He Is Risen (A 40k story)
Posted: 2011-01-30 11:51pm
Edge of the End
Cypri Mundi
How had it all come to this? Samuel Talonis stared into the massive cogitator screen that spread from wall to wall of the bunker. Endless battle logs, pict cast recordings, and schola histories scrolled down the screen endlessly. He buried his face in his hands and not for the tenth time asked himself aloud “How had it all come to this?” This time he received an answer. One of his young adjutants Lt. Eli Ney had entered the deserted command post. “My Lord? My lord are you quite alright? I have several requests on the command comm--” But Talonis cocked his head slightly and waved him silent. He slowly rose from his chair and pointed sadly at the screen, bright light illuminating the darkened room. “Don't you see my boy? It's all over. All over...” Lt. Ney shifted uneasily on his feet, rubbing his combat boots together, nervousness etched into his face. “But my Lord...My lord sir Lord General Krautz is urgently requesting you release the Titan reserve, and Lord--” But again he was cut off. Lord General Samuel Talonis was a grizzled veteran with more than two centuries of campaigning experience under his belt and the cuts, scars, and whirring of machinery in his arm spoke as a testament to that fact. But the image he projected today was that of a broken man. He looked at the boy in front of him. Straw haired, freckled, rosy cheeks, and blue eyes that showed stress and fear... he shook his head. The Lieutenant couldn't be more than twenty years old.
But Talonis turned away from Ney and pointed once again to the screen he croaked “It's been over for far too long... within a few centuries everyone will know it...” He saw the nervous expression on the boys face grow. He waved his hand “Relax Lieutenant, there is more brass on Cypri Mundi than we know what to do with. The Lord Commander supersedes me, he will release the Titans in good time.” Ney untensed a little “That is very good my Lord. I trust in yours and the Lord Commander's judgment as ever.” But Talonis looked back at the screen sadly and shook his head “But that's part of the problem isn't it... We've reached the edge. We have a Lord General Militant and the Lord Commander in battle on the same planet? The capital and nerve center of the entire Segmentum no less? None of this seems wrong to you?! The day is lost my boy.” His shoulders sagged a little at the blatant defeatism. Perhaps he just wanted someone else to share in his misery. Finally the young Lieutenant who had seen the degeneration in Talonis over the past few weeks could take no more “My lord! I...I cannot abide this any longer! This is treason! Infamy in the face of the Traitors themselves! I must report this!” And yet at last Talonis didn't care, he felt relief at the confession of his depression. Lord General Talonis simply pointed to the door “Fetch whomever you must, I'm sure there are more than enough inquisitors and commissars running around who would be thrilled with your report. Go now Lieutenant.” With a look of terror and anger on his face Lt. Ney turned on his heel and virtually sprang for the door.
At last Talonis sat back down in his chair. The command deck was empty. He had dismissed his officers to assist with efforts elsewhere in the massive ground facilities, ostentatiously on missions of real utility. In reality he had desired solace. He knew the end had come. The 17th Black Crusade had finally achieved what all the others had failed to do. The overwhelming of the Cadian Gate and the destruction of large swathes of the Imperial Fleet. In M47 the onslaught of Hive Armada Tyrant had overwhelmed the defenses of the Segmentum Tempestus and in a few centuries despite the best efforts of the Imperium had pressed on the military capital world of Bakka. Splinter fleets had even begun to roam into the now beleaguered Segmentum Pacificus. The only way to prevent the complete the collapse of the entire Segmentum in the space of the next few centuries was the rapid mobilization of massive reinforcements from the huge fleets and armies of the Segmentum Obscuris, specifically from Cypra Mundi and the Cadian Gate.
