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The silliest idea you've wanted to portray seriously?

Posted: 2008-02-18 03:05am
by Davey
I've been looking back over a lot of the old stuff I've written and some of the new stuff I've been trying to write and looking at how far I've come. Most of my ideas don't ever get written and a lot of them get thrown away or shelved, but I do like to take notes on them for future reference and sometimes review them when I run short on new ideas. A while back I was cleaning up and happened to find a bunch of notes I had stashed away. Since looking back over some of the notes I've taken over the years I've been wondering - what's the silliest, most surreal, craziest, most hilarious, most stupid, most random idea for a fanfic you've ever come up with and had the mind to write or portray in a serious light for the sake of situational comedy? Or as a satire? A parody? Or just the plain silliest idea you had? What was it?

I'll start us off: I think the craziest idea I had for a fanfic was when I wanted to write a Starcraft meets Unreal Tournament meets Tony Hawk's Pro Skater crossover: Sarah Kerrigan, Jim Raynor, and Nova Terra were to be portrayed as amateur skaters trying to make their way in the world, but Sarah's lust for power and money corrupt her when she's offered the chance at a big-name sponsor and go pro. Her yearning for stardom drives her to sell out her act and skate only for money, and the story is about how that destroys their friendship, twisting Sarah into a mockery of all she stood for, just like how she betrayed Jim and her old friends when she got infested by the Zerg. It eventually boiled down to a re-telling of Starcraft using skateboards instead of spaceships; the good guys are the people who stay true to the sport and the culture, the bad guys are the ones that try to throw that away and sell out to make a quick buck off a trend. I had intended to write it in a very serious tone to contrast with the crazy concept of the story to make it funny; after all it was a bit of a satire. It never got written, but I like to laugh about the fact that I even thought of crossing Starcraft with something as different as Tony Hawk's Pro Skater and had the mind to do it seriously.

The second craziest idea I had was when I wanted to write an Unreal Tournament fanfic that involved the Liandri Corporation being sued after their tournament is blamed for a series of copycat killings and school shootings, and the champions of the tournament learn to work together and with their fanbase to save the tournament from being banned, although I'm sad to say that this idea isn't always that far-fetched.

Well, let's hear yours. Come on, step right up.

Posted: 2008-02-18 05:23am
by Shroom Man 777
A story about an agent who's basically Cuba's version of Snake from the Metal Gear videogames being sent to infiltrate Jurassic Park. Only to discover that the Park's dinosaurs have rebelled and are grafting cybernetic weapons onto themselves. And there are also Bond Villains, including Evil Albinos and Henchmen with Hardhats and Grease Guns.

A grave and serious (SRS!) threat to the whole of Latin America!

And did I mention that the Cuban agent is also named Fidel Castro, after Cuba's President Fidel Castro, and that he has a handlebar moustache?

Posted: 2008-02-18 05:45am
by Publius
The Galactic Emperor mentions having fought and defeated Master Shake (from Aqua Teen Hunger Force) in The Test of Wills. It is also mentioned that Ignignokt, Digital Ruler of the Moon, was ruler of a client state backed by the Empire, in which the Screw of Damnation was bored into dissidents' heads.

Posted: 2008-02-18 07:54am
by Surlethe
Once, I wrote the beginnings of a very short DragonBall Z fic.

Posted: 2008-02-18 10:38am
by Schuyler Colfax
An episode of Scrubs called My Lazy Sunday.

Posted: 2008-02-18 10:57am
by Almightyboredone
Not nearly as outrageous as some listed, but I, at one point, wanted to do a Halo Fanfic entirely from a Grunt's perspective.

Posted: 2008-02-18 01:06pm
by Instant Sunrise
I once wrote a crossover of Stargate SG-1 and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. For no other real reason than to prove that it could be done. I got up to about the end of Act 2 before I lost interest and gave up.

Posted: 2008-02-18 01:06pm
by lord Martiya
I wrote (in Italian only) a fanfic on Dragonball Z and landed the Saiyan in the Penguin Village.

Posted: 2008-02-18 04:25pm
by Satori
Instant Sunrise wrote:I once wrote a crossover of Stargate SG-1 and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. For no other real reason than to prove that it could be done. I got up to about the end of Act 2 before I lost interest and gave up.
link pls?

