Outside Context Problem [Star Wars/Digimon 02] [Not Dead]
Posted: 2010-04-05 12:59am
The wonderful thing about crossovers is how different ways of seeing the world(s) slam into each other. When different people run into things that they have never expected to encounter, and they have to develop new ways of thinking.
What I present to you here is a story of a fish out of water. Or rather, a lungfish, because said fish is far from helpless.
This is the story of what happens when Star Wars meets Something Else*. In which a Sith Lord of the Legacy era serves as a teacher a character who most assuredly does not need a -bad- even worse influence on his life. In essence, Dark Side teachings are exactly what the character doesn’t need.
Why did I choose the Sith? Well, in plenty of stories you have a character(s) from SG1 or B5 or * or whatever finding out that they’re Force sensitive and getting trained as a Jedi. Why is it always a Jedi? What about the Sith, don’t they deserve any love?
No longer. This about a Dark Lord who is a walking, talking, outside context problem for people, both good and evil, who have no idea what the Force is. And how those people react to him.
The name of the story is a bit of a misnomer, as it does not qualify under Banks’ definition.
* I would state what it is right here, but I’m afraid of being metaphorically tossed out by an angry mod for “introducing SD.net to that sort of crap”. **
** I’m joking, really there’s nothing here that violates any of the rules.DISREGARD THIS, I SUCK COCKS
Also, if my writing is bad, then please tell how to make it better. If I have characters doing or saying things that they would never do or say, they by all means, rap me on the knuckles. If I start inserting infodumps, then for the love of all that is good, stop me.
Space. The infinite void stretched out, a testament to inability of the human mind to comprehend the universe. The only things that disturbed the tranquility were the presence of a sun and several planets. From one of them, an orange and blue world, a spacecraft emerged, its lone occupant returning from his appointed task.
The ship itself was a relic dating back to the waning days of the Old Republic, a modified Star Courier. Supposedly it had been Darth Maul’s infamous Scimitar before being renamed the Shadow, its passenger had learned to put little stock in such rumors. All the records that he had seen stated that the ships name was the Tantalus. Still, it was not unheard of for starships to have lives measured in the centuries. Thus it was possible, if unlikely, that the Scimitar might still be out there, even in 127 ABY.
Inside the cockpit Darth Felechen continued to observe the scanner readouts. The mission to plant false evidence linking the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances to several extremist political parties had gone quite well. Although he had spent much more time then he had wished, the end results were nothing to complain about. The planetary government had severed all ties with the Galactic Alliance and had banned the sale of Cordrazine, Gylocal, and about half a dozen other medical substances to the Alliance or its associates. By the time the ruse would be discovered, it would be much too late.
Yet the sense of accomplishment was muted. He was a Sith Lord, perhaps not s powerful as Darth Talon or Darth Maleval, but few others had seen or done as much as him. And despite his knowledge he was reduced to running errands of questionable importance on the Outer Rim. Then again, he had been against the alliance with the Fel Empire from the start and had not hesitated to make his opinions known.
In the end, he suspected his contribution to the conflict that was becoming known as the Sith-Imperal would be minuscule.
His disgruntled musings were interrupted by an alarm. Four blips appeared on the long range scanners, and a second later the computer identified them as Galactic Alliance CF9 Crossfires. They shot forward, converging on his position.
While he was already outnumbered and out gunned by the agile fighters, Felechen was half convinced that he could evade them by activating his cloaking system, and by evading their shots until he reached the edge of the gravity well. Then his hope died. He felt it, the unmistakable presence of another Force-sensitive. There was a Jedi among the fighters.
Felechen now knew that he had no change of escape. Jedi tended to make excellent pilots, and even if this one was merely average, he or she would be able to target his courier with the Force alone. The other pilots would see where the Jedi was firing and add the firepower of their own laser cannons to the mix. He was doomed.
Or was he? From the dark recesses of his mind he recalled a technique he had once learned but later forgotten about. The ability to create hyperspace storms, or rather wormholes, using the Force. Felechen had never thought highly of such an ability given its uncontrollable nature, and had not shared the knowledge of its use with anyone else.
