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Collaborative StarTrek vs. StarWars Story Project

Posted: 2008-08-08 01:18am
by Admiral Felire
I don't know if this would work, or if there is an interest in the project. But I was thinking of trying to put together a collaborative project with the goal of coming up with a story about the interaction between the Star Wars Galaxy and the StarTrek galaxy.

It would be collaborative so no single person's vision would be the force behind it. Of course, everybody has the right to leave the project if what they want is completely undermined or ignored by the majority. And at the same time, some structure would exist. This is not the structure of forcing information but rather of trying to get conversations to stay on topic and all that.

The basic idea would be a story set in the Star Trek Galaxy. I have always liked the idea of what sort of situation would occur if a single Imperial starship or a small group of Imperial starships found themselves in the Star Trek galaxy.

And yes, I know, they already exist in some form on both this site and the ASVS archive. That is fine, but I was wondering if maybe the group could try and come up with something.

Some people might say why are you artificially limiting the Star Wars forces to a single ship, and I answer story. Not to limit technology or anything but because if it is but a small squadron then it allows us to write more about the individual rather than huge battles of thousands of ships sweeping through the Federation in no time flat as Starfleet is unable to provide any resistance.

I do want to make note that while I do like Star Trek, I believe that the technology of Star Wars is superior in most respects. Not like one shot destruct superior, but generally more battle worthy. That said, the fact that this is a story would mean that things would happen to provide chances or the Imperial ships would face some losses to make things entertaining.

I also want to make note that I don't really do dialog, in fact I am downright bad at it. I do create settings, timelines, articles, and exposition stories and all that, but dialog ridden segments are not my forte. I would love to get others involved in this, to work on this and to make it something interesting. I would also like to note that this would be a serious attempt, not a joke one.

I hope that there are individuals interested in this attempt.

Posted: 2008-08-08 09:25am
by Illuminatus Primus
Maybe if I ever finish EUFic I'd be interested in something like this, but I'm not now. I would prefer if you didn't appropriate EUFic's materials for this.

Posted: 2008-08-08 03:42pm
by Admiral Felire
Besides occuring at the same time, this had nothing to do with the EU Fic project. In fact, I very much want the changes in that project to be ignored in this one, for the reason that those in this might not want to participate in the other one.

The idea was for the creation of a story that would be collaboratively done and based on a StarWars Imperial ship or small squadron (using the minimalist based numbers existing in canon) getting pushed into the StarTrek galaxy.

Posted: 2008-08-10 01:52am
by Admiral Felire
Here is a question for people as it relates to a Star Wars fanfiction story. My question is what would the general makeup of actual ship classes as well as the role for various classes be. Thoughts and suggesstions are welcome.

I would like to make some assumptions so that everybody is on the right page.
*Its an Imperial fleet.
*The time period is probably either a little after Endor or a little bit before Endor.
*It will have 15 ships (I like the concept of 1:2:4:8 configuration for no other reason than I think its cool).
*While we are not struck with official offical ships, we must remain within ship classifcations that are technically feasible for the Empire and are not
*The command ship will be a super star destroyer of this appearance. Though I will probably come up with my own stats and size, more on the range of Executor-size to 20 km.
*None of the ships will be smaller than say Victory in size and all will be tringular shaped warships (thus all could be considered the open-ended and broad term of star destroyer).

I'm pretty much asking for suggesstions on the various ship types that would fit this requirement.

I should also note that while I am asking in this thread, and it could come in handy if this thread project ever makes it, it is mostly for my own use. Within the project itself it is not required or automatically going to be used - that is up to a majority vote by those who actually participate in the project.

Posted: 2008-08-10 02:51am
by Andras
1 ~Super
2 ~Allegiance
4 ~Imperial
8 ~Victory

Posted: 2008-08-10 02:16pm
by Admiral Felire
Thank you for those suggesstions. I was thinking all about various other new craft that I didn't even consider the base iconic crafts of the Star Wars Empire. So yeah, those are being considered and probably accepted for what I am personally doing.

Of course now I need to figure out whether to use an accepted subclass or create my own.