Star Wars: The Crucible

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Star Wars: The Crucible

Post by masterarminas »

Okay, let’s get the legal stuff out of the way: I do not own the rights to Star Wars, nor is this work for profit. It is a piece of fan-fiction set within the universe created by George Lucas using (some) of the characters he (and others) created for Star Wars, but also tells an original story using my own input. It is, in no way, canon, nor do I claim it as such.

Having said that, I hope that you the reader enjoy the continuation of this saga. Let your thoughts and ideas flow here and prod me along as needed. Correct me when I am wrong, or point out something that you think I could do better. And I will try to do so. But now, on to the story.

Star Wars: The Crucible

Episode II of Broken Empire

By Stephen T Bynum

All Rights Reserved, 2013

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away . . .

It was a time of great change in the galaxy. Three years had passed since the death of the Emperor and Lord Vader at the Battle of Endor. The Galactic Empire was sundered on that day, broken although far from dead. In the wake of deaths of the two men who had ruled, chaos had descended.

The New Republic, forged from the shards of the fallen Old Republic, birthed in the fires of a thousand battles as the Rebel Alliance, stood anew. The turbulent years had seen victory and defeat, but steadily, relentlessly, the Republic had consolidated its hold and now two-thirds of the Galaxy lay under its rule.

Coruscant, the Galactic Capital, had surrendered to the New Republic, and now, in these days of waning tyranny, Mon Mothma issued a call for a new Senate to assemble, to bestow legitimacy upon the reformed Republic—and its leadership.
The Imperial Remnant, in theory led by Grand Moff Ardus Kaine, controlled the much of the area that remained. A collection of Warlords and dictators, the Remnant quarreled and squabbled among itself rather than fight the steadily encroaching and ever more powerful New Republic.

There remained large swathes of space, filled with system after system, and Sector upon Sector, that owed no allegiance to either party. It was here, in these unaffiliated systems where the Remnant and Republic vied with one another most fierce . . . and one government, one Union, more . . .

Chapter One

Abril Jonas, Admiral of the Third Strike Fleet of the Consolidated Armed Forces of the Rim, shook his head as he watched the lighter New Republic warships withdraw into hyper. Retreat, rather. He grinned. Clearly, his opponents had not expected to find an entire Strike Fleet here at Arbra, in the heart of the Bon’nyuw-Luq Sector. Although perhaps he should have.

Over the past three years, the Imperial Union of the Rim had incorporated seventeen more Sectors within itself: Hunnovers and Instrop to the Galactic North-east, Hook Nebula, Parmel, Khuiumin, Quence, Svivreni, Tamarin, Toblain, Bon'nyuw-Luq, Parmic, Sujimis, Torch Nebula, Thuris, Skine, Merel, and Samix to the Galactic South-West. Not only did the Union hold the Spice Terminus (a fact which caused a great wailing within Hutt Space when it occurred), but they had acted (in many cases) to move fast and efficiently to curtail atrocities by former-Imperial leaders . . . in several cases, the Union had preserved alien species from genocide.

As they had here at Arbra, when the Lord Steward of the Union had ordered Third Strike Fleet here to prevent General Riik from carrying out his threat to exterminate the . . . Abril couldn’t help it, he blushed and then he frowned—glaring at his aide who quickly found somewhere to turn his attention. The, ahem, extremely cute and cuddly and entirely inoffensive Hoojibs who were native to the planet.

So what if they had allowed the Rebel Alliance to house a base here during the Rebellion? For one such act, an entire species earned eternal death? Not on Abril’s watch. Not on the watch of Thom Patrice, Deputy Steward and Moff of Cyralis. Not on the watch of Garm bel Iblis.

Third Strike Fleet was a fast-moving and powerful formation with the first four completed Stalwart-class Star Destroyers to emerge from the Ord Tanis Yards. Supported by the Venator-class Star Destroyer Fighter Carrier Invictus (and her crack fighter wings led by Captain Maarek Steele) and six smaller Victory-class Star Destroyers. But his Flagship remained the Glorious-class Star Destroyer Ascension—old, perhaps, but she was a ship that Abril Jonas knew well—and one that he trusted to bring him home.

He grinned again, and this time he made no effort to hide it—because he was certain that the Rebel—oops, he thought, Republic—commander had made no plans to run into a dozen Star Destroyers and more than seventy escort ships. Not to mention the dozen vessels, mostly Acclamator-class Assault Ships, assigned to transport the XVII and XXI Legions of General Ise. If he had, then his ship choices had been profoundly poor ones, especially since his two heaviest vessels had been Assault Frigates—old ones at that.

Still, he had responded, so that meant that Mon Mothma was once again paying attention to the Outer Rim Territories, instead of concentrating on capturing—and holding—Coruscant. Perhaps it had not been the wisest maneuver for the Lord Steward to irritate her so publicly—but the two of them seemed to enjoy the long-distance verbal sniping back-and-forth, Abril thought with a shrug.

