MST4K Episode 18: R P M
Posted: 2007-09-17 11:22am
Tim Jewett 06/30/01
Mordancy Sarcasm Theatre 4000
All belongs to whom it belongs to. Also, please don't sue me. Thank you
In the not too distant future...
Where reality does not exist.
An evil rich kid named Artlu...
Was starting to get really pissed.
"I send 'fics to him and his friends...
Ones that should really warp their minds. (lalala)
But he's shot every single one down...
And the plan called for nothing of the kind!"
Now keep in mind that Tim can't control...
How his friends act and behave.
And he tries to keep them acting fairly sane...
With the help of a weighted stave.
If you're wondering how he eats and breaths...
And other science facts, (lalala)
Just repeat to yourself, "Don't go there bub!"
and you really should relax...
For... Mordancy Sarcasm Theater 4000! (wohw wohw)
(Satellite of Lust, approximately three clicks left of the rainbow)
Tim: Calm down. I know what I'm doing.
Graham: Does the wall we're about to crash into know that?
Tim: Well, I told it, if that's any reassurance... Now where the hell'd I put that Dark Hold?
Graham: We're slamming into a wall at 250 miles an hour and we're gonna die!
Tim: Here it is! (Time stops when the car is .0001 millimeters from the wall)
Graham: Are we dead yet?
Tim: No, and we've set a new record!
Max: Hey, stop trying to kill yourselves and get out here. Ole Smoky's callin's again.
(The Outer room)
Tim: Hiya Artlu! What's on the menu for today?
(Shallow Twelve)
Artlu: First off, I'm cancelling all further invention exchanges on my side. It's too hectic making one for everytime I find a fic for you to MST. Anyways, Today's piece is an incredibly stupid Sailor Moon SI fic with a lemon scene, and believe it or not, it isn't an Oscarfic this time! Now, what did you bozos make?
All: PHEW!
Tim: Send it on up. I'm ready to take on this beast! Anyways, I didn't make one this week. Instead Max and Quinn made one up. They were reading Megane's MST'ings and got this idea from one of his invention exchanges. It's Quinn and Max's 2000 inch TV!
Artlu: That's skirting dangerously close to Megane's invention...
Quinn: Like Fuck it is! While Frank's version was for communication of sitcoms to aliens, ours is for communication of PORN to EARTH! It's out ultimate goal to get people to fucking accept porn and everything about it, and accept their own damn bodies as well.
Max: Hell, humans shouldn't be friggin ashamed of their bodies!
Tim: Anyways, I guess this may be the last one for awhiles, as I'm tapped for ideas and don't want to waste the effort to make any. Oh well...
(Sirens wail and they enter the theatre)
(The door sequence is on vacation. Please bear with us)
Tim sits in the middle, Max two seats two his right, and Graham two to his left.
Max: Let's get it on!
Max: Revolutions per minute?
Tim: Something tells me this fic is gonna go in circles, guys...
>Prologue 2
>Sam Burke was in dire straits.
Graham: And the Author was in a Straight Jacket!
>He was stuck in Japan,
Max: Having fallen into a tarpit. The end.
Tim: We could only be so lucky...
>where everyone called him "Guy-jin" or something.
Tim: Altogether now, then...
All: "GUY-JIN!"
Max: Or something!
>It was a few years after he had lost Twitch.
>After losing another partner to crime, he had decided to leave New
>York for a while.
Tim: So you replace One set of slimy disgusting monsters for another, even worse set?
Graham: I thought he was leaving New York.
Tim: Actually, if this is in the Marvel/Imageverse, I can understand why.
Graham: Marvel/Imageverse?
Tim: Sure. Gen-X and Gen 13 are more than proof enough for that. Hell, they met on vacation several times. The Image world and the Marvel one coincide. Spawn could Run into Venom any day now, actually. As for getting out of New York City... I beleive it was Spidy who once said "You can't spit without hitting a superhero in New York" or words to that effect.
>That old fart, Cog, had only shook his head and said, "You'll be back."
>Like that meant anything.
Max: It meant "One day, you will return, Otherwise, you'll be trapped in a stupid SI fic."
>Sam had tracked a suspect named Flynn to here.
Max: He tracked him to the satellite?
Tim: Glad I locked down the weapon controls...
>You could name the case as a conspiracy theory,
Graham: Or you could name it Susan!
Max: Susan the Beholder?
Graham: No, Just Susan.
Tim: So, I um, attempt to poke Susan with my rubber tipped Sword...
Max: These new rules may need some revising...
>but it was the only thing he had going at the time and decided to follow it.
Tim: (Singing) Follow the yellow brick road, follow the yellow brick road. Follow follow follow-
>Sam had also heard of an urban myth, one about magical girls that fought
>with the power of love or some shit like that.
