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Starting a new fanfic, anyone want in?

Posted: 2003-02-09 05:26am
by Setesh
At long last I have started a fanfic I had in mind since last year. The Empire vs. GK's Star Trek. Basic premis, Throw the Empire with the 'lower-limit' and ICS based calcs, against Star Trek with Graham Kennedy's over-inflated trek numbers.

What I need, characters to fill the ranks, I am hesitant about using peoples names without their permission. I also would like to place you in a role you'd prefer to be in. So I need:

Galaxy of origin(sw/st):
Planet of origin:
Rank(if any):
Organzition(SF, S31, ImpNav, ImpInt, STrooper, Rebel, ect.):

Timeframe ST after Dominion War, Before end of Voy
Timframe SW: After Bespin, Before Shadows of the Empire

Simple rules, No Sith(except HitMan), no omnipotent beings, resist the urge to rank yourself higher than a ships Captain.

For imperial ranks Stormtroopers use US Marine Ranks, ImpNavy and Army us their respective US counterparts.

I may contact you if you respond (especially if I'm struck with writers block)

Posted: 2003-02-09 05:33am
by Dalton
Name: Darwoorn
Galaxy of origin(sw/st): SW
Planet of origin: Kashyyyk
Species: Wookiee
Rank(if any): None
Organzition(SF, S31, ImpNav, ImpInt, STrooper, Rebel, ect.): Smuggler
Description: Large, hairy, unkempt and prone to violent outbursts. Gentle and caring when in a normal state of mind. Enjoys making big things turn into lots of smaller things. Like most Wookiees, an expert mechanic. Rigorously follows Wookiee Code of Honor. Owes a life debt to x (where x is someone willing to be my "partner").

Posted: 2003-02-09 07:40am
by Cpt_Frank
Name: Frank Reele
Galaxy: SW
Planet: Correlia
Fraction: Empire Imperial Navy
Rank: Captain
Age: 48
less than average height (1,75), brown hair, blueish-grey eyes (my friends say they look scary when I'm drunk :lol:)
calm, not fanatically loyal to the Empire but feels it is necessary for peace and stability, capable tactician and commander, but a lousy diplomat.
Although his ship normally patrols near the Kessel system he and his ship have been called to virtually every major engagement during the galactic civil war.

Posted: 2003-02-09 09:16am
by God Emperor
Name: Qorl
Galaxy of origin(sw/st): Star Wars
Planet of origin: Kuat
Species: Human
Rank(if any): wing commander
Organzition(SF, S31, ImpNav, ImpInt, STrooper, Rebel, ect.): Sienar Fleet System, Imperial Navy
Description: Qorl is a former member of the 181st, he is reaching the age 48 and his hair is coming white, most of it prematurly because of stress. He has flown alomost all imperial fighters. With well over 1,000 hours of combat he is and experiance ace. To his credit he has over 72 kills. For SFS he test pilots all new designs. Before joing the Imperial Navy he was pilot for the Old Republic. He is 4 feet 8 8inches, with spercing grey eyes he judges new reqruites on how well they'll do with lethal accuracy.

Posted: 2003-02-09 12:21pm
by Stormbringer
Name: Gaebril Stormbringer
Galaxy of origin: Wars
Planet of origin: Corellia
Species: Human
Rank: Major
Organzition: Imperial Stormtrooper
Description: He's built like a tank with legs. Average height but broad shouldered and barrel chested. Grey-blue with a slightly haunted look. Shaved head with several scars.

He enlisted in the Grand Army of the Republic shortly after Battle of Geonosis and was sent to Carida. He graduated at the middle of his class, excelled at tactics but was a poor academic sudent. Sent as a freshly minted Lt. to 212 Clonetrooper Division. Served with increasing distinction during the Civil War. He remains loyal to the Empire as he despises the disorder and corruption of the Old Republic. By the time of Hoth he was a major in command of the 3 Battalion.