Warmaster Adonis had take charge of the combined forces and in brilliant actions had managed to purge the Tyranids the Segementum Pacificus and in joining with the fleets and armies in Segmentum Obscuris had managed to finally break the waves of the Tyranid advance in one of the largest campaigns the Imperium had seen since the march of Lord Solar Macharius. However it took more than two centuries of ceaseless engagement, and with several Ork Waagh's pulled into the fray infinitely more difficult and bloody. At last Hive Armada Tyrant was declared 'defeated' and Imperial fleets and armies were dispatched to engage individual Tyranid hive fleets and reclaim the many systems that had fallen to Tyranid hordes, the Ork Waagh's, and the scores of worlds and systems which had simply seceded in the vacuum of Imperial rule. Talonis pulled up the list at the corner of the screen with a quick flick of the key's. He laughed sadly, all those systems and worlds remained outside the control of the Imperium. In fact in the past two thousand years more worlds and systems had been lost due to renewed Tyranid and Ork onslaughts and increasingly secessionism.
And so...and so when the hammer fell and the hordes poured forth from the Eye of Terror the Imperial legions that had barely contained the 16th Black Crusade were overwhelmed. Billions upon billions now poured forth from the gaping maw. The shattered Imperial fleets along with their Astartes counterparts fell back repeatedly and were splintered in successive offensives. Finally, several Astartes chapters broke off to defend their home worlds. The Space Wolves, along with a sizable fraction of an Imperial Fleet had retreated with the goal of evacuating their homeworld Fenris of its precious artifacts, adepts, recruits, and technology. But it was not to be, it was as the fell Magnus had desired. At last he stepped forth from the immaterium leading his own Legion and tens of millions of traitor cultists along with a major splinter fleet and savaged the Imperial forces in orbit over Fenris. The Astartes deft and skilled as always had managed to wreak terrible casualties on the Traitors and in a daring boarding brought down the Battle Barge the Photep. However it was to no avail, the planet was overwhelmed and the Imperial fleets all but obliterated. It was said that the Fang had been converted into a palace of sorcery for Magnus, a grim copy of his tower in Tizla. A company or two of the Wolves had managed to evade destruction but according to the blinking text on the cogitator screen their location was unknown. Talonis shrugged, perhaps it was just Imperial rumor and nothing more.
With the emergence of the Traitor Legions and the mauling of the primary Imperial forces in the Segementum, whole systems were laid bare. In less than a century entire systems either turned traitor or were laid to waste. The loosening grip of the Imperium seemed to encourage heresy and rebellion everywhere. It was like a vision from the darkest days of the Heresy as loyalists and traitors tore each other apart. Hundreds of billions perished as worlds were burnt to a cinder. Assistance from the other Segmentums was limited as they tried to cope with the crushing burden of Xenos and Traitor onslaughts on all fronts while the Solar Segementum pulled in shattered fleets and armies to fortify the outer systems of the capital Segmentum.
Talonis was interrupted by the now blaring red comm link. Sighing he flicked the switch and the image of Lord General Krautz appeared on the screen. “My Lord! We can no longer reach Lord Commander Ulfang, we need you to authorize the release of the Titan Legions! The traitors have pushed towards the Del Niyus Shipyards we can knock them back but we need your authorization.” Talonis's shoulders sagged it was a blow to realize that the traitors had pushed that far already. As well as the unspoken but implicit news of the Lord Commanders death which meant that the administrative nerve center at New Corinth had fallen. But without support from orbit... He resisted the urge to ask the General what the point was. He nodded “Yes General, in the name of the Emperor we shall crush the heretics beneath the iron of his holy machines.” he keyed in the proper authorization. Seemingly invigorated the Lord General saluted and began rapidly issuing orders, Talonis broke communication.
Turning his attention to the massive cogitator screen he picked up where he had left off. Despite the best and most protracted Imperial efforts within another two centuries in 554.M49 the last great collection of Imperial ships and troops were defeated in a major counter attack towards Cadia. It was an epic and bloody affair, in fact it was one of Talonis's first major campaigns. However the combined might of the Traitor Fleets and the augmenting of their power with the Blackstone Fortresses eventually overwhelmed Imperial forces and in a devastating retreat that occurred they reconsolidated in the northern arm of the Segementum. The Traitor Fleets believed they had a free walk to the nerve center of the Segementum at Cypra Mundi but perhaps they had grown overconfident as it took them more than a hundred fifty years to breach the system as ingenious Imperial delaying actions dealt tremendous damage. It was a century of unrecorded heroics and gallantry.