Tim: Wedding Peach?
Graham: Huh?
Tim: Oh, You'd love it. Marriage Sailor moon. Before converting to mobile mode, their battle outfits are wedding dresses. VERY Nutso.
>It sounded a little too much like the spice girls fad from last year,
Tim: Not really, no... Especially considering that the scouts were out WAY before them Brits.
>but after all that business with Spawn, however, it didn't seem so bad.
Graham: The Spice girls? or the Sailors?
>Not compared to guys who ripped mafia hitmen's hearts out.
Tim: That's a bad thing, I take it?
>And so now here he was, in Tokyo, looking for the guy who may have
>instigated the whole damn media mess that had been the presidential sex
>scandal a few years ago.
All: Flynn is Linda Tripp?
Tim: So she and Janet Reno are men?
Max: I thought Reno was more than obvious.
>Why Flynn did what he did was obvious:
Tim: He's more sociopathic than Bun-Bun!
>he had all the markings of an abused child. Sam didn't care much for
Tim: Random comments. I expect a LOT of those will be showing up in this fic...
>He knew from years of experience that child abuse was a curse passed
>down from abuser to abused, and that sometimes the only cure was a bullet.
>But that was the least mysterious of the case he had on this guy.
>For one thing, he moved like he wasn't human. He had to.
Graham: Do the dinosaur?
Max: Walk like an Egyptian?
Tim: Do the safety dance??
>After using up all his favors and using a couple that _weren't_ his,
Max: Borrowing favors from your aunt Ethel... That's sad.
>he had gotten a file on how he had escaped custody.
Tim: Okay, so what's on second?
Max: Flynn, I think.
>According to the file, the agents sent to patrol him were massacred.
Tim: And a patrol has anything to do with his escape HOW?...
>The thing of it was that both had gotten off at least a full clip
>each; and there was a lot of Flynn's blood on the wall.
Tim: Red... Rum.
>But the psycho still managed to kill them and be out of there within 5
Max: Guarunteed or your money back!
>When looking for the deceased agents' files, there was nothing.
Graham: This Soldier does not exist...
Tim: (Makoto) NO! Now I've never met him when I was battling Godzilla! No, I couldn't have met him, he never existed. It's just too horrible to comprehend!
Max: Enough of that particular Soldier 2 reference.
>And, Sam had found a bug on his car 2 days later.
>The whole thing smelled coverup.
Tim: Has my deoderant gone funky again?
Max: Yes, but that's beside the point.
>When Sam Burke added all the other info he had gathered to it,
Graham: Didn't he just tell us he had nothing?
>it all stank of government conspiracy, the kind of stuff
>even A-6 didn't even handle.
Tim: Wow, my deoderant HAS gone funky!
Max: Well, what about MI-6?
Graham: Or division 6?
Tim: Or, better yet, Agent 86! He could handle Flynn! EASY!
Graham: I'll bet that comment has to "Smart".
>And the only way he could prove anything was to find this killer.
>Sam took a bite out of his huge sub,
Tim: Diesel or Nuclear?
>silently wished those magical girls luck, and waited for the victims to
>start piling up.
Graham: Now everyone, when you die, please try and collapse onto someone else so we can have neat orderly piles of dead people...
>Chapter 1
Max: Shouldn't we have a Prologue one?
Tim: This suggests to me that the Author is skipping a few things in this fic.
Graham: Like what?
Tim: Plot, for one.
>It was a beautiful sunny day in Tokyo. At the mall, a group of friends
>ate lunch and watched the people skate on the skating rink a level down.
Graham: A skating rink, in a mall? Wow, the japanese have outdone themselves this time...
>Usagi looked at her friends(altogether; Usagi, Ami, Mamoru, and Makoto)
Max: Fucking each others brains out!
>fondly, and took a huge bite out of her food. Makoto bigsweated.
Tim: Then got distracted as the guy she could barely see three hundred feet away reminded her so damn much of her boyfriend!
>"Um, Usagi-san, don't finish that all in one bite."
Tim: Resisting urge... to make Hentai comment involving Tuxy...
><what a great day,> she thought.
Max: A sailor scout thinking? How soon till Ragnarok?
Graham: Oh shut up, It's not for another month or two. Besides we're above the earth, we can't be touched!
><Friends with me, a sunny day, and I'm even getting used to being
>a superheroine. Maybe, everything is finally going to be alright from now
Tim: That is one very long string of censored profanity...
>"Okay, this is it. I want Sytiracon's group to cover any and all exits.
Graham: As opposed to the Every and None exits on the other side of the mall.
>The rest of you, cover Joel while he sets the charges.
>_I_ will take care of any, heheh, opposition."
Max: I just bet you will...
