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Your own EU

Posted: 2007-11-10 04:56am
by Battlehymn Republic
I came up with a pretty extended idea for an EU character/organization, typed it up and sent it into the other thread, where it was read by like one person.

So I wrote more on it and changed the format to this. Perhaps this can go into the Fanfic forum, but I'm inviting any others to send in your own ideas here. Just post them here.

Note: For all intents and purposes, I am making up my own (nebulously defined) version of the EU to base this story on. I also am not all that knowledgeable about the Force, so I am making up some other things about it as well.

Also, I realize that what I’m writing is often unencyclopediac and far more long-winded than an actual Wookiepedia article. Sorry.

Can you guess which links are real and which are not?

Dracer Sun

"Contrary to popular misconception, I do not hate the Jedi. I would rather they become loyal servants of the Republic."
- Dracer Sun, Holonet

Dracer Sun, Sir of Hemlock, was a major political activist and leader of the Normals League in the Galaxy during the early New Republic. His ideals and 'Counter-Force' vision became a rallying message during the chaotic years following the Battle of Endor, and influenced Anti-Jediism for the entire generation.



Dracer was born on the temparate world of Caldea in the Vendrost system of Findris to a minor patrician family. Though the Suns were not very politically active, they held some economic power in the region, with substantial holdings in the Sun Pharmatronics Company as well as Sun Astrosphere. As heir, Dracer eventually took the leadership of the family business, funneling the large fortunes into his own ambitions and ideological pursuits. As a child he was trained in the art of politicking and for leadership, and also several of the courtly arts, including swordfighting.

Family Influence and Force Users

Since childhood, Dracer Sun had a negative view of Force-users. A scion to a self-built dynasty, he was taught by his father Rodrigo to regard the Force as a dangerously unstable element, one that was neither subject to the industriousness of sentient beings, nor one that behaved along the proper protocol of aristocratic lineage. Rodrigo Sun told the young Dracer that Force-users had the power to shatter entire empires and forge their own nations, causing the galaxy and perhaps physical reality itself to the will of the almighty life-force. Sun thus took a suspecting, even paranoid, view of the Jedi, seeing them as capricious warrior-priests respecting nothing except for their religion, trampling over the rights of other sentients.

If he disliked the Jedi, Rodrigo feared the Sith and Darksiders, and taught his son to do the same. Dracer was taught to view the Sith as demons from beyond the void, beings who had forsaken all morality to become embodiments of evil and perversion. As a child, the young Dracer was constantly taught horror stories of Dark Jedi marauders who would enslave entire planets, shatter stars, and would always return even after the self-important Jedi vanquished them. Rodrigo even staged deceptions on his son to teach him lessons about the ever-present, ever-hidden nature of Darksiders. Though these hoaxes were designed to instill a strong sense of protecting the family holdings, it also unwittingly drove a fierce hatred into Dracer of the Sith. In one of the most elaborate tricks, Rodrigo simulated a Sith hijacking of the family yacht, leading his son to almost self-destruct the ship in an attempt to save the rest of the clan from the threat of the Dark Side.

The Sun family seems to have had a Force-skeptic philosophy that extended beyond Dracer and his father. Dracer’s grandaunt Wilhemine was a minor Senator who expressed doubts about allowing the Jedi to assume officer positions in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. It is known that one of his ancestors, Drago Sun, once arrested several Jedi who had trespassed on his family lands, and (unsuccessfully) lobbied to have the Order banned from Vendrost.

The Chaldean Project

Much as he dreaded Force-users, Dracer had a more progressive view than his father regarding the Force itself. Sun believed that while it could be a threat to order and stability, if properly studied it could be harnessed and made available to all, or at least those who were most deserving and had the resources to receive it. He studied Jedi lore as a youth, visiting several Order temples to learn all that he could about the power. However, he was usually rebuffed, as the Jedi Masters present either detected his veiled hostility against them, or perhaps were unwilling to have an overinquisitive noblechild pester them with myriads of questions.

