Price of Freedom Is... Not Covered by My Insurance Policy
Posted: 2009-03-11 10:57pm
Colonel Alan Naumann, Supreme Commander of the Freehold Military Forces (FMF), didn't wipe the sweat off his brow-- he couldn't afford to let his Freemen sense his fear. 'Don't worry, the High Castle,' his headquarters, an orbital defense station, 'has more phasers and torpedo launchers than Deep Space 9. Soldiers-- real soldiers with real weapons, wearing real armor-- guard this station. When the turtle ships drop shields, they'll find the Castle a deathtrap. If we're lucky, we might capture some ships for...' He shivered, remembering what the "Slow Deaths"-- Gonghe Navy cruisers weighted down with additional weapons and armor-- did to his "Starfleet." Fortunately, he was near invisible in the darkened command center.
Naumann was a Federation marine who, disgusted by concessions his former commander-in-chief made to end the Cardassian Wars, left the Federation to seek his fortune in "frontier" colonies far from the founding members' homeworlds. He made it in the Dominion War, when the Romulan Guard paid him 750,000 bars of latinum to command a xenolegion (non-Romulan mercenaries). The mercenaries remained loyal to Naumann (and his money) after the war, and followed their leader to the Freehold of Grainne, whose people lived by the ideals "Work or starve," "One credit, one vote," and "No infringement upon other people's freedoms-- especially government interference, like taxes." Unlike the Federation and its "defeatist" policies, the Freehold respected military service members-- Freemen must "earn" citizenship through military service.
The catches were "It's not my problem if you're too sick or injured to work," "The guy with 1000 credits, 1000 votes is ass-raping you because you have but one credit, one vote? Too bad-- you should've worked harder and earned more votes," and "No police or fire departments to save your sorry ass-- taxes pay for those things." Naumann became one of several oligarchs fighting a civil war-- war that consumed money faster than phaser fodder-- and tempted to beg for government intervention.
Those who chose to "live on their knees instead of dying on their feet" were already begging. The Gonghe Republic-- frequently mispronounced as "Gung-Ho"-- answered them, offering "Land for the peasants, peace for the soldiers, bread for the workers," under its rule.
Naumann heard himself say, "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. The price of Gung-Ho peace is our freedom. Do not be tempted-- be deceived to think we're alike because our laws defend the right to bear arms. While we Freemen bear arms to defend ourselves-- from our own government if necessary-- the Gung-Ho government will only allow its people to bear arms to defend the government itself, and takes measures to ensure its forces are always better armed than the people it oppresses, as demonstrated by its arms restrictions," his warning to the oligarchs, now propaganda to raise Freemen morale. His fist clenched as he remembered the "sheeple" who capitulated to Gonghe laws limiting the replication, sale, possession, and use of explosives (except small arms ammunition) to military service members, police officers, and licensed mercenaries-- bearers of responsibility for accidental damage, deaths, and injuries their weapons caused.
"Has Admiral Shinzon answered our request for aid?" Naumann asked Second Lieutenant Nullhaender "Nulli" Snowman, his executive officer.
"Ewwww!" Nulli recoiled in disgust, the muscular man behaving like a schoolgirl.
The colonel's head banged against his console. 'No wonder Starfleet canceled the Super Marine Project,' Naumann thought of the genetic engineering program that created Nulli and his brothers. "Tell me the truth, or die by my hand-- did you hear from Admiral Shinzon?"
"See for yourself." Nulli pressed a button.
A human male in a Romulan Guard uniform-- what remained of the uniform, which a female Romulan loosened to reveal the cock she now bounced upon-- appeared onscreen, the video dated 90 minutes ago.
"Don't ever stop fucking me!" Sela (the female) demanded.
"I can keep up as long as you want, Sela," Shinzon (the male) replied.
"Ewwww!" the super marine's recorded voice interrupted.
Shinzon turned to the communicator. "Oh, it's on?"
Nulli's recorded voice began, "Admiral--"
Sela's orgasm interrupted Nulli. "Oh yes, it's never been better-- never better."