Only two Sith had shown the ability to use it, Darth Riven and Darth Sidious. Apparently neither of them had been able to control it.
There was also a more subtle and defensive use for it; the wormholes created could be used to for travel or to escape danger. He had far more confidence in his ability to control a small wormhole then a massive storm. Boosting power to the engines, Felechen made his decision. He would escape this ambush. Better to end up in the void between the stars where he had a change of rescue, then to be reduced to space dust.
Slowly and carefully, Felechen focused his power, forcing his will onto the fabric of hyperspace. He concentrated on a far off star that he knew to be in Imperial held space. He could already see a faint shimmer in space when the first laser bolts began to fall around him.
He continued to focus, not daring to make a course adjustment even as the ruby shafts of energy triggered an alert. He silenced it with a thought. The distortion grew larger. They must have conected him and growing rift as they intensified the already impressive firepower they had been laying down. Still, he refused to be distracted. The embryonic wormhole was the only thing important, everything else was irreverent.
Finally, the wormhole opened. Feeling like his hear would burst, Darth Felechen shot though it. The four perusing fighters veered off as the wormhole closed. They knew better than to follow a Sith starship into an unknown spacial anomaly.
After what seemed to be hours the Star Courier emerged from the wormhole. Darth Felechen gasped for air, he hadn’t realized that he had ben holding his breath. The Sith Lord allowed a smile to grace his lips. He felt like he had just successfully navigated the Middle Distance, a feat that he had tried only once before, and that was wit h the engines running a half power. His smile faded as he examined the view from the cockpit window. He had arrived near the outermost planets of a system. It wasn’t the one he had been trying to reach, there were too many planets, and the stars didn’t match up to what he remembered from his last visit to the system.
He was lost.
A feeling of dread started to rise within him. He could be anywhere in the galaxy. No, think rationally, Darth Felechen told himself. His ship had enough provisions to last for several months, and his hyper-wave beacon would alert any allied forces to his position. He only hoped that they would find him before a Galactic Alliance patrol stumbled across him.
That assumed that he had arrived in Alliance or Imperial space. He could have ended up in Hutt territory, the Corporate Sector, or in the Unknown Regions. The feeling began to rise again, but he suppressed it. Besides, even if he had ended up in a backwater sector, there had to be some HoloNet traffic or other communications that he could pick up.
He begin adjusting the settings of the ship, powering down unnecessary systems and activating a sort of stealth mode. It wouldn’t be impossible to detect The modified courier, just extremely hard. After making the final preparations, he switched the communications system to receive only and waited.
He was met with silence.
It seemed like he truly was alone.
Or not. As he double checked the various sensor readouts, be noticed that an unusual amount of ratio waves were emanating from one of the planets. Was this such a undeveloped system that the inhabitants were forced to make due with realspace communications? Or had they developed civilization without every being contacted by a galactic power? While he considered the later possibility to be unlikely, it was certainly could happen.
He began looking over the data the instruments had given him regarding the planet. About three quarters of the surface was covered with water, the atmosphere was breathable by humans and most other species. The heat emissions were consistent with an industrial or post industrial society, which meant that it shouldn’t be too primitive. Still, the large amount of water bothered him. Planets with that much water often had aquatic inhabitants, which would make.
No matter. It was this world that offered him the best hope of getting back to Sith or Imperial forces. He angled his ship toward the planet and fired off a short burst from the ion drives. Meditation would serve to pass the time, so he got up and walked over to one of the passenger seats behind the pilots chair.
It was about half an hour later when Darth Felechen felt it. The presence of another Force sensitive, unmistakable in its beauty. It sang out to him, calling him towards the planet. A flare of curiosity sparked inside him.
This changes everything.
Anticipation soared within him as the ship coursed through the void. Depending on the age of whoever was giving off that ‘signal’, he just might be able to train them in the ways of the Sith. Even if he couldn’t, he had access to techniques that they would be unaware of. He could offer them knowledge in exchange for material assistance, and turn them towards the Dark Side at the same time. This unexpected detour might prove to be more beneficial then he had ever expected. He double-checked the data readout showing his ships position relative to the star, then returned to his meditation.
