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[FAN-FIC] Untitled Fan-Fic Intro * WARNING NASTY FIC *

Posted: 2003-01-26 10:26pm
by LT.Hit-Man
Well folks here it is the intro for my fan fic that I ask you all if you wanted to be part of.
If there's a problem with this fic let know and we'll see what we can do with it.

Anyhow enjoy the fic
* cue Crazy Ivan laugh *

* WARNING this fic is a nasty fic so if you can't handle the sick stuff don't read it after all this is a paranormal horror fic and well I have to start it off right :twisted:
Still here? wow you are one sick SOB I like you enjoy the fic

" Fuck I have got to relax! " Mike Duahiski thought to himself as he looked out the greasy window of his room in a low class roach motel, off in the distance there was the wail of a police car's siren off in the distance.

* Knock knock *

" Come in. " Mike said towards the creaky wooden door as he put his hand under his leather jacket and rested his hand on the butt of his 9mm Glock, just in case.

The door opened and there stood a slender oriental hooker stood there in a low cut black leather vest and a very tight looking leather skirt and black high heels.
" About time you got here." Mike said to the whore as she sundered in with a sex swing of her hips, shutting the door behind her.
" Sorry but there was no number on any of the doors and I had to knock on just about every door to find you handsome. " the hooker said as she stood before Mike her pouty lips jutting out slightly as she arched he back so that her trick could get a good look at her fair sized tits.

Mike licked his lips as he imagined her tits being crushed to the flea infested bed as he reamed her ass with his cock but first he wanted some oral loving.
" So what do you want? " the hooker asked.
Mike said down on the edge of the ratty bed that let out a slightly tortured creek as his weight compressed the rusty springs within the mattress, Mike looked down between his legs and the hooker walked over and knelt in front of Mike's open legs and began to undo the zipper of his dirty and slightly ripped blue jeans.

The hooker fished Mike's dirty and slightly sore covered cock out of his stained briefs.
" You could have at lest taken a shower." the hooker said as she began to slowly jerk the fleshy worm that started to grow with each of her well practiced strokes.
" I would have but the shower is busted, besides I like it this way and I'm sure that having you clean my cock will be much more better then a shower would be. " Mike said as he put a hand to the back of the hooker's head and brought her lips to the head of his cock.

As you can guess Mike is the living embodiment of a dirty fucker.

The hooker opened her lips and slowly took all four inches of Mike filthy manhood into her mouth and began to run her tongue along the bottom of it's shaft as her trick began to slowly push her head down and pull it back up by a handful of hair and back down and she just endured the dirty job in silence.

After a few more moments the hooker felt her trick's ball lift a bit as she played with them hoping to get him off as fast as she could and drank down his load as he cummed in her mouth.

The hooker looked up at her trick as she pulled her mouth off of his flaccid shaft and asked if there was anything else he wanted.
Mike pulled out a long dark and slender glass jar and told the whore to get up on the bed and undress as he opened up the glass jar, he was going to need a quick fix otherwise he would not be able to ravage her well used ass.

Once the hooker was striped down to her skin Mike told her to get on all fours, once he had the bitch on her hands and knees he tilled the glass jar and poured a line of white powder down her boney back, once he had put the jar on the rickety nightstand he began to jerk himself off as he snorted the coke off her back in one loud weezing sniff.

With in a few minutes of the cock hitting Mike's drug ravaged brain he felt his diseased dick starting to harden as he gave it a few quick tugs before clamping his hand around the base and slammed it into the ditch pig's ass who just let out a slight grunt of discomforted as her ass was invaded, she was half tempted to find a book to read as her trick was fucking her as but that would not be a good idea so she did her job and shouted half heartedly " Oh ya that's it! Harder harder you big stud! and the like.
After about ten minutes Mike knew he was close and began shouting at the top of his lungs " WHO'S YOUR DADDY WHO'S YOUR DADDY BITCH! " as he ram himself as deep into the hooker and blasted off as his spunk rocketed into the whore's ass a few seconds later he collapsed onto the boney back of the hooker.

Mike started to moan as he felt something wet around his surprisingly hard and it took him a few seconds to realize that the bitch was ridding him.
" There there my handsome stud you just lay there and me take care of everything." Mike heard the whore say in a honeyed voice.
" Oh yaaa that's it babe ride the tower of powerrrroooooooOH SHIT!" Mike started to say and ended up screaming as he opened his eyes and nearly died of sheer terror.

After first mike thought that he had gotten a bad batch of coke as he looked at the face of the monster that was hovering over him.
The things eyes where no long those of a asian woman but they where wide open and the eye balls where a blood red cat's eyes that where looking right into his fearful soul, the lovely mouth that he cummed it was twisted into a terrifying snarl to reveal that it was full of fangs much like those of a wolf that glistened with a slimey film and a few drops of his cum.

