New story ideas, general background notes.
Posted: 2008-11-12 05:10pm
Just a few quick notes about a story I'm writing that I want some feedback on. Not much about the universe, but updates should be coming. (Fingers crossed!)
The universe the story is set in is in the 23rd century, around 2215, so the "Historian" feel I've tried for may not show up there.
M-41 Light Recon Walker (Also known as: Dogs of War (Plural, Squad-based formation), Hellhound (Singular)): A 1.5-tonne walker equipped with two 30mm chain guns, 1 inch armour, an advanced sensor suite and a “Sniper” Variant railgun. Notable for being the only walker in the UF arsenal that is bipedal, and the longest-serving walker in general service as of 2231. Also of note is the cheap cost and low weight of the vehicle, the only reason it is still used by airborne divisions.
M-10 Heavy Assault Bipedal Walker (Also known as: Titan-class walker (Singular)):A 200-tonne behemoth equipped with two 120mm Cannons (Pilots of the walkers had a tendency to load these with a canister round, earning these guns the name of “Shotgun”, rather inaccurately), two “Machine Gun” Variant railguns, two “Sniper” Variant railguns and a small hangar that could hold two UF/A-12 “Drone” Unmanned Combat Vehicles. Also mounted on this titan was approximately 30 inches of titanium. Considered useless due to a massive blind spot behind the walker. Recent historians have considered that these walkers were not actually built for combat, instead these massive vehicles were built as “Parade Tanks”, a colloquial term for military vehicles built only for show (Other examples include the Russian T-35 and the French Char 2-C from World War Two and the M-5 tank in the mid-21st century). Obviously, meeting one of these walkers face-to-face was still very dangerous, and most of the vehicles with enough firepower to pierce the armour (At the time) were not manoeuvrable enough to get behind the walker to exploit its blind spot.
CFA-50 Space/Sub-Orbital Superiority Fighter (Colloquially known as CFA-50 or just CFA/s): The most successful fighter craft of the 22nd and 23rd centuries, this fighter is still in service today. Armed with two “Thunderstorm” 30mm rotary cannons, six internal weapons bays capable of holding up to 300 pounds of ordinance each as well as the option for weapon hardpoints on the wings. This fighter was most notable for its ability to escape a Terra-sized planets atmosphere, which requires an amount of energy that was enough to make most fighter and bomber designers give up on making an air or spacecraft that could be used in atmosphere or space, respectively. This capability has since proved extremely valuable, far outweighing the 70-meter length required to house a powerplant capable of providing the necessary energy.
History: Third World War (Known to colonists as “Third Terran War”): The first major conflict between the two major factions of the 22nd and 23rd centuries: The United Forces (UF) and the Terran Empire (TE). Notable for being one of the shortest wars in the planet’s history, as the UF was not expecting an attack at the time and the war ended after only two days, when the UF formally surrendered. Began on May 11th 2114. Note that the UF reappeared as a major faction as of approximately 2139, after the colony Tau Ceti 3 was rediscovered early in the year. Also of note is the action in and around Moscow, as, although records are not reliable, it appears that an M-10 walker (See above) successfully ambushed and destroyed an entire squad of M-41 walkers (Also above) and several armoured vehicles of the UF 15th Armoured Division. If the records that indicate this are true, it is the only time in the entire M-10s operational history that a single walker of the class was victorious against a force of superior numbers.
Action in space included several SODS (See below) drops, as well as a few small skirmishes, the largest of these being the clash between the TESS Iowa and the UFSS Missouri, both former United States Iowa (Space)-class battleships (See below).
Sub-Orbital Drop Soldiers (Also known as SODS (Also used as a plural) or “Sods”): These soldiers were former North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) marines assigned to spaceships. To solve the problems associated with the marines getting to a planet (The dropships of the era were big enough to be considered a moving target by the marines that used them), NATO devised a rather cliché method: Drop Pods. The unfortunate marines who were assigned these dangerous craft often died before they hit the ground, and those that survived earned a reputation of being almost fearless. These soldiers were deployed in numerous operations, the most famous being Operation Viper in 2114, where a squad of pinned SODS managed to not only break out from, but also destroy the UF 23rd Infantry Division.
Iowa (Space)-class battleships (Also known as Iowa-class ships): Not to be confused with the ocean-going Iowas, these massive battleships were armed with two spinal railguns, each over 200 meters long, along with nuclear missiles, Close-In Weapons Systems (CIWS) and point defence guns. These ships used to belong to the United States of America’s Space Navy (USSN), but, when the USA split along the UF/TE divide, these ships went along with both factions. There were three known ships of the class: the Iowa, Missouri, and the New Jersey. The (Terran Empire) Iowa was destroyed in 2114 in a skirmish with the (United Forces) Missouri.