I am planning on actually writing this idea that someone came up with for a BtVS/SG-1 story:

Remember that Alt-universe Buffy from Normal Again, the one in an Insane Asylum?

Yeah, well, she gets taken by a goa-uld while going through a MPD phase. So sometimes she's under the Goa-uld's control, and sometimes she's a delusional Girl who's delusions of being the Slayer are re-inforced by her Goa-uld boosted Physical prowess.

Messy, no?

Posted: 2008-02-18 05:12pm
by NecronLord
I once wrote a fanfic where the crew of Stargate Atlantis meet Captain Kirk's Enterprise. They are however, quite familiar with Star Trek.

Posted: 2008-02-18 05:16pm
by CaptainChewbacca
Instant Sunrise wrote:I once wrote a crossover of Stargate SG-1 and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. For no other real reason than to prove that it could be done. I got up to about the end of Act 2 before I lost interest and gave up.
I think I remember that one. Did all the Zoras die? It was really good.

Posted: 2008-02-18 06:09pm
by El Moose Monstero
I briefly entertained the notion of a Harry Potter / Stargate crossover pitched around the Orii invasion; I had this great image of an Orii missionary turning up and succeeding in converting Dumbledore (slightly ignoring his unwillingness to handle power again, but what if they could resurrect his sister?). Never really got any further with it, I just thought it would be quite a cool crossover as you could have superpowered alien wizards vs. the US military.

Oh, and also because I could hear Michael Gambon saying "hallowed are the Orii"!

Posted: 2008-02-18 06:32pm
by LadyTevar
CaptainChewbacca wrote:
Instant Sunrise wrote:I once wrote a crossover of Stargate SG-1 and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. For no other real reason than to prove that it could be done. I got up to about the end of Act 2 before I lost interest and gave up.
I think I remember that one. Did all the Zoras die? It was really good.
I remember it as well. *eyes Instant Sunrise evilly* You bastard, you may have lost interest, but I hadn't.

Posted: 2008-02-18 07:19pm
by Rye
I once had plans for the Ghostbusters infiltrating the house in 13 Ghosts. Nothing ever came of it, though.

I also had a pretty nifty Voyager meets Alien vs Predator thing going, but lost interest.

Posted: 2008-02-18 10:24pm
by Mutant Headcrab
I've currently got a Naruto/Warhammer 40k concept bouncing around in my head. I've got one chapter done and I might post it if I can get any more planned out.

Posted: 2008-02-18 10:44pm
by Vehrec
. . . Oh great, now I'm planning this out in my head. Naruto's a Daemonhost who only keeps it under control thanks to having more hexagramic and pentagramic wards than a Grey Knight. Sakura is a ex-Sororitas with a pair of power fists and mad biomancy skills (She'll get a chance to punch the legs off a chaos Titan). Sasuke's probably a Marine who went over to Chaos to kill his brother, who also went over to Chaos. Hinata and Neji 're some noble from Terra, Kiba's a mutant from a Feral world, Shino's got a little Tyranid infestation, TenTen's ex-guard with more special weapons than a tech-priest, Lee is a Space Marine Bondsman (he failed out of the testing to get in, but in a non lethal way), Shikamaru's just a random Guard lieutenant who plans invasions on the back of an envelope, Ino's . . . Ino, and Choji is just this Arbitraitor that's got an eating problem.

Posted: 2008-02-18 10:57pm
by darthdavid
I once started writing a HP fic where Harry was a deinonichus animagus.

Posted: 2008-02-18 10:58pm
by Scottish Ninja
I had an idea whereby after Germany's defeat in the First World War the Kaiser set up a government-in-exile in Middle Earth, only to be invaded by a fascist America in the 1940's, and then have to get help from the USSR.

I had the vision of Panzer IIIs and some T-34s breaking up a formation of M4 Shermans on the plains of Rohan (I do believe that it is excellent tank country) while B-25s make attack runs on Minas Tirith.

Posted: 2008-02-19 12:43am
by Davey
T-34s, Panzer tanks and Shermans charging toward each other at Minas Tirith? Now that'd be pretty crazy alright, and pretty cool to sit back and envision.

Heh - and I thought I was random! The cool thing about silly ideas is that they can turn out right if you plan 'em well and they can turn serious if executed well. I've yet to manage to actually finish a project (most end up being thrown away before I can complete them) though.