"If this is about the Freehold operators, tell Naumann to forget 'em-- operators too stupid to know when to shut up don't deserve to be operators," Shinzon said, using a general term for Special Forces personnel.
"The turds can keep Captain Kenny. I'm calling to request aid-- financial, material, or military-- in our struggle for freedom from--"
"I'm not stupid enough to waste resources on the losing side of a war."
"I will provide advice on account of his service in the Dominion War." Shinzon's eyes burned red to demonstrate psychic powers he received from... God knows where... and show he was serious. "Alan, call your group the 'Patriotic Libertarians of Gonghe' or something, swear allegiance to the crocodiles," a nickname for Gonghe warriors, "and join the winners-- you might even get elected to public office in their government-- or you're phaser fodder." The admiral shutoff the communicator-- the video ended.
By Sidewinder, 2009. Inspired by Darth Fanboy, Falkenhorst, and MKSheppard's story 'Unnamed Porno Fanfic'-- itself inspired by George Lucas and Gene Roddenberry's-- plus Kurt Vonnegut and Michael Z. Williamson's.
His former employer's words shocked Naumann, whose jaw stayed down for ten seconds. "Damn it! Hail him again!"
"Leave a message: 'We won't work for you again, Shinzon. The next time your ass needs saving, just bend over and relax your anal sphincter for a Jem'Hadar dick.'" Naumann tried (and failed) to ignore Nulli's joy at the thought of anal sex with a Jem'Hadar. 'Damn you, Kenny. I should've left you outside the airlock.'
[Start explanation]
Capt Kenneth "Kenny" Chinran led the Special Forces "operatives"-- a term used for "plausible deniability," denying the operatives protection under the laws of war-- sent to launch terror attacks against Gonghe civilians. Naumann thought the civilians would force the Gonghe government to end the war, or even overthrow the government and replace it with an anarcho-capitalist society in the Freehold's image.
The operatives were genetically enhanced and trained to go without food, water, or rest, until they earned it-- after weeks in a dense jungle, deep swamp, fiery desert, or freezing tundra-- by fighting instructors who outnumber and outgun them. Their immune systems allowed them to resist chemical and biological weapons-- including the piss, puke, and shit covering their bodies because the instructors denied them permission to use the latrine. Muscle enhancers (steroids and growth hormones) gave them the strength to climb sheer cliffs unaided. They were trained to survive short-term exposure to the vacuum of space, in case their spacesuit was damaged as they stormed an enemy ship or space station. The training program killed or crippled 99% of the trainees, but those who graduate were the strongest, fastest, most aggressive and ruthless warriors in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, "The best of the best of the best."
Note that "smart" doesn't describe the operatives.
Without a government agency to collect "voluntary taxes," the Freemen resorted to extortion and outright robbery to finance the war. Even this failed to raise enough money to buy a real warship, like old battlecruisers and warbirds the Klingon and Romulan governments sold to pay for new ones. Naumann hired a Ferengi freighter to transport the operatives to Gongye III, the Gonghe presidential capital.
The Ferengi captain overheard (and recorded) Kenny boasting, "We'll crush the turtles in their shells," and "flush the turds down their metal shitters," using two nicknames Naumann gave the Gonghe warriors. The operatives were arrested minutes after the ship entered Gonghe space, and their "confessions" used to justify what was about to happen.
If you're curious, the Gonghe government subsidizes the sale and operation of ex-Navy vessels-- the catch is the Gonghe military can and will recommission the vessels and their licensed mercenary crews in states of emergency. This was unacceptable to Naumann, who bought second-hand freighters-- many used to transport organic fertilizer (shit) to agricultural colonies-- with improvised armor and gun mounts bolted on. You're not stupid enough to think an armed freighter can beat a purpose-built warship, right?
[End explanation]
Naumann convinced half the oligarchs they could beat the Gonghe military, whose doctrines put warriors in tactical suits or "tac-suits," based planetary garrisons on orbital defense stations instead of warships, and maintained stockpiles to let garrisons endure the months it took for Slow Deaths to bring reinforcements. The defenses consumed resources needed for ships and other offensive systems-- a weakness the Breen exploited, coming within minutes of using a trilithium weapon to destroy the Gongye System. Afterwards, the Gonghe military reviewed its doctrines, deciding to replace 50% of its static defenses with "expeditionary forces," which required years to build and train.