>The person who spoke this to his small army was wearing civilian
>clothes: a Korn T-shirt and some baggy jeans.
Tim: I'm sure villanous apparel is REALLY important to the storyline.
Max: WHAT storyline?
>His forehead had a tattoo of a blood-red upside down crescent on his
>forehead, however, and it had red teardrops running down to his eyebrows.
Tim: Great... another Negamooner... Joy.
>He had blond hair and bluish-green eyes that were rapidly glowing
>dark emerald , changing back, and pulsing again, which showed just
>how excited he was.
Tim: When My eyes glow, It means I'm ready to kill something.
Graham: Like an Author.
Max: ESPECIALLY an author.
>For today, he would strike back at that queen bitch Serenity,
All: WOOF!
>which had tormented him so long, saying that it was to "heal"
>him. What bullshit! And to top it off, she had left him to die during the
>black moon crisis.
Max: Wouldn't he have WANTED her to leave him alone? Even if it was only because she thought he was dead?
Tim: I think the Author isn't running on all his cylinders...
>But now, it was payback time. He had escaped after a painfully long time,
>and had trained offplanet.
Graham: If he starts using Kayoken and pulling Kamehameha's I'M gonna kill this author!
>Through a lot of work, he had gotten all he needed,
Max: Sixty five bucks!
>not to mention that his family was sure happy to see him home 2 weeks
>later in _their_ time.
Max: As opposed to Greenwhich Meridian Standard time.
>Sytiracon, a dark-haired, stocky and well built man with a collar around
>his neck, stepped forward."
Tim: Oh, so we don't get a fashion report on this guy too?
>Sir, I would rather lead the attack alongside you.""Why? So you can stab
>me in the back?
Tim: Gotta pretty damn limber to stab someone in the back when you're standing to their side...
>No, I know you too well for that, my slave_," the hell-bent commander
Graham: Hey, Flynn's a homo! He keeps male slaves!
>Sytiracon attempted to control himself and suppress the urge to rip out his
Tim: Here's a sugestion, rip out the commander's instead.
><He DARES call me slave!!!> The people of his race never, under any
>circumstances, called another slave.
Graham: Which might mean something if we gave a crap.
>The slave-collar, now encircling _his_ neck,
Max: As opposed to _His_ neck...
>prevented him from polymorphing into his true form,
>and the elf-stone in his heart let the hell-spawn practically give him a
>heart attack whenever he wanted.
Graham: ELF STONE? Tim, He's disreputing the Elvenbane series!
Tim: I doubt it's the same elf-stone, but it IS a reason to kill the author. Make a note of it, Max.
Max: Sure thing, Oh Psychotic one.
>And he had done that as well, as sadistically curious as a child ripping
>the wings of a fly, bringing him to the edge of death.
All: (Singing)
Oh some times I think back to when I was younger
life was so much simpler then
Dad would be up at dawn, he'd be watering the lawn
or maybe going fishing again
Oh and mom would be fixing up something in the kitchen
fresh biscuits or hot apple pie
and I'd spend all day long in the basement
torturing rats with a hack-saw and pulling the wings off of flies
>Sytiracon stepped back, his eyes promising revenge, while the accursed
>demon's eyes followed his, mockingly.
Tim: To Kill a Mocking Demon...
>"Well, now that that's in order,"
Graham: Let's kill ourselves!
>the hellspawn known as Flynn said after Sytiracon withdrew,"
>Go out there and have fun! Kill as many civilians as you want, we're
>gonna bomb the place anyway,
Tim: With what, this fic?
Max: I hear this fic isn't allowed within two miles of any airport.
Graham: He's a HELLSPAWN? I'm not sure who's insulted more. Sailor moon or Spawn, by having this freak be a negamooner...
Tim: Hehe... the Negamooners.. "One of these days Zoicite, right to tha moon!"
>but leave the Sailors to me.
Graham: Didn't Artlu say this was an SI with a lemon?
Tim: Yes. We kill the Author. That, and those words, are more than enough reason.
>Now, let's go!!!!!!"
>He followed his men out, practically quivering with anticipation.
Graham: Premature...
Tim: Ejaculatory...
Max: Disorder.
><I always looooove killing peoples, heehee!>
Tim: Author cusses more than I do!
Max: He stutters when he swears too. See, he said "and" three times before each new word.
>Usagi felt something tap her shoulder. It was Makoto.
>"Usagi, there are people -with guns- at the doorways. We better transform."
>Usagi took a quick glance and nodded, numbly.
Graham: Sure, give the guys PLENTY of time to find you and gun you down while you transform!
>Any minute now, someone would see the thugs, start screaming, and they
>would have a situation on their hands.
Tim: Just like EVERY episode!
>And someone did notice, as they all quietly snuck off to whatever
>secluded corners they could find.