The thing's tits had grown to the size of rotting watermelon, the nipples where more like the tentacles off of an octopus and on the ends of there was a leech like mouth that open and closed hungrily as they hovered but a few millimeters above his boney chest, eager to rip into his flesh and devour his blood.

Mike then felt something scratch his cock and began to slowly look down past the monster's tits and try as he might to stop himself from looking he found that he could not.

Most men would have lost there hard ons within moments of seeing such a horrific sight, however due to the coke that he had snorted he was still hard even as he saw that the thing's pussy lips starting to lower down and around his cock like the way a slug extends it's foot, around the horror's pussy lips there where a line of needle like teeth that scrabbled over the flesh of his no longer happy hard on like the way the legs of a millepede sweep over a hard surface as it moved.

" Where is the item? " the thing hissed above Mike who looked up in time to see a dark metallic blue snake's tongue who forked ends where covered with a wickedly grooved barbs flicker out of the monster's fanged mouth as it spoke in a sweet purring wispier as a few drops of clear slime landed on Mike's chest and began to burn like fire for a few seconds causing Mike to gasp in pain.

" I-D-D-D-D " Mike blubbered as his drug cooked brain misfired to his misfortune as he felt a slight stabbing pain in his cock, he looked down in time to see the creature's toothy pussy lips folded around his cock like the way the leaves of a venus fly trap folded over a doomed bug as the needle like teeth cruelly bit into the flesh of his manhood then with a slow muscular contraction the things's pussy lips began to retract into it's oozing pussy that was dripping a bright puke green slime, tearing bloody gashes into Mike's cock as it was shaved of a layer of skin the oozing pussy juices washing over the raw wound and burning like a mixture of fresh lemon juice and rock salt being slowly poured into a deep cut.

Mike let out such a hideously agonized scream that a few of the other guests in the other rooms began to pound on the clapboard walls and where shouting for him to pipe down that they where trying to sleep, oblivious to the horror show that was transpiring in the room next to them.

" For the last time where is the item?" the thing asked as it's pussy lips wormed there way back down Mike slightly mangled cock, the needle like teeth slowly scratching the base of his cock once more sending daggers of fiery pain lancing though out Mike's body in a horrficly erotic voice as filled Mike's terrified mind with a madding lust.

" I-I-I-don't know I-I-I-D-D-O-O-O-N-N-T-T- have it" Mike stammered, the monster let out a sweet hissing sound much that of a woman who is fast approaching to point of cummng her brains out as her pussy is being mercilessly fucked by the long hard cock of her lover.

Mike's body began to trash on the bed as the thing's pussy slowly skinned another layer off of his bleeding cock much like someone peeling an orange, the obscenely loud sound of creeking bed springs mixed with Mike's unknowable agony riddled scream that brought a flurry of even louder pounding on the walls and dire threats if they did not keep it quite in there.

" MMMM your cock is sooooo tasty! " the thing murmured as it began to writhe in hellish ecstasy as there was a wet slobbering sound from it's pussy as the shaved flesh from Mike's cock was consumed.
" Now lover boy where is the item, tell me and this will all end." The monster wispiered into Mike's left ear as it lowered it's down to his chest the horror's nipples latching on to Mike's nipples and began to twisted them much like the way clothes get twisted around in a washing machine before the hungry mouths began to rip Mike's nipples into blood chunks of tasty meat that they eagerly scarffed down as it's snake like tongue tickled Mike's left ear lobe coating it in that fiery slime that burnt like a red hot branding iron had been cruelly pressed to it.

" I-I-I--S-S-S-S-O-O-O-L-L-L-D-D-D-it." Mike rasped in torment as his body start to twitch, he saw the thing's eyes narrow into sexy, hateful slits as it's monstrous pussy traveled down Mike's skinned cock but before the thing could continue to make a not so happy meal out of Mike's manhood, Mike blurted out that he did not remember who he had sold the item to before he mercifully passed out.

The monster whipped it serpentine tongue into Mike's forehead, drilling though the skin bring Mike out of his nightmare and back to the even greater horror that he had briefly escaped from with a soul rending shriek as it's tongue rested on the top of Mike's skull and began to psionicly probe Mike's drug cooked and terror fused brin for the answers it sought.
Once the thing had the answers it wanted it withdrew it's inhuman tongue and sucked Mike's blood off it as it rolled it around in it's fang filled maw.