Lord Steward Garm bel Iblis, the statesman who held the highest executive post within the Union, had answered the questions of interstellar media quite simply when he was asked in the Palace of the Steward on Naboo: “The beings who comprise our Union will not stand by and allow such actions when we can stop them. Who cares which faction controls Coruscant when it is the common people who are suffering here, so very far distant from the Capital world. Mon Mothma, despite her zeal and her good intentions, has devoted far too much time and resources in an effort that is nothing more than a public relations stunt. Had she devoted the same resources and ships and troops out here, I would applaud her actions. She did not—so we did.”

Abril snorted. Mon Mothma was rumored to have been utterly apoplectic when she saw that particular interview.

She no doubt wanted to be the one who rescued the Hoojibs—but she had not been the one to do so. For it had been Jonas and the CAF who had utterly crushed Riik’s ships and then his troops.

“Rather blood-thirsty thoughts there,” a tenor voice said in Abril’s mind and he looked down at the exasperated Hoojib sitting on the deck. “And you don’t need to be so happy that you and your Union managed to get here first, Abril.”

Abril smiled and he shook his head again. “Ambassador Plif, I make no apologies for my thoughts—which are my own, after all. And yes, I am quite pleased that we were able to stop Riik before he could carry out his genocide—and that we beat the New Republic to the punch.”

“Which places Arbra in a terrible bind, Admiral Jonas,” the telepathic ‘voice’ of the Hoojib continued with what felt like a sigh. “We have already established relations with the New Republic—yet now we owe you a debt as well. Someone will have to be disappointed, I fear.”

“Ambassador, on behalf of Lord Steward bel Iblis, I have been directed to inform you of the following—while we have annexed Bon'nyuw-Luq Sector to remove all of Riik’s supporters from power, we are not annexing Arbra. This world is yours. Join the New Republic, if you wish—or join us. Whichever course of action you, your people rather, would prefer.”

The alien creature on the deck of the flag bridge blinked—and Abril could feel the surprise in his thoughts.

“We may be Imperials, Ambassador Plif,” Abril continued, “but we are not conquerors in the traditional sense. We only ask that if you join the New Republic that you allow the Union to participate in the defense of Arbra—if that should be necessary—and that you remember us kindly when you take your seat in the New Republic Senate.” Abril frowned. “Many there are not our friends, Ambassador—we would welcome at least one.”

“And should we decide to join the New Republic, Admiral Jonas, rest assured, one friend—one voice—at the least you shall have,” Plif replied.
Last edited by masterarminas on 2013-03-28 03:27pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Star Wars: The Crucible

Post by Raesene »

Wonderful, you are writing a Star Wars Story again :-)

But why do I have the feeling the Hoojibs are not what they seem to be ?

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Re: Star Wars: The Crucible

Post by Eternal_Freedom »

Fantastic! I was just starting to think it wasn't worth getting up today and then I see this.

Good to see Jonas and Ascension still going strong. And yes, methinks this Hoojibs are more than they seem. Telepaths? Never a good sign.

Baltar: "I don't want to miss a moment of the last Battlestar's destruction!"
Centurion: "Sir, I really think you should look at the other Battlestar."
Baltar: "What are you babbling about's impossible!"
Centurion: "No. It is a Battlestar."

Corrax Entry 7:17: So you walk eternally through the shadow realms, standing against evil where all others falter. May your thirst for retribution never quench, may the blood on your sword never dry, and may we never need you again.
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Re: Star Wars: The Crucible

Post by masterarminas »

“The entire situation is intolerable!” the Rodian bellowed. “Your precious leaders in the Republic have done nothing—NOTHING! While my world is surrounded by these blatant human-centric Imperials!”

Crix Madine, General of the New Republic, ignored the sweltering heat and humidity of the reception chamber—although his uniform coat was already soaked with his sweat. And the bitter scent of the mold and fungi growing upon the walls made his nose itch. But at least the other representative of the New Republic here for this meeting on Rodia was suffering far worse.

Councilor (and Senator) Borsk Fey'lya looked miserable with the full body fur of the Bothan race, normally so exquisitely styled and arranged, lying limp and soaked against his skin, making patches of stain upon his expensive garments.

“I would not go so far, Protector Navik,” Madine said, “as to characterize the Imperial Union of the Rim as ‘human-centric’; after all, they have offered to all non-human species full rights under their laws, they have gone to war—repeatedly—against former Imperials who have abused non-humans, they have made Ryloth—and Rodia—free systems not incorporated into their government. Rodia they even allowed to join the New Republic. These are hardly leaders in the style of Palpatine.”