The pre-programed alarm began going off several hours later, alerting Felechen to the arrival near the planet. He returned to the pilots seat and began making course corrections. To avoid detection, he plotted a course near one of the poles. Flying as low as possible was a well recognized strategy for covert operations, and Felechen saw no reason to discard it here.
The more he peered at the blue and green orb, the less he suspected the inhabitants were aquatic. There was ne evidence of undersea constructions. Flying over the oceans should be relatively safe as long as he avoided being seen. Which would be easy, thanks to the advanced passive sensors on his craft.
Felechen was making fairly good time, even if he did have to make numerous turns to avoid surface ships and airspeeders. The bottom of his craft was less then half a meter from the waterline, reducing the risk of being spotted even more. His ‘Force sense’ told him that his quarry was in the direction of an archipelago. Pausing to reflect, the Dark Lord found that he was look forward to this. In fact, this was the most anticipation he had felt in a long, long, time.
As he drew nearer to the object of his hunt, Felechen had been forced to make more and more course corrections to his path. Worse, his path was leading him to an sprawling artificial island. The only place he could realistically land was a narrow strip of beach and forest, and that way had its own problems. Eventually, after looking over the the readout displaying the positions of numerous surface craft, he simply decided to wait until night came. The Sith order had waited a thousand years to overthrow the Jedi and the Republic, surly he could wait a few hours. He adjusted the controls for the rupulsor, and the craft descended into the water. Felechen stood up, and was about to sit down to meditate, when he felt the tell-tale pangs of hunger. Even the mightiest of the Sith Lords had to eat, so he walked over to the lift that connected the cockpit and passenger area to the lower level.
Some four hours later Darth Felechen set the ship down amongst the trees. The cover was much less dense then he would have liked, making discovery a risk. Thankfully he had a two part solution to this. The first was the cloaking device on board the Shadow, and the second was a Sith artifact that radiated a feeling of unease and dread. Together, they should keep any unwelcome interlopers away.
Now that he had made landfall, Felechen began reviewing the radio transmissions the craft had recorded. Wandering around without knowing the language was possible, however he would ultimately have to learn it if he hoped to make contact with the unknown force user. He began enter commands into the console, ordering he computer to create a language teaching program. Next, he activated the cloaking device, then went to down to the main level to fetch some provisions.
Once in the cargo hold, he began to look for various items to assist him during the ‘contact mission’. Light amplification goggles, electrobinoculars, a sound dampening belt, a multitool, and several other objects were withdrawn from various boxes. Last, he removed a personal stealth suit.
After putting on the suit, he exited the aft airlock.
Felechen crept down the ramp with the air of a professional, after all he’d done this sort of thing many times before. He inhaled, savoring the fresh air and the scents that it brought. Decades ago, he had vowed never the take the air for granted after spending a month inside a ship. After a mere three weeks he had been so sick of stale air that he had been on the verge of opening the airlock to end it all. The whole sorry episode had been a bitter lesson for him, and a source of great amusement for his master. The story of a Sith apprentice on the verge of a nervous breakdown had circulated for months.
Enough. He double-checked the power charges on his belt and stealth suit, then activated them and began running through the grass. Felechen was eager to see what the inhabitants of this world looked like.
He kept running until he reached a halogen-lit street. The glare was slightly disconcerting, but he pushed it aside, after all he had seen much more unnerving sights then poorly calibrated lighting unit. Keeping his distance, he took out the pair of electrobinoculars and focused on a distant figure. His grip loosened slightly as he looked at the species readout.
They were human. Were they a lost colony? Perhaps they had crashed here eons ago, and gradually forgot about their origins? He had seen no trace of hyperspace technology. Power generation was either combustion or fission based. He hadn’t seen any weapons so far, but he suspected that they used slugthrowers rather then blasters.