Posted: 2003-02-09 01:12pm
by Alyrium Denryle
Name: Alyrium Denryle
Galaxy of origin(sw/st): wars
Planet of origin: Corellia
Species: Human
Rank(if any): wing commander
Organzition: ImpNav
Description: Force-sensitive, TIE Defender pilot. Enrolled in the academy at age 20. Graduated with honors due to his force sensitivity. He has been developing his force attunment, not for physical combat,but to better engage in what he loves the most...Space combat. He has moved up in the ranks, eventually being entrusted with a TIE Defender which he christened "Death's Hand" He has over 250 kills logged in, and is decidedly dark-side when it comes to his force alignment. He has been in almost every major engaement since the battle of Yavin 4, and is seemingly invincible in combat, NR(or rebel if applicable) know and fear the Callsign " Deaths Hand"

Posted: 2003-02-09 01:52pm
by Swordsman
Name: Ryan Blade
Galaxy of origin(sw/st): ST
Planet of origin: Earth (birthworld), Beowulf (Colony home)
Species: human
Rank(if any): None
Organzition(SF, S31, ImpNav, ImpInt, STrooper, Rebel, ect.): Freelance Pilot w/own ship
Description: 1,81m tall, dark blond, blue eyes, short hair, no facial hair, trained & fit.
Ryan Blade is a freelance starfighter/starship pilot and has his own small starship used for convoy protection heavily modified for better speed & firepower. Moved from Earth with parents at age 10 (Current: 23) to new colony world Beowulf. Hated it the moving & the location, but loved the things he found there, ancient ruins of an advanced civilization dedicated to war. he hid the ruins underground with an ancient device that sunk the ruins underground until the controls where used again.THe control is hand held and he carries it with him at all times. Obsessed with swords of all types and brings one with him whenever he can(a bastard sword, with a monomolecular edge & energy-field capable of deflecting phaser bolts, he found it in the ruins) higly skilled in bladed combat, applied for Starfleet Academy buth was denied entrance because he was to agressive and belived that a star-spanning civilization needed a single strong leader, not a comite of morons. Repaired a broken Peregrine figther he found abandoned and left home to enjoy his new found freedom and loved it, hasn't been home since (5 years). Has since gotten a specially modifed starship/starfighter classified as a Corvette in ST Galaxy(larger than figther-class, smaller than proper starship). Hates Federation ideals, never uses transporters for fear of being spread all over the place if something goes wrong, doesn't eat replicated food because he means it tastes *funny* in a bad way. A student of classical tactics of naval & army forces.Would love to join a *proper* military and not have to deal with pansies like the Starfleet captains he has encountered while guarding convoys before & during the Dominion War.

I have more info on this guy ready if you want it. Just ask.

Posted: 2003-02-09 03:28pm
by Dodge
Name: Pando Cryll
Galaxy of origin(sw/st): SW
Planet of origin: Tattooine
Species: Human
Rank(if any): Captain
Organzition(SF, S31, ImpNav, ImpInt, STrooper, Rebel, ect.): ImpNav
Description: 1.75m tall, black curly hair, grey eyes, medium build. Currently employed on Star Destroyer Renown, on a secret patrol duty around Tattooine. The Renown has been in service for some time, but is a good ship with a good record. Cryll has had his share of combat experience, even to the extent that he single-handedly killed three mutinous officers using a single blaster pistol and unusual tactics. Dreadfully underutilised, and deserving of much higher rank, Cryll is protected by his superiors for his ability to deal with such people. However, his understanding of human nature (an almost "sixth sense") and his ambition have made him wish for greater glory.

Posted: 2003-02-09 03:37pm
by Kuja
Name: IG-88E
Galaxy of Origin: SW
Planet: Mechis III
Species: assassin droid
Rank: none
Organization: freelance bounty hunter
Desciption: tall, dark, and deadly. Ruthlessly pursues and eliminates targets. Shows no remorse. Uses personal attack ship IG-2001. Has no sense of humor and is interested in little other than accomplishing his jobs and making improvements to his body and brain. Carries a lightsaber (red)taken from a fallen Jedi. Is willing to work with others if it furthers his own objectives.

Posted: 2003-02-09 04:06pm
by phongn
Name: Phong Nguyen
Galaxy of origin: SW
Planet of origin: Alderaan
Species: Human
Rank: Major (O-4)
Organzition: Rebel Alliance Special Forces
Description:Medium-height, light-build human, deep hatred of the Empire as an institution (left for the Alliance two years before the destruction of Alderaan). Currently aboard the Rebel troopship Mon Rothida

Posted: 2003-02-09 04:17pm
by Sea Skimmer
The Empire has an established ranking system for its army you know, along with the organization of its units