Navik the Red of Clan Chattza, the leader of Rodia and the Rodian people snorted. “They pretend to have our best interests at heart, General Madine. Yet, over the past three years they have masked their expansionistic urges as ‘relief missions’ and self-serving propaganda by selecting a minor discriminatory act and overthrowing the rulers behind it—Imperial or independent alike. Do you not forget that it was last year that these . . . Imperials wearing Nerf-skins were repulsed from Ferra and Grohl Sectors? No thanks to your New Republic Fleets—it was the work of us non-humans aided by various other races . . . and the Hutts who stopped their invasion of those two Sectors. No, they are Imperials still and I shall not rest until they are gone.”

Madine frowned. It was true that the Union had invaded Ferra and Grohl—but his intelligence reports had indicated that it was a preemptive strike against a Hutt-backed attempt to foment rebellion within the Arkanis, Bitrose, Dalchon, Gaulus, and Savareen Sectors. And that information had come straight from the Twi’leks of Ryloth—some of whom had been approached by the instigators. The Hutts were very, very upset with the Imperial Union of the Rim, after all. For the first time in, and Crix snorted. For the first time ever, the laws regarding slavery and chattel servitude were being enforced in this region of the Outer Rim Territories—and the Hutts did not care for that. Nor for the enthusiastic crackdown on the smuggling of Spice and other illegal drugs. And weapons. And the many other criminal activities that the Hutts sponsored along with various other criminal organizations.

Still, the General did not doubt that had a large force of independent warships not challenged the Union, that bel Iblis would today rule over both Ferra and Grohl. But the Union’s Admirals and Generals had not been ready for such a confrontation—and they had withdrawn. After removing most of the leaders who had offended them, that was.

“And I would remind you that my title is GRAND Protector, General Madine,” Navik hissed. “Where is the vaunted Fleet of Ackbar? Where is the protection which we on Rodia were promised?”

“Calm yourself, Grand Protector Navik,” Fey’lya said smoothly in a voice that revealed none of the discomfort which he must have felt. “I have personally spoken with the good Admiral and a rather . . . sizeable detachement of the Fleet will be arriving here shortly. And General Madine is here to brief you on certain . . . classified operations we have initiated within the Union itself.”

Crix jerked and he stared at the Bothan—and those stares narrowed into glares of anger. “Councilor, that is not on the agenda—it should not even be discussed here!”

I set the agenda as the senior member of the leadership of the New Republic present, General,” Fey’lya replied in a firm voice. “Grand Protector Navik—Senator Navik—has need to know that the Republic is taking his concerns seriously. Consider it an order, if you must, but brief him we shall.”

Navik’s reddish birthmark flushed brightly and he laughed. “So, are we finally going to regain my promised worlds in Savareen?”

“Your promised worlds?” Madine asked as he looked away from the Bothan member of the Chief of State’s Council. “Promised by whom, if I may ask?”

“We are travelling far afield,” Fey’lya interrupted with a glare of his own at the Rodian on his throne. “Analysis of the current economic situation of the Union by my own people indicates that they are straining their budgets to the very breaking point—they cannot sustain such great expenditures for long. Which is why one aspect of our operation will involve hitting them in their banking accounts,” he said with a laugh.

“I have warned you, Councilor,” Madine said, “that while their spending is indeed greater than their income, as long as others are willing to extend them credit—and they have the possibility to make good their debts—that phase of your operation may not be as successful as you might wish. But on the personnel side of things; there they are indeed suffering a crisis. Our information,” and the General winced as Borsk Fey’lya nodded for him to go on, “shows that bel Iblis has been forced to mothball nearly two dozen Dreadnought-class cruisers—cruisers that he no longer has the crews to man. Their Consolidated Armed Forces have managed to integrate many—but not all—of the Imperials who have defected to them; but the number of such defections has long since peaked and is now not more than a trickle.”

“Even with the integration of their ‘Alien Legions’ into their ground force and naval components, the Union is experiencing a drastic shortage in manpower—trained and experienced manpower for their ground forces, strike fighters, and fleet vessels. And their losses over the past three years factor into that—none of their conquests have been bloodless; all have had more than their share of deaths and critical injuries and lost equipment.”

Expensive equipment whose replacement has contributed to their economic woes,” added Fey’lya with a laugh of his own. “Financially and industrially and logistically, they are at their nadir. And we will push them further until that traitor bel Iblis breaks—and then we will absorb this so-called Union and end the Imperial presence here on the Outer Rim forever.”

