Big Orange wrote:With the Drakans pushed from Southern and Eastern Europe by Soviets, with their strategic military projection annihilated beyond repair in the Middle East, then they have forever lost their chance to take over Eurasia - it is just a question of keeping them contained in Africa and then rolling four hundred armoured divisions across the Suez canal after a heavy conventional bombing campaign.
Since there was no "Germany's back, we should have pressed for unconditional surrender in 1918!" feeling due to Germany being a Good Boy in this TL, unconditional surrender won't have as many adherents as it did in our timeline.
By 1946; the world will be divided into two camps:
Camp 1.) The Draka have been punished enough; millions of citizens (a not insignificant fraction of their prewar pop) is dead; they've lost all their early gains, and actually have begun to be pushed out of some long established holdings, like the middle east and the North African coast.
Any Drakian city in range of RAF and Luftwaffe bombers is getting the combined Arthur Harris / Wolfram von Richthofen treatment at night:
First drop 4,000 pound "cookies" to rip the roofs off of buildings; then drop tons of inciendary bombs mixed in with gas-filled bombs -- by 1944; German Nerve Agents will have been weaponized sufficiently to be used in bombs, but the majority (50%+) of all gas bombs will be Mustard filled due to Mustard's persistence in contaminating areas for a while. There will probably be a couple of light fragmentation bombs mixed in with the inciendaries; not to kill people, but to destroy their protective suits.
By day, USAAF bombers fly over the smoking pyres of Drakian cities, and drop their bombs (again, a HE/Gas mix) onto any industrial combines and railyards within range.
Camp 2.) The Draka are an abomination against God/Humanity/Whoever, and must be destroyed. This is heavily dominant in Catholic countries, and also in the Soviet Union.
However, even Camp 2 will be getting wobbly, as the Allied casualty lists grow.
Even though Shep always has a semen encrusted hard on for nuclear weapony
The big problem with planning a nuclear attack on the Domination is that it's so HUGE and spread out; it's not 1940s Germany, which is perfectly sized for destruction by 1940s nukes. You would need hundreds of 14-20 kt nukes to even make a decent dent in the Drakian economy/population, even accounting for the predeliction of Drakian urban planners for huge industrial complexes.
The US would probably be holding out for "The Medium One", or "Large Little One" -- Holding out for a Drakian sized "The Big One" would be too dangerous in two ways:
1.) Copyright issues, LOL
2.) The Draka are significantly larger, and more dangerous than Nazi Germany ever was. Even with all these casualties; and virtually all the big major coastal cities in Africa suffering from heavy amounts of damage; they still are cranking out tons of war materiel; and still have a quite large army still in the field, even after staggering losses, plus home field advantage. Plus, there is the even more dangerous threat that the Draka will get the Bomb, and use it against us first, so waiting for the nuclear arsenal to fill up is a dangerous and risky game.
So we want at minimum, a couple dozen (60+) nukes that we can hit the biggest remaining industrial complexes in the Dominate with, along with any other really vital targets, like say, the worlds biggest dam; waterproof a model 1561 and drop it into the reservoir; big railyards, etc; things that will do the maximum value for the initations.
We won't be able to deal a stunning "end the war in six hours" blow; but we'll be able to do the equivalent of kneecapping to the Draka.
They'll still be alive and dangerous, but will be without many of the options they had before.
I imagine most Janissaries who were initially taken as POWs would get drafted into the ranks of the Russians, Germans, British and Americans...
A couple of Allied Janissary Brigades, and later a division or two are raised, but they're never numerically that strong, more of a propaganda ploy than a practical one, and are really quite insignificant in the overall scheme of things.