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Concordance of the Heavans

Posted: 2003-04-29 05:17pm
by Stravo
This was a story that began as a contest with Chuck back at ASVS for the GSDA. I relaized as I was browsing around that I never posted it here due to the rules of the contest that the tales be posted on neutral ground. So I decided to send it here and see if anyone was interested in me continuing the story. Its three chapters but I will post the first one for now and see what people think. Essentially it is a fantasy tale told in a sci fi setting.

Concordance of the Heavens

Fires on the Deep

“The Concordance of the Heavens was formed in the year 1022 Standard Star Home Reckoning. Formed by the heroic empires that strove against the Great Horde (See Great Horde) that had torn through the Star Sphere starting in the year 1012. The Great Circle, the first human empire to span the entire Star Sphere and formed in the year 600 BD (Before Diaspora) [600 years before Star Home Reckoning comes into use] fell in the first few years of the Great Hordes rampage. No one is certain how an empire that stood for close to two millennia fell in a handful of years to the Great Horde but it did occur. The Lords of Concordia, those that had clung to the outer edges of the Great Circle, refusing to join the empire out of such different motives that ranged form stubborn pride to religious persecution were all that stood between the Great Horde and extinction.

In the Concordance War (See Concordance War) the Lords of Concordia warred against the Great Horde and the battles raged across the Star Sphere as the Magi of the Crystal Moons abandoned their vow of neutrality and joined in this last desperate attempt to save humanity.

At Horizon’s End, the Final Battle of the Concordance War, the Lords of Concordia did slay the Dark General Malador and broke the Great Horde which fled back into the depths of the void. The Lords decided to form a new empire to bring together the shattered remains of the human world and unite the Star Sphere again under human dominion. This new Empire was called the Concordance of the Heavens and the major houses that founded this new empire were:

HOUSE XEN – Masters of the mysterious art known as science, it was the Xen masters that built the great engines of war that drove the Great Horde back into the void. The Xen were also the pioneers of the new mode of transportation that replaced the old Spell Rockets. Using the new Star Shifter drives, travel times were cut in half and broke the hold that the magi had on interstellar travel.

– The Valorians are monotheists and great warriors. Still mounting horses in combat there is no finer cavalry in the Star Sphere. These warriors are also renown for two things. One, the Valorians are fanatical believers in only one god and will follow no others save their silent god – Valor. They are also famous for forming a Brotherhood of their finest warriors and spiritually pure followers known as the Pal-al-Din or the Sword of God. The Pal-Al-Din are sworn to wander the Star Sphere and confront evil and injustice wherever it be found.

TEARS OF THE AUGUST DRAGON IN ONYX SKY – This noble house was the most foreign of all the major powers. Steeped in ancient tradition in honor that harkens back to an age when humanity was stranded on a single world the Tears as they are known by others practice a form of unarmed combat that makes them as deadly with their hands as with a sword. A branch of the Tears known as the Ronin are armored warriors wielding plasma blades that can cut through most anything and a skill with a blade that allows them to hold off scores of enemies. Many tales were told of lone Ronin holding off hordes of Orcs as they tried to overwhelm an enclave of human resistance during the darkest days of the Concordance War.

RINDAARI HOLDFAST – Honor and History. These words are the obsessions of the warrior-poets of the Rindaari Holdfast. They are unique in the Star Spehere for their obsession with oral tradition and song, shirking the written word and other modes of record keeping.

DOMAN CONFEDERACY – Merchant princes with an affinity for war, these tradesman are by far the richest of all the Concordance lords. Their greed is only matched by their skill with the sword and pike as the dominant merchant guild are the warrior mercenary companies that won great acclaim during the Concordance War. The Doman are a matriarchal society that strictly enforces the male’s role as servant and warrior and the woman’s as leader and spiritual guide.

The Protectorates

The Great Concordance, fearing another attack from orcs and other horrors from the deep void looked to create a perimeter defense around the empire and turned to a class of dukes and lords that were eager to form their own great houses. Granted feudal estates in the far hinterlands of the empire these lords formed small feudal powers that grew to be known as Protectorates.