Posted: 2003-02-09 04:39pm
by Hotfoot
Name: Jonis Caron
Galaxy of origin(sw/st): Star Wars
Planet of origin: Corellia
Species: Human
Rank(if any): Agent/Special Ops
Organzition(SF, S31, ImpNav, ImpInt, STrooper, Rebel, ect.): Imperial Intelligence (Infiltration/Surveillance)
Description: Tall, confident, with short wavy brown hair and brown eyes. Moderate build, good reflexes, a natural pilot, though his skills are not honed to perfection as many, more famous Corellians have. Combat is not his forte, but rather stealth and avoidance, either through hiding or getting lost in a crowd. Can quickly pick up languages and mannerisms, and is quite good at disguising himself. He can read people with uncanny accuracy, but if he has any sensitivity to the Force, it is so insignificant that any development would likely be a waste of time (he's just perceptive, not psychic/jedi). Commonly uses the cover of a smuggler or trader to gather information. A natural actor and confidence man, he can talk his way into (or out of) most any situation. Can kill when necessary, but would rather not take senseless risks that could blow his cover.

Posted: 2003-02-09 05:07pm
by weemadando
Galaxy of origin(sw/st): SW
Planet of origin: *unknown*
Species: Human
Rank(if any): *n/a*
Organzition(SF, S31, ImpNav, ImpInt, STrooper, Rebel, ect.): *unknown*
Description: Mr Morden-esque protaganist. Mainly active in political circles. He is not a Rebel and has no Imperial ties. Its possible that he is a representative of a criminal syndicate or possibly something more sinister.

Posted: 2003-02-10 12:36am
by LT.Hit-Man
I would be honored to be in this fic and thanks

Name: LT.Hit-Man, only name he goes by
Galaxy of orgin:SW
Planet of orgin:Unknown
Speices:Cyborg Human/Sith Lord
Rank: The Emperor's left hand of death
Dispostion: Need you ask? one other thing about the LT he's a canabal
a hold over from the Lereit famen wars.
if you need any more info about the LT let me know

Posted: 2003-02-10 01:10am
by Crayz9000
If you need a bounty hunter...

Name: Johan Ragle
Galaxy of origin(sw/st): Star Wars
Planet of origin: Ord Mantell
Species: Human
Occupation: Bounty Hunter, independent
Description: About 6'2" (~2m), brown hair, green eyes. Tends to be sarcastic and unsocial. Slight Force talent, but untrained.

Posted: 2003-02-10 01:49am
by Zaia
Me, me, me! I want to be in it!

I'm going to bed now, but I'll write up a character tomorrow, if that's ok.... :D

Posted: 2003-02-10 02:22am
by consequences
Hmm, looks like we need to even things up on the Trek side of the house.
Name: Tony Reikoku
Galaxy of origin:ST
Planet of Origin: Earth
Species: Human(secretly genetically augmented)
Rank: Field Agent(or whatever number of pips the replicator can be persuaded to disgorge)
Organisation: Section 31
Decription: 1.8m tall, brown, straight hair, blue eyes, medium build, unforgiving of stupidity in anyone, and willing to cheerfully engineer 'accidents' for those who don't attempt to correct their screw-ups. Is widely suspected by fellow Section 31 agents of engineering the crash of the shuttle full of mediocre Starfleet admirals into the GCS Design Engineers reunion.

Posted: 2003-02-10 08:41am
by Keevan_Colton
Name : Keevan Colton
Origin : SW, Corellia.
Organizations : Rebel Alliance/Smuggler/Black Sun
Description : A shade under 6' tall with long dark hair and grey-green eyes, his usual dress is a long black nerf-hide coat with a DL-44 and a DH-18 in crossdraw holsters, he wears knee high boots with a vibroshiv in one and he carries a vibroblade hidden at the back of his belt.
History : Born on corellia he grew up near the spaceport, he spent his youth learning from the spacers there and becoming a proficent pilot and mechanic. He gained his first ship by stealing it....he spent his early days running illegal cargos across the galaxy, eventually falling in with black sun...he became fairly powerful in the underempire....but eventually managed to make a partial break from it...retaining many of his contacts there....these days he has fallen in with the rebel alliance where his piloting and combat skills are valued almost as much as his ability to procure almost anything......he is usually well informed of most events because of his contacts and is a part-time member of the rebel intel branch.

Re: Starting a new fanfic, anyone want in?

