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End of Evangelion - Final: From Her Heart (Chapter 6!)

Posted: 2003-03-26 08:31am
by Spanky The Dolphin
I was finally able to finish the prologue to my Eva fanfic last night. And now you all get to read it!! :mrgreen:

Keep in mind that it starts right after End of Eva ends, so there are spoilers and such.

Comments are very much welcome.

Well, Enjoy!! :)


Neon Genesis Evangelion
The End of Evangelion
Final: From Her Heart

Written by Spanky The Dolphin 4 November 2002 - 26 March 2003

Legal Disclaimer: Neon Genesis Evangelion Copyright GAiNAX / Project Eva. - TV Tokyo


Prologue: Pain is an Expression of the Human Heart.

TOKYO-3 - 2015 AD


"How disgusting."

Shinji Ikari continued to cry. He choked as he silently cried over her, letting his tears fall to her chest. Asuka Langley Soryu thought it was absolutely pathetic, but not surprising in the least. It was the kind of thing she was used to seeing from him.

He then fell on top of her, and Asuka could feel his weight pressing down on her body while he buried his face into her breasts, which muffled his choking voice. <Good thing he's too busy balling,> Asuka thought to herself, <I don't have to worry about him getting a hard-on or something.> Normally she would have just pushed him off or kicked him away, but right now she was far too exhausted to do anything. Asuka had to strain herself to put her hand up to Shinji's face, in an attempt to stop him from strangling her, and her left eye throbbed under its bandage. <What's that baby crying about, anyway?>

That caused Asuka to suddenly think for a moment. How did she get here? Why wasn't she dead? The last real thing she could remember was being in Unit Two, getting impaled by the Mass Production Evangelions before everything went Black. Everything after that was like a bizarre dream. Rei, Kaworu, Unit One, the white giant, LCL, pure ecstasy, Everyone.


Asuka decided that she could figure out what happened at a later time. Right now, all that really mattered was to get Shinji off of her before she fell unconscious. <God knows what that pervert would try if I blacked out,> she thought. As she watched Shinji shake, Asuka realised that she would first have to get him to stop crying. <Getting him to stop might take a while. I guess the best way is to try and calm him down, but I really don't know how to do stuff like that.> After a moment, Asuka took a deep breath, and did the first thing that came to her. Reaching her arm up, she bared the dull aching pain, and put her hand on the back of Shinji's head.

Shinji stopped for a moment when she touched him, and he pulled his arms out from underneath himself, tugging her Plug Suit tightly against her skin. She winced as the material pulled on her stomach, a signal that she needed to get out of her Suit sometime soon. Asuka began stroking Shinji's head, running her hand through his hair down to his neck. After a few seconds, his crying became lighter, and he was eventually down to sniffling and choking. "Shhh..." she whispered softly, "it's okay, Shinji. It's okay. I'm right here."

He was soon silent, and the only sounds he made were that of his muffled breathing against Asuka's chest. She continued stroking his hair, slowly decreasing until she just let her hand slide off Shinji's head and drop back onto the ground.

"Thank you, Asuka," Shinji finally spoke. She gave out a slight moan in response. Shinji listened to her heart as he felt it beat underneath him, and then looked up at her face. Her unbandaged eye focused onto him, looking directly into his.

"Shinji?" Asuka sighed out in a tired breath.

"Yes, Asuka?"

"Get off of me," she said with a stern tone in her voice as she glared at him.

"Oh! Um, Sorry!" Shinji pulled himself off of her and stumbled to his feet. Asuka started to breathe heavily now that she was free from his crushing weight. Her chest heaved with each breath, and she closed her eyes as she tried to regain some strength. For a brief moment, Shinji was hypnotised by the strained movements of her body, until he caught himself on his voyeurism. "Can you stand?" he asked, turning his gaze out to sea.

"I don't think so," she replied. Asuka slowly began to move her arms and arch her back to raise herself off the ground. She winced and groaned as she pushed her body into a sitting position, and drew her legs up close to her body. She looked out in the direction Shinji was, toward the sea of LCL, and gasped. Before her were two of the Mass Production Evas, the white monsters that brutally slaughtered her and Unit Two, frozen in crucified positions. And far away, dominating the landscape, was the broken head of the giant, its blank expression staring out into the infinite distance. She did her best to let it all settle in her mind.

"What now?" Asuka asked, turning her head to look up at him.

Shinji thought for a moment and took a breath. "We can't stay here," he answered her as he looked around at the surrounding wasteland of debris and wreckage. "It's a long shot, but the apartment building might be far away enough that it survived."

"Are you crazy?" she quickly snapped, "I can't walk all the way to Misato's apartment. I can hardly move!"

"I'll carry you."

"What?" That reply took her completely by surprise, and she blushed, "C-carry me? Don't be ridiculous, Shinji!" she buried her face into her knees, hiding it from him.

"There's no other way," he said, "and I can't leave you here."

Asuka sat in silence, and for a while the only sound was that of the sea washing up against the shore. "Fine," she huffed in frustration. "Let's go, Shinji."

Shinji nodded and slowly walked over. Kneeling in front of her, he helped her crawl up on his back. Asuka's muscles ached and her nerves flared pain through her body as Shinji held her legs and she wrapped her arms around his neck. She groaned when he stood up, resting her head against his shoulder.

Shinji turned his head back so that her face was partially within his field of vision. "Ready, Asuka?" he asked. He saw that her eyes were closed as she moaned lightly and nodded. Shinji turned around and began the long walk back to Misato's apartment building, as the sea of LCL washed against the shore behind them.


Posted: 2003-03-26 08:39am
by XaLEv
Looks alright to me.

Posted: 2003-03-26 03:08pm
by Singular Quartet
Looks fairly good so far. Now your only mission: Don't screw up. Also, wouldn't Asuka be reentering her depresssive stage right about now? I mean, she did lose to the nine, and she doesn't take losing well. Although, I suppose that could be alright with her, since they did hceat to win after all...

Posted: 2003-03-26 06:26pm
by Setzer
The opening is OK. It isn't like one fic I read, whose opening was a 5 paragraph description of Shinji cooking breakfast.

Posted: 2003-03-26 07:57pm
by Darth Yoshi
Good opening, Spanky.

Posted: 2003-03-27 12:35am
by Darth Fanboy
Das is gud.

Posted: 2003-03-27 04:37pm
by Singular Quartet
Setzer wrote:The opening is OK. It isn't like one fic I read, whose opening was a 5 paragraph description of Shinji cooking breakfast.
5 paragrpahs? Who does one pull off that much bs?

Posted: 2003-03-27 09:44pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Heh, I can believe five paragraphs of cooking, but only if something else is going on, like dialogue or introspection.

SQ: I think Asuka is pretty much in kind of a semi-shock from just being alive (at least at first) and is far too exhausted to care about something like loosing at the current time.

Well anyway, thanks everyone for your comments. Just keep 'em comming. :mrgreen:

If all goes well, I should get Chapter One started this weekend, and done within about a week or so.

Posted: 2003-03-27 10:24pm
by God Emperor
Thanks, I now have another source of NGE fanfics, and the entroy looks great.