The Bothan bared his sharp fangs to the Rodian and Madine sighed again. “Grand Protector, we have already inserted certain special operations groups into the systems of the Union close by to Rodia . . .,” and despite his misgivings, the loyal General of the New Republic proceeded to fully brief his ally.
Last edited by masterarminas on 2013-03-28 05:39pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Star Wars: The Crucible

Post by FaxModem1 »

Hmm, I'm curious if the Union is running into real trouble, or if they have plans in place for dealing with their financial woes.
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Re: Star Wars: The Crucible

Post by Vianca »

Look up the BRT-supercomputer.
Quite handy, especialy if you want to run a ship with less crew then normal, could also work togeter with a couple of I-C2 construction droids.
As for the Dreadnoughts, the Katana Fleet was already running on a low amount of crew and the Outbound Flight on even less.
Then you got the Assault Frigate I & Assault Frigate II, so there are options.
The Trade Federation had some intresting core ships, Ulimited Project and the Skytop Station.

Would they have the plans for the Harrower class Dreadnought from Revan´s time? (about 4000 to 3700 years ago)
I´m asking, since that nose is great for a Venator style modification, would give you two bays.
Palpatine did mothball or left adrift, the Venator´s because of the Jedi stigma they had about them, so there should still be a few around.
Just watch out for the whole Black Fleet mess(?).
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Re: Star Wars: The Crucible

Post by Diverball »

Vianca wrote:Would they have the plans for the Harrower class Dreadnought from Revan´s time? (about 4000 to 3700 years ago)
I´m asking, since that nose is great for a Venator style modification, would give you two bays.
Palpatine did mothball or left adrift, the Venator´s because of the Jedi stigma they had about them, so there should still be a few around.
At the expense of all the hangar space that formerly occupied the gap between the two resulting mandibles? Think how much more space the Harrower would have had for fighters if it had that space filled in.

I really can't see the point of a catamaran hull design in a starship. It wastes space and makes the hull and superstructure both weaker and more complex than it needs to be. For that matter, the large cut-outs in the Venator's hull where the docking vestibules are located seem like a waste of space as well.
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Re: Star Wars: The Crucible

Post by Eternal_Freedom »

FaxModem1 wrote:Hmm, I'm curious if the Union is running into real trouble, or if they have plans in place for dealing with their financial woes.
Thom Patrice is in a position of power. He always has a plan.
Baltar: "I don't want to miss a moment of the last Battlestar's destruction!"
Centurion: "Sir, I really think you should look at the other Battlestar."
Baltar: "What are you babbling about's impossible!"
Centurion: "No. It is a Battlestar."

Corrax Entry 7:17: So you walk eternally through the shadow realms, standing against evil where all others falter. May your thirst for retribution never quench, may the blood on your sword never dry, and may we never need you again.
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Re: Star Wars: The Crucible

Post by atg »

“shows that bel Iblis has been forced to mothball nearly two dozen Dreadnought-class cruisers—cruisers that he no longer has the crews to man.
I'm not sure that mothballing the Dreadnought-cruisers due to crew is that big a deal... 16,000 men to man a ship that is nothing compared to a Star Destroyer. 2 Dreadnoughts use the same man-power as a single ISD (if you ignore the stormtrooper/army contingent on the ISD which the Dreadnought wouldn't carry). Or, in the case of this universe, one of the Union's Stalwart-class Destroyers has a crew of just 12,000 men. So they can replace the Dreadnoughts on a 1-for-1 basis and be 4,000 men up on each, and have an incredibly more capable ship too. If all 24 of the "mothballed" Dreadnoughts are replaced by Stalwart's then that's 96,000 extra men available... or enough to crew another eight Stalwart's.

Whether the Union has managed to replace all the Dreadnought's remains to be seen I guess.
Marcus Aurelius: ...the Swedish S-tank; the exception is made mostly because the Swedes insisted really hard that it is a tank rather than a tank destroyer or assault gun
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Re: Star Wars: The Crucible

Post by masterarminas »

“Broke? BROKE! What do you mean we are broke!” thundered Garm bel Iblis.

Thom Patrice sighed and he gazed out of the expansive windows that overlooked the Lake Country here on Naboo. The landscape was relaxing and serene—perhaps too serene, he thought.

“I mean, Lord Steward, that the Imperial Union of the Rim has spent far more credits than we have taken in. At the moment, we are relying upon loans from various corporate interests and institutions—but the loans will come due soon and we must address the issues facing us here.” He paused and turned back to face the chief executive of the Union. “Don’t you read the memorandum your advisors send to you?”

The Steward had the grace to flush, at least, and then he snorted. “Have you any clue as to how many pieces of paper I get on my desk that it is absolutely imperative that I read? On a daily basis?”

“I do, Lord Steward. So was that a yes or a no?” asked Thom.

“Not that I recall—although I do believe that I recall you telling me that cutting Imperial taxes on the member systems would result in a greater amount of revenue collected!”