Undeterred, Dracer Sun commissioned several programs to study the Force behind front companies and dummy research institutes, collective named the Chaldean Project. While the Project was never able to make any great academic successes, it did conduct two grand surveys- the Main Index of Midichlorian-Related Abilities (MIDIRA), a catalog of almost every Jedi and Sith power observed in history by civilian and publicly-available Jedi lore; and the Log of Galactic Observered Subjects (LOGOS), a master list of every Force-user and Force-using organizations known. These surveys collated huge swathes of raw data and provided important records for the non-Force public. The Chaldean Project also made some headway in the study of midi-chlorians, which later proved to be vital to his Normals League.

Instrument of Will

Sometime during his studies, Dracer Sun wrote the Instrument of Will, a treatise about the Force and its relation to sentient beings throughout history. In it he expressed his ideological foundations of a galactic society where the Force ceases to become the primary motivation of beings, and becomes an instrument that is firmly subservient to the will of the galactic order. At the same time, he cautioned against overreliance on the Force and expressed a desire to spread its gifts to all beings. It was also during this time he established his plans to create the seeds to this society.

Decline of the Empire and the Rise of the League

During the chaos that appeared following the destruction of the second Death Star, the galaxy was rivened by numerous divisions as planets and systems attempted to secede, while moffs and admirals vied for the throne. This was also a time of great panic; while many eagerly embraced the coming of the democratic New Republic, others feared that it would be too weak to maintain order, and believed that all rule of law would fall away. Many popular movements and organizations also appeared to fight for the support of the public- political parties such as Empire Infinity, religious cults such as the Eye of the Albino Cyclops, and even xenophobic anti-alien groups like the Sons of Colu. During this great panic, Dracer Sun formed the Sapient League (of which he named himself Presider), calling for restraint and calmness in the transitional period between the New Order under Palpatine and either the New Republic or a restored Empire under a proper successor. Using the resources from his family and subsidiary companies, Dracer provided food and medical supplies to Vendrost and several systems which had been suffering from the disruption of galactic trade during the Imperial Civil War, and also began his own private fleet to provide protection to these orphaned worlds. These actions boosted his image and bought him many supporters in his local area.

To capitalize upon his newfound support base, Dracer Sun began turning the Sapient League into a political group, meant to one day represent the one day in a future New Republic- or New Imperial- Senate. Using the less heavy-handed of COMPNOR tactics, the Sapient League promoted a vague idealistic society of brotherhood, cooperation, and shared defense. Ultimately, all these “airing of good feelings” achieved nothing except to consolidate popular support for the League and Dracer, who embarked on public relations campaigns. This included the symbolic relinquishment of several of his ancestral titles (who were actually nonexistent to begin with), sponsoring the arts, and the establishment of a local Galactic Games tournament. At one point, Dracer even legalized swoop racing, and was said to participate in it occasionally (though he was renowned to be a particularly mediocre racer). All of this was designed to assuage the minds of his subjects and to elevate his own image from a figure of semi-aristocratic origins to one of the common people.

Building an Army

In addition to a fleet, Dracer began constructing his own militia, the Equalizer Army. While he originally claimed that the appellation was meant to ‘equalize’ the area‘s defense against the threat of pirates or warlords, it eventually became obvious that it signified a check against the power of the New Jedi Order. Aside from allowing numerous volunteers to join in his defensive militia, Dracer also began training an officers corps of Force-sensitives, a core force that would eventually become the face of the Equalizer Army.

Drawing from the research made available to him from the Chaldean Project, Dracer Sun began attempts to approach suspected Force-sensitive beings, offering them a place and a purpose with him. Under the command of his chief scientist, the brilliant Tamil Volance, the Equalizer Army core was subjected to a regimen of Force training that attempted to neither cross into the Light nor the Dark. Utilizing psychoactive drugs, psychological controls, bioengineering, and cybernetic implants, the Dracer intended to create a Force-using unit that would not be tempted to either side of the Force, but remain devoted solely to him, and by extension the rest of the galaxy. Slowly, the Equalizer Army began to take form, creating about three dozen warriors capable of using the Force to a degree, though most barely more powerful than an average Padawan or Adept. Regardless, Dracer was unwilling to push them further, fearing their potential, and made measures to execute any who showed the slightest hint of disloyalty. This often put him at odds with Volance, who increasingly began take studies into his own hands.

At the same time, the paranoid Dracer also began work upon a contigency plan to counter his own creation- the Droid Defense Force, a mechanical army under his command made of updated designs of old Separatist weapons. After assuming control of the factory world of , he placed the machines in a massive underground base, to await the day his control of the Sapient League would be threatened.