Talonis pulled up a map of the planet, areas controlled by the traitors were covered in red. A majority of the map had been colored red and landings were being marked all over the ship yards. He smiled a sad smile again he laughed a little to himself “And yet it was not enough...” His command bunker was located at the Omega Fortress which guarded the primary cluster of Shipyards and kept the shields up over the facilities. Having finally battle there way to the capital of the Segmentum they had taken a full decade to batter through Imperial defences. Overcoming the formidable Imperial fleets in orbit around the planet and the six gigantic orbital fortresses had taken years and had taken a major toll on the traitor forces. It forced Abbadon to recall major forces from elsewhere in the Segementum and nearly five full traitor legions. It was only as the orbital fortresses fell and the fleets melted away that Talonis had finally lost all hope. No reinforcements were en route.
For the past six years they had engaged the traitors on the ground. Billions had died in inhuman carnage, billions upon billions of refugees were butchered in the deep tunnels and coves of the planet armed often with nothing more than shovels and lasguns. Now at last it seemed like the end had come, at least for Omega Fortress. Traitor Astartes and millions of cultists and the foulest daemons pressed on their defenses, while the unholy Titans poured death into the gaps. And yet a mix of Astartes, PDF, and of course Guardsmen returned the death in turn. In a matter of days millions of traitors piled up and yet they inched closer and closer to the shield generators. Desperately they had resorted to arming millions of Imperial Navy crewmen and throwing them into battle tenaciously biting back at the enemy. And yet it seemed as though the last gasp had come. Pulling up pict recordings and current battle reports he could see the last of the massive plascrete edifices being chipped away as artillery smashed at the generator bunkers.
Talonis was surprised at how quickly it had all happened. He knew it must be bad as dust and rockcrete fell from the ceiling from the incoming artillery. It was only when he saw traitor forces withdrawing on the screen that he knew the end had come for the defenders of Omega Fortress. He doubted anyone would know the extent of their heroics here. And at last, at long last he felt a twinge of shame. The men under his command had led and battled ferociously indeed he saw them fall second by second on the cogitator screen. What had he done? He looked around the darkened room and pushed the chair out. He had hidden away in his despair. A last bit of defiance welled up in his chest “If this is how we fall...so be it.” He flicked open the door to the command bunker and pushed his chair out, he pulled out his sword and plasma pistol and exited to the control room. It was a hustle and bustle with aides, officers, and troopers rushing about the room as they tried to prepare for evacuation to the lower tunnels to continue the fight elsewhere. They suddenly stopped cold, they hadn't seen the commander in days. Almost at once they seemed to scramble to attention but Talonis held up a hand “At ease, at ease. I would just like to tell you all...” He paused as he surveyed the men drenched in sweat worked to the bone over the past few weeks, fear and defiance in their eyes. Talonis cleared his throat “Tell you all how proud I personally am of each and every one of you. The Emperor would---”
He was interrupted by a seismic quake that rocked the control room. Talonis like most of the men in the room was knocked to the floor dust and rockcrete scattered everywhere along with shattered cogitators. A tech adept grasped the command console and heaved himself up looking into the damage reports his eyes went wide “Evacuate! The shields are down, that was a probing shell from orbit!”
People tried to run down the stairs to the tunnels but Talonis didn't even try. He pulled himself to his feet and hefted his weight against a cracked wall. Next to him lenaed a terrified wounded young trooper who gulped and whispered “It doesn't matter...does it Lord?” At that last piece of primal desperation Talonis was at last overthrown. His mind raced “Why! Why has the Emperor forsaken us! The Imperium teeters on the brink of collapse! Is He... Is He even there?” Talonis battled against the desperation. Finally in those last seconds as Talonis teetered on the brink of Heresy he looked back at the trooper and grasped his shoulders pulling him close into a tight embrace. With firmness and meaning the like of which he had never felt before “It is never for nothing. We have served Him and Humanity. And be proud soldier, be proud until the very end. For the Emperor, Praise His Name. ” The soldier swallowed and nodded, and so Lord General Militant Samuel Talonis was redeemed from Heresy. Right before a sky scraper sized shell splintered Omega Fortress to its very foundations.