Protectorate Lords were given near absolute power over their lands as well as free reign in diplomacy and war amongst each other as long as they looked to defend the interior from orcish incursions. The Protectorates have been slowly growing in size and power as more worlds are uncovered on the edge of the Great Void and settled by these aggressive lords who want nothing more than to achieve Concordance Lord status.

The Protectorates are regarded as provincial and backwards but a necessary evil in order to protect all that the Concordance Lords have built.

--excerpt Biblia Historica

Chapter 1: Departures

The thumping of boots was the first sign that the Prince was coming. The second was his loud voice as he called for his father. It echoed off the deep stone walls of the Keep. Agamemnon sighed softly and turned around to face the incoming Prince. He nodded absently to the two royal guards standing by the door. Their armor shone brightly in the sunlight that filtered through from the large windows above. They snapped the pikes up at attention as the heavy oak doors were flung open in haste.

Prince Derek Dartanian stormed in, his training armor still on, dark sweat stains visible in the body glove of his armor. His face was young, almost painfully young, large bright hazel eyes regarded the world with an odd mixture of innocence and suspicion. One did not rise to be a prince of one of the Protectorates by ignoring the harshness of the world.

Agamemnon held up a cautioning hand as the prince glared at all of them then his eyes fell on the form slumbering on the ornate bed in the royal chambers.

“Father!” he shouted and started to rush over to the bedside but Agamemnon stepped in his way and held the young prince back.

“Listen to me Derek, you must listen.”

Derek could not look at the old advisor, he kept staring intently at the older man lying prone on the bed. His rich emerald and gold trimmed robes were so still on his body. His chest barely moved and his iron gray beard was neatly trimmed. This man that had taught him everything he knew and all that he was now lay on his bed like a corpse.

“Derek, please. The sickness has taken your father into a coma. It is a coma that I do not believe that he can recover from.”

Derek finally stopped struggling and glanced up at the older man. Agamemnon was fully a head taller than the young prince and his broad barrel chest spoke of a warrior’s past. Agamemnon had fought with his father back during the glory days of the expansion of the Dartanian Protectorate.

Agamemnon had been his father’s most trusted advisor and friend and he had served his father well. But there was no love lost between Derek and Agamemnon. Agamemnon did not approve of the young prince’s attitude and rebellious nature. Agamemnon for his part knew what Derek’s father and he suffered in the wars that expanded the Dartanian Protectorate. The kingdom that Derek was going to inherit was won on blood and tears and the young prince’s carousing nature did not sit well with the gruff old warrior.

For Derek’s part, the old warrior’s gruff nature and demanding attitude chaffed him. No matter what Derek did or accomplished, it was never enough for his father’s friend. For every approving gaze from his father, there was a gruff rebuke from Agamemnon.

They agreed to disagree.

“What is it?”

“Your father has slipped into a coma, but there is grave news as well.”

“My father succumbing to the plague is not grave enough?!” Derek exclaimed angrily and pulled himself away from Agamemnon and drew himself up to his full height. He had inherited his father’s height but his mother’s slim features, so he was dwarfed by the old bear.

“Yes, it is a hard blow, Derek, but you are here and you will be made king.”

“I don’t want it if it means that my father is going to die! Damn you Agamemnon, is all that you can think about power and politics?”

“You listen to me young master, your father and I were slugging through the void, and in the muck with our knees in blood and guts fighting to build something. To build it for you!” he snapped, his voice dropping low as he loomed over the prince.

Derek stood his ground but he calmed down.

“Go on.” Derek replied softly as he peered over at his father’s still form. The plague was a new event that had only started appearing in the Protectorates. It was insidious, those stricken by it fell into a deep slumber and wasted away until they were dead. Lives claimed by the plague were slowly climbing, many forced to watch as loved ones, young and old, men and women were taken by the invisible hand of this new plague. The victims were felled without rhyme or reason. From the highest lord and king to the lowest peasant.

“Your sister was on her way back from picking up your intended and bringing her here for the Binding ceremony.”

Derek blinked.

“Her ship was attacked on the outskirts of our Protectorate and it was taken.”

“Taken? Selena was taken?” Derek asked softly, concern furrowing his brow.

“And your intended the Lady Ursula.” Agamemnon gently reminded him.

“My intended.” Derek repeated with a note of disdain.

Agamemnon frowned.