Posted: 2003-03-28 02:40pm
by Singular Quartet
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Heh, I can believe five paragraphs of cooking, but only if something else is going on, like dialogue or introspection.
I've seen wrose, and in an EVA fanfic, but I'd rather not try to hunt it down.
SQ: I think Asuka is pretty much in kind of a semi-shock from just being alive (at least at first) and is far too exhausted to care about something like loosing at the current time.
Understandable. Just getting clarification.
Well anyway, thanks everyone for your comments. Just keep 'em comming. :mrgreen:
If all goes well, I should get Chapter One started this weekend, and done within about a week or so.

Posted: 2003-04-15 05:53am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Sorry, no Chapter One yet. I've been fairly busy lately with school and I'm kind of a slow writer anyway. It'll be a while before One is finished, but this fic isn't going to die. I won't let it.

Just hang in there and be patient. Thank you.

Posted: 2003-04-15 08:21am
by Singular Quartet
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Sorry, no Chapter One yet. I've been fairly busy lately with school and I'm kind of a slow writer anyway. It'll be a while before One is finished, but this fic isn't going to die. I won't let it.

Just hang in there and be patient. Thank you.
Fine with me. I can stand large amounts of waiting.

*Glares at Wong and Reign of Terror*
*Glares at Mark S and Manifest Destiny*

Posted: 2003-04-15 01:42pm
by Kuja
Just read this. Nice stuff, Spanky.

Posted: 2003-06-26 12:59am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Bumpity bump bump bump...

Surprised to see this on the first page again? Well, after such a long time, I'm finally close to posting Chapter one. I'm pretty much finished with the first rewrite for the final draft, which if good enough will be all that's needed. I expect to post it here sometime this weekend or early next week at the latest.

In the meantime, please feel free to read the Prologue again if you've forgotten what happens, or read it for the first time if this is new to you.

Thank you very much for your patience.

Posted: 2003-06-27 06:49pm
by Darth Yoshi
I'd almost forgotten this fic existed. Regardless, I'm looking forward to reading Chapter 1.

Posted: 2003-06-28 04:14am
by Micheal Ryans, Beta pilot
Very good opening.

I'll have to keep an eye on this.

Posted: 2003-06-30 12:17am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Well, here's what you've all been waiting for after all this time: the proper beginning of the fic.

Enjoy! :)

Neon Genesis Evangelion
The End of Evangelion
Final: From Her Heart

Written by Spanky The Dolphin 13 April 2003 - 26 June 2003

Legal Disclaimer: Neon Genesis Evangelion Copyright GAiNAX / Project Eva. - TV Tokyo


Chapter One: The Long Walk Home

TOKYO-3 - 2015 AD


Shinji carried Asuka on his back through the broken ruins of Tokyo-3 under the dark starry sky. All around the Children were the shattered buildings and rubble that remained of the outer reaches of the Ceiling City, the metropolis that once covered the now absent Geofront. It was a ring of empty devastation that grew lighter in damage as it flowed up along the surrounding hills. The sounds of the sea of LCL traveled faintly through the night air, but Shinji and Asuka were too far from its shore and too deep inside the field of ruins for it to be in viewing distance. But the gigantic remnant of Lilith's head was visible from everywhere in the valley as it dominated the landscape, as the remaining eye stared widely over Her dead domain.

In a City of the Dead, Shinji and Asuka were the only people that remained. Not even the Dead lived in their own metropolis: for now they resided in the Red LCL Sea.

As Shinji continued on towards Misato's apartment building in the hills, he listened to the ambient sounds around him. From behind he could just barely hear the waves of LCL wash onto the shore. To his left and right were the voices of devastation: water slowly trickling out of a broken pipe, cables scraping against surfaces, metal hitting against concrete. Nothing but dead empty sounds surrounded him.

The only sounds of life coming from anywhere besides his own two feet as he walked upon the rubble were from Asuka on his back. While she hadn't said a word in the time since they left the shore, Shinji could hear her breathe slowly. He made sure that he leaned forward slightly so that she wouldn't fall, since she no longer held onto him around his neck. Her arms dangled limply in front of his chest and her head rested on his shoulder. Shinji felt a slow tingling sensation travel into his ear and down his neck as she breathed softly, emitting an occasional moan that would have been inaudible from a casual distance. He slowly turned his head around, seeing that her eyes were closed and mouth was slightly open in slumber.

<I guess she's been sleeping for a while,> Shinji thought to himself as he turned his head back to look forward. He began to slowly let his attention centre on her, and became increasingly aware of how her body felt against his. The external layer of the Plug Suit's material maintained its light grip against his clothes and skin, but with its vacuumed tension Shinji could also feel Asuka through the Suit as the internal layer tugged on her body. Her chest gently gave as she pressed on his back, and for a moment Shinji blushed as he recalled that Asuka's Plug Suits had cups to provide support, and that he knew this from personal experience.

Noticing that he was starting to get quite uncomfortable by these sensations, Shinji decided to divert his attention to something else. He breathed deeply and took in a faint, sweaty scent drifting through her Suit, noticing that it was still very feminine. Her bangs lightly brushed against his neck and her hair occasionally flickered around to his other side as minuscule breezes caught it. Her head moved in a broken cycle on his shoulder while he walked, and he felt the soft skin of her cheek. Most of all he felt how her relaxed breaths flowed over the light hairs on his skin. Shinji blushed again as he became increasingly aware of Asuka's femininity.

Shinji was still preoccupied with these thoughts as his foot landed on a cracked piece of cinderblock settled in a short patch of muddy soil and debris. When he released his weight onto the block, it slowly slid forward, then suddenly sank rapidly into the ground before he could react. He gasped in surprise as he started to tip over backwards, and felt Asuka's body slowly drift from him. For a third time she was the centre of Shinji's attention, but for an entirely different reason. <If I land on her like this, it might kill her!> he thought to himself in a panic. He strained as he leaned forward, attempting to regain his balance. The block responded by slipping back through the mud in the direction he pushed, throwing his feet out from under him. Shinji began to run forward and awkwardly tried to keep himself upright.

As he haphazardly ran through the ruins, Asuka was jostled and bounced around on his back. She started moaning weakly, cuing Shinji that she was waking up. Knowing that having her topple over him forwards was just as bad as him landing on top of her, Shinji did the first thing that came to mind. "Unng... Shinji, wha--" was all that Asuka was able to utter before he suddenly released her legs from his grip, dropping her. She quietly let out a surprised gasp as she fell, and then cried out sharply when she hit the ground. She landed directly onto her posterior, which sent enormous arcs of pain shooting through her body. She tightly closed her eyes and clenched her teeth as her field of vision was filled with darkness illuminated by fireworks, which continued as flashing sparks that slowly traveled away from the centre.

"Ow!!" she cried out angrily, "damn it--shit, stupid Shinji!! Why the hell'd you do that?!" Asuka darted her eye around frantically as it started to well up with tears from the pain. She found him sprawled out after tumbling onto the ground about a metre away from her, slowly moving to seat himself up. Shinji quickly glanced over Asuka's body, searching for any obvious signs of injury on her. After noting that there weren't any, he looked up at her face and swallowed with dread. While the features of her face were expressionless and displayed a nearly statuesque neutrality, all of her emotion was gathered into her un-bandaged eye Her gaze burned into him with a rageful silence, and her quick breaths were the only sounds being made by either of them for a long and agonising moment, while she became increasingly flushed with anger.