Max: If this is where the Lemon scene comes in, that I can live with.
>And, in mid-transformation, they began to hear, at first one solitary
>scream, gunfire, and more horrible screams, and just as horrible
Tim: And even more repitive narration to boot.
Graham: The horror!
Max: I know your fic sucks and all, but stop cursing it so much. That's OUR JOB!
>While the thugs picked off anybody that they thought might become a
>problem, Joel and his two guards set pipebombs on walls.
Max: When MST'ers go bad...
Graham: Is it possible we might go bad and they'd do a story like that on us?
Tim: No.
Max: Why not?
Tim: How CAN we go bad? I mean, we're pretty damn bad already.
>Some had gasoline canisters attached.
Graham; They were empty, but that's beside the point.
>Joel, after wiring the whole place to blow(on his remote command),
>finally made it to the Ice skating rink.
Tim: Negamoon on ice!
>"Kill them," Joel commanded the guards as he pointed to the fools who
>were stil on the rink. Like shooting fish in a barrel, the grunts gleefully
>disposed of the skaters,
>who pathetically slipped around, trying to run away, until being bloodily
Tim: Slipped, eh? Considering the inaccuracy of machine guns, and the speed at which skaters can travel, if anyone had any Cojones in that group they'd bum rush the guards and KO 'em with a skate kick to the face.
>cut down by gunfire. Once they were all dead, their corpse bleeding all
>over the ice,
Tim: One corpse for all those dead people?
Max: You know, that's even more innacurate than you realize. Dead people don't bleed, since that requires a functioning heart. They can, however, ooze blood.
> Joel poured the rest of the gasoline canisters onto the
> bloodstained rink.
> Joel smiled."OK, let's get the hell outta here!!"
Tim: So this is how the MST gang got work after the satellite went down, eh?
Max: But Crow's a Sailor moon fanboy. He'd never do this!
Tim: And you kiss you mother with that mouth?
>Flynn walked around, surveying the damage with glee.
><But-where is _she_?> He soon saw a mall security guard run at him
>and shoot.
Max: And shoot, and shoot, and shoot, and shoot, until Flynn had several, eighteen actually, large holes in his chest.
Tim: Now, the thing was, The guard had one six shooter, and never reloaded.
>Flynn felt piercing pain in his chest and thought he was going to collapse.
Graham: Then did, as his head was cut off.
>Then, as always, the nano-bots in his bloodstream,
Tim: Nanites, Check... Negamoon Hellspawn with Nanites. Now all he needs is a ridiculously stupid weapon and he's done!
>with their horribly defective version of the kessen-chu,
Tim: Nanites and Kessen-Chu are nothing alike. And if he's a goddamn hellspawn, why would he need either Kessen-chu OR nanites?
Graham: Because he doesn't know what he talking about!
>began to slowly, painfully, repair the ruptured skin.
Tim: Just a question. Is a scab painful? No, it is not, and a scab is what covers growing skin. It itches like crazy sometime, but it NEVER hurts!
>Here, play with this," and threw a spiked ball at the gurad, the spiked ball
>began to buzz, and spinning incredibly fast, and moved into the guard's crotch
Tim: So he's throwing a shaftless Mace at them?
Graham: Why would anyone want to throw your cat at somebody?
Max: Well, It's gotta be at LEAST three times as deadly as whatever this guy can dish out.
Tim: Oh, and hey, look, it's his ridiculously stupid weapon!
Max: Wait a sec, what the hell's a Gurad?
Tim: Dunno, but ten to one says it's in an RPG somehwere!
>As the guared screamed and Flynn giggled, the buzzing morning star,
>completely chunkified the guard's genitalia,
Tim: Nope. Morning Star only classified a Mace attached by chain to a control staff. This is merely the buisiness end of one. Sorry, DON'T TRY AGAIN!
>putting it through the equivalent of a meat grinder.
Tim: With a single Mace ball? Riiight... For grinding action, you'd need at least TWO!, yes TWO! objects for the target to get trapped between.
Max: I hate it when the author fucks up shit majorly when Tim knows the answers to these areas.
Graham: Well, at least I get to bitch about the author fucking up Hellspawn! I'm the closest we have to a Spawn expert here!
>Then it finished, as a shred of the dead guard's testicles
>*splat*-ted against the wall.
Graham: You sure it didn't _Splat_ against the wall?
>Flynn emoved his spiked ball from what was left of the guard's body
Tim: That was a very Emoving gesture.
>and switched off the spikes, while laughing and quipped,
>"Bet you though the worst problem you'd have today would be two teens
>fucking in your bathrooms, huh?"
All: And this is a bad thing because...?
>His question was answered as Sailor Jupiter came running at him, with
>what appeared to be a mixture of anger and malice showing on her face.