Defenders from the Force

“Avanti! Excelsior! Dracer vult!”
-One battlecry of the Equalizer Army

The Equalizer Army’s Force-users were designated Defenders. The Defenders were taught a syncretic philosophy of Jedi and known Sith teachings with a heavy amount of other beliefs from other religion thrown in, including Bendu and B’omarr. Ultimately, the Defenders Code stressed the innate ability for sentient beings to make their own destinies, service to none except the legitimate order of the galaxy, and rejection of all attempts of allowing the Force to dominate oneself. Rejecting the Jedi as too withdrawn and arrogant, and the Sith as too wild and destructive, the Defenders discarded many of their customs, and were commanded by Dracer to fight with vibroblades fitted with cortosis weaves rather than with lightsabers, which he dismissed as “nothing more than overglorified vibroswords.” Dracer himself carried an heirloom vibrosword he fitted with a cortosis weave and a system that electrified it for greater damage. Other than the melee weapons, Equalizer Army troops- both Defenders and regular infantry- were equipped with the most powerful of heavy blasters and explosives.

The leaders and most elite of the Defenders were given the title Guardian. The early Guardians were the first Force-users who had accepted Dracer’s offer to become Defenders. The original “Guardian Triad” of the Army was Gam Goros, the first Battle Marshal of the Equalizer Army; Runa, Champion of the Arts (the Guardian who possessed the most advanced of Force abilities); and K’yros Min, Quatermaster (a position that actually entailed supervising the training of Defender Recruits in addition to arranging provisions). Dracer himself held the three in high regard, and there was some friendship between them. Gam Goros highly respected his Presider for his leadership, Runa admired him for his vision, and K’yros was grateful to him for giving him a purpose. In return to their loyalty, Dracer gave them unofficial commands- Gam Goros was given strategic powers over the fleet, Runa became a close advisor, and K’yros collaborated with Dr. Volance in refining the process to create Defenders.

First Contact

The Sapient League remained in low profile for the first few years after the New Republic captured Coruscant. The League was generally regarded simply as a functioning, relatively free successor state out of many that had sprung up in the wake of the Empire’s defeats. However, in 7 ABY, the New Republic sent a trio of Luke Skywalker’s padawans- Saris, Jentos Tai, and Barney- on a mission to to establish diplomatic relations with the enigmatic Presider Dracer Sun.

The would-be Jedi received more than than bargained for on Calea. Arriving at a mysteriously abandoned spaceport, they were attacked by several modified anti-spacefighter droids, as well as a pack of attack Vornskrs. They were then accosted by a band of Equalizer Army Defenders led by Gam Goros. Though the Defenders showed their considerable skill and managed to incapacitate Jenthos, they were ultimately neutralized by Saris and Barney. They were then confronted by Dracer himself, who dueled the both of them. While he was able to easily defeat Saris, he was unable to match Barney’s Force-boosted reflexes, and relied on psychological manipulation, taunting him and also offering tantalizing clues as to the presence and the identity of the mysterious Defenders. At a critical juncture in the duel, Dracer was able to distract the padawan enough for Runa to step out of the shadows and disable him with Force Stasis.

The three padawans awoke in Dracer’s base on Calea. There he told them that he had been testing them all along to gauge the capabilities of the New Jedi. He refused to state his judgment, other than that they had “exceeded certain expectations”, and ominously warned that “measures will be accordingly taken.” He then acceded to the New Republic request to open diplomatic relations, though requesting in turn for the government to “respect certain League institutions.” The Jedi were then brusquely sent back to Coruscant.

And that's the first part. I'll write more, but I'd like to see the feedback first, if any.

Posted: 2007-11-10 01:35pm
by montypython
Now this sounds like something interesting, much better than the morass of EU crap that exists now, and has a certain epic quality to boot.

Posted: 2007-11-10 01:38pm
by Ghost Rider
Off to fanfic.

Posted: 2007-12-16 07:39pm
by Konig15
THis is awesome, and frankly, a logical step from living in a universe of beligerent Force worshippers. The only question I have is what took something like this to be thought up by anyone, and why never in the monds of authorized SW writers. Too many ethical questions? Too hard to make Sun and co. bad guys? But post more, by all means!