Need help with possible Sci-Fi universe

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Rabid Monkey
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Need help with possible Sci-Fi universe

Post by Pcm979 »

I'm coming up with a Sci-Fi universe, and I'd appreciate it if I could run my ideas past you guys to check for technical accuracy. Thanks in advance. :)

Timeframe: 200+ years in the future.

First issue: Power generation.
One of the biggest scientific problems for sf universes is power, or rather getting enough of it. Many potential FTL drives alone require currently impossible amounts of power. my solution is 'Rift Space'.
Rift Space is the space in between dimensions; it is of unknown size and shape, and is a limitless source of energy that can be harvested by small, permanantly open wormholes. Using this energy source, more energy can be harvested per second by a SUV-sized Rift Drive than is produced over the course of a year by a nuclear power plant.

Comments and/or suggestions?
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Post by Sonnenburg »

If you're that concerned about technical accuracy, I'd suggest working backwards. Start with what you want your society to be capable of and work out from that what your power needs are. You've kind of jumped to the end by inventing new sciences and techniques when it might not be necessary.

Rabid Monkey
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Post by Pcm979 »

Sonnenburg wrote:If you're that concerned about technical accuracy, I'd suggest working backwards. Start with what you want your society to be capable of and work out from that what your power needs are. You've kind of jumped to the end by inventing new sciences and techniques when it might not be necessary.
Trust me, Rift Space and alternate dimensions are integral to the story; Think immortal being who's universe in uninhabitable & who constructs a dimension-hopping machine etc.
(Anyway the Broeck/Alcubierre Warp Drive (which is also neccesary) requires an amazingly large amount of power too)

EDIT: Rift space can also function as a TARDIS-style space enlarger, but the scientists in my universe haven't worked out how to do that yet.
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