"Are . . . are you alright, Asuka?" Shinji finally said.

Asuka's first responded by blinking slowly, causing a single tear to build up and run down her check. It was another long and agonising moment before she made her second response. "Why did you . . . drop me? Shinji," she asked sternly in an almost inaudible mumble.

He thought quickly before answering, trying to figure out the best way to tell her without making her any more upset. <It doesn't matter how I tell her,> he concluded. "She will get mad and yell at me anyway.> "I--" he began, "I slipped and I started to fall, Asuka. I tried to not to fall, so I wouldn't land on you-- so you wouldn't get hurt. But then-- then I slipped again, and I let go of you so you wouldn't get hurt." His explanation was met with silence. "I'm sorry, Asuka," Shinji added. "I-- I panicked. It was the best think I could think of. I didn't . . ." He broke off, letting his words drift away as she maintained her silent anger at him.

"Get up and carry me, Shinji," she finally whispered.


"I said get up, come over here, and carry me," she said, sternly. "I know it was an accident, Shinji, but I'm still angry. I'm too tired to punish you right now, so I'll wait until later to give you what you deserve." Her eye followed his movement as he got to his feet and stood up.

Shinji walked back to her and knelt down, helping her get onto his back again. Asuka groaned as she moved her joints, noting that they hurt even more then before she fell. She draped her arms around his neck and held on to his body tightly, while he made sure that his grip on her legs was secure. Shinji turned his head around, but could only see her hair, as she now rested her head looking away from him. "Ready, Asuka?" he asked. Her head weakly nodded in a meager affirmative. He turned back to the landscape in front of him and started to walk. After several seconds he looked back at her again. "Are you alright?"

Asuka kept her head down. "I'm fine," she answered in a small, trembling voice. Shinji looked forward again and continued walking, while she started to cry silently to herself.

<God, I'm so pathetic.>

The End of Evangelion
Final: From Her Heart

Chapter 01: Welcome home.

Before Third Impact, if a citizen of Tokyo-3 were to drive from the edge of the sea to the apartment building of the late Misato Katsuragi, the trip would take less then thirty-five minutes. Now, in the world after the failure of Instrumentality, Shinji and Asuka had taken more than four hours to walk as far as halfway up the hillside road, which was two thirds the distance to their destination. It was a tiring journey to take, with a goal at the end that may no longer exist any longer.

Shinji was starting to become visibly strained after walking for such a long time without stopping, and the slope of the road as it snaked up the hillside only tired him further. Every time he flexed his knees they ached painfully and his calves hurt with a continuous burn, as if the muscles would snap from his ankles at any moment. Each new step he took only made it more painful, which was not so much a sensation as it was simply an experience to endure.

He looked back over his shoulder and caught Asuka turning her head to look down at the road under his feet. <Might as well just go ahead and ask her,> Shinji thought to himself. He cleared his throat before speaking. "Asuka, do you mind if we stop and rest for a minute? I'm getting tired."

Asuka moved her head to look up at his face. She held her gaze for a short time before closing her eyes and replying. "Go ahead," she said quietly.

Shinji sighed as he knelt down to the ground. Asuka slowly slid off of his back. She groaned as the pavement pressed against her extremely sore rear end, and she brought her knees close to her chest and wrapped her arms around them, thinking that it would probably be easier to get back up later if she didn't lie down. Asuka watched Shinji as he lay down within a metre to her left, then turned her head and looked out over the broken landscape spread out in front of them.

Before her she saw the massive circular hole that used to be the very top of the Geofront, but instead of NERV Headquarters located inside she could only see emptiness, as if the massive subterranean complex never existed. Around the hole were the ruins of the Ceiling City and Tokyo-3, sprawling outward into the surrounding hills. Glancing over to her right gave Asuka a partially blocked view of the gigantic white head of a woman far out into the sea of blood, divided in half like some horrible cross section in a pathologist's dissection. Glowing above in the sky was the stained Moon, accompanied by a thin band of blood that stretched across the star-filled heavens. What used to be home for the last several months now looked to her like a completely alien world. "Shinji?" she asked the boy next to her.

Shinji narrowly opened his eyes at the sound of his name, as if she had woken him up while half asleep. "Yes?" He glanced up at Asuka and saw only her bandaged eye, which made him feel slightly uncomfortable.

"What happened?"

Shinji stretched his limbs out from his body. He brought his fingers together as he held his hands high above his head and tried to gather his thoughts as best he could before answering her. "I'm not exactly sure, Asuka," he said. "The only thing that I really know is that Third Impact happened."

Asuka kept looking out over the valley, and remained silent and unexpressive for a time after he finished before speaking again. "Do you mean that we failed?"

"No, I don't think so." He paused to rest when a thought suddenly ran through his head. <How much can I tell her now like this?> he asked himself. <She might not take it very well at all, and I still don't know exactly what happened myself. So It'd be better to jus-->

"Is everybody dead?" Asuka asked, interrupting Shinji's line of thought. He thought hard for several seconds, trying to rapidly figure out the best way to bluff his way through what he knew and what he didn't know. He took a deep breath before letting out what he had hastily put together in his brain.

"Not exactly. Some of them might come back, eventually." He closed his eyes again.

"'Eventually?' What do you mean by that?"

Shinji hesitated momentarily before replying. "I'm sorry, Asuka, but I really don't know right now." He prayed that would be enough for her to accept.

"Alright," she said as Shinji gave a mental sigh of relief. "And Wonder Girl?"

A rapid succession of images and memories of the First Children flashed through his mind as he opened his eyes wide in surprise. It was nearly a minute later that he finally answered her. "Ayanami is . . ." he said, pausing as he made sure that what he was about to say was really what he wanted to tell her, "she's dead. Ayanami won't be coming back."

Asuka didn't immediately respond to Shinji's announcement, but after several seconds she replied with a relaxed and distant "I see . . ." while still looking out over the valley. She then tilted her head back, and both Children began to watch the night sky above them as clouds passed by slowly in front of the Moon and Red LCL ring overhead. They remained silent, and it was at least half an hour before they set off again.


The front door to the apartment slid into the wall as Shinji slowly pushed it open. After he picked Asuka up off of the floor, he stepped into the entryway, and almost announced that he was home, but stopped at the last moment. <Just a reflex,> he thought, <a case of habit.> Shinji's breathing was quite laboured and beads of sweat were forming on his brow, the result of being forced to carry Asuka up ten flights of stairs to get to the eleventh floor of the building. He was far too exhausted to remove his shoes, so he kept them on his feet for the time being as he trudged through the dining room and into the living room. Inside the apartment it was almost too dark for him to see, but the unnatural illumination from outside allowed for the various shapes and forms in the room to be made out enough so that navigation was possible.

Shinji shook Asuka lightly. "Asuka, we're here," he said as she roused from her state of semi-sleep. "We made it to Misato-san's apartment."