" It's been fun stud boy but I have places to go and other tricks to turn so how about one last kiss?" the monster said to Mike in such a sexy, alluring voice that Mike began to shake but before Mike could say or do a thing the monster impaled itself on Mike's tortured cock as it shot it's tongue down Mike's throat as Mike cummed his terrified brains out and it took it's own cruel pleasure from Mike's body as it's own juices spewed from it's tongue and into Mike stomach.
Then monster slowly began to rise off of Mike's maimed manhood, skinning of one last layer of yummy cock meat to snack upon as Mike's body was cooked from the inside out by cold blue fire that filled the sweat, sex and terror filled air of the room with a scent of frying meat as the thing changed back into it's human from, got dressed and left soon it would have the item back then the world would tremble in terror.

Posted: 2003-01-26 10:33pm
by Sea Skimmer
Sick shit, keep it up.

Posted: 2003-01-26 10:40pm
by Falkenhorst
Damn, LT... That was a crazy-ass fanfic... maybe you should put a warning at the beginning or something to avoid pissing off sensitive people.

Posted: 2003-01-26 10:47pm
by Kuja
I like it. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

I agree with the warning, though.

Posted: 2003-01-26 11:14pm
by LT.Hit-Man
Ok there's the warning
I'm glad you three enjoyed it.
But I'll tell you this the fan fic will not be all like the intro

Posted: 2003-01-26 11:16pm
by Keevan_Colton
Ditto on the warning....and I'm sure I met her in a bar one time.... :wink:

Posted: 2003-01-27 12:43am
by Sea Skimmer
Keevan_Colton wrote:Ditto on the warning....and I'm sure I met her in a bar one time.... :wink:
You know, if Kelly hadn't specified a human character.........

Posted: 2003-01-27 12:57am
by LT.Hit-Man
Keevan_Colton wrote:Ditto on the warning....and I'm sure I met her in a bar one time.... :wink:
LOL I pity you if you did, talk about some nasty ass pussy :twisted:

Posted: 2003-01-27 12:59am
by Keevan_Colton
LT.Hit-Man wrote:
Keevan_Colton wrote:Ditto on the warning....and I'm sure I met her in a bar one time.... :wink:
LOL I pity you if you did, talk about some nasty ass pussy :twisted:
It was ok...she was after my friend :twisted: :lol:

Posted: 2003-01-27 07:10am
by Hendrake
That's bloody sick! I LIKE it! Good work!

Posted: 2003-01-27 11:22am
by Einhander Sn0m4n

Holy shiot.........

That was really terrifyingly gruesomely....... good.

Can I use it as an Anti Fundy Weapon? Minus the warning, of course. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Posted: 2003-01-27 12:42pm
by Singular Quartet
LT.Hit-Man, you are indeed a sick and twisted fuck. You have earned further respect. Good job.

Posted: 2003-01-27 12:52pm
by Captain Cyran
Is that the sickest you can do? I really doubt it is. Considering that I've thought of so much worse to happen to people...but we won't get into that.

Very good, I liked the story.

Posted: 2003-01-27 04:11pm
by Cpt_Frank
OMG this' goooood stuffff....
I like

Posted: 2003-01-27 06:08pm
by Ted
The LT writing porn.

I though Shep and Falk writing porn was bad enough.

Shite, man, continue writing LT.

Posted: 2003-01-27 06:48pm
by Captain tycho

:twisted: But I like it.

Posted: 2003-01-27 07:41pm
by Sea Skimmer
Question about the whole story, is it meant to be present day, near future or what?

Posted: 2003-01-27 08:19pm
by HemlockGrey
After reading some of what Enforcer Talen has written, I'm rather jaded...

Posted: 2003-01-27 08:57pm
by Zaia
Wow, I'm both apprehensive and very interested to see what happens to my character in this story... Fun, fun times ahead, I'm sure! :D

Posted: 2003-01-28 12:36am
by LT.Hit-Man
Sea Skimmer wrote:Question about the whole story, is it meant to be present day, near future or what?
It's set in our times
I have already started the frist chapter to this fic and it should be done soon, don't know how good it'll be after all it's going to be more then just sex killing and war.

Posted: 2003-01-28 12:38am
by LT.Hit-Man
Zaia wrote:Wow, I'm both apprehensive and very interested to see what happens to my character in this story... Fun, fun times ahead, I'm sure! :D
Yep but don't worry I'll be gentle with first :wink:

Posted: 2003-01-28 12:41am
by Sea Skimmer
LT.Hit-Man wrote:
Sea Skimmer wrote:Question about the whole story, is it meant to be present day, near future or what?
It's set in our times
I have already started the frist chapter to this fic and it should be done soon, don't know how good it'll be after all it's going to be more then just sex killing and war.
Well yes, you generally need a couple sentence to tie all the fun stuff together.

Posted: 2003-01-30 10:28am
by The Yosemite Bear
interesting.....vah-reeyy interesting