Hopefully, I should actually finish this one .
The universe the story is set in is in the 23rd century, around 2215, so the "Historian" feel I've tried for may not show up there.
M-41 Light Recon Walker (Also known as: Dogs of War (Plural, Squad-based formation), Hellhound (Singular)): A 1.5-tonne walker equipped with two 30mm chain guns, 1 inch armour, an advanced sensor suite and a “Sniper” Variant railgun. Notable for being the only walker in the UF arsenal that is bipedal, and the longest-serving walker in general service as of 2231. Also of note is the cheap cost and low weight of the vehicle, the only reason it is still used by airborne divisions.
M-10 Heavy Assault Bipedal Walker (Also known as: Titan-class walker (Singular)):A 200-tonne behemoth equipped with two 120mm Cannons (Pilots of the walkers had a tendency to load these with a canister round, earning these guns the name of “Shotgun”, rather inaccurately), two “Machine Gun” Variant railguns, two “Sniper” Variant railguns and a small hangar that could hold two UF/A-12 “Drone” Unmanned Combat Vehicles. Also mounted on this titan was approximately 30 inches of titanium. Considered useless due to a massive blind spot behind the walker. Recent historians have considered that these walkers were not actually built for combat, instead these massive vehicles were built as “Parade Tanks”, a colloquial term for military vehicles built only for show (Other examples include the Russian T-35 and the French Char 2-C from World War Two and the M-5 tank in the mid-21st century). Obviously, meeting one of these walkers face-to-face was still very dangerous, and most of the vehicles with enough firepower to pierce the armour (At the time) were not manoeuvrable enough to get behind the walker to exploit its blind spot.
CFA-50 Space/Sub-Orbital Superiority Fighter (Colloquially known as CFA-50 or just CFA/s): The most successful fighter craft of the 22nd and 23rd centuries, this fighter is still in service today. Armed with two “Thunderstorm” 30mm rotary cannons, six internal weapons bays capable of holding up to 300 pounds of ordinance each as well as the option for weapon hardpoints on the wings. This fighter was most notable for its ability to escape a Terra-sized planets atmosphere, which requires an amount of energy that was enough to make most fighter and bomber designers give up on making an air or spacecraft that could be used in atmosphere or space, respectively. This capability has since proved extremely valuable, far outweighing the 70-meter length required to house a powerplant capable of providing the necessary energy.
History: Third World War (Known to colonists as “Third Terran War”): The first major conflict between the two major factions of the 22nd and 23rd centuries: The United Forces (UF) and the Terran Empire (TE). Notable for being one of the shortest wars in the planet’s history, as the UF was not expecting an attack at the time and the war ended after only two days, when the UF formally surrendered. Began on May 11th 2114. Note that the UF reappeared as a major faction as of approximately 2139, after the colony Tau Ceti 3 was rediscovered early in the year. Also of note is the action in and around Moscow, as, although records are not reliable, it appears that an M-10 walker (See above) successfully ambushed and destroyed an entire squad of M-41 walkers (Also above) and several armoured vehicles of the UF 15th Armoured Division. If the records that indicate this are true, it is the only time in the entire M-10s operational history that a single walker of the class was victorious against a force of superior numbers.
Action in space included several SODS (See below) drops, as well as a few small skirmishes, the largest of these being the clash between the TESS Iowa and the UFSS Missouri, both former United States Iowa (Space)-class battleships (See below).
Sub-Orbital Drop Soldiers (Also known as SODS (Also used as a plural) or “Sods”): These soldiers were former North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) marines assigned to spaceships. To solve the problems associated with the marines getting to a planet (The dropships of the era were big enough to be considered a moving target by the marines that used them), NATO devised a rather cliché method: Drop Pods. The unfortunate marines who were assigned these dangerous craft often died before they hit the ground, and those that survived earned a reputation of being almost fearless. These soldiers were deployed in numerous operations, the most famous being Operation Viper in 2114, where a squad of pinned SODS managed to not only break out from, but also destroy the UF 23rd Infantry Division.
Iowa (Space)-class battleships (Also known as Iowa-class ships): Not to be confused with the ocean-going Iowas, these massive battleships were armed with two spinal railguns, each over 200 meters long, along with nuclear missiles, Close-In Weapons Systems (CIWS) and point defence guns. These ships used to belong to the United States of America’s Space Navy (USSN), but, when the USA split along the UF/TE divide, these ships went along with both factions. There were three known ships of the class: the Iowa, Missouri, and the New Jersey. The (Terran Empire) Iowa was destroyed in 2114 in a skirmish with the (United Forces) Missouri.
Hopefully, I should actually finish this one .