The Holy Throne Room
Lord Constantine Valdor, most ancient of the Emperors servants and his loyal Companion was the Lord of his masters personal guardians. Tall and grave he stood head bowed in deep thought before the Golden Throne. What would his master desire of him? And yet for once he could not bare his thoughts to the Lord of All Men, the one whom quadrillions called their God. He was forced to look inward, towards his own heart. And at last he felt as though he had an answer. He summoned his closest lords and confidants, the chief's of the Custodes. “With the fall of Cypra Munda and the collapse of the Segementums into war and heresy my heart tells me the time has come.” The assembled Custodes were stone faced. Undeterred he gestured to the holy edifice “We have increased the amount of offerings a thousand fold but to no avail. My heart tells me it is no coincidence that his throne fails as his realm fails.” He paused a moment to survey the lords again, he could divine nothing. “The time has come. Is there dissension?” No one raised a voice. But slowly one by one they nodded their heads in assent. He nodded “Then it shall be done. Make the preparations. Once we are committed there is no turning back. We shall make contact, activate our agents.”
This is my first story I'd be happy for any feedback you guys have. I also wanted to take a point of apologizing early on for any errors grammatical or otherwise you feel have been made and to point them out of they seem egregious. Also the later chapters will not be as intensive on the chronological detail or campaign summaries, but I felt it was necessary to render a plausible outline of a dramatic decline in the Imperium so as to effectively convey the dire straights they find themselves in. This is a storyline my friends and I had always nerded out to and it seemed like time enough to try and write one. What better place to test our nerd wank.
Hope you guys enjoy!
Cypri Mundi
How had it all come to this? Samuel Talonis stared into the massive cogitator screen that spread from wall to wall of the bunker. Endless battle logs, pict cast recordings, and schola histories scrolled down the screen endlessly. He buried his face in his hands and not for the tenth time asked himself aloud “How had it all come to this?” This time he received an answer. One of his young adjutants Lt. Eli Ney had entered the deserted command post. “My Lord? My lord are you quite alright? I have several requests on the command comm--” But Talonis cocked his head slightly and waved him silent. He slowly rose from his chair and pointed sadly at the screen, bright light illuminating the darkened room. “Don't you see my boy? It's all over. All over...” Lt. Ney shifted uneasily on his feet, rubbing his combat boots together, nervousness etched into his face. “But my Lord...My lord sir Lord General Krautz is urgently requesting you release the Titan reserve, and Lord--” But again he was cut off. Lord General Samuel Talonis was a grizzled veteran with more than two centuries of campaigning experience under his belt and the cuts, scars, and whirring of machinery in his arm spoke as a testament to that fact. But the image he projected today was that of a broken man. He looked at the boy in front of him. Straw haired, freckled, rosy cheeks, and blue eyes that showed stress and fear... he shook his head. The Lieutenant couldn't be more than twenty years old.
