the fucking shit. I can't stand to watch any TNG episode in which as has more then two lines or seconds of airtime. His role in Starcrossed is fucking annoying.

Posted: 2003-01-25 10:47pm
by Admiral Drason
Stravo your doing a good job with him, but I still want to see him die in a very bloody way. :twisted:

Posted: 2003-01-26 12:39am
by Singular Quartet
Stravo wrote:I appreciate the fact that it seems alot of you like the way Wes was handled (with the possible exception of Kelly :wink: ) It was really hard to try and NOT make him a wuss because the TNG writers did a pretty fine job of doing that so I really examined the character (that was probably the hardest part just watching some Wesley episodes and remembering some others GAH How culd writers let a character go so bad??) and I found the one point that seemed to follow him through in the end. Here's this brilliant kid that ha saved the ship single handedly so many times (groan) and in the end he leaves Starfleet Academy (which was his life long goal) and then goes on a vision quest journey with some weird alien because he just couldn't fit in.

How does that effect a person? How does that make them feel that they are this super genius yet you can't accomplish anything? And how does that make you feel when the Dark side comes a calling?
Stravo, I think the masses have spoken. They want him to die. Whether or not this happens, however, is up to you. Remember, its your story, and you don't need to listen to us, if you don't want to. Just keep that in mind.

Posted: 2003-01-26 07:59am
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Fine with me as long as I get to buttfuck the holy Helldemons outta him! ;) :D

Posted: 2003-01-26 02:51pm
by Eleas
Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:Fine with me as long as I get to buttfuck the holy Helldemons outta him! ;) :D
*gently begins leading Ein out of there*

You're confused, man. You're talking about touching Wesley, you realise that? Take a deep breath. Relax... now try not to start while I inject this syringe of buffalo tranquiliser into your artery. Great, there's a good lad. :)

Posted: 2003-01-26 04:23pm
by Singular Quartet
Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:Fine with me as long as I get to buttfuck the holy Helldemons outta him! ;) :D
Are you sure you mean that? I mean, this is Wesley you're talking about. That little idiot from TNG?

But if you're serious, you'll first have to remove his head from it.

Posted: 2003-02-26 01:15pm
by 2000AD
Now that Wesley is dead, what are your final opinions on his role and character in Starcrossed?

Posted: 2003-02-26 01:24pm
by Kelly Antilles
I think Stravo took the character Wesley was meant to be and made him into a hero. He showed that Wes was really a good character, just never used to his potential. Stravo has done that in spades!

Posted: 2003-02-28 03:44am
by Shogoki
Well, I regreat his death the way i would regret the death of Jar Jar even after knowing the was key in the creation of the Empire, what I mean to say is, I'm actually happy. I just hate that character, it's whole concept, but that's not Stravo's fault, I know some people liked him in this Fic, how do they do it? I dont know. :)

Posted: 2003-02-28 08:23am
by hvb
Stravo has kept the essence of Wesley, and used it well.
The problem with the "classical" Wesley was that he was "weakly drawn" by the authors, and possibly by his actor (almost any character can be potentially interesting if well rendered).
Stravo has managed to make a "strongly drawn" character out of him; i.e. he is still the annoying misfit he always was, but he is it for consistent reasons, making him a person (who happens to be a twit) rather then just a twit.

Posted: 2003-02-28 10:00am
by Master of Ossus
I thought that Wesley, in SC, was a believable and good character, but he was also flawed. That's what characterization is all about, people. Stravo got us to believe that someone could actually do what Wesley chose to do, and so we recognize that Wesley has some problems and issues that we do not agree with, but we are also emotionally connected with him because we can understand where he is coming from.

Posted: 2003-02-28 05:06pm
by Ender
I thought he did a good job.

[mr.Butlartron]Wesely [/Mr.Butlartron]