Posted: 2008-02-19 01:11am
by Mayabird
Okay, you know the game Harvest Moon? Well, I was playing the sequel, Harvest Moon 64, and I started wondering about things like why technology seemed to be at the same level (or maybe even backwards) even though decades had passed from the first game. Also, why had so many people died in the recent past? Where were all those tourists coming from? How come Rick, a super-genius who can build a teleporter in his workshop, isn't at some university being a wunderkind? What are the goddess and the magical critters supposed to be, anyway?

So after thinking about these (and other things) way, waaaaay too much, I started writing a fic wherein I posit:
1) They're in the far future,
2) On another planet,
3) Which had been terraformed by people fleeing Earth, who then blamed technology on whatever bad thing had happened to Earth and became Luddites,
4) And that is why, among other things, Rick is living out in the middle of nowhere - he'd probably be imprisoned or disappeared if he left.
5) Also, the "magical" creatures were actually the original lifeforms of the planet who've molded themselves around human expectations. It's complicated.

Anyway, an asteroid hits their world and causes a mini ice age, which destroys the Luddite government of the world and sets up a new, more forward-thinking world order (which is mostly because they were the only ones to survive in any large numbers). This is background stuff happening while the main plot of the people of Flower Bud Village being entirely cut off from the outside world and having to survive went on.

I actually got something like 60 pages in when I realized that I really liked the expanded world better than the actual story and decided that if I left out the Harvest Moon stuff, it could actually be a pretty cool science fiction story. Then other things came up and the whole project languished.

Posted: 2008-02-19 02:08am
by Darth Raptor
Not a crossover, but I did write fluff for a gritty, realistic Mario Bros. 'verse that also clung religiously to the VG canon. It would have had graphic depictions of shells collapsing and frail, boneless bodies getting pulverized as the titular siblings waded through armies of bad guys. Unfortunate koopas get hit so hard they would fly away at an angle ninety degrees to reality. A reality totally lacking inanimate objects of any kind.

And god, the politics. The delicate alliance between Bowser and Wart, the centuries of racist, aristocratic oppression by the Mushroom Kingdom provoking disparate, infighting tribes to array against it (despite progressive reforms by Peach). Secrets of the Shy Guy Cult. The tragically brief and violent lives led by sapient munitions. You get the idea.

Posted: 2008-02-19 06:38am
by Ford Prefect
Darth Raptor wrote:Not a crossover, but I did write fluff for a gritty, realistic Mario Bros. 'verse that also clung religiously to the VG canon. It would have had graphic depictions of shells collapsing and frail, boneless bodies getting pulverized as the titular siblings waded through armies of bad guys. Unfortunate koopas get hit so hard they would fly away at an angle ninety degrees to reality. A reality totally lacking inanimate objects of any kind.

And god, the politics. The delicate alliance between Bowser and Wart, the centuries of racist, aristocratic oppression by the Mushroom Kingdom provoking disparate, infighting tribes to array against it (despite progressive reforms by Peach). Secrets of the Shy Guy Cult. The tragically brief and violent lives led by sapient munitions. You get the idea.
I love you. I really do. Long have I wanted to write such a thing. Long have I wanted to have Mario laying the smachdown on Bowser. In New York.

Posted: 2008-02-19 10:59am
by tim31
Back in early highschool I wrote a story about an alien fleet advancing sloooowly toward earth, enough so that earth has time to iron out a world government and then turn most of the naval surface assets of the world into space vehicles, and pick and choose from The Boneyard for an air arm. F-15S Star Eagle, anyone?

Posted: 2008-02-19 11:12am
by Stravo
This little gem started out as an attempt to break a bad case of writer's block. It is a cross over of the following shows and games: 24, X-Files, CSI, Sopranos and GTA: Vice City. I think I had more outrageous cross over planned for the story but left it after it did the job and broke the writer's block. It was silly but fun to write.

Posted: 2008-02-19 01:27pm
by CaptainChewbacca
After seeing Voyager's '37' and lots of other stuff, I conceived of a two-part Voyager episode, where Janeway & company run into the 'Fourth Reich' which was established when Nazis opened a gateway to another world and sent 5,000 colonists and an SS division to conquer a bronze-age planet.

Would've been pretty cool, too. I had Be'lanna being stuck in a camp as being a half-breed untermensch.