Tim: Are those new cosmetics? "Malice: By Calvin Klein"
Mordancy Sarcasm Theatre 4000
All belongs to whom it belongs to. Also, please don't sue me. Thank you
In the not too distant future...
Where reality does not exist.
An evil rich kid named Artlu...
Was starting to get really pissed.
"I send 'fics to him and his friends...
Ones that should really warp their minds. (lalala)
But he's shot every single one down...
And the plan called for nothing of the kind!"
Now keep in mind that Tim can't control...
How his friends act and behave.
And he tries to keep them acting fairly sane...
With the help of a weighted stave.
If you're wondering how he eats and breaths...
And other science facts, (lalala)
Just repeat to yourself, "Don't go there bub!"
and you really should relax...
For... Mordancy Sarcasm Theater 4000! (wohw wohw)
(Satellite of Lust, approximately three clicks left of the rainbow)
Tim: Calm down. I know what I'm doing.
Graham: Does the wall we're about to crash into know that?
Tim: Well, I told it, if that's any reassurance... Now where the hell'd I put that Dark Hold?
Graham: We're slamming into a wall at 250 miles an hour and we're gonna die!
Tim: Here it is! (Time stops when the car is .0001 millimeters from the wall)
Graham: Are we dead yet?
Tim: No, and we've set a new record!
Max: Hey, stop trying to kill yourselves and get out here. Ole Smoky's callin's again.
(The Outer room)
Tim: Hiya Artlu! What's on the menu for today?
(Shallow Twelve)
Artlu: First off, I'm cancelling all further invention exchanges on my side. It's too hectic making one for everytime I find a fic for you to MST. Anyways, Today's piece is an incredibly stupid Sailor Moon SI fic with a lemon scene, and believe it or not, it isn't an Oscarfic this time! Now, what did you bozos make?
All: PHEW!
Tim: Send it on up. I'm ready to take on this beast! Anyways, I didn't make one this week. Instead Max and Quinn made one up. They were reading Megane's MST'ings and got this idea from one of his invention exchanges. It's Quinn and Max's 2000 inch TV!
Artlu: That's skirting dangerously close to Megane's invention...
Quinn: Like Fuck it is! While Frank's version was for communication of sitcoms to aliens, ours is for communication of PORN to EARTH! It's out ultimate goal to get people to fucking accept porn and everything about it, and accept their own damn bodies as well.
Max: Hell, humans shouldn't be friggin ashamed of their bodies!
Tim: Anyways, I guess this may be the last one for awhiles, as I'm tapped for ideas and don't want to waste the effort to make any. Oh well...
(Sirens wail and they enter the theatre)
(The door sequence is on vacation. Please bear with us)
Tim sits in the middle, Max two seats two his right, and Graham two to his left.
Max: Let's get it on!
Max: Revolutions per minute?
Tim: Something tells me this fic is gonna go in circles, guys...
>Prologue 2
>Sam Burke was in dire straits.
Graham: And the Author was in a Straight Jacket!
>He was stuck in Japan,
Max: Having fallen into a tarpit. The end.
Tim: We could only be so lucky...
>where everyone called him "Guy-jin" or something.
Tim: Altogether now, then...
All: "GUY-JIN!"
Max: Or something!
>It was a few years after he had lost Twitch.
>After losing another partner to crime, he had decided to leave New
>York for a while.
Tim: So you replace One set of slimy disgusting monsters for another, even worse set?
Graham: I thought he was leaving New York.
Tim: Actually, if this is in the Marvel/Imageverse, I can understand why.
Graham: Marvel/Imageverse?
Tim: Sure. Gen-X and Gen 13 are more than proof enough for that. Hell, they met on vacation several times. The Image world and the Marvel one coincide. Spawn could Run into Venom any day now, actually. As for getting out of New York City... I beleive it was Spidy who once said "You can't spit without hitting a superhero in New York" or words to that effect.
>That old fart, Cog, had only shook his head and said, "You'll be back."
>Like that meant anything.
Max: It meant "One day, you will return, Otherwise, you'll be trapped in a stupid SI fic."
>Sam had tracked a suspect named Flynn to here.
Max: He tracked him to the satellite?
Tim: Glad I locked down the weapon controls...
>You could name the case as a conspiracy theory,
Graham: Or you could name it Susan!
Max: Susan the Beholder?
Graham: No, Just Susan.
Tim: So, I um, attempt to poke Susan with my rubber tipped Sword...
Max: These new rules may need some revising...
>but it was the only thing he had going at the time and decided to follow it.
Tim: (Singing) Follow the yellow brick road, follow the yellow brick road. Follow follow follow-
>Sam had also heard of an urban myth, one about magical girls that fought
>with the power of love or some shit like that.
Tim: Wedding Peach?