“It did, Your Grace,” answered Thom. “Our taxation rates are half those of the New Republic and Imperial Remnant—and we have seen an overall increase in the total sum of revenue we have collected. But your government,” and Thom placed the emphasis on your deliberately, “has managed to spend nearly fifty percent more than our annual revenue stream this past year!”

“There is so much that has to be done—take the Fleet, for example, Thom. Ships cost money; training crews costs money; paying those crews costs money.”

“I agree. And we would have plenty of funds available for the Fleet and the Army had we not moved so precipitously to intervene in our neighbors affairs and almost double the size of the Union in just three years time.”

Garm waved one hand in dismissal. “They needed our help—they still need our help.”

“So they did and so they do, Lord Steward. But we are spending ourselves into disaster here by pouring money hand-over-fist into Sectors to repair the damage of centuries in a matter of months! I mean, you signed the legislation to revamp the infrastructure on twenty-three systems in Toblain Sector—twenty-three! With grants, not loans, issued by the central government of the Union!”

“The people need to see that we are taking an interest in their affairs, Thom. That our first priority is their safety and security, which means adequate power and water supplies and safe means of transport.”

Thom shook his head at the idealist seated in the chair behind the ornate desk. “And just how safe and secure will they be when we are forced to cut the Fleet and the Army to pay our debts? Garm, we cannot save everyone. And yes, I realize that you are making an important point to the Galactic media in that while the New Republic is talking a good game, we are actually getting the job done! But it is Mon Mothma who will have the last laugh if you spend us into a fiscal black hole!”

Now the younger man, the former Rebel scowled and he leaned back in his chair. “The Sectors are doing well enough . . .,” he began.

“The original twenty-three Sectors including Tolanda,” Thom said bluntly. “Yes, we are doing fine—the other seventeen we added are money sinks, Garm. And we are stretching the CAF like a skin atop a drum—any more tension and pressure and they could break.”

Both men stared at each other and then Garm sighed. “The Senate is pressuring me to promise that no new taxes are coming . . . but we need the revenue.”

“You are an elected official, Garm bel Iblis—raising taxes is something that will very much impact your votes next year in the election.” Thom sat down and he shook his head. “I’ve spent too much time in Cyralis instead of here, I fear. This is partially my fault for not arguing with you against this overuse of our forces and this too-rapid expansion.”

“No, I should have read the damned memos,” Garm said gloomily. “How long until our creditors start getting antsy?”

“They are already antsy, Garm,” Thom chuckled. “A year, maybe two before they start to dial back on future loans—and increase our interest rates. But we cannot keep spending at the current levels—we literally cannot.”

“If we bite the bullet and raise taxes,” the Lord Steward began, but Thom interrupted him again.

“Then industry will have no incentive to move their operations out here instead of staying in the Republic or the Remnant. With less liquidity in the public square, the economy will slow—we might see a short-term gain, but in the long run we will lose. And you already promised the citizenry that you would ease the tax burden they bear—the public has long memories about broken promises that affect them personally, Garm.”

“Perhaps I can convince the Sectors to make a one-time tithe to the Union,” bel Iblis mused. “As you said, the original Sectors are doing very well.”

“They will resist such an effort—I will resist, Lord Steward. It is true that some of us have a surplus; it is also true that all of us are working very hard on making our Sectors competitive. Taking our rainy day funds away is not how you win the hearts and minds of the Sector Moffs or Senators. Beside,” Thom said with another shrug of his shoulders, “even if you did that, it would account for only about a third of this year’s short-fall.”

Both men sat in silence for a moment before Patrice sighed. “We have to cut your programs in the newly acquired Sectors for domestic improvement to the bone, Lord Steward. Unless you want to slash defense?”

Garm winced. “Those improvements are what will tie the new Sectors to the Union, Thom. They need them—they need to see us there for them.”

“We don’t have the funds to do everything, Garm,” Thom said quietly. “We are already seeing problems getting enough recruits to fill every position we need in the CAF—and Grand Admiral Morvin has just signed off on retiring all of our Dreadnought-class ships, with the exception of the six you brought with you, because of their immense manpower requirements. Unless we want to reintroduce conscription, Lord Steward, we need to devote more funds to the Consolidated Armed Forces—half of the Sector forces are paying better wages and bonuses than the CAF. For less risk.”

Garm’s eyes flashed at that. “Including those of Cyralis,” he growled.

“Including Cyralis,” agreed Thom. “I told you three years ago, you needed to offer the enlisted and officers better compensation, but instead you decided that the domestic affairs had a greater priority. The New Republic is having the same problem—they cannot maintain numbers anywhere close to what the Empire could because they aren’t devoting enough fiscal resources to the men and women in uniform. The Remnant is conscripting people to keep up its strength, but we cannot afford to start that. Not if we want to make the average citizen see us any differently from Palpatine’s Empire.”

Garm glared at Thom, but the old General just returned the look stoically until the Lord Steward sighed and turned his gaze away.