The other half-- "Fools, cowards, and traitors all," in Naumann's words-- saw the writing on the wall, which Slow Deaths burned into the concrete above their stronghold gates, and swore allegiance to the Gonghe government. The colonel was cursing these oligarchs when the tactical officer reported, "Colonel, sensors have detected... Gods and goddesses, is that a Federation class dreadnought?"
"What are you, a eunuch from the Principality of Zeon? Those turtle boats will never get past the OWPs," orbital weapon platforms the starving Cardassians bartered for ten shiploads of food. Naumann installed the platforms' central generator in the High Castle, and second-hand power plants (from scrapped shuttles) in the platforms to provide 40 to 70 minutes of power, in case the generator went offline.
"You have one minute to surrender your station and save yourselves. You have 50 seconds..." The Gonghe admiral counted down, his fleet-- one dreadnought (his flagship), one Li Xiaolong class assault cruiser, eight Constitution WANK class cruisers, 12 Saladin WANK class and four Tianjian class destroyers-- staying outside weapon range. "You have ten seconds... nine..."
"Turn off that shit," Naumann ordered.
"Sir, the Gonghe ships are launching fighters-- F-5 Tigers."
"They were obsolete when the Treaty of Algeron was signed. Have the High Castle's weapons engage the fighters. Keep the OWPs on standby until the turtle ships drop shields-- then give 'em hell." He ignored an incoming fighter, which tumbled as a phaser beam...
Boom! The colonel found himself on the floor. "What in hell...?" He couldn't hear his own voice. 'A photonic shock wave?' He felt-- not heard-- the next hit. "Shit!"
Naumann moved his command center to cargo bay in the middle-- the original command center was located on the station's first level, and booby trapped to surprise anyone attempting to capture the Castle. The turtles fell for it, but Naumann paid for the deception.
The Gonghe Navy was not Starfleet. The warships did not lower shields to beam commandos aboard the orbital defense stations-- the "warning shots" forced the Freemen to choose between abandoning the stations, and expiring as they became gunnery ranges. Naumann got a foot in his escape pod when a Feng Shen-- "Wing God," an obsolete fighter converted into an unmanned, long-range torpedo-- crashed through meters of tritanium armor to explode inside the command center.
Naumann was a Federation marine who, disgusted by concessions his former commander-in-chief made to end the Cardassian Wars, left the Federation to seek his fortune in "frontier" colonies far from the founding members' homeworlds. He made it in the Dominion War, when the Romulan Guard paid him 750,000 bars of latinum to command a xenolegion (non-Romulan mercenaries). The mercenaries remained loyal to Naumann (and his money) after the war, and followed their leader to the Freehold of Grainne, whose people lived by the ideals "Work or starve," "One credit, one vote," and "No infringement upon other people's freedoms-- especially government interference, like taxes." Unlike the Federation and its "defeatist" policies, the Freehold respected military service members-- Freemen must "earn" citizenship through military service.
The catches were "It's not my problem if you're too sick or injured to work," "The guy with 1000 credits, 1000 votes is ass-raping you because you have but one credit, one vote? Too bad-- you should've worked harder and earned more votes," and "No police or fire departments to save your sorry ass-- taxes pay for those things." Naumann became one of several oligarchs fighting a civil war-- war that consumed money faster than phaser fodder-- and tempted to beg for government intervention.
Those who chose to "live on their knees instead of dying on their feet" were already begging. The Gonghe Republic-- frequently mispronounced as "Gung-Ho"-- answered them, offering "Land for the peasants, peace for the soldiers, bread for the workers," under its rule.