Graham: Huh?
Tim: Oh, You'd love it. Marriage Sailor moon. Before converting to mobile mode, their battle outfits are wedding dresses. VERY Nutso.
>It sounded a little too much like the spice girls fad from last year,
Tim: Not really, no... Especially considering that the scouts were out WAY before them Brits.
>but after all that business with Spawn, however, it didn't seem so bad.
Graham: The Spice girls? or the Sailors?
>Not compared to guys who ripped mafia hitmen's hearts out.
Tim: That's a bad thing, I take it?
>And so now here he was, in Tokyo, looking for the guy who may have
>instigated the whole damn media mess that had been the presidential sex
>scandal a few years ago.
All: Flynn is Linda Tripp?
Tim: So she and Janet Reno are men?
Max: I thought Reno was more than obvious.
>Why Flynn did what he did was obvious:
Tim: He's more sociopathic than Bun-Bun!
>he had all the markings of an abused child. Sam didn't care much for
Tim: Random comments. I expect a LOT of those will be showing up in this fic...
>He knew from years of experience that child abuse was a curse passed
>down from abuser to abused, and that sometimes the only cure was a bullet.
>But that was the least mysterious of the case he had on this guy.
>For one thing, he moved like he wasn't human. He had to.
Graham: Do the dinosaur?
Max: Walk like an Egyptian?
Tim: Do the safety dance??
>After using up all his favors and using a couple that _weren't_ his,
Max: Borrowing favors from your aunt Ethel... That's sad.
>he had gotten a file on how he had escaped custody.
Tim: Okay, so what's on second?
Max: Flynn, I think.
>According to the file, the agents sent to patrol him were massacred.
Tim: And a patrol has anything to do with his escape HOW?...
>The thing of it was that both had gotten off at least a full clip
>each; and there was a lot of Flynn's blood on the wall.
Tim: Red... Rum.
>But the psycho still managed to kill them and be out of there within 5
Max: Guarunteed or your money back!
>When looking for the deceased agents' files, there was nothing.
Graham: This Soldier does not exist...
Tim: (Makoto) NO! Now I've never met him when I was battling Godzilla! No, I couldn't have met him, he never existed. It's just too horrible to comprehend!
Max: Enough of that particular Soldier 2 reference.
>And, Sam had found a bug on his car 2 days later.
>The whole thing smelled coverup.
Tim: Has my deoderant gone funky again?
Max: Yes, but that's beside the point.
>When Sam Burke added all the other info he had gathered to it,
Graham: Didn't he just tell us he had nothing?
>it all stank of government conspiracy, the kind of stuff
>even A-6 didn't even handle.
Tim: Wow, my deoderant HAS gone funky!
Max: Well, what about MI-6?
Graham: Or division 6?
Tim: Or, better yet, Agent 86! He could handle Flynn! EASY!
Graham: I'll bet that comment has to "Smart".
>And the only way he could prove anything was to find this killer.
>Sam took a bite out of his huge sub,
Tim: Diesel or Nuclear?
>silently wished those magical girls luck, and waited for the victims to
>start piling up.
Graham: Now everyone, when you die, please try and collapse onto someone else so we can have neat orderly piles of dead people...
>Chapter 1
Max: Shouldn't we have a Prologue one?
Tim: This suggests to me that the Author is skipping a few things in this fic.
Graham: Like what?
Tim: Plot, for one.
>It was a beautiful sunny day in Tokyo. At the mall, a group of friends
>ate lunch and watched the people skate on the skating rink a level down.
Graham: A skating rink, in a mall? Wow, the japanese have outdone themselves this time...
>Usagi looked at her friends(altogether; Usagi, Ami, Mamoru, and Makoto)
Max: Fucking each others brains out!
>fondly, and took a huge bite out of her food. Makoto bigsweated.
Tim: Then got distracted as the guy she could barely see three hundred feet away reminded her so damn much of her boyfriend!
>"Um, Usagi-san, don't finish that all in one bite."
Tim: Resisting urge... to make Hentai comment involving Tuxy...
><what a great day,> she thought.
Max: A sailor scout thinking? How soon till Ragnarok?
Graham: Oh shut up, It's not for another month or two. Besides we're above the earth, we can't be touched!
><Friends with me, a sunny day, and I'm even getting used to being
>a superheroine. Maybe, everything is finally going to be alright from now
Tim: That is one very long string of censored profanity...
>"Okay, this is it. I want Sytiracon's group to cover any and all exits.
Graham: As opposed to the Every and None exits on the other side of the mall.
>The rest of you, cover Joel while he sets the charges.
>_I_ will take care of any, heheh, opposition."
Max: I just bet you will...
>The person who spoke this to his small army was wearing civilian
>clothes: a Korn T-shirt and some baggy jeans.