The Sith Lord set aside that train of thought. Anyhow, the matter of the planets inhabitants being human would make blending in much easier. He would, however, need to learn the language. There was also the task of finding a new wardrobe. With a tap of a button, he activated the electrobinoculars’ built-in recorder.
What I present to you here is a story of a fish out of water. Or rather, a lungfish, because said fish is far from helpless.
This is the story of what happens when Star Wars meets Something Else*. In which a Sith Lord of the Legacy era serves as a teacher a character who most assuredly does not need a -bad- even worse influence on his life. In essence, Dark Side teachings are exactly what the character doesn’t need.
Why did I choose the Sith? Well, in plenty of stories you have a character(s) from SG1 or B5 or * or whatever finding out that they’re Force sensitive and getting trained as a Jedi. Why is it always a Jedi? What about the Sith, don’t they deserve any love?
No longer. This about a Dark Lord who is a walking, talking, outside context problem for people, both good and evil, who have no idea what the Force is. And how those people react to him.
The name of the story is a bit of a misnomer, as it does not qualify under Banks’ definition.
* I would state what it is right here, but I’m afraid of being metaphorically tossed out by an angry mod for “introducing SD.net to that sort of crap”. **
** I’m joking, really there’s nothing here that violates any of the rules.DISREGARD THIS, I SUCK COCKS
Also, if my writing is bad, then please tell how to make it better. If I have characters doing or saying things that they would never do or say, they by all means, rap me on the knuckles. If I start inserting infodumps, then for the love of all that is good, stop me.
Space. The infinite void stretched out, a testament to inability of the human mind to comprehend the universe. The only things that disturbed the tranquility were the presence of a sun and several planets. From one of them, an orange and blue world, a spacecraft emerged, its lone occupant returning from his appointed task.
The ship itself was a relic dating back to the waning days of the Old Republic, a modified Star Courier. Supposedly it had been Darth Maul’s infamous Scimitar before being renamed the Shadow, its passenger had learned to put little stock in such rumors. All the records that he had seen stated that the ships name was the Tantalus. Still, it was not unheard of for starships to have lives measured in the centuries. Thus it was possible, if unlikely, that the Scimitar might still be out there, even in 127 ABY.
Inside the cockpit Darth Felechen continued to observe the scanner readouts. The mission to plant false evidence linking the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances to several extremist political parties had gone quite well. Although he had spent much more time then he had wished, the end results were nothing to complain about. The planetary government had severed all ties with the Galactic Alliance and had banned the sale of Cordrazine, Gylocal, and about half a dozen other medical substances to the Alliance or its associates. By the time the ruse would be discovered, it would be much too late.
Yet the sense of accomplishment was muted. He was a Sith Lord, perhaps not s powerful as Darth Talon or Darth Maleval, but few others had seen or done as much as him. And despite his knowledge he was reduced to running errands of questionable importance on the Outer Rim. Then again, he had been against the alliance with the Fel Empire from the start and had not hesitated to make his opinions known.
In the end, he suspected his contribution to the conflict that was becoming known as the Sith-Imperal would be minuscule.
His disgruntled musings were interrupted by an alarm. Four blips appeared on the long range scanners, and a second later the computer identified them as Galactic Alliance CF9 Crossfires. They shot forward, converging on his position.
While he was already outnumbered and out gunned by the agile fighters, Felechen was half convinced that he could evade them by activating his cloaking system, and by evading their shots until he reached the edge of the gravity well. Then his hope died. He felt it, the unmistakable presence of another Force-sensitive. There was a Jedi among the fighters.
Felechen now knew that he had no change of escape. Jedi tended to make excellent pilots, and even if this one was merely average, he or she would be able to target his courier with the Force alone. The other pilots would see where the Jedi was firing and add the firepower of their own laser cannons to the mix. He was doomed.
Or was he? From the dark recesses of his mind he recalled a technique he had once learned but later forgotten about. The ability to create hyperspace storms, or rather wormholes, using the Force. Felechen had never thought highly of such an ability given its uncontrollable nature, and had not shared the knowledge of its use with anyone else.
Only two Sith had shown the ability to use it, Darth Riven and Darth Sidious. Apparently neither of them had been able to control it.
