My path, my choice, my betrayal.

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My path, my choice, my betrayal.

Post by Omeganian »

This is a fic which I posted some time ago on It was mainly inspired by two texts, the story "The highest treason" by Randall Garrett, and a fan text in Russian called "about the Jedi, Republic, and destiny". This fic is an alternate POV on the Jedi order, as well as Anakin's motives.

My path, my choice, my betrayal.

I knew when I set leg into the Order.

I knew they were dead, emotionless. They lived in they own world and didn’t see beyond. Idealists. I saw the Republic, crumbling, rotting, and doing nothing.

I knew they were doomed.

The path of neutrality, of taking no sides, of compromise, can only last so long. Sooner or later, the pressure explodes. And the explosion would be horrible beyond any alternative. I knew I had to let the steam out, soon.

Maybe I wouldn’t have, But then there was my mother. What was it for the Order, to take her from Watto. To buy her, to steal her, whatever. But not only did they have no feelings.

They denied them to me.

I knew what the way was.

The people had to see.

To see it’s not the way.

I had to make it happen. The Order must be gone. The Republic must be gone. The people will see what can be, and they will rise.

I did it. I destroyed the Order, I destroyed the Republic, I helped Palpatine. I KNEW the price. I knew many shall die. I knew I will pay with my life.

I was prepared.

I knew I will be hated for eternity.

I was prepared.

Padme… I didn’t want to lose her, but I knew the alternative to hesitation.

That’s the only thing I am sorry for.

The children I killed… taken from their mothers. The Order says they don’t use the Force on the mothers.

But I remember my mother. Few mothers will give up the children. To say that all the mothers gave up the children is like saying the children came to the Order, to Coruscant, on their own.

On foot, across space.

It doesn’t happen this way.

And then they brainwash them. They make them like themselves.

Better for them to die early.

It was a hard choice.

I saw for years, how the Empire was built. How it spread across the Galaxy. At least some good came out of it.

Slavery was illegal on Tatooine now.

But still, the Empire was oppressive, dominating, tyrannical. The people started to rise.

My children… Obi-Wan thinks I don’t know.

But I do. I see through the Force. I saw my son’s battle with the Tuskens. The same ones who took my mother, have almost taken my son. He is good, he has feelings. But he is too idealistic.

My daughter.. yes, I know. But she, too, is an idealist. There is nothing worse. It cost many their life.

Idealism, and good intentions.

The price is heavy.

But I pay it willingly.

I wonder how much my Master knows.

Whatever he knows, he says nothing.

My children will be cured of their idealism.

There is one thing that will ensure it.

Everyone will hate me for that.


But it will cure the people of their idealism. Hopefully, for a while.

It is a hard choice.

But it must be done.

People will rise.

Darth Vader, formerly Anakin Skywalker, was crying under his mask. The fact was not obvious to those around him. He wished he could wipe the tears, but he could not. Except with the Force.

However, when he spoke, his voice was as emotionless as ever;

“Target the planet Alderaan and prepare to fire on command”.
Q: How are children made in the TNG era Federation?

A: With power couplings. To explain, you shut down the power to the lights, and then, in the darkness, you have the usual TOS era coupling.
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Post by Sidewinder »

Pretty good, but I thought Tarkin was the one who ordered Alderaan to be targeted, NOT Vader?
Please do not make Americans fight giant monsters.

Those gun nuts do not understand the meaning of "overkill," and will simply use weapon after weapon of mass destruction (WMD) until the monster is dead, or until they run out of weapons.

They have more WMD than there are monsters for us to fight. (More insanity here.)
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Post by Setesh »

Sidewinder wrote:Pretty good, but I thought Tarkin was the one who ordered Alderaan to be targeted, NOT Vader?
Tarkin gave the order to fire, its completely possible Vader gave the order to target the planet before they brought Leia in.
"Nobody ever inferred from the multiple infirmities of Windows that Bill Gates was infinitely benevolent, omniscient, and able to fix everything. " Argument against god's perfection.

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