Asuka moaned as she moved her head to survey their surroundings. "I think I can stand on my feet now," she replied. "Help me to my room, Shinji. I want to go to sleep." She started to shift her body over to his left side as he let go of her legs and assisted in supporting her waist and shoulders. When she touched the floor and applied her weight onto her feet, Asuka slipped and for a brief moment started to fall, but Shinji immediately caught her before she landed. He blushed absentmindedly as she tightly held on to his shoulders.

"Um, actually Asuka, take my room," Shinji stumbled with his words as he assisted in supporting her. "I remember Mi-- Ah, Misato-san said she packed up your room while you were in the hospital."

They reached the middle of the hallway, the doors to their rooms on each wall. <I'd refuse if this was any other time,> Asuka glanced slowly in both directions as she thought. "Okay . . ." she finally replied. Shinji held her up from around the waist as he opened the door to his room, which other than the reddening glow from outside was darker then the living room and hallway.

"My, uh, the bed is over there," Shinji pointed over to the middle of the far wall. "Just go in a straight line and you shouldn't run into anything." Asuka responded by snorting in an irritated manner. They let go of each other and Asuka stepped into the doorway, supporting herself by holding onto the retracted door. Shinji was turning around to head back to the living room when she suddenly spoke aloud, still standing in the doorway between rooms. "Shinji . . ."

"Hmm?" He turned back to her. With her back still facing him, Asuka continued.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"I don't know," she replied. "I just feel like you did something. And I feel grateful for it." Shinji was confused by her answer, and silently continued to watch her standing in the doorway, before she finally spoke again, walking into the room and disappearing through the darkness. "Goodnight."

"Uh, Goodni--," he tried to say, but Asuka had already shut the door behind her.


Asuka leaned back against the door while she tried to gather enough composure and strength to begin the journey towards the bed. With her first step she stumbled and almost fell flat on her face, but she was able to maintain an upright position as pain shot up her legs and pierced her brain in response to the error of sudden movement. <Okay, Asuka, easy does it,> she thought to herself. <Just take it nice and slow and you should do fine. It's just walking to a bed . . .> Asuka took a deep breath and began to walk, moving her feet across the floor with a limping shuffle.

When she reached Shinji's bed, Asuka turned around and brgan to take off her Plug Suit, after so many hours of being forced to keep in on. She clicked the button on her left wristband, releasing the vacuum seal of her Plug Suit with a hiss, and the Suit's abrasive grip against her skin loosened as the material expanded. Unhooking the collar, she winced as she pulled her aching arm from the Suit's remaining sleeve, pushing it down past her waist. She sat down on the bed so she could slip her legs out of the remaining portion of the Suit, and it landed on the floor in a rubbery clump. Asuka dropped the interface nodes she used to pilot Unit Two and hold her hair up next to her Suit, and let her hair loosely fall down her back.

Asuka moaned as she lay down, and then sighed as her body relaxed against the bed's soft support. She didn't care that she was naked. She didn't care that she wasn't under the covers. And she didn't care that it was Shinji's bed. <I'm too tired to even think. I just want to sleep.> Asuka looked up at the ceiling illuminated by a faint red light, as her eyelids closed under their own weight and she drifted into unconscious slumber.


Shinji trudged back into the living room and sat down on the floor, completely exhausted. He bent forward to take off his shoes, which he placed nearby. Lying down, his thoughts solemnly drifted back to a certain little square cross back at the shore: the one he slipped onto a nailed post, for her sake. He breathed deeply and sighed.

"We're home. Misato-san."


Posted: 2003-06-30 01:11am
by XaLEv
I like it.

Posted: 2003-06-30 01:44pm
by God Emperor
Very good :D

Posted: 2003-06-30 02:00pm
by Micheal Ryans, Beta pilot
Very interesting thus far.

I'm curious as to where things will go from here

Posted: 2003-06-30 06:21pm
by Darth Yoshi
Nice. Especially with the severity of Asuka's injuries.

Posted: 2003-07-01 06:26am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Darth Yoshi wrote:Nice. Especially with the severity of Asuka's injuries.
Thanks. I was a little worried that I might end up making her sound a little too weak, and I also didn't want to come across like a broken record concerning how injured and exhausted she was.

Posted: 2004-01-31 05:41am
by Spanky The Dolphin
It's been a long time, for which I apologise, but here is Chapter Two.

Anyway, I hope that you enjoy it, and I'll do my best to get the later chapters out at a faster pace.

Neon Genesis Evangelion
The End of Evangelion
Final: From Her Heart

Written by Spanky The Dolphin 26 July 2003 - 16 January 2004

Legal Disclaimer: Neon Genesis Evangelion Copyright GAiNAX / Project Eva. - TV Tokyo


Chapter Two: The Morning After

TOKYO-3 - 2015 AD


Shinji quietly shut the door to apartment 402 behind him as he stepped into the residence of Rei Ayanami, the First Children. "Excuse me," he said aloud to announce his arrival, "it's Ikari." He hesitated to step further into the apartment, but when there was no immediate reply he began to take off his shoes and stepped into the hallway that ran through the middle of the residence. "I'm coming in, Ayanami," he called out. Again he was met with total silence, the only sound being the regular mechanical pounding from a construction project nearby. Misato's words from the night before echoed in his mind as he walked down the hallway.

<"Well, you've got an official excuse to go to Rei's place now. This is your chance, isn't it?">

The stark and barren appearance of the main room surprised him. Shinji glanced around for anything obvious that would indicate that the room's occupant was a girl: clothes scattered on the floor; magazines; posters; dolls or childhood toys. But he found none of those. The few items that actually were in the room weren't very indicative of any sort of lifestyle, but just meager existence. <Is this how Ayanami lives?> he asked himself in disbelief. He also noticed several odd items: unraveled bandages near her bed; a bloodstained pillow and a box full of bloody bandages. For some reason, Shinji's attention centered on a pair of glasses that were resting on a end table at the other side of the room. He walked across the room and picked them up to inspect them closer. The first thing he noticed was that the lenses were cracked and the bows were slightly warped, as if subjected to an intense heat source. "Are these hers?" he asked aloud, thinking that they didn't seem like a style a girl would wear. Then for no particular reason, Shinji decided to put the glasses on.

He was surprised when the relative silence was suddenly interrupted by the sound of a door sliding shut in the hallway, and Shinji slowly turned around to look in the direction of its source. He gasped when he saw Ayanami standing on the opposite side of the room through cracked glass, but only because of the fact that other than a towel around her shoulders, she was completely nude. She was looking directly at him, with a blank but surprised expression on her face. Shinji nervously swallowed and tired to state why he was in her apartment, but "Ah, well . . ." was all he could stutter out. Ayanami let the towel slip around her shoulders, covering herself like a vest. As she began to walk towards Shinji, her expression suddenly changed: she narrowed her eyes and her mouth turned downward into a small frown of displeasure. The boy began to mentally panic. Was she going to slap him? Punch him? Yell at him? He didn't know, and while the girl approached closer, he tried to excuse his actions and behavior. He managed to exclaim, "Uh, I didn't mean . . ." before she reached up to his face and began to pull the glasses off of him.