“This was supposed to be fun,” he whispered. “Where is the fun that you promised me?”

“Are you becoming senile? I never promised you fun, Garm,” laughed Thom. “I promised you the chance to do things right.”

“So what are our options?” asked the Lord Steward.

“We have to reduce the budget—have to,” answered Thom. “And frankly, we need to release four or five or six of the new Sectors that are the biggest drain on our finances.”

Garm winced.

“Look at it this way, Lord Steward—we will still be much larger than we were three years ago. Or we can find a major corporation and nationalize it—but I do not believe you want to start down that road.”

“No,” bel Iblis spat. “Put together a working group—coordinate with Irenez and work out a plan to gently let some of the border Sectors go their separate way over the next year,” he snorted. “Sena would wind up shooting half of your members, I think.”

“She would—she’s feisty, Garm,” Thom agreed.

“Which is why she is my head of security—Irenez does the heavy lifting on the Operations side of things,” Garm answered. “What else? You didn’t come all the way to Naboo to discuss just the budget?”

“I had a visitor last week, Garm,” Thom said. “The son of an old friend from inside the Remnant. He said that someone very important wants to meet with me—privately. Outside of Union space. He seemed sincere.”

“And you are asking me for permission? That is a first!”

“No, just giving you a heads-up in case I don’t come back, Garm. And,” Thom paused and he scratched his cheek, “I am getting reports of New Republic forces massing at Rodia. Fleet and ground elements both.”

“What does Galen say?”

“That we need someone on the ground to give us better information than the limited SigInt our ferret is picking up in the outer system. He cannot confirm or deny anything, but he is starting to get worried over our good friend Navik.”

Garm snorted again. “Navik is an opportunist. He worked for Palpatine to keep the Rodians under control and now he is working for Mon Mothma on behalf of the Rodians. The man is a snake.”

“Agreed. And he despises you and I both—rumors suggest that he was promised lordship over all of Savareen before Moff Anar decided to get onboard. He covets those worlds—and I have to wonder who besides the Hutts he may be cutting deals with. We’ve seen a lot of activity in that Sector in the last month.”

“We don’t have the forces to send there to hunt ghosts, Thom,” Garm said. “Unless,” he began with a smile.

“Unless what? And why do I suddenly have a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach?”

“Unless Moff Anar agrees to host joint maneuvers with say . . . the Local Defense Forces of Cyralis Sector? In part, of course. I do not mean to suggest your entire force, Moff Patrice.”

Of course you don’t, Lord Steward bel Iblis,” Thom growled. And then he sighed. “I’ll cut the orders—but you best make sure that Anar knows to expect them. He’s rather particular about his privileges and responsibilities.”

“I’ll do it after lunch,” Garm answered with a smile. “Who are you meeting with, by the way?”

“A Fleet Captain by the name of Gilead Pellaeon,” Thom answered. “I knew his father in the Clone Wars. If the son is half the man Daveed was, I think this is a meeting I should attend.”

“Then may the Force be with you,” Garm answered. “And back to the salt mines of endless memorandum for me.”

“Next time bring a flame-thrower to work with you, Your Grace,” Thom answered with a smile.

“I would—but Pooja and the Queen both would kill me. Their gift of this desk cost more than my annual salary, a point they remind me of every time they visit.”
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Re: Star Wars: The Crucible

Post by Themightytom »

Oh great, if Thrawn shows up that's all the New Republic needs.

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Re: Star Wars: The Crucible

Post by Raesene »

I hope Thrawn shows up - why else should Pellaeon ask for a meeting ?

What's the status of relations between the New Republic and the Union ? Can the Union support Thrawn without declaring war ? IIRC, they are in a cold war, bordering on lukewarm conflict.

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Re: Star Wars: The Crucible

Post by Eternal_Freedom »

Thrawn possibly returning, Pellaeon asking Patrice for a meeting...the idea of Thom, Garm and Thrawn working together is just mind boggling. I always got the impression that Thrawn wanted to rebuild the Empire in a similar way to the Union. If he sides with them rather than Kaine...damn. Plus the idea of Thrawn flying his flag on Illustrious rather than Chimaera is pretty damn awesome.
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Centurion: "No. It is a Battlestar."

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Re: Star Wars: The Crucible

Post by Vianca »

Diverball wrote:
Vianca wrote:Would they have the plans for the Harrower class Dreadnought from Revan´s time? (about 4000 to 3700 years ago)
I´m asking, since that nose is great for a Venator style modification, would give you two bays.
Palpatine did mothball or left adrift, the Venator´s because of the Jedi stigma they had about them, so there should still be a few around.
At the expense of all the hangar space that formerly occupied the gap between the two resulting mandibles? Think how much more space the Harrower would have had for fighters if it had that space filled in.

