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ST V SW: Multi-author idea

Posted: 2010-02-28 08:28am
by darth_timon
Hello one and all.

After being stuck in a creative rut for a while, I happened upon an idea that will both test my writing skills- and perhaps the skills of others. The idea is create a Star Trek v Star Wars fan fiction where each chapter is written by a different author. The only requirement for taking part is to read the previous chapters, and take the story from where the previous author left off.

It has the potential to lead to a lot of tangled webs and confusion, but if done with a bit of discipline, it could lead to a fascinating story.

If anyone is interested, either post a message here or PM me.

Re: ST V SW: Multi-author idea

Posted: 2010-02-28 02:54pm
by Ritterin Sophia
darth_timon wrote:If anyone is interested, either post a message here or PM me.
How about you just do like Del Rey does, get three decent (Which means Karen Traviss is a no go) authors and each one of you does alternating chapters. This way you can plan out the story because without it this'll just turn into a play by post RPG with no real direction.

Re: ST V SW: Multi-author idea

Posted: 2010-02-28 04:04pm
by The Romulan Republic
Its a nice idea, but like you said, it'll taken disciplined authors for it to turn out any good. Then again, that's true to some extent for any writing.

Re: ST V SW: Multi-author idea

Posted: 2010-02-28 05:47pm
by Majin Gojira
You'll also need a tight outline and fine understanding of where you're all going with the story.

Authors often say that sometimes characters run away with them and that is a threat in this sort of endeavour.

Conventional 3 act structure is probably your safest bet.

This can NOT be done on the fly, IMO.

Re: ST V SW: Multi-author idea

Posted: 2010-03-13 07:55am
by darth_timon
Right, thanks for the input thus far.

Darth Paxis and I have been working on an outline and timeline for a story, and we are preparing to start work on the first installment. In the meantime, if anyone else wants to take part, please leave a message in this thread, or PM either of us for more details about our plans.