But Talonis turned away from Ney and pointed once again to the screen he croaked “It's been over for far too long... within a few centuries everyone will know it...” He saw the nervous expression on the boys face grow. He waved his hand “Relax Lieutenant, there is more brass on Cypri Mundi than we know what to do with. The Lord Commander supersedes me, he will release the Titans in good time.” Ney untensed a little “That is very good my Lord. I trust in yours and the Lord Commander's judgment as ever.” But Talonis looked back at the screen sadly and shook his head “But that's part of the problem isn't it... We've reached the edge. We have a Lord General Militant and the Lord Commander in battle on the same planet? The capital and nerve center of the entire Segmentum no less? None of this seems wrong to you?! The day is lost my boy.” His shoulders sagged a little at the blatant defeatism. Perhaps he just wanted someone else to share in his misery. Finally the young Lieutenant who had seen the degeneration in Talonis over the past few weeks could take no more “My lord! I...I cannot abide this any longer! This is treason! Infamy in the face of the Traitors themselves! I must report this!” And yet at last Talonis didn't care, he felt relief at the confession of his depression. Lord General Talonis simply pointed to the door “Fetch whomever you must, I'm sure there are more than enough inquisitors and commissars running around who would be thrilled with your report. Go now Lieutenant.” With a look of terror and anger on his face Lt. Ney turned on his heel and virtually sprang for the door.
At last Talonis sat back down in his chair. The command deck was empty. He had dismissed his officers to assist with efforts elsewhere in the massive ground facilities, ostentatiously on missions of real utility. In reality he had desired solace. He knew the end had come. The 17th Black Crusade had finally achieved what all the others had failed to do. The overwhelming of the Cadian Gate and the destruction of large swathes of the Imperial Fleet. In M47 the onslaught of Hive Armada Tyrant had overwhelmed the defenses of the Segmentum Tempestus and in a few centuries despite the best efforts of the Imperium had pressed on the military capital world of Bakka. Splinter fleets had even begun to roam into the now beleaguered Segmentum Pacificus. The only way to prevent the complete the collapse of the entire Segmentum in the space of the next few centuries was the rapid mobilization of massive reinforcements from the huge fleets and armies of the Segmentum Obscuris, specifically from Cypra Mundi and the Cadian Gate.
Warmaster Adonis had take charge of the combined forces and in brilliant actions had managed to purge the Tyranids the Segementum Pacificus and in joining with the fleets and armies in Segmentum Obscuris had managed to finally break the waves of the Tyranid advance in one of the largest campaigns the Imperium had seen since the march of Lord Solar Macharius. However it took more than two centuries of ceaseless engagement, and with several Ork Waagh's pulled into the fray infinitely more difficult and bloody. At last Hive Armada Tyrant was declared 'defeated' and Imperial fleets and armies were dispatched to engage individual Tyranid hive fleets and reclaim the many systems that had fallen to Tyranid hordes, the Ork Waagh's, and the scores of worlds and systems which had simply seceded in the vacuum of Imperial rule. Talonis pulled up the list at the corner of the screen with a quick flick of the key's. He laughed sadly, all those systems and worlds remained outside the control of the Imperium. In fact in the past two thousand years more worlds and systems had been lost due to renewed Tyranid and Ork onslaughts and increasingly secessionism.
And so...and so when the hammer fell and the hordes poured forth from the Eye of Terror the Imperial legions that had barely contained the 16th Black Crusade were overwhelmed. Billions upon billions now poured forth from the gaping maw. The shattered Imperial fleets along with their Astartes counterparts fell back repeatedly and were splintered in successive offensives. Finally, several Astartes chapters broke off to defend their home worlds. The Space Wolves, along with a sizable fraction of an Imperial Fleet had retreated with the goal of evacuating their homeworld Fenris of its precious artifacts, adepts, recruits, and technology. But it was not to be, it was as the fell Magnus had desired. At last he stepped forth from the immaterium leading his own Legion and tens of millions of traitor cultists along with a major splinter fleet and savaged the Imperial forces in orbit over Fenris. The Astartes deft and skilled as always had managed to wreak terrible casualties on the Traitors and in a daring boarding brought down the Battle Barge the Photep. However it was to no avail, the planet was overwhelmed and the Imperial fleets all but obliterated. It was said that the Fang had been converted into a palace of sorcery for Magnus, a grim copy of his tower in Tizla. A company or two of the Wolves had managed to evade destruction but according to the blinking text on the cogitator screen their location was unknown. Talonis shrugged, perhaps it was just Imperial rumor and nothing more.