“Young Lord, your father and I were not blind. We could see that you were never happy with the arrangement but the Lady Ursula will make you a fine wife. She is the only daughter of Lord Faramond and he holds several neighboring star systems in his Protectorate. Once he passes those systems will pass on to you and your heirs, and all that without a single battle being fought.” Agamemnon explained.

“But I will be married to a woman I do not love.”

“A small price to pay to increase the span and power of your Protectorate. Remember, a Protectorate that grows is a Protectorate that survives.”

“Easy for you to say, you married a woman you loved.”

“I am not the Lord of this Protectorate.” Agamemnon fixed him with a cross stare. Derek could see that he was about to enter his infamous lecture mode and once again he felt alienated from his father’s closest advisor and friend. It had been increasingly bothering him of late.

“You never could grasp that one essential fact could you? You think that your noble birth entitles you to do as you wish but there are certain responsibilities that you cannot escape from, Derek. You are solely responsible for the Protectorate. The entire population look to you, depends on you for its very survival. We are here to not only protect the people but to be on the watch, for the Horde. To stand on the line and face the void beyond. It is not a license for you to carouse and waste your time.”

“The first thing I plan to do when I ascend is make sure I get another advisor!” Derek snapped and as soon as the words left his mouth he instantly regretted them.

Agamemnon blinked for a moment then stepped back as if stung.

“You can do as you please, young lord.” Agamemnon replied tightly.

Derek wanted to say something but found that he was hesitant.

Suddenly the door behind them burst open again and a medium sized old man trundled in quickly, arms flailing about in a mad dash of movement as he continued speaking despite the fact that no one had been around to hear the beginning of his words.

Derek could only smile in spite of himself as the old man interrupted the tense situation. But then again, as far back as he could remember that is precisely what the wizard was wont to do.

“-and all my records seem to indicate that this plague has never been seen before in the Protectorates but considering the widespread destruction of records during the Concordance War, I could be wrong.” The old wizard stopped short as he finally looked up and saw the room full of people, Derek included.

“Oh, please, pardon me I thought that Agamemnon would be here alone.” The old wizard sputtered and smiled warmly at Derek.

Derek smiled back.

“You know better than ask forgiveness from me, Griswold you old magus.” Derek replied and clapped the wizard on the back. Griswold choked as he stumbled forward from the good natured blow.

Griswold wore a beautiful heavy cotton robe with intricate runes stitched down the sides. The robe looked as if it had seen better days. Mud and dirt caked the hem of the robe and several places had been worn threadbare. He wore the traditional chrome skull cap of the Magi of the Crystal Moons. It was the only article of clothing that he wore which he kept meticulous.

He also wore a shawl that reminded him of his sister Selena. She knit the shawl for Griswold one day several years ago and Griswold was never seen without it, he always had it draped over his shoulders, although it was beginning to show its age it was a constant reminder of the gentle wizard’s love for his children as he called them.

Griswold nodded.

“As I was saying, the plague has never been seen in the Protectorate. I simply have no idea what to do about it. There does not seem to be any magical origin to this plague so we are at a loss.”

“I thought as much, its been sweeping through the Protectorates of late and no one seems to know how to stop it.” Agamemnon rubbed his chin for a moment and looked at the prince.

“What say you, My lord? We have crisis to face.”

Derek nodded slowly, suddenly feeling a weight on his shoulders he never anticipated or wanted.

He turned to Griswold.

“Griswold, I’m going to need your services. Gather what you have to take with you and be ready to travel.”

“Travel?” the old wizard stammered.

“Just what are you intending to do, my lord?” Agamemnon asked sharply.

“I’m going to save my sister.” He replied locking eyes with Agamemnon.

Agamemnon frowned.

“And the Lady Ursula.” He prompted.

“And my intended.” Derek replied with a hint of exasperation.

“Oh my, the young Selena is in danger?!” Griswold exclaimed in dismay.

“Yes, wizard, now will you talk the young lord out of this nonsense. I already have a squad of men preparing to go and track her.” Agamemnon interjected.

“Well, uh, I’m not sure that-”

“My mind is made up. I am going to save Selena.”

“And the Lady Ursula.” Agamemnon added gruffly.

