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Possible Galactica/SW X-Wing Crossover?

Posted: 2007-09-01 12:40am
by DrMckay
Rogues Gallery: a Battlestar Galactica/SW X-Wing Crossover.

The Idea has been bouncing around in my head for a while.

If I write it, would anyone be interested in reading it?

Your thoughts please.

Plot Ideas welcome.

Posted: 2007-09-01 03:22am
by Zor
Original series or nBSG? If it is nBSG, its a one sided slaughter-a-thon of toasters.


Posted: 2007-09-01 10:42am
by LadyTevar
Considering oBSG was stealnig from the popularity of SW, it'd be the better bet. Also, oBSG had lasers.

Posted: 2007-09-01 03:54pm
by DrMckay
nBsg. Don't worry. I have an idea on how to stop it from becoming too one-sided...

Posted: 2007-09-01 06:08pm
by LadyTevar

I'm just hoping that a certain someone finishes the SG1/nBSG crossover he started. I don't know if I'd read a SW/nBSG crossover.

Posted: 2007-09-01 06:35pm
by Chris OFarrell
LadyTevar wrote:Bahh...

I'm just hoping that a certain someone finishes the SG1/nBSG crossover he started. I don't know if I'd read a SW/nBSG crossover.
*mutters under breath*

And I'd really be interested in seeing an X-Wing crossover. The fact is that they are NOT going to be invulnerable fighters. They can put out ungodly firepower sure, but they'll eventually run out of torpedoes/missiles. And while their shields and lasers will mean they can easily chew through Cylon raiders, it doesn't stop the Cylons from just loading up some raiders with high yield nukes and crashing them into the X-Wings or something, Starfighters don't handle collisions very well. And the Cylons have raiders to burn.

But IMO a nBSG/SW crossover would really only work with a small number of units from SW crossing over, fighters are fine, cut off from the rest of their Galaxy.

I'd be quite interested to see it, if its done well.

Posted: 2007-09-01 09:58pm
by pieman3141
I agree. Such a crossover would work with a small number of X-Wings - 1 squadron maximum (assuming 1 squadron = 8-10 fighters, I'd prefer 2-3 wings, or 4-6 fighters as the best number) - and possibly one support ship (nothing bigger than a frigate, optimally a gunboat or less).

Posted: 2007-09-03 02:55pm
by ray245
There is a decent one on a oBSG and Star wars on last bad it got deleted...

Basically, it's about the colonials actually lives in the unknown regions...and while on the run from the cylons...they meet up with the rebels, giving the rebels 200 more ships to convert into warships...

Posted: 2007-09-03 07:38pm
by Darth Fanboy
Very skeptical, probably will give it a look as long as it isn't Rogue Squadron.

Posted: 2007-09-03 08:09pm
by DrMckay
There will be no Corran Horn.

I Pwomise.

Posted: 2007-09-04 12:45pm
by General Soontir Fel
Chris OFarrell wrote:
LadyTevar wrote:But IMO a nBSG/SW crossover would really only work with a small number of units from SW crossing over, fighters are fine, cut off from the rest of their Galaxy.

I'd be quite interested to see it, if its done well.
I'm interested too. However, since I'm writing my own fanfic of this sort (where the Millenium Falcon with Han, Leia, and Threepio aboard is transported into the nBSG galaxy), I advise you to think how you'll deal with the following before you start writing:

1. The language difference.
2. The fuel situation (can X-wings use tyllium?).
3. Spare parts and missiles issue.
4. Navigation in an uncharted region.
5. The colonials' reaction to astromechs and droids in general.
6. How likely are the colonials to assume that the X-wing pilots are Cylons.

Posted: 2007-09-05 07:04am
by Lex
sounds cool, maybe some know characters from wraith squadron? with a squad of X - Wings and a ship like the Night Caller from X - Wing: Wraith Squadron?

oh and by the way I second that notion by Lady Tevar about the Sg1/nBSG crossover^^