Tim: I'm sure villanous apparel is REALLY important to the storyline.
Max: WHAT storyline?
>His forehead had a tattoo of a blood-red upside down crescent on his
>forehead, however, and it had red teardrops running down to his eyebrows.
Tim: Great... another Negamooner... Joy.
>He had blond hair and bluish-green eyes that were rapidly glowing
>dark emerald , changing back, and pulsing again, which showed just
>how excited he was.
Tim: When My eyes glow, It means I'm ready to kill something.
Graham: Like an Author.
Max: ESPECIALLY an author.
>For today, he would strike back at that queen bitch Serenity,
All: WOOF!
>which had tormented him so long, saying that it was to "heal"
>him. What bullshit! And to top it off, she had left him to die during the
>black moon crisis.
Max: Wouldn't he have WANTED her to leave him alone? Even if it was only because she thought he was dead?
Tim: I think the Author isn't running on all his cylinders...
>But now, it was payback time. He had escaped after a painfully long time,
>and had trained offplanet.
Graham: If he starts using Kayoken and pulling Kamehameha's I'M gonna kill this author!
>Through a lot of work, he had gotten all he needed,
Max: Sixty five bucks!
>not to mention that his family was sure happy to see him home 2 weeks
>later in _their_ time.
Max: As opposed to Greenwhich Meridian Standard time.
>Sytiracon, a dark-haired, stocky and well built man with a collar around
>his neck, stepped forward."
Tim: Oh, so we don't get a fashion report on this guy too?
>Sir, I would rather lead the attack alongside you.""Why? So you can stab
>me in the back?
Tim: Gotta pretty damn limber to stab someone in the back when you're standing to their side...
>No, I know you too well for that, my slave_," the hell-bent commander
Graham: Hey, Flynn's a homo! He keeps male slaves!
>Sytiracon attempted to control himself and suppress the urge to rip out his
Tim: Here's a sugestion, rip out the commander's instead.
><He DARES call me slave!!!> The people of his race never, under any
>circumstances, called another slave.
Graham: Which might mean something if we gave a crap.
>The slave-collar, now encircling _his_ neck,
Max: As opposed to _His_ neck...
>prevented him from polymorphing into his true form,
>and the elf-stone in his heart let the hell-spawn practically give him a
>heart attack whenever he wanted.
Graham: ELF STONE? Tim, He's disreputing the Elvenbane series!
Tim: I doubt it's the same elf-stone, but it IS a reason to kill the author. Make a note of it, Max.
Max: Sure thing, Oh Psychotic one.
>And he had done that as well, as sadistically curious as a child ripping
>the wings of a fly, bringing him to the edge of death.
All: (Singing)
Oh some times I think back to when I was younger
life was so much simpler then
Dad would be up at dawn, he'd be watering the lawn
or maybe going fishing again
Oh and mom would be fixing up something in the kitchen
fresh biscuits or hot apple pie
and I'd spend all day long in the basement
torturing rats with a hack-saw and pulling the wings off of flies
>Sytiracon stepped back, his eyes promising revenge, while the accursed
>demon's eyes followed his, mockingly.
Tim: To Kill a Mocking Demon...
>"Well, now that that's in order,"
Graham: Let's kill ourselves!
>the hellspawn known as Flynn said after Sytiracon withdrew,"
>Go out there and have fun! Kill as many civilians as you want, we're
>gonna bomb the place anyway,
Tim: With what, this fic?
Max: I hear this fic isn't allowed within two miles of any airport.
Graham: He's a HELLSPAWN? I'm not sure who's insulted more. Sailor moon or Spawn, by having this freak be a negamooner...
Tim: Hehe... the Negamooners.. "One of these days Zoicite, right to tha moon!"
>but leave the Sailors to me.
Graham: Didn't Artlu say this was an SI with a lemon?
Tim: Yes. We kill the Author. That, and those words, are more than enough reason.
>Now, let's go!!!!!!"
>He followed his men out, practically quivering with anticipation.
Graham: Premature...
Tim: Ejaculatory...
Max: Disorder.
><I always looooove killing peoples, heehee!>
Tim: Author cusses more than I do!
Max: He stutters when he swears too. See, he said "and" three times before each new word.
>Usagi felt something tap her shoulder. It was Makoto.
>"Usagi, there are people -with guns- at the doorways. We better transform."
>Usagi took a quick glance and nodded, numbly.
Graham: Sure, give the guys PLENTY of time to find you and gun you down while you transform!
>Any minute now, someone would see the thugs, start screaming, and they
>would have a situation on their hands.
Tim: Just like EVERY episode!
>And someone did notice, as they all quietly snuck off to whatever
>secluded corners they could find.
Max: If this is where the Lemon scene comes in, that I can live with.
