I bet this hasn't been done before!
Posted: 2008-03-03 11:04am
This is an idea that's been bouncing around in my head for a while. I'm pretty sure nobody else on SD Net has done a crossover involving the faction that this story will focus on. If I choose to actually turn this into a full story, its name will be revealed in the next update. The Empire has given me the authority to spare any Rebels who can manage to guess who they are 
The massive cube moved inexorably forward towards the planet. It was a fairly unimportant planet to the civilization that it was a part of, but that didn't mean it was undefended. A small fleet was orbiting the planet, prepared to defend against any intruders. However, this fleet was different from anything the cube's operators had ever encountered.
There were a total of ten vessels of various sizes. Most were primarily blue in color. There was one that was long and flat. Two ships looked like what humans called "battleships"; a type of seagoing craft used hundreds of years ago on Earth. A fourth looked like an asymmetrical Y. The six smaller vessels were of two types: a longer type with a bulged-looking front section, and a flatter, shorter type with lots of odd-looking bits sticking out. The fleet was increasing its power output, apparently preparing to engage the cube.
A message was sent from one of the larger ships to the cube, but it was in a strange language that the Borg had never encountered, and did not understand. The standard message was transmitted back to the unknown ships. The cube continued to approach the planet. They would be in range of the defending fleet in 5...4...3...2...1...
The Borg opened fire, sickly green phaser beams lancing out toward the fleet. Most of them connected with one of the battleship-looking vessels. Its shields flared up as it was pushed backwards by the force of the phaser hits. The fleet immediately returned fire. The Y-shaped ship turned broadside to the cube and unleashed a swarm of missiles. Massive turrets rotated toward the cube and fired. However, these ships were not firing phasers, or lasers, or plasma weapons. Their barrels flashed, and huge projectiles were blasted toward the cube at incredible speeds. The Borg were caught completely off-guard as the projectiles passed through their shields as if they weren't there, and impacted directly on the cube's hull. Massive holes were blown in its sides.
The Borg shifted their fire to target the approaching missiles, which were now getting dangerously close. Phaser beams blew them out of existence before they could connect. With the missiles out of the way, the cube began firing on the hostile fleet. They focused their fire on the already wounded battleship-looking vessel. Its shields collapsed under the combined firepower of the Borg beams. Phasers tore into its hull. Explosions appeared from deep within the ship as escape pods began pouring out.
The other ships continued firing. The three smaller ships with the bulged forward sections fired bright blue beams that slammed into the cube's shields. Small fighter-sized craft began pouring from a huge opening on the front of the flat ship. The crippled ship fired one final broadside before it finally succumbed to its wounds and blew itself apart in a violent explosion.
The cube, however, was doing worse than its targets. It was taking damage faster than its hull could be regenerated. Its shields were beginning to buckle under the heavy fire from the surprisingly powerful small vessels. They couldn't adapt to the projectile weapons being fired from the larger ships, and it was taking forever to adapt to the small ships' beam weapons. Hull integrity was dropping fast. The enemy's fighter began making strafing runs on the cube. The smaller fighters were firing tiny versions of the larger ships' projectile weapons, while the bigger fighters were launching plasma bombs that the cube's shields were somewhat effective at stopping. But despite all the damage it was taking, the cube kept coming. The crews of the ships attacking it must have been amazed at the Borg's determination.
As the fighters started coming around for additional passes, the cube shifted fire to them. The unshielded fighters were easy prey for the Borg phasers. Over a third of them were vaporized in the first salvo. The fighters quickly scattered and broke off their attacks. Ironically, the fighters had been preventing the larger ships from firing on the cube. With them chased off, the larger ships could resume firing. They all opened fire at about the same time. The combined salvo ripped into the cube's hull. Its shields were finally overwhelmed, and the beam weapons of the smaller ships began carving up the cube. It began to break up as more projectiles impacted. The fighters began coming back in and making precision bombing runs on the cube's exposed innards. The massive damage was too much for the cube, and it finally succumbed. The spectacular explosion took out a significant portion of the fighters, but the main body of the fleet was far enough away that it was untouched by the titanic blast.
The surviving fighters returned to their carrier. The fleet got back in formation and began reporting in to the flagship, the remaining battleship-like vessel. This new enemy would have to be reported to fleet command. While the defense fleet had been able to destroy this new threat, a massed attack by these cubes could be a significant threat...