I really can't see the point of a catamaran hull design in a starship. It wastes space and makes the hull and superstructure both weaker and more complex than it needs to be. For that matter, the large cut-outs in the Venator's hull where the docking vestibules are located seem like a waste of space as well.
Meant filling-up the Harrower it's maw with two Venator's main flight-bays, the lower one would then be idealy suited for Tie's, while the top one could then be used for shuttles and the like.
Give it also a Victory it's missile (launching) wings and......
True, it would need a complete upgrade straight from the blueprints, but then you got something nice.
For one thing, it needs a better superstructure.

If they somehow have gotten their hands on the Eidolon her plans or her Tie launch racks, then......
Atleast there is a loan (shark) they can depend on.
Palpy's tech hidouts must have quite the amount of wealth in them, so they might just finish their current projects, while building up for the Vong.
The Vong arrived 30 till 35 years after the Death Star I was blown sky high or should that rather mean their invasion forces?
Last edited by Vianca on 2013-03-29 11:34am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Star Wars: The Crucible

Post by Themightytom »

Eternal_Freedom wrote:Thrawn possibly returning, Pellaeon asking Patrice for a meeting...the idea of Thom, Garm and Thrawn working together is just mind boggling. I always got the impression that Thrawn wanted to rebuild the Empire in a similar way to the Union. If he sides with them rather than Kaine...damn. Plus the idea of Thrawn flying his flag on Illustrious rather than Chimaera is pretty damn awesome.
Did Thrawn ever pay attention to revenue though? Or would he be more like "Fuck it, we're seuzing the banks, money costs what we say it does."

The issue is MA could be setting Patrice and Thrawn up for a showdown.

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Re: Star Wars: The Crucible

Post by Vianca »

There is still a guy with Tie-Defenders production lines around.
Damned sith too.
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Re: Star Wars: The Crucible

Post by Eternal_Freedom »

Themightytom wrote:
Eternal_Freedom wrote:Thrawn possibly returning, Pellaeon asking Patrice for a meeting...the idea of Thom, Garm and Thrawn working together is just mind boggling. I always got the impression that Thrawn wanted to rebuild the Empire in a similar way to the Union. If he sides with them rather than Kaine...damn. Plus the idea of Thrawn flying his flag on Illustrious rather than Chimaera is pretty damn awesome.
Did Thrawn ever pay attention to revenue though? Or would he be more like "Fuck it, we're seuzing the banks, money costs what we say it does."

The issue is MA could be setting Patrice and Thrawn up for a showdown.
If I recall "The Last Command" properly, the reason he used his stealth ships shooting through shield trick was so that the conquered worlds woudl be undamaged and still productive. His terms tot he Ukio government were basically "We own your planet now, you give us a tithe of your foodstuff production and we're square, no conscription, nothing."

Still, Thrawn and Patrice in the same story is going to be interesting indeed. Of course in this timeline Isard really is dead and Lusankya destroyed, so she won't be coming back to bite everyone in the arse.
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Centurion: "Sir, I really think you should look at the other Battlestar."
Baltar: "What are you babbling about's impossible!"
Centurion: "No. It is a Battlestar."

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Re: Star Wars: The Crucible

Post by masterarminas »

“Han, wait!” Leia cried out as she emerged into the wide corridors of the former Imperial palace.

The dark-haired smuggler and hero of the Rebellion stopped in his tracks and he turned around to face his wife. “They want proof, Leia? Well, I am going to get them their proof—as if I don’t know what a Grand Admiral looks like! This guy was no fake, no self-promoted ambitious Moff or officer, he was the real thing, Leia.”

“Han it is just so . . .,” her voice trailed off, and Han Solo nodded.

“Unbelievable. I get it. But I know what I saw, Leia. I don’t care if he isn’t human, I don’t care what their records say about us accounting for all of Palpatine’s Grand Admirals,” his voice trailed off and the flush faded from his face. “To tell the truth, this man scares me. And I will wager that he is a bigger threat to the Republic than Kaine and Patrice combined. Ackbar needs to get over his unease with my smuggling history—and you need to get Mon Mothma to trust me!”

“Han, what did you expect? Barging in here to tell them that we missed one of the Emperor’s most senior agents? I believe you,” and it wasn’t completely a lie, “but it is a single report. One solitary report. Where has he been? Why hasn’t anyone seen him before now? Why don’t we have any record of him?”

“I don’t know, Your Worshipfulness,” Han said with a sigh. “But I will find out. I’m taking the Falcon back out there—there are still some old friends who owe me.”

The Wookie standing beside the smuggler made a low moan that sounded suspiciously like a chuckle, and Han glared at him.