There was also a more subtle and defensive use for it; the wormholes created could be used to for travel or to escape danger. He had far more confidence in his ability to control a small wormhole then a massive storm. Boosting power to the engines, Felechen made his decision. He would escape this ambush. Better to end up in the void between the stars where he had a change of rescue, then to be reduced to space dust.
Slowly and carefully, Felechen focused his power, forcing his will onto the fabric of hyperspace. He concentrated on a far off star that he knew to be in Imperial held space. He could already see a faint shimmer in space when the first laser bolts began to fall around him.
He continued to focus, not daring to make a course adjustment even as the ruby shafts of energy triggered an alert. He silenced it with a thought. The distortion grew larger. They must have conected him and growing rift as they intensified the already impressive firepower they had been laying down. Still, he refused to be distracted. The embryonic wormhole was the only thing important, everything else was irreverent.
Finally, the wormhole opened. Feeling like his hear would burst, Darth Felechen shot though it. The four perusing fighters veered off as the wormhole closed. They knew better than to follow a Sith starship into an unknown spacial anomaly.
After what seemed to be hours the Star Courier emerged from the wormhole. Darth Felechen gasped for air, he hadn’t realized that he had ben holding his breath. The Sith Lord allowed a smile to grace his lips. He felt like he had just successfully navigated the Middle Distance, a feat that he had tried only once before, and that was wit h the engines running a half power. His smile faded as he examined the view from the cockpit window. He had arrived near the outermost planets of a system. It wasn’t the one he had been trying to reach, there were too many planets, and the stars didn’t match up to what he remembered from his last visit to the system.
He was lost.
A feeling of dread started to rise within him. He could be anywhere in the galaxy. No, think rationally, Darth Felechen told himself. His ship had enough provisions to last for several months, and his hyper-wave beacon would alert any allied forces to his position. He only hoped that they would find him before a Galactic Alliance patrol stumbled across him.
That assumed that he had arrived in Alliance or Imperial space. He could have ended up in Hutt territory, the Corporate Sector, or in the Unknown Regions. The feeling began to rise again, but he suppressed it. Besides, even if he had ended up in a backwater sector, there had to be some HoloNet traffic or other communications that he could pick up.
He begin adjusting the settings of the ship, powering down unnecessary systems and activating a sort of stealth mode. It wouldn’t be impossible to detect The modified courier, just extremely hard. After making the final preparations, he switched the communications system to receive only and waited.
He was met with silence.
It seemed like he truly was alone.
Or not. As he double checked the various sensor readouts, be noticed that an unusual amount of ratio waves were emanating from one of the planets. Was this such a undeveloped system that the inhabitants were forced to make due with realspace communications? Or had they developed civilization without every being contacted by a galactic power? While he considered the later possibility to be unlikely, it was certainly could happen.
He began looking over the data the instruments had given him regarding the planet. About three quarters of the surface was covered with water, the atmosphere was breathable by humans and most other species. The heat emissions were consistent with an industrial or post industrial society, which meant that it shouldn’t be too primitive. Still, the large amount of water bothered him. Planets with that much water often had aquatic inhabitants, which would make.
No matter. It was this world that offered him the best hope of getting back to Sith or Imperial forces. He angled his ship toward the planet and fired off a short burst from the ion drives. Meditation would serve to pass the time, so he got up and walked over to one of the passenger seats behind the pilots chair.
It was about half an hour later when Darth Felechen felt it. The presence of another Force sensitive, unmistakable in its beauty. It sang out to him, calling him towards the planet. A flare of curiosity sparked inside him.
This changes everything.
Anticipation soared within him as the ship coursed through the void. Depending on the age of whoever was giving off that ‘signal’, he just might be able to train them in the ways of the Sith. Even if he couldn’t, he had access to techniques that they would be unaware of. He could offer them knowledge in exchange for material assistance, and turn them towards the Dark Side at the same time. This unexpected detour might prove to be more beneficial then he had ever expected. He double-checked the data readout showing his ships position relative to the star, then returned to his meditation.