Naumann heard himself say, "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. The price of Gung-Ho peace is our freedom. Do not be tempted-- be deceived to think we're alike because our laws defend the right to bear arms. While we Freemen bear arms to defend ourselves-- from our own government if necessary-- the Gung-Ho government will only allow its people to bear arms to defend the government itself, and takes measures to ensure its forces are always better armed than the people it oppresses, as demonstrated by its arms restrictions," his warning to the oligarchs, now propaganda to raise Freemen morale. His fist clenched as he remembered the "sheeple" who capitulated to Gonghe laws limiting the replication, sale, possession, and use of explosives (except small arms ammunition) to military service members, police officers, and licensed mercenaries-- bearers of responsibility for accidental damage, deaths, and injuries their weapons caused.
"Has Admiral Shinzon answered our request for aid?" Naumann asked Second Lieutenant Nullhaender "Nulli" Snowman, his executive officer.
"Ewwww!" Nulli recoiled in disgust, the muscular man behaving like a schoolgirl.
The colonel's head banged against his console. 'No wonder Starfleet canceled the Super Marine Project,' Naumann thought of the genetic engineering program that created Nulli and his brothers. "Tell me the truth, or die by my hand-- did you hear from Admiral Shinzon?"
"See for yourself." Nulli pressed a button.
A human male in a Romulan Guard uniform-- what remained of the uniform, which a female Romulan loosened to reveal the cock she now bounced upon-- appeared onscreen, the video dated 90 minutes ago.
"Don't ever stop fucking me!" Sela (the female) demanded.
"I can keep up as long as you want, Sela," Shinzon (the male) replied.
"Ewwww!" the super marine's recorded voice interrupted.
Shinzon turned to the communicator. "Oh, it's on?"
Nulli's recorded voice began, "Admiral--"
Sela's orgasm interrupted Nulli. "Oh yes, it's never been better-- never better."
"If this is about the Freehold operators, tell Naumann to forget 'em-- operators too stupid to know when to shut up don't deserve to be operators," Shinzon said, using a general term for Special Forces personnel.
"The turds can keep Captain Kenny. I'm calling to request aid-- financial, material, or military-- in our struggle for freedom from--"
"I'm not stupid enough to waste resources on the losing side of a war."
"I will provide advice on account of his service in the Dominion War." Shinzon's eyes burned red to demonstrate psychic powers he received from... God knows where... and show he was serious. "Alan, call your group the 'Patriotic Libertarians of Gonghe' or something, swear allegiance to the crocodiles," a nickname for Gonghe warriors, "and join the winners-- you might even get elected to public office in their government-- or you're phaser fodder." The admiral shutoff the communicator-- the video ended.
By Sidewinder, 2009. Inspired by Darth Fanboy, Falkenhorst, and MKSheppard's story 'Unnamed Porno Fanfic'-- itself inspired by George Lucas and Gene Roddenberry's-- plus Kurt Vonnegut and Michael Z. Williamson's.
His former employer's words shocked Naumann, whose jaw stayed down for ten seconds. "Damn it! Hail him again!"
"Leave a message: 'We won't work for you again, Shinzon. The next time your ass needs saving, just bend over and relax your anal sphincter for a Jem'Hadar dick.'" Naumann tried (and failed) to ignore Nulli's joy at the thought of anal sex with a Jem'Hadar. 'Damn you, Kenny. I should've left you outside the airlock.'
[Start explanation]
Capt Kenneth "Kenny" Chinran led the Special Forces "operatives"-- a term used for "plausible deniability," denying the operatives protection under the laws of war-- sent to launch terror attacks against Gonghe civilians. Naumann thought the civilians would force the Gonghe government to end the war, or even overthrow the government and replace it with an anarcho-capitalist society in the Freehold's image.
The operatives were genetically enhanced and trained to go without food, water, or rest, until they earned it-- after weeks in a dense jungle, deep swamp, fiery desert, or freezing tundra-- by fighting instructors who outnumber and outgun them. Their immune systems allowed them to resist chemical and biological weapons-- including the piss, puke, and shit covering their bodies because the instructors denied them permission to use the latrine. Muscle enhancers (steroids and growth hormones) gave them the strength to climb sheer cliffs unaided. They were trained to survive short-term exposure to the vacuum of space, in case their spacesuit was damaged as they stormed an enemy ship or space station. The training program killed or crippled 99% of the trainees, but those who graduate were the strongest, fastest, most aggressive and ruthless warriors in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, "The best of the best of the best."