Posted: 2003-02-10 05:35pm
by 2000AD
Name: Ada'm'dav'son (pronounce: adar-m-dave-soon)
Galaxy of origin(sw/st): SW
Planet of origin: Honoghrh (sp)
Species: Noghri
Rank(if any): ?
Organzition: Imperial Commando
Description: Basic Noghri (short, grey, muscular). A competent, hard working Noghri, just trying to pay back his races debt to the Empire for saving their planet. ( :D )

Posted: 2003-02-11 12:08am
by Zaia
Name: Laika Tivrusky

Galaxy of origin(sw/st): SW

Planet of origin: Alderaan

Species: Human female

Rank(if any): None

Organzition(SF, S31, ImpNav, ImpInt, STrooper, Rebel, ect.): rebel

Background: Orphaned at a young age, Laika began wandering her home world and other nearby worlds looking for work and food to stay alive. Along the way, she met up with a crew of rebels who took her under their wing, and now she's as devoted to their cause as they are. She tries her best to hide the fact that she's a woman because she thinks of it as a weakness. She acts tough but deep down, all the death and destruction she's seen has taken its toll on her.

Physical description: tall and thin, with a few curves but not many. Under her baggy clothes she would almost look like a boy if it wasn't for her auburn hair that flows down to the base of her back. She constantly ties it up because she tries to hide her feminity, but she won't go so far as to cut it off. She has piercing green eyes which only flicker to life when she forgets about how painful her life has been, which isn't very often. She's usually a dirty, grimy mess because she always has to be doing what the guys are doing.

There. Do with her what you will!

Posted: 2003-02-11 01:09am
by Darth Fanboy
Name: Eizen Antares

Galaxy of origin(sw/st): ST

Planet of origin: Earth

Species: Human

Rank(if any): No official rank but has more Force training than the average Padawan

Organzition(SF, S31, ImpNav, ImpInt, STrooper, Rebel, ect.): COMPNOR/Sith Trainee of the Emperor and personal agent Darth Vader if possible *this is subject to change by the author of course*

Description: A force sensitive human collaborating with the Empire to bring about the rapid destruction of the ST Galaxy. Learned from Darth Vader rudimentary Jedi and Sith skills including some force powers and how to construct a lightsaber. The Lightsaber is a standard model with a blade length adjustment knob but does contain a small multitool in the base for tasks such as lock picking and minor equipment repair. Actually dropped out of the Federation Academy after nearly beating another student to death. Becomes very powerful when his anger rises.

Posted: 2003-02-11 04:17pm
by Akm72
Name: Alt Kyrov Massi (known as AK to his friends)
Galaxy of origin:SW
Planet of origin: Core world (unnamed)
Species: human
Rank: Commander
Organzition: Imperial Naval Officer, bridge crew of Star Destroyer (or larger ship), or Captain of a Frigate or Corvette.
Description: Average height & build, short brown hair, dark eyes with black eyebrowes. Calm with good emotional control and highly proffessional on the surface, but doesn't like losing. Close friends remember the rare times he's lost his temper, most people tend to back away when this happens :twisted:
Highly skilled in starship sensor/countermeasures technology, and knowledgeable on propulsion and weapons. With regard to starship combat he is cautious, prefering to pick his route and his targets carefully and logically, rather than blast at the first thing that comes into sight or charge in screaming. In close personal combat again tends to choose targets/hit points carefully... ...until he loses his temper that is.

Posted: 2003-02-11 04:33pm
by Col. Crackpot
Name:Col. Chris 'Crackpot' Devine
Galaxy of origin: ST
Planet of origin: Mars
Species: Human
Rank: Colonel in the Federation Marines
Organzition: United Federaton of Planets
Description: A decorated veteran of the dominion war, At 26 years old, the youngest person in history to achieve the rank of Colonel. A 'politically incorrect officer not popular with the federation 'idealists'. Auburn hair green eyes 6'3" 200 lbs

Posted: 2003-02-11 07:05pm
by Dalton
Addendum to mine: Keevan and I have talked about it and decided that our histories could intertwine, so consider us partners. (not that kind of partner, you loonies)

Posted: 2003-02-11 07:58pm
by Darth Yoshi
Name: Yoshi
Species: Zeltron
Planet of Birth: Zeltros (raised on Coruscant)
Affiliation: Mercenary (current employed by Rebel dissidents)
Ship: Modified YT-1300 Bane of Darkness

Expelled from the Jedi Order for "unbecoming conduct" shortly before the start of the Great Purge. He erased his existance from all archives afterwards, thus escaping Vader's wrath. Is considered too happy-go-lucky for his own good, and yet manages to turn a decent profit. Always seen by Imperial agents to be in possession of a pet ysalamir named Fuzzy.