The pre-programed alarm began going off several hours later, alerting Felechen to the arrival near the planet. He returned to the pilots seat and began making course corrections. To avoid detection, he plotted a course near one of the poles. Flying as low as possible was a well recognized strategy for covert operations, and Felechen saw no reason to discard it here.
The more he peered at the blue and green orb, the less he suspected the inhabitants were aquatic. There was ne evidence of undersea constructions. Flying over the oceans should be relatively safe as long as he avoided being seen. Which would be easy, thanks to the advanced passive sensors on his craft.
Felechen was making fairly good time, even if he did have to make numerous turns to avoid surface ships and airspeeders. The bottom of his craft was less then half a meter from the waterline, reducing the risk of being spotted even more. His ‘Force sense’ told him that his quarry was in the direction of an archipelago. Pausing to reflect, the Dark Lord found that he was look forward to this. In fact, this was the most anticipation he had felt in a long, long, time.
As he drew nearer to the object of his hunt, Felechen had been forced to make more and more course corrections to his path. Worse, his path was leading him to an sprawling artificial island. The only place he could realistically land was a narrow strip of beach and forest, and that way had its own problems. Eventually, after looking over the the readout displaying the positions of numerous surface craft, he simply decided to wait until night came. The Sith order had waited a thousand years to overthrow the Jedi and the Republic, surly he could wait a few hours. He adjusted the controls for the rupulsor, and the craft descended into the water. Felechen stood up, and was about to sit down to meditate, when he felt the tell-tale pangs of hunger. Even the mightiest of the Sith Lords had to eat, so he walked over to the lift that connected the cockpit and passenger area to the lower level.
Some four hours later Darth Felechen set the ship down amongst the trees. The cover was much less dense then he would have liked, making discovery a risk. Thankfully he had a two part solution to this. The first was the cloaking device on board the Shadow, and the second was a Sith artifact that radiated a feeling of unease and dread. Together, they should keep any unwelcome interlopers away.
Now that he had made landfall, Felechen began reviewing the radio transmissions the craft had recorded. Wandering around without knowing the language was possible, however he would ultimately have to learn it if he hoped to make contact with the unknown force user. He began enter commands into the console, ordering he computer to create a language teaching program. Next, he activated the cloaking device, then went to down to the main level to fetch some provisions.
Once in the cargo hold, he began to look for various items to assist him during the ‘contact mission’. Light amplification goggles, electrobinoculars, a sound dampening belt, a multitool, and several other objects were withdrawn from various boxes. Last, he removed a personal stealth suit.
After putting on the suit, he exited the aft airlock.
Felechen crept down the ramp with the air of a professional, after all he’d done this sort of thing many times before. He inhaled, savoring the fresh air and the scents that it brought. Decades ago, he had vowed never the take the air for granted after spending a month inside a ship. After a mere three weeks he had been so sick of stale air that he had been on the verge of opening the airlock to end it all. The whole sorry episode had been a bitter lesson for him, and a source of great amusement for his master. The story of a Sith apprentice on the verge of a nervous breakdown had circulated for months.
Enough. He double-checked the power charges on his belt and stealth suit, then activated them and began running through the grass. Felechen was eager to see what the inhabitants of this world looked like.
He kept running until he reached a halogen-lit street. The glare was slightly disconcerting, but he pushed it aside, after all he had seen much more unnerving sights then poorly calibrated lighting unit. Keeping his distance, he took out the pair of electrobinoculars and focused on a distant figure. His grip loosened slightly as he looked at the species readout.
They were human. Were they a lost colony? Perhaps they had crashed here eons ago, and gradually forgot about their origins? He had seen no trace of hyperspace technology. Power generation was either combustion or fission based. He hadn’t seen any weapons so far, but he suspected that they used slugthrowers rather then blasters.
The Sith Lord set aside that train of thought. Anyhow, the matter of the planets inhabitants being human would make blending in much easier. He would, however, need to learn the language. There was also the task of finding a new wardrobe. With a tap of a button, he activated the electrobinoculars’ built-in recorder.