Startled by her gesture and not fully aware of what she was doing, Shinji panicked and began to struggle against the girl as she tried to remove the offending accessory. He took a step backwards but slipped, grabbing onto Ayanami in an attempt to stop the motion of his body, before crashing directly into her dresser. Ayanami lost her footing trying to simultaneously get the boy off of her and finish taking the glasses off of his face. Both Children spun around as they tumbled over each other, and Ayanami's towel fluttered in the air with her body's downward motion, while Shinji closed his eyes in anticipation of the rapidly approaching impact. The clatter of the glasses hitting the floor was drowned out by Shinji's own body slamming against the cold surface. Shinji opened his eyes to see Ayanami looking directly into his while she held herself up: her hands on either side of her heads and her knees straddling around his waist. Her towel was damply hanging from around her neck and spread out over his shoulders. Shinji's heart began to beat with such force that he thought it would burst at any moment as he stared up at Ayanami's face, while she looked down onto his with her usual expressionless gaze.

They stayed frozen in those positions for several seconds, although for Shinji it could have been an hour. Suddenly Ayanami began to slowly lower herself, and he could feel her body gradually make contact with his own. With her face just centimetres away from the boy's, Ayanami shut her eyes and brought her lips to his in a long, gentle kiss. Shinji remained motionless, his brain running a blank thought while she kissed him so softly that he could barely feel it. Ayanami was soon kissing him repeatedly, each being more intense than the one that preceded it. By the time she moved her hands behind his head to cradle it, Shinji was beginning to become less tense, and gradually started to kiss her back. This prompted Ayanami to kiss Shinji more passionately, and she moaned softly while slipping her tongue into his mouth.

"Oh, Ikari-kun . . ." Ayanami sighed. She shifted her body and released the back of Shinji's head, and broke away from their kissing for a moment. "What is it that you wish for?" she whispered in his ear. Shinji thought he saw a brief grin appear on her face before she returned her lips to his.


Shinji suddenly found himself back on the floor of Misato's living room, his body curled in a fetal position. He remained still: momentarily confused while his consciousness drifted back into reality, partially trapped in the region of the mind between slumber and alertness. When the feeling of disorientation passed, he rolled over onto his back and looked up above his head. At first all he could see were varying levels of blurry light, but soon his tired eyes were able to regain their focus and an image of the dim ceiling with the projected forms of balcony windows cut out by natural sunlight became clear to him.

"Ah, just a dream." He took a deep breath and let his body relax. <Of course it was just a dream,> he thought. <It didn't happen at all like that. Besides, Ayanami wouldn't . . .> Shinji's attention focused back onto the dream, and he became aware that his arousal was still present as he thought of Rei. Those thoughts were pushed away as he suddenly began to feel a dry, bitter lump in his throat. His arousal lingered, but he no longer felt comfortable with his thoughts. He felt like a deviant.

When the feeling of uneasiness finally subsided, Shinji sat up and turned around to the direction of the balcony. His joints still felt sore from having to carry Asuka through the ruins all last night, but he was relieved that they no longer burned from exhaustion. Surveying the dim sunlit room surrounding him, he took notice of how quite and lifeless everything was. For one of the first times in his life, it was truly silent. There was no hum of appliances, no buzzing from electric lights, no air conditioner, no sounds of traffic, no cicadas shrilly chirping, no one else.

The light shining through the curtains caught his interest, so he slowly stood up and walked over to the balcony entrance. Shinji pulled one of the curtains open to look outside, and at first the light was so bright to him that he had to shut his eyes before they could adjust. He blinked as the world gradually darkened and came into focus, and his heart sank when he quickly recognised the dream world of last night sprawled out below, now illuminated by the bright sun. By the position of the sun in the sky and of the shadows below, Shinji could guess that it was sometime around Noon, meaning that he probably got the equivalent of an entire night's sleep.

While he looked up he could still faintly see the ring of blood in the sky, and in the distance was the giant half-head of Lilith in the sea of LCL, although Shinji gave it no more than a fleeting glance. Closer was the gaping crater left by the absent Geofront, and the remains of Tokyo-3 around it. Under the light of the sun, this alien landscape somehow became more familiar to the boy, and he could feel slightly more comfortable.

Shinji released the curtain and turned his head to the right. He could see the dark entrance of the hallway in the corner of his eye, and his thoughts quickly switched their focus onto Asuka. Shinji initially felt hesitant to check on her, afraid of running the risk of catching her temper, but finally decided to take it. <Angry or not,> he thought as he walked across the room and down the shaded hallway, <I have to see how she's doing. For her own good.>

When he reached the door to his room he lifted a trembling hand and lightly knocked three times. There was no response from inside so he knocked on the door another three times. After a second extended period of silence he tried to call out her name, but his voice cracked before he reached the second syllable and the rest tumbled into inaudibility. His fingers reached out and gripped the door handle tightly as he whispered more to himself than to her that he was going to open the door, and then slowly slid it open just enough so that he could look inside.


Shinji's room was illuminated by indirect sunlight that flowed through the closed curtains, casting everything in a darkly pale light. Peeking through the crack, Shinji was only able to see part of Asuka's head due to his limited field of vision, so he slid the door open further to lean his body through the doorframe, which granted him a far superior view of the room and its contents. He first noticed Asuka's discarded Plug Suit lying in a wrinkled pile on the floor in front of his bed, and then looked upon the girl herself as she lay on top of the covers. Shinji was unable to see her face from his position, but noticed that the bandages around her head and arm had not come undone during the night, and he felt relief as her chest slowly rose and fell in a steady rhythm accompanied by the soft sound of her breath. He watched her for more than a minute as she breathed before actually noticing any detail, and mentally gasped in surprise at what he saw.

The entirety of Asuka's body, from the base of her neck down to her toes, was covered with numerous injuries. Bruises of varying shapes and sizes dotted her skin in multiple ill-coloured shades of brown, blue, and purple. Heavy scratches appeared lit up against the background flesh like jagged lines of neon tubes. An endless number of cuts and scrapes coated her like a scabbed-over road map. Dominating this terrible work were seven enormous bruises, each the size of a fist and nearly black in colour, scattered from her chest to her knees. Shinji realised that he had been staring at her for a long time, and finally took a breath before he withdrew from the door and slowly slid it shut behind him.