“THEM. I am going to save them.” Derek replied hotly.

“This is not a good idea my lord. You are now the lord of this Protectorate and it would not bode well for us should you fall.”

“Then I don’t intend to fall.” Derek replied.

Agamemnon stared into the young man’s eyes and for the first time in years Derek was completely surprised by the old warrior.

Agamemnon smiled.

“Lad, you remind me of your father at this very moment. No matter what I counseled once your father got an idea in his head there was no stopping him. I’ve got quite a few scars from some of his more brighter ideas.” He said with a broad grin and he clapped Derek on the shoulder.

Derek tried his best not to show any pain. It was like being struck by a bear.

“Then I have your blessings?” Derek asked.

Agamemnon glanced over at Griswold and back to Derek.

“I am not happy with this but you are now Lord of this Protectorate and there is nothing much that I can do now except do my best to make sure that you are safe.”


“My son will be going with you. If I cannot trust my own blood to protect you, who can I trust?”

“Perseus? You’re sending Perseus with me?” Derek asked joy clearly in his voice.

“Yes, my son will go with you, even though I’m not thrilled about the influence you have on him.”

Derek grinned.

“Then surely I can’t lose.”

Agamemnon nodded slightly but pride flared in his breast. His son Perseus and the prince had been childhood friends and it was gratifying to see the relationship grow as they matured.

“He will be brought here immediately, I will prepare a phalanx of royal guards to accompany you and mobilize a squadron of ships.”

“No, no, no. Time is of the essence. By the time we get the guards and ships together at least a day will have passed and the trail could grow cold or worse. We are leaving now. I need no one else, Perseus and Griswold will be all the help I need. Prepare one of the new starjammers for me.”

“Sir, those ships are experimental and lightly armed. They’re not built for combat but for raw speed.”

“Precisely, we need to get to her last known position immediately. Speed is going to serve us on this mission not warships.” Derek explained as he put his arm around Griswold and patted him on the chest.

“We leave immediately Gris, get your stuff.”

“Uh, but this sounds like it could be dangerous, young master. Maybe Agamemnon was right. We should wait.”

“No Griswold, we leave now.” Derek replied sternly.

Griswold nodded and began mumbling to himself as he walked out of the royal bed chambers. Derek watched him leave then turned to Agamemnon.

“I’ll leave it to you to make sure that everything I need is stowed on the ship. Now, I need a moment alone with my father.”

“Of course, my lord.” Agamemnon replied softly and bowed his head as he started to leave. He paused at the doorway and turned his head to watch the prince sit on the edge of the bed and take his father’s hand.

He opened his mouth as if to say something then thought better of it and walked out.

“Madness I tell you, the young prince has no idea what sort of dangers lie in wait out there among the stars. He is foolish if he thinks that-”

“It sounds to me, my good wizard, that it is you that is afraid of going out there.” A young man replied with a good natured laugh.

“You’re just like your father, you know that? Always trying to find fault in others.” Griswold replied in annoyance and shifted his staff to his left hand as he bent over to pick up a stray scroll that slipped out form under his arm.

Perseus was tall and broad like his father. His face was sharp like a hawk’s, a proud nose and penetrating black eyes were his most prominent features and his black hair was pulled back into a braid that was currently draped over his left shoulder. Perseus had not cut his hair for many years, ever since his mother had allowed him to make his own decisions about his grooming. He kept his hair tied in a complex braid to emulate the warriors of his ancestry who many said did not cut their hair ever.

Agamemnon was amused by his son’s predilection to worship a past that Agamemnon himself had never been very much interested in.

Perseus wore the armor of a man at arms, tight formfitting plasteel with the crest of the Dartanian clan, a Falcon rampant on a field of green, stamped proudly on his chest. His helmet was nestled under his left arm and in his right he was taking practice strokes with his sword.

“Look at it as an adventure. We haven’t had one as far as I can recall. Father and the king did all the adventuring when they were young and left us with none.”

“Your father and the king are wise beyond your knowing, young pup. They know the price of these adventures of yours and they realized that more could be won with the art of diplomacy and scholarship than with the sword and war.”

Perseus arched an eyebrow as he returned the mage’s stern gaze with an expression of bemusement.