To be continued (possibly)
I'm not all that good at writing, so please don't bash me too bad if you think it sucks. I have deliberately not named any characters yet to avoid having to give background information. This would possibly make it easier for people to guess who the Borg are fighting.

The massive cube moved inexorably forward towards the planet. It was a fairly unimportant planet to the civilization that it was a part of, but that didn't mean it was undefended. A small fleet was orbiting the planet, prepared to defend against any intruders. However, this fleet was different from anything the cube's operators had ever encountered.
There were a total of ten vessels of various sizes. Most were primarily blue in color. There was one that was long and flat. Two ships looked like what humans called "battleships"; a type of seagoing craft used hundreds of years ago on Earth. A fourth looked like an asymmetrical Y. The six smaller vessels were of two types: a longer type with a bulged-looking front section, and a flatter, shorter type with lots of odd-looking bits sticking out. The fleet was increasing its power output, apparently preparing to engage the cube.
A message was sent from one of the larger ships to the cube, but it was in a strange language that the Borg had never encountered, and did not understand. The standard message was transmitted back to the unknown ships. The cube continued to approach the planet. They would be in range of the defending fleet in 5...4...3...2...1...
The Borg opened fire, sickly green phaser beams lancing out toward the fleet. Most of them connected with one of the battleship-looking vessels. Its shields flared up as it was pushed backwards by the force of the phaser hits. The fleet immediately returned fire. The Y-shaped ship turned broadside to the cube and unleashed a swarm of missiles. Massive turrets rotated toward the cube and fired. However, these ships were not firing phasers, or lasers, or plasma weapons. Their barrels flashed, and huge projectiles were blasted toward the cube at incredible speeds. The Borg were caught completely off-guard as the projectiles passed through their shields as if they weren't there, and impacted directly on the cube's hull. Massive holes were blown in its sides.
The Borg shifted their fire to target the approaching missiles, which were now getting dangerously close. Phaser beams blew them out of existence before they could connect. With the missiles out of the way, the cube began firing on the hostile fleet. They focused their fire on the already wounded battleship-looking vessel. Its shields collapsed under the combined firepower of the Borg beams. Phasers tore into its hull. Explosions appeared from deep within the ship as escape pods began pouring out.
The other ships continued firing. The three smaller ships with the bulged forward sections fired bright blue beams that slammed into the cube's shields. Small fighter-sized craft began pouring from a huge opening on the front of the flat ship. The crippled ship fired one final broadside before it finally succumbed to its wounds and blew itself apart in a violent explosion.
The cube, however, was doing worse than its targets. It was taking damage faster than its hull could be regenerated. Its shields were beginning to buckle under the heavy fire from the surprisingly powerful small vessels. They couldn't adapt to the projectile weapons being fired from the larger ships, and it was taking forever to adapt to the small ships' beam weapons. Hull integrity was dropping fast. The enemy's fighter began making strafing runs on the cube. The smaller fighters were firing tiny versions of the larger ships' projectile weapons, while the bigger fighters were launching plasma bombs that the cube's shields were somewhat effective at stopping. But despite all the damage it was taking, the cube kept coming. The crews of the ships attacking it must have been amazed at the Borg's determination.
As the fighters started coming around for additional passes, the cube shifted fire to them. The unshielded fighters were easy prey for the Borg phasers. Over a third of them were vaporized in the first salvo. The fighters quickly scattered and broke off their attacks. Ironically, the fighters had been preventing the larger ships from firing on the cube. With them chased off, the larger ships could resume firing. They all opened fire at about the same time. The combined salvo ripped into the cube's hull. Its shields were finally overwhelmed, and the beam weapons of the smaller ships began carving up the cube. It began to break up as more projectiles impacted. The fighters began coming back in and making precision bombing runs on the cube's exposed innards. The massive damage was too much for the cube, and it finally succumbed. The spectacular explosion took out a significant portion of the fighters, but the main body of the fleet was far enough away that it was untouched by the titanic blast.
The surviving fighters returned to their carrier. The fleet got back in formation and began reporting in to the flagship, the remaining battleship-like vessel. This new enemy would have to be reported to fleet command. While the defense fleet had been able to destroy this new threat, a massed attack by these cubes could be a significant threat...
To be continued (possibly)
I'm not all that good at writing, so please don't bash me too bad if you think it sucks. I have deliberately not named any characters yet to avoid having to give background information. This would possibly make it easier for people to guess who the Borg are fighting.