Shinji walked into the dining room with a tired gait in his step, as if he had to pull his feet along behind him to move forward. He looked around and noticed that on a superficial sense, the room looked much like it did back when he had first come to live with Misato, with the table's surface mostly clear except for a few empty bottles, cans, and assorted wrappers. The clutter carried over to the counter against the wall, but overall the room wasn't what he would describe as messy: more that it needed some tidying up. On his left was Pen Pen's refrigerated room, which unpowered stood silently like a monument to the past. Shinji recalled briefly that Misato sent the penguin to live with Hikari Horaki, Class II-A's representative, and knew it wasn't likely that either one was still alive. He turned and looked into the kitchen area of the room, specifically at the counter space next to the sink where most meals were prepared. <At this time,> he thought to himself, <if it were any other day, we'd probably be cleaning up after lunch.> He let out a sigh as he walked into the kitchen. <But not anymore.>

He decided to take a quick survey on the amount of food in the apartment and started to look through the kitchen cabinets. After a short time he discovered that while a few things would have to be thrown away, there were enough dry noodle packets, instant meals, and even emergency rations to last the two of them several weeks: at least until they could get more from the local convenience store. He took notice that Misato's supply of beer had remained relatively well supplied, but more importantly that the apartment only had enough water to last the two of them until the end of the week. Shinji realised that they would have to get more as soon as possible. <I hope Asuka is well enough by then to help,> he thought, <but that's probably not very realistic . . .>

Shinji closed the refrigerator door and sat down at the table in the dining room, taking a deep breath. He leaned back and closed his eyes, slowly flexing his hand open and close while he thought.


When she first heard it, the string of sounds was muffled and distant, and she thought it might have been something like a car horn. The second time she heard it, the sound was clearer and more abrasive, and she thought it might have been some kind of alarm. But by the third time she heard it, she was finally awake enough to recognise what it was. The caw of a crow.

Asuka slowly opened her eyes and saw the ceiling above her, faintly lit from outside. She turned her head and tried to focus her eyes on Shinji's alarm clock, but gave up when she realised it was dead. Whatever time it was, Asuka was no longer tired enough to sleep. She sat herself up and let her legs hang down over the edge of the bed, groaning heavily as the aches in her joints gradually faded. Several strands of hair fell into her field of vision, and she raised her hand to brush them away, but stopped when she noticed it was wrapped with a white bandage. She pulled her hand away from her face to get a better look and saw that the bandage actually covered her entire arm, all the way to her shoulder.

<Why the hell is this here?> Asuka thought in groggy bewilderment. <I don't remember getting a-->

She cut off her train of thought when she became aware of the bandage over her eye, as everything suddenly came back to her. The Eva Series and her defeat. Shinji strangling her. Shinji carrying her. Shinji dropping her. Shinji bringing her home. Shinji giving her his room. For what seemed like hours Asuka remained completely still, not letting a single part of her move the slightest as the events of the recent past began to settle, her mind reluctantly accepting them. She finally let her head drop down between her shoulders in a gesture of futility, and the rest of her injuries revealed themselves to her as she set her feet on the floor and stood up.

If it were not for her state of shock, Asuka probably would have immediately become devastated upon discovering what she looked like. But as she was, it was little more than nothing; a trivial insult after the already horrible dream that reality had become. <Now I've lost everything,> she thought. <Everything beautiful about me is gone.> Shutting her eyes, she brushed her hands over the skin of her stomach, and slowly rubbed the wrist of her bandaged arm.

She sighed and realised that standing naked in the middle of Shinji's room while smothering herself with despair probably wasn't the best manner she could preoccupy her time, never mind that she felt as if she hadn't eaten for days. Asuka shifted her weight and took a few steps to look around the room, when she noticed her Plug Suit lying in a crumpled pile in front of the bed. The Suit was no longer in any condition to wear properly, which didn't even enter the girl's mind as she kicked it away from her. <I don't want to see another Plug Suit ever again,> she thought to herself as it flopped and tumbled on the floor halfway across the room.

Asuka began to search around among Shinji's clothes for anything she could wear that would fit her within reason. Eventually she was able to find a red t-shirt and a pair of navy blue shorts. She slipped the shorts on but even after pulling the waist cords out as much as she could and tying them together they were still quite a loose fit and hung down around her hips. Fortunately, as she saw it, the t-shirt was large enough that it would still cover her up. She pulled over her head and pushed her arms through the sleeves, groaning as her bandaged arm ached. Asuka sucked air through clenched teeth when her shoulder suddenly popped as she brought her arms down, but the sharp pain soon ebbed away. A large bruise above her knee was still visible, but as long as the rest of her body was covered up, she didn't care. As more of an afterthought to her appearance, Asuka ran her fingers through her hair before she opened the door and stepped into the hallway, sliding it shut behind her.


Shinji was lying down in the middle of the living room when he heard the door to his room open and close. He ended the train of thought that he had been following for some time and sat himself up. At the far end of the dimly lit hallway he saw Asuka, wearing some of his clothes. Their eyes met and stayed locked onto each other for several seconds until Asuka's broke off and began to slowly walk down the hallway. Shinji stood up and began to move towards the Second Children.

"Good morning, Asuka," he said. He knew that given their situation, it was actually quite a stupid thing to say, but he didn't have any idea what else he could have said to her. Asuka only gave him a brief glance before jutting her view back to directly in front of her feet.

"Hrm . . . Gntrn Mrgrn . . ." she murmured in response. Shinji stepped well within arm's length of her, and without warning Asuka's hand suddenly shot out and slapped him so hard across the face that he was knocked to the side and tumbled to the floor. His cheek burned as if it was literally on fire, but soon started to throb intensely in pain while his eyes watered. Asuka stepped over his legs and continued walking across the living room.

We're even now," she said with a neutrally icy tone, without looking back at him as she approached the dining room. "Get up." Shinji got to his feet just as Asuka disappeared from his view behind the doorway, holding his wounded cheek. He followed her path and found her seated at the side closest to the doorway, and sat himself down at the opposite end facing toward her. Asuka was in a slumped position, looking down at the table surface in front of her and had her hands folded in her lap.

"How are you feeling?" Shinji asked her.

"Alright, I think," she answered. "I'm still really sore all over. How long was I asleep?"

"More than two days. It's mid-morning of the third day." She exhaled a long breath and Shinji waited a moment before speaking again. "Do you want something to eat or drink? I'm afraid that we don't have very much."

Asuka turned her head slightly and looked at him up through her bangs. "Water's fine now. I'll eat more later." Shinji got out of his chair and walked over to the kitchen, removing the cap from a water bottle that was about a third empty. He took a glass out of a cupboard and filled it with water, further emptying the bottle to the halfway level. Asuka adjusted her position so that she was seated more upright, gently resting her bandaged arm on the table as Shinji returned and set the glass down in front of her before sitting back down on his side. She picked up the glass with her unbandaged arm and took a long sip. The water wasn't cold. It was at room temperature, but that didn't matter at all to her. It was just to help make sure that she didn't die. She took a few more sips and then set the glass back down on the table, resting her hand near its base. Shinji focused his attention onto Asuka's glass for no particular reason, and neither spoke for what seemed like a very long time.

"How did Ayanami die?" Asuka finally broke their silence.

Slightly startled, Shinji broke his concentration away from her glass and looked up at her. "What?"

"Yester--I mean, that night you said that Ayanami was dead. I want to know how she died." She drank more from her glass and gradually swallowed.

He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. Shinji was able to use the past several days to think over what he could remember from his experience during Third Impact, and while there were still many things that he did not understand, he had been able to figure out a number of issues as best he could. He had to think of the best way to explain things as he understood them to Asuka, considering that she knew a lot less than he did. "Well," he began, pausing for a moment to clear his throat, "Ayanami died because she was involved in Third Impact."

"Involved?" Asuka asked with a tired edge to her voice. "What does that mean? How?"