>And, in mid-transformation, they began to hear, at first one solitary
>scream, gunfire, and more horrible screams, and just as horrible
Tim: And even more repitive narration to boot.
Graham: The horror!
Max: I know your fic sucks and all, but stop cursing it so much. That's OUR JOB!
>While the thugs picked off anybody that they thought might become a
>problem, Joel and his two guards set pipebombs on walls.
Max: When MST'ers go bad...
Graham: Is it possible we might go bad and they'd do a story like that on us?
Tim: No.
Max: Why not?
Tim: How CAN we go bad? I mean, we're pretty damn bad already.
>Some had gasoline canisters attached.
Graham; They were empty, but that's beside the point.
>Joel, after wiring the whole place to blow(on his remote command),
>finally made it to the Ice skating rink.
Tim: Negamoon on ice!
>"Kill them," Joel commanded the guards as he pointed to the fools who
>were stil on the rink. Like shooting fish in a barrel, the grunts gleefully
>disposed of the skaters,
>who pathetically slipped around, trying to run away, until being bloodily
Tim: Slipped, eh? Considering the inaccuracy of machine guns, and the speed at which skaters can travel, if anyone had any Cojones in that group they'd bum rush the guards and KO 'em with a skate kick to the face.
>cut down by gunfire. Once they were all dead, their corpse bleeding all
>over the ice,
Tim: One corpse for all those dead people?
Max: You know, that's even more innacurate than you realize. Dead people don't bleed, since that requires a functioning heart. They can, however, ooze blood.
> Joel poured the rest of the gasoline canisters onto the
> bloodstained rink.
> Joel smiled."OK, let's get the hell outta here!!"
Tim: So this is how the MST gang got work after the satellite went down, eh?
Max: But Crow's a Sailor moon fanboy. He'd never do this!
Tim: And you kiss you mother with that mouth?
>Flynn walked around, surveying the damage with glee.
><But-where is _she_?> He soon saw a mall security guard run at him
>and shoot.
Max: And shoot, and shoot, and shoot, and shoot, until Flynn had several, eighteen actually, large holes in his chest.
Tim: Now, the thing was, The guard had one six shooter, and never reloaded.
>Flynn felt piercing pain in his chest and thought he was going to collapse.
Graham: Then did, as his head was cut off.
>Then, as always, the nano-bots in his bloodstream,
Tim: Nanites, Check... Negamoon Hellspawn with Nanites. Now all he needs is a ridiculously stupid weapon and he's done!
>with their horribly defective version of the kessen-chu,
Tim: Nanites and Kessen-Chu are nothing alike. And if he's a goddamn hellspawn, why would he need either Kessen-chu OR nanites?
Graham: Because he doesn't know what he talking about!
>began to slowly, painfully, repair the ruptured skin.
Tim: Just a question. Is a scab painful? No, it is not, and a scab is what covers growing skin. It itches like crazy sometime, but it NEVER hurts!
>Here, play with this," and threw a spiked ball at the gurad, the spiked ball
>began to buzz, and spinning incredibly fast, and moved into the guard's crotch
Tim: So he's throwing a shaftless Mace at them?
Graham: Why would anyone want to throw your cat at somebody?
Max: Well, It's gotta be at LEAST three times as deadly as whatever this guy can dish out.
Tim: Oh, and hey, look, it's his ridiculously stupid weapon!
Max: Wait a sec, what the hell's a Gurad?
Tim: Dunno, but ten to one says it's in an RPG somehwere!
>As the guared screamed and Flynn giggled, the buzzing morning star,
>completely chunkified the guard's genitalia,
Tim: Nope. Morning Star only classified a Mace attached by chain to a control staff. This is merely the buisiness end of one. Sorry, DON'T TRY AGAIN!
>putting it through the equivalent of a meat grinder.
Tim: With a single Mace ball? Riiight... For grinding action, you'd need at least TWO!, yes TWO! objects for the target to get trapped between.
Max: I hate it when the author fucks up shit majorly when Tim knows the answers to these areas.
Graham: Well, at least I get to bitch about the author fucking up Hellspawn! I'm the closest we have to a Spawn expert here!
>Then it finished, as a shred of the dead guard's testicles
>*splat*-ted against the wall.
Graham: You sure it didn't _Splat_ against the wall?
>Flynn emoved his spiked ball from what was left of the guard's body
Tim: That was a very Emoving gesture.
>and switched off the spikes, while laughing and quipped,
>"Bet you though the worst problem you'd have today would be two teens
>fucking in your bathrooms, huh?"
All: And this is a bad thing because...?
>His question was answered as Sailor Jupiter came running at him, with
>what appeared to be a mixture of anger and malice showing on her face.
Tim: Are those new cosmetics? "Malice: By Calvin Klein"