With the emergence of the Traitor Legions and the mauling of the primary Imperial forces in the Segementum, whole systems were laid bare. In less than a century entire systems either turned traitor or were laid to waste. The loosening grip of the Imperium seemed to encourage heresy and rebellion everywhere. It was like a vision from the darkest days of the Heresy as loyalists and traitors tore each other apart. Hundreds of billions perished as worlds were burnt to a cinder. Assistance from the other Segmentums was limited as they tried to cope with the crushing burden of Xenos and Traitor onslaughts on all fronts while the Solar Segementum pulled in shattered fleets and armies to fortify the outer systems of the capital Segmentum.
Talonis was interrupted by the now blaring red comm link. Sighing he flicked the switch and the image of Lord General Krautz appeared on the screen. “My Lord! We can no longer reach Lord Commander Ulfang, we need you to authorize the release of the Titan Legions! The traitors have pushed towards the Del Niyus Shipyards we can knock them back but we need your authorization.” Talonis's shoulders sagged it was a blow to realize that the traitors had pushed that far already. As well as the unspoken but implicit news of the Lord Commanders death which meant that the administrative nerve center at New Corinth had fallen. But without support from orbit... He resisted the urge to ask the General what the point was. He nodded “Yes General, in the name of the Emperor we shall crush the heretics beneath the iron of his holy machines.” he keyed in the proper authorization. Seemingly invigorated the Lord General saluted and began rapidly issuing orders, Talonis broke communication.
Turning his attention to the massive cogitator screen he picked up where he had left off. Despite the best and most protracted Imperial efforts within another two centuries in 554.M49 the last great collection of Imperial ships and troops were defeated in a major counter attack towards Cadia. It was an epic and bloody affair, in fact it was one of Talonis's first major campaigns. However the combined might of the Traitor Fleets and the augmenting of their power with the Blackstone Fortresses eventually overwhelmed Imperial forces and in a devastating retreat that occurred they reconsolidated in the northern arm of the Segementum. The Traitor Fleets believed they had a free walk to the nerve center of the Segementum at Cypra Mundi but perhaps they had grown overconfident as it took them more than a hundred fifty years to breach the system as ingenious Imperial delaying actions dealt tremendous damage. It was a century of unrecorded heroics and gallantry.
Talonis pulled up a map of the planet, areas controlled by the traitors were covered in red. A majority of the map had been colored red and landings were being marked all over the ship yards. He smiled a sad smile again he laughed a little to himself “And yet it was not enough...” His command bunker was located at the Omega Fortress which guarded the primary cluster of Shipyards and kept the shields up over the facilities. Having finally battle there way to the capital of the Segmentum they had taken a full decade to batter through Imperial defences. Overcoming the formidable Imperial fleets in orbit around the planet and the six gigantic orbital fortresses had taken years and had taken a major toll on the traitor forces. It forced Abbadon to recall major forces from elsewhere in the Segementum and nearly five full traitor legions. It was only as the orbital fortresses fell and the fleets melted away that Talonis had finally lost all hope. No reinforcements were en route.
For the past six years they had engaged the traitors on the ground. Billions had died in inhuman carnage, billions upon billions of refugees were butchered in the deep tunnels and coves of the planet armed often with nothing more than shovels and lasguns. Now at last it seemed like the end had come, at least for Omega Fortress. Traitor Astartes and millions of cultists and the foulest daemons pressed on their defenses, while the unholy Titans poured death into the gaps. And yet a mix of Astartes, PDF, and of course Guardsmen returned the death in turn. In a matter of days millions of traitors piled up and yet they inched closer and closer to the shield generators. Desperately they had resorted to arming millions of Imperial Navy crewmen and throwing them into battle tenaciously biting back at the enemy. And yet it seemed as though the last gasp had come. Pulling up pict recordings and current battle reports he could see the last of the massive plascrete edifices being chipped away as artillery smashed at the generator bunkers.