"Involved like I was," he replied. "Like Unit One and I were. We were acting like some kind of a medium for everything, but Ayanami's role was . . . different from mine."

"How different?"

"It was like she was guiding everything, directing it all into Unit One and me. I look at it now, and it's strange, because I could feel her; almost hear her whispering from inside me."

Asuka seemed to be paying greater attention to what Shinji was saying. "What was so important about Wonder Girl for her to be involved like that? Why her?"

Shinji waited a moment before answering her. "Well, it was actually Lilith--I think that's what Kaworu called her--not Ayanami. Ayanami was just a container for Lilith's spirit.

"Wait, what's Lilith?"

"Lilith is what we originally came from, like how the Angels came from Adam. They're the same type of thing, and Lilith was the Second Angel behind Heaven's Door in Terminal Dogma, but that was just her body." He paused to see if Asuka understood, although he himself wasn't perfectly sure of where he was going was correct.

"I see," she replied, "so what does this Lilith have to do with Ayanami?"

"From what I understand, Kaworu was like a container for Adam's spirit, so it could be kept somewhere safely until it had to be used. I think Ayanami was the same way with Lilith's spirit. She wasn't real like you or me."

"So she was like a robot or android, something like that?" Asuka asked with some puzzlement.

"No, she was real in the sense that she was flesh and blood, but she was a copy. A series of clones that NERV used to recycle the same spirit inside. Ayanami was a copy of my mother, made after she died having her soul put in Unit One." Asuka looked down at her glass and didn't say anything, so he waited before he said anything else.

"Did this all happen after my--my fight with the Eva Series?" she asked.

"Yes. I think that's actually when it started. When I saw what the Evas did to you; what they were doing to Unit Two, I just couldn't handle it, and I snapped."

She looked up at him as she took another sip from her glass. "I know that's kind of a lot to take in right now," Shinji continued, "and I'd rather not say any more until I'm more sure of what went on, so let's end here for today."

"Fine," Asuka replied, moving her eyes from his face to the table space in front of him. Another awkward period of silence occurred.

"You're wearing my clothes?" Shinji asked despite knowing what the obvious answer was, in an attempt to maintain some manner of conversation with her.

Asuka nodded. "I didn't really have a choice. I tried to pick some stuff that I didn't remember you wearing recently, but I guess it really doesn't matter."

"Later we can unpack the boxes in your room, Asuka, so you can wear your own and don't have to sleep in my room. We could easily get that finished before sunset."


"How do your arm and eye feel?"

"My arm hurts every time I move it, like every joint's been pulled. My eye still hurts a lot, too."

"It might be a good idea to change the bandage. Do you mind if I take a look at it?"

She shook her head and Shinji got up and moved his chair over to her side next to her. Asuka sat up straight and closed her eyes as the bandage was gently removed. The underside of the gauze had soaked in enough blood that most of it was nearly black in colour, and Asuka's eyelids were covered and surrounded with dried blood nearly as dark as that captured by the bandage.

"How does it look?" she asked.

"There's a lot of blood that has dried up," Shinji said as he moved closer. "It looks like you've bled a lot out of your eye, but right now it doesn't seem to be infected. See if you can open it."

Asuka nodded and her right eye opened with ease while her left one remained shut. Her eyelids had been fused together as the surface of blood covering them gradually dried up as she slept. Asuka tried again more forcibly, and succeeded in weakening the layer so that it cracked and flaked off around her lashes. More pieces fell away as she increased her effort, and finally her lashes came loose and her eye snapped open, and what revealed itself to Shinji startled him.

Her left eye was completely bloodshot; the white filled with so much redness that it might as well had always been that colour. Her pupil was so extremely dilated and left virtually no space remaining for her corona, which was visible only as a thin blue line around the edge. A small trickle of blood ran ran down her cheek. Shinji's brief moment of morbid fascination was quickly interrupted by Asuka's terrified scream, which almost made him throw himself out of his chair.

"Asuka, what's wrong?!" he exclaimed.

"Ah! Shin--! I--!" she was breathing heavily, and her rapid breaths interrupted her as she tried to speak. "Oh--! Shinj--! I--! I--!" She coughed as tears welled up in her eyes before finally shouting out "oh God, Shinji, I can't see!!"

The End of Evangelion
Final: From Her Heart

Chapter 02: Yesterday she cried for what she used to be. Today she cries for what she is.

Asuka continued to panic. She was wailing hysterically as tears poured from her eyes and hyperventilating, having given up attempts at rational speech and reduced to random vocal noises of fear. At first Shinji was frozen in place next to her, having no idea how to react to such a spectacle. But then it was like an instinct took over and he reached out his hand to her shoulder and began to call out her name. She continued unresponsively, and Shinji finally grabbed her roughly by both shoulders.

"ASUKA!!" he screamed in her face while giving her a hard shake. Asuka stopped suddenly in the middle of a wail. She was trembling and tears still ran down from her eyes, while her lips quivered as she began to breath normally between coughs and chokes. Shinji slowly let go of her when it was clear that she was calm again, although she nearly looked like she was going to vomit.

"I . . . I'm sorry," she stammered," I'm al--I'm alright now." Asuka sniffled cleared her throat with a cough.

I'm sorry, too," Shinji replied. "Can you see anything at all out of your left eye?"

Asuka took a moment to look around the room. "Nothing. Just a dark grey everywhere." She then turned around to look into the living room. "It lightens up a little when I look at the window, but that's it. I can't make anything out."

"It looks like it's suffered a lot of trauma," Shinji said, knowing how much of an understatement it was, "But it might be a good sign that you can at least see something out of it." Asuka nodded nervously, remaining partially skeptical while at the same time accepting Shinji's suggestion. He stood up and walked over to the kitchen area. "It would probably be a good idea to clean it up and put a fresh bandage on it." Shinji looked around inside a few drawers and returned to the table with a wet cloth and a small first-aid kit.

"What was Third Impact like?" Asuka asked when he had finished washing the blood from her eye.

"You mean like how did it feel?" he asked. She nodded affirmatively and Shinji thought as he trimmed the gauze strip. "Most of what I can remember was painful and terrifying. I saw things I didn't want to see, heard things I didn't want to hear; remembered things that happened and things that couldn't have. But near the end I felt calm and relieved."

"I don't remember anything," Asuka said as he began to tape the bandage over her eye. "After I blacked out, all I can recall is feeling a warm sensation briefly, like for just a second I was having the best moment of my life. Then it stopped and I woke up next to you on the shore."

Shinji was done applying the bandage over Asuka's eye and began to put the first-aid items back in the kit. "We should change that every few days, but the one on your arm should probably stay on for a while longer." Asuka pushed her chair back and picked up her glass.

"I'll be out on the balcony for a while." She stood up and walked through the doorway into the living room. "I want to be left alone." Shinji heard the door to the balcony slide open and close behind her. He sighed and began to drum his fingers on the light blue container of the first-aid kit in front of him, then looked down at it. The raised, short-armed red cross stared back up at him, and he pushed the kit over to the other side of the table, where it teetered on the edge, then loudly clattered to the floor.


