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NaNoWriMo, will you write?

Posted: 2007-10-23 11:23pm
by Vehrec
Some of you might not be familiar with National Novel Writers Month. Well, it's November, and the idea is you take 30 days to write 50,000 words. Will you attempt this marathon of verbage?

I myself have had a few ideas. One is to write a Original Fiction based on the HAB, where three HAB technicians are forced to crash land an escape pod on a Mecha held world and then take it over. The second idea involves a Drakafic idea that has been bouncing around my head for a while now. Submarines are love after all. Ice-queen of the Antarctic might be a nice title, if a bit cheesy. The last idea is one I've been toying with for over a year, and would require a metric fuck-tonne of betaing, because it is a B5 crossover, and I've never seen enough of that show to write the characters.

So how about you guys? Got any projects that might just benefit from making the jump come November?

Posted: 2007-10-23 11:33pm
by Master of Cards
[url=irc://]Nano IRC[/url]

I won't be able to do 50k but i'll be writing a bit.

Posted: 2007-10-23 11:46pm
by SilverWingedSeraph

I tried doing this the last two years. Both times I made it about 10,000 words in and then I kind of lost steam and didn't feel like writing anymore... Maybe I'll try again this year.


Posted: 2007-10-24 12:21am
by fgalkin
I'm seriously considering it.

Have a very nice day.

Posted: 2007-10-24 02:02am
by CaptainChewbacca
I will, right now, commit to writing 50,000 words in various fics in November. Furthermore, at least 20% of it will be for Stargate: 1939. This I vow!

Posted: 2007-10-24 04:20am
by Winter
Assuming dissenting opinions are allowed here ( :wink: ), personally I've never held with NaNoWriMo and related things. It's a bit meaningless to me -- a committed writer writes every day as much as he/she can. The number of words that end up on the page isn't really relevant. That's why I've never bothered with it.

I think novels should be done at a steady, sustainable pace and to a high standard. Trying to rush them because of a positively silly timetable would certainly end up degrading their quality. 50,000 words doesn't even make a standard-sized novel, and few are the NaNoWriMo projects that last beyond November.

Your mileage may vary, of course.


Posted: 2007-10-24 05:04am
by SilverWingedSeraph
Winter wrote:Assuming dissenting opinions are allowed here ( :wink: ), personally I've never held with NaNoWriMo and related things. It's a bit meaningless to me -- a committed writer writes every day as much as he/she can. The number of words that end up on the page isn't really relevant. That's why I've never bothered with it.

I think novels should be done at a steady, sustainable pace and to a high standard. Trying to rush them because of a positively silly timetable would certainly end up degrading their quality. 50,000 words doesn't even make a standard-sized novel, and few are the NaNoWriMo projects that last beyond November.

Your mileage may vary, of course.

I actually agree with you, there. But I love writing, and I consider it to be something of a personal challenge than anything else. I don't let my writing fall into the substandard territory just to meet a wordcount. Unfortunately, writing 10,000 words in three days makes me quite thoroughly sick of writing, because... well, frankly, I have a very, very short attention span.

:? ADD much?

Posted: 2007-10-24 10:00pm
by Scottish Ninja
I'm already in - something I cooked up based on some crazy ideas my friends and I came up with on the premise "When we rule the world..."

It's pretty weird. I may be referred to as His Holiness the People's Commissar-General for the Moon.

Posted: 2007-10-28 11:17am
by Rogue 9
I usually crank out a few chapters of what I'm already writing in recognition of the occasion, but I never start from scratch on November 1st and try to finish a new novel. I write so slowly that I'd never even come close to getting it done.

Posted: 2007-10-30 07:55am
by Winter
Rogue 9 wrote:I usually crank out a few chapters of what I'm already writing in recognition of the occasion, but I never start from scratch on November 1st and try to finish a new novel. I write so slowly that I'd never even come close to getting it done.
Yeah, I've never seen the point of starting something new when you can't even get your current stuff done, apart from maybe needing a break from the same old hat.


Posted: 2007-10-30 10:17am
by darthdavid
I'm going for it this year.

Posted: 2007-12-01 04:31pm
by fgalkin
Well, it's done, and I've got this to show for it...


Have a very nice day.

Posted: 2007-12-01 09:35pm
by Shroom Man 777