Talonis was surprised at how quickly it had all happened. He knew it must be bad as dust and rockcrete fell from the ceiling from the incoming artillery. It was only when he saw traitor forces withdrawing on the screen that he knew the end had come for the defenders of Omega Fortress. He doubted anyone would know the extent of their heroics here. And at last, at long last he felt a twinge of shame. The men under his command had led and battled ferociously indeed he saw them fall second by second on the cogitator screen. What had he done? He looked around the darkened room and pushed the chair out. He had hidden away in his despair. A last bit of defiance welled up in his chest “If this is how we fall...so be it.” He flicked open the door to the command bunker and pushed his chair out, he pulled out his sword and plasma pistol and exited to the control room. It was a hustle and bustle with aides, officers, and troopers rushing about the room as they tried to prepare for evacuation to the lower tunnels to continue the fight elsewhere. They suddenly stopped cold, they hadn't seen the commander in days. Almost at once they seemed to scramble to attention but Talonis held up a hand “At ease, at ease. I would just like to tell you all...” He paused as he surveyed the men drenched in sweat worked to the bone over the past few weeks, fear and defiance in their eyes. Talonis cleared his throat “Tell you all how proud I personally am of each and every one of you. The Emperor would---”
He was interrupted by a seismic quake that rocked the control room. Talonis like most of the men in the room was knocked to the floor dust and rockcrete scattered everywhere along with shattered cogitators. A tech adept grasped the command console and heaved himself up looking into the damage reports his eyes went wide “Evacuate! The shields are down, that was a probing shell from orbit!”
People tried to run down the stairs to the tunnels but Talonis didn't even try. He pulled himself to his feet and hefted his weight against a cracked wall. Next to him lenaed a terrified wounded young trooper who gulped and whispered “It doesn't matter...does it Lord?” At that last piece of primal desperation Talonis was at last overthrown. His mind raced “Why! Why has the Emperor forsaken us! The Imperium teeters on the brink of collapse! Is He... Is He even there?” Talonis battled against the desperation. Finally in those last seconds as Talonis teetered on the brink of Heresy he looked back at the trooper and grasped his shoulders pulling him close into a tight embrace. With firmness and meaning the like of which he had never felt before “It is never for nothing. We have served Him and Humanity. And be proud soldier, be proud until the very end. For the Emperor, Praise His Name. ” The soldier swallowed and nodded, and so Lord General Militant Samuel Talonis was redeemed from Heresy. Right before a sky scraper sized shell splintered Omega Fortress to its very foundations.
The Holy Throne Room
Lord Constantine Valdor, most ancient of the Emperors servants and his loyal Companion was the Lord of his masters personal guardians. Tall and grave he stood head bowed in deep thought before the Golden Throne. What would his master desire of him? And yet for once he could not bare his thoughts to the Lord of All Men, the one whom quadrillions called their God. He was forced to look inward, towards his own heart. And at last he felt as though he had an answer. He summoned his closest lords and confidants, the chief's of the Custodes. “With the fall of Cypra Munda and the collapse of the Segementums into war and heresy my heart tells me the time has come.” The assembled Custodes were stone faced. Undeterred he gestured to the holy edifice “We have increased the amount of offerings a thousand fold but to no avail. My heart tells me it is no coincidence that his throne fails as his realm fails.” He paused a moment to survey the lords again, he could divine nothing. “The time has come. Is there dissension?” No one raised a voice. But slowly one by one they nodded their heads in assent. He nodded “Then it shall be done. Make the preparations. Once we are committed there is no turning back. We shall make contact, activate our agents.”
This is my first story I'd be happy for any feedback you guys have. I also wanted to take a point of apologizing early on for any errors grammatical or otherwise you feel have been made and to point them out of they seem egregious. Also the later chapters will not be as intensive on the chronological detail or campaign summaries, but I felt it was necessary to render a plausible outline of a dramatic decline in the Imperium so as to effectively convey the dire straights they find themselves in. This is a storyline my friends and I had always nerded out to and it seemed like time enough to try and write one. What better place to test our nerd wank.
Hope you guys enjoy!