Asuka sipped at her glass as she looked over the cityscape that stretched out below her. The buildings on the hill were still mostly intact, but they grew progressively more damaged closer into the valley, until there was nothing but ruins and rubble surrounding the Geofront hole. At the horizon she could barely see a portion of that thin red ring from that night, and in the distance the half-head of that giant white woman. What was left of the face seemed familiar but she had trouble placing it before she finally realised why: she had never seen Rei show such an expression. <So that's what Shinji called Lilith,> she thought to herself. <Lilith . . . Rei . . . Shinji's mom . . . All the same.> Asuka found herself becoming uncomfortable seeing it, so she turned away and emptied her glass with a final sip as she looked back at the valley.

She lifted the glass up and concentrated at how the its surfaces caught the sunlight as she turned it around, then held it straight out in front of her over the balcony's railing and released her grip. The glass sparkled as it tumbled down before exploding into shatters thirty metres below. Her battle with the Eva Series played out again in her head. She studied over what she did and how she reacted, trying to see if there was anything she could have done to prevent her defeat. Other than failing to notice the Eva which threw that Lance of Longinus, she realised that she would have been defeated anyway, as Unit Two would have run out of power and she still would have been just as helpless when they came back to life. <I guess it was just inevitable,> she thought. <I already failed twice before. That was just my "last ride;" my last chance to shine before burning out forever . . .>

She heard the door behind her slide open and turned her head to see Shinji standing halfway through the doorway, doing what he always did when felt he had to apologise and explain himself.

"Um . . ." he stammered, "I know you said that you didn't want to be bothered out here, but I was wondering what you wanted to be done with your Plug Suit."

Asuka looked back out to the world. "I don't care what happens to it now," she replied, "Just throw it out. I'm not that person anymore."

"Alright. Sorry that I bothered you." Shinji began to go back into the apartment when Asuka turned around to face him.

"Stay out here for a minute," she said, "I want to ask you something." Shinji was surprised but did what she asked, resting his arms on the railing. "Do you remember what our reasons for piloting Eva were?"

"I think so," he said. "For Ayanami it was because she was ordered to, and you did it so you could prove that you were better at than anyone else."

"And you did it because you couldn't do anything else," she finished for him and Shinji nodded. "I've lost my reason to live, Shinji."

"Because you can't pilot Eva?" Shinji asked.

"I spent nearly my entire life with Eva. I wasn't really alive unless I was inside it. That's where I lived, where I could express myself, through Eva. When I lost all of that the first time, it was devastating, because there were still others who could do what I no longer could. So I gave up on living, and had to be hospitalised.

"Then they put me in the Entry Plug for the first time in what seemed like ages, not because they wanted me to perform but because they didn't want me to die. So I waited, terrified for my life as explosions went off around Eva. And then I heard her and felt her, all around me inside Eva. There Mama was with me, watching over me.

"Eva finally moved for me, and I was finally alive again, but it didn't last." She pointed out to the Geofront hole as she continued. "Out there was the second time I died, the final time as the Second Children . . . in defeat." She lowered her arm and crossed them over the railing. "So now I've been reborn, and with the Eva Series gone I don't need to live anymore."

"Asuka, you sh--" Shinji began to say.

"I should what?" she interrupted him, "I should think more positively? I should look on the bright side? Should be glad that I'm still alive? Get over myself?" She grew more agitated with each question. "Why the Hell did I come back, anyway?"

"I don't know," Shinji said cautiously. "There's a chance that you only went unconscious when the Eva Series destroyed Unit Two, and your refusal to accept your loss is what separated you."

"What?" Asuka gave Shinji a puzzled glance.

"Uh--never mind, it's complicated."

"Whatever! It's not like it really matters in a Hell hole like this. Everybody's gone and nothing's left; it's just us. She raised up her hand and made a mock regal pose and began sarcastically, "the Invincible Shinji and the Former Second Children: rulers of Hell on Earth! Oh, what an honour it is!" She finished by giving Shinji a curtsy and spat over the edge.

"Don't be--"

"Nothing personal, Shinji," Asuka interrupted him again, "but you're not exactly my first choice for last man on Earth."

"We might not be the last people alive," Shinji said. "Some could come back."

"You mentioned something about that the other night. Do you know how?"

"Near the end, I heard my mother say something about people seeing the walls of their hearts. I guess people that do can come back, but I don't know."

A group of crows suddenly took off from the roof above them and flew out over the city until only their caws could be heard. "When did the birds come back?" Asuka asked.

"Yesterday afternoon," Shinji answered. "They must have been scared off by Third Impact, but so far only the crows have come back." He began to absent-mindedly feel around the inside of his pocket, and pulled out a leather cord.

Asuka noticed his movement and looked over at the item in Shinji's hand. "That's part of Misato's necklace, isn't it?"

"Yeah," Shinji said, "Misato-san gave it to me before she died."

"How did it happen?" Asuka asked.

"On our way to the emergency lift, soldiers fired at us and she got hit. When we reached it, I didn't want to go any further, and she explained to me why I had to pilot Eva. She gave me her cross and . . . and kissed me. She called it a 'grown-up kiss,' and that we'd do the rest later, but she was probably just trying to give me some extra motivation or joking.

"Then she pushed me into the lift, it started going down, and that's the last time I saw her. In the lift I wiped some blood from my mouth, and felt sick. When I heard the explosion from above, I knew Misato-san was dead." Shinji tightened his grip around the leather cord.

"Do you miss her?" Asuka asked.

Shinji nodded. "My mother died when I was really young, so I don't really have any memories of her. Misato-san was the closest person in my life that I could consider as a mother."

"I didn't know she meant so much to you."

"I really didn't either until now." Shinji gave a long sigh and rested his hands on the railing. He was startled when he felt the soft touch of Asuka's hand on top of his left, which still held the leather cord. He looked over at her.

"I understand how you feel, Shinji," she said as she squeezed his hand lightly. "I didn't have such a strong bond with her as you did, but I miss her, too."

"Thank you, Asuka," Shinji replied, turning his hand over and squeezing hers back.

Asuka relaxed her grip and shot him a glare that wasn't fully serious. "Watch it, Shinji. We may be the last couple alive, but let's not get in a hurry . . ."

Shinji quickly withdrew his hand from under hers and blushed. "Ah--! I--I'm sorry!"

"Don't apologise so much, Shinji," Asuka replied with a falsely condescending tone in her voice, "you know how much I hate it when you do that." She turned around and patted him on the shoulder as she opened the balcony door and stepped back into the apartment. "Let's take care of my room now."

"Okay," Shinji replied. He remained on the balcony and looked out at the world for a short while, then walked back into the apartment, sliding the door shut behind him.



Posted: 2004-01-31 09:39pm
by Singular Quartet
Hey, neat... the next chapter.... and now if Mark and Mike were to update Manifest Destiny and Reign of Terror, and I were to finish something that goes beyond a single chapter, hell would freeze over...

Anyways, unlike my work, it's extremly good. Now hurry it up and start writing more chapters.

Posted: 2004-01-31 10:50pm
by Darth Yoshi
Oh cool, new chapter. It looks pretty good, Spanky. I look forward the next chapter.