“No, these friends won’t let some Dark Lord of the Sith freeze me in carbonite, you flea-bitten walking carpet,” and Han smiled. “Speaking of which, Lando owes me as well. And he has a lot of connections that the Republic frowns upon—and knows some of the best slicers in the galaxy.”

Han held up his hand as both Leia and Chewbacca began to protest at the same time. “Trust me, I know what I’m doing.”

“How many times have I heard that?” Leia said in an exasperated voice.

“How many times have I been wrong?” asked Han with a grin. And then he shook his head as the Wookie opened his mouth. “Those don’t count, Chewie.”

“You will never stop being a scoundrel, will you?” asked Leia softly.

“Hey! You like me being a scoundrel, Princess.” And Han stepped up close to Leia and he kissed her. Then he stepped back. “I’ll be back—and I’ll have the proof those two need when I return.”

“Han,” Leia soft quietly. “Be careful; if it is a Grand Admiral, he is an incredibly dangerous man.”

“When am I not careful?” asked Han with a wide grin. “Let’s go, Chewie,” he said cutting off the Wookie again.

The tall creature howled at Leia and shrugged his shoulders and she shook her head. “Take care of him, Chewie.”

“Oh dear,” said 3PO as he ambled into the corridor and waved his arms at the Princess. “My apologies, Mistress Leia, but the Chief of State requests your presence in the meeting of the Council,” he said. “Is Master Han leaving?”

“Yes,” she whispered before she turned back to the droid. “Let’s not keep her waiting, shall we?”
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Re: Star Wars: The Crucible

Post by Themightytom »

uh oh, do all these updates mean The Hunted is on hiatus?

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Re: Star Wars: The Crucible

Post by Vianca »

Is Trawn here to establish a stabil support source for his shadow war?
Bet the New Republic won´t like it, there is still a Grand Admiral around, but he has better things to do then to make a war with the rebels.
Other treats that are way more dangerous, the two/three galactic nations are actualy helping him in preping for the Vong, since Trawn knows they are coming.

Black Sword Command is still out there, captured by very hostile aliens.
Cronal is also still around and thanks to Zaarin, the only company that has knowledge on how to build Tie-Defenders, happens to be the Zann Consortium, who had it´s headquarters on Ryloth.
This does make you wonder what the make-up of the Ryloth home-defence fleet is like.
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Re: Star Wars: The Crucible

Post by atg »

Hmmmmm... If Thrawn is back he knows of Mt Tantis (at least that it exists, he may still need to work out its exact location) and its cloning facilities should solve any crewing problems.

Also would be interesting to find out if the Union kept working on the droid brain's for the fighter corp. Hopefully 3 years has given them a chance to work out the bugs/issues they had.
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Re: Star Wars: The Crucible

Post by Eternal_Freedom »

I am not sure whether the Union would allow the use of Clones. I am sure that Patrice and Morvin andprobably Bel Iblis could see the benefits...but I have no idea how the public would react. Plus it would give Mon Mothma a huge political weapon to wield against Garm.
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Centurion: "Sir, I really think you should look at the other Battlestar."
Baltar: "What are you babbling about's impossible!"
Centurion: "No. It is a Battlestar."

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Re: Star Wars: The Crucible

Post by atg »

Well they already use clones, hence how Fett was able to blend in, they just can't make their own. Why though would the public/Mothma make a big deal about it? The last lot of mass produced clones would likely still be seen as the defenders of the republic, seperate from what Palps acheived with his rise to power.
Marcus Aurelius: ...the Swedish S-tank; the exception is made mostly because the Swedes insisted really hard that it is a tank rather than a tank destroyer or assault gun
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Re: Star Wars: The Crucible

Post by Diverball »

atg wrote:Well they already use clones, hence how Fett was able to blend in, they just can't make their own. Why though would the public/Mothma make a big deal about it? The last lot of mass produced clones would likely still be seen as the defenders of the republic, seperate from what Palps acheived with his rise to power.
Because breeding sentient beings for the sole purpose of fighting wars is fundamentally immoral? Especially when you subject them to such intensive conditioning that you all but rob them of their free will. During the Clone Wars, it may have been a necessary evil, but that didn't make it right.
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Re: Star Wars: The Crucible

Post by Eternal_Freedom »

I was going by what was said in The Last Command, which was written when the Clone Wars were effectively a myth. I think it's Mara Jade who thinks, upon learning of the clones Thrawn is using "She knew what another round of the Clone Wars would do to the galaxy."

I can see Mon Mothma playing up the immorality of it as Diverball said. Like I said, Patrice and Bel Iblis would probably see the advantage of it, but I suspect the public would not like it.
Baltar: "I don't want to miss a moment of the last Battlestar's destruction!"
Centurion: "Sir, I really think you should look at the other Battlestar."
Baltar: "What are you babbling about's impossible!"
Centurion: "No. It is a Battlestar."

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