Note that "smart" doesn't describe the operatives.
Without a government agency to collect "voluntary taxes," the Freemen resorted to extortion and outright robbery to finance the war. Even this failed to raise enough money to buy a real warship, like old battlecruisers and warbirds the Klingon and Romulan governments sold to pay for new ones. Naumann hired a Ferengi freighter to transport the operatives to Gongye III, the Gonghe presidential capital.
The Ferengi captain overheard (and recorded) Kenny boasting, "We'll crush the turtles in their shells," and "flush the turds down their metal shitters," using two nicknames Naumann gave the Gonghe warriors. The operatives were arrested minutes after the ship entered Gonghe space, and their "confessions" used to justify what was about to happen.
If you're curious, the Gonghe government subsidizes the sale and operation of ex-Navy vessels-- the catch is the Gonghe military can and will recommission the vessels and their licensed mercenary crews in states of emergency. This was unacceptable to Naumann, who bought second-hand freighters-- many used to transport organic fertilizer (shit) to agricultural colonies-- with improvised armor and gun mounts bolted on. You're not stupid enough to think an armed freighter can beat a purpose-built warship, right?
[End explanation]
Naumann convinced half the oligarchs they could beat the Gonghe military, whose doctrines put warriors in tactical suits or "tac-suits," based planetary garrisons on orbital defense stations instead of warships, and maintained stockpiles to let garrisons endure the months it took for Slow Deaths to bring reinforcements. The defenses consumed resources needed for ships and other offensive systems-- a weakness the Breen exploited, coming within minutes of using a trilithium weapon to destroy the Gongye System. Afterwards, the Gonghe military reviewed its doctrines, deciding to replace 50% of its static defenses with "expeditionary forces," which required years to build and train.
The other half-- "Fools, cowards, and traitors all," in Naumann's words-- saw the writing on the wall, which Slow Deaths burned into the concrete above their stronghold gates, and swore allegiance to the Gonghe government. The colonel was cursing these oligarchs when the tactical officer reported, "Colonel, sensors have detected... Gods and goddesses, is that a Federation class dreadnought?"
"What are you, a eunuch from the Principality of Zeon? Those turtle boats will never get past the OWPs," orbital weapon platforms the starving Cardassians bartered for ten shiploads of food. Naumann installed the platforms' central generator in the High Castle, and second-hand power plants (from scrapped shuttles) in the platforms to provide 40 to 70 minutes of power, in case the generator went offline.
"You have one minute to surrender your station and save yourselves. You have 50 seconds..." The Gonghe admiral counted down, his fleet-- one dreadnought (his flagship), one Li Xiaolong class assault cruiser, eight Constitution WANK class cruisers, 12 Saladin WANK class and four Tianjian class destroyers-- staying outside weapon range. "You have ten seconds... nine..."
"Turn off that shit," Naumann ordered.
"Sir, the Gonghe ships are launching fighters-- F-5 Tigers."
"They were obsolete when the Treaty of Algeron was signed. Have the High Castle's weapons engage the fighters. Keep the OWPs on standby until the turtle ships drop shields-- then give 'em hell." He ignored an incoming fighter, which tumbled as a phaser beam...
Boom! The colonel found himself on the floor. "What in hell...?" He couldn't hear his own voice. 'A photonic shock wave?' He felt-- not heard-- the next hit. "Shit!"
Naumann moved his command center to cargo bay in the middle-- the original command center was located on the station's first level, and booby trapped to surprise anyone attempting to capture the Castle. The turtles fell for it, but Naumann paid for the deception.
The Gonghe Navy was not Starfleet. The warships did not lower shields to beam commandos aboard the orbital defense stations-- the "warning shots" forced the Freemen to choose between abandoning the stations, and expiring as they became gunnery ranges. Naumann got a foot in his escape pod when a Feng Shen-- "Wing God," an obsolete fighter converted into an unmanned, long-range torpedo-- crashed through meters of tritanium armor to explode inside the command center.