“Truly? Well I prefer a good sword at my side and the call of adventure in my ear.”

“You realize of course, young man at arms that you have never been in a single battle and you have never known the kiss of steel nor taken the life of another. I would be cautious about your desires for adventure and excitement. These are words that mask far darker realities than the young and inexperienced would care to admit.” Griswold replied softly, the usual confused look on his face replaced with a sage calm that Perseus had not seen in the House wizard in his life.

“I see you two are getting along as well as usual.” Derek said with a laugh as he strode towards them. Perseus grinned at his best friend and embraced him roughly. Derek was wearing the emerald armor of his house, the chest plate depicted the Falcon rampant, save that the falcon was filled in with emeralds. It was beautiful and gorgeous but offended Perseus’ sensibilities.

“You’re wearing that?”

“What’s wrong? This is my armor.”

“It’s ceremonial.” Perseus replied with a scowl.

“Stop being so Aggie like, Perseus. C’mon we have a job to do.” Derek said with a weak laugh and pulled Perseus with him. There were times that Perseus seemed to channel his father and that last comment was pure Agamemnon. He did not like it. He knew damned well the armor was ceremonial. But it was the last thing his father had given him.

“So this is it.” Derek commented as he looked up at the starjammer. The small ship looked as if it were built to soar among the stars, but not just soar, fly like an arrow. The starjammers were the newest class of ship, fast and agile as could be. Their speed was beginning to become legendary and Derek knew that he would need every ounce of it if he were to track his sister’s attackers and rescue her.

The starjammer floated several meters off the ground, moored to the ground by several anchored lines. One set of steps led up to the ships and he could see the last of the provisions and equipment being loaded on.

“Can you fly that thing?” Derek asked seriously.

“I’m a Man at Arms noble prince, I’m supposed to be able to fly anything and use any weapon in your arsenal.” Perseus replied seriously.

Derek glanced over at his friend and smirked.

“You didn’t really answer the question.”

Perseus frowned slightly.

“I’m sure I can learn quickly.”

“Oh for the love of Manon!” Derek cursed.

“Come on, these things are spanking brand new. We only just received the first jammers from the inner core last month.”

“It’s your job to know how to fly these things, that’s no excuse.” Derek retorted.

Perseus was taken aback. Derek never spoke to him like this.

“Perhaps I can be of assistance.” Agamemnon interrupted as he walked in between the two young men.

“Father..” Perseus began.

“I’ve hired a pilot to help you.”

“Oh?” Perseus and Derek said simultaneously.

“I was aware that my son may not know how to fly one of these new starjammers and I was also woefully aware that we do not have qualified pilots that I would trust with your life but there was the one that flew these over. She is a subject of the Xen but they were willing to sell her services to us at a good price.”

“A mercenary?” Derek replied with a hint of disdain.

“Father, House Dartanian does not use mercenaries, you taught me that.”

Agamemnon nodded.

“Son, my lord, There are times when we have to accept certain realities and this is one of those times. We have no choice but to hire a mercenary if we want to succeed in this mission.”

Derek nodded slowly but Perseus did not look convinced.

“May I present to you the pilot for the Starjammer, Miss-“

“Aleeta Thistlebottom at your service My lords.” the small woman interjected as she stepped into the crowd and bowed regally. The young woman was the size of a small child, she had huge saucer like blue eyes that sparkled and a small frame with high cheekbones and a hint of pointed ears beneath a long flowing mane of reddish hair.

“Ah, I wasn’t expecting someone so…” Perseus began staring at her.

“Formal.” Derek interjected quickly, also unable to take his eyes off the small woman.

The young halfling smiled mysteriously at them.

“Unaccustomed to my people out here in the Protectorates?” she inquired innocently.

“Well, we certainly have our share of Dwarves and the like but I must admit I have never actually seen a halfling.” Perseus explained.

“Well get used to it lads. My folk are the premier pilots within the Concordia. Our agile hands and small frames make us ideal when it comes to riding fire so I suggest we get rid of the ogling before you confirm every stereotype of you provincial lords that we have in the Concordia.” she said with an wink.

“Of course my lady.” Derek replied trying his best not to stare any longer.

“Well, we’re not getting any closer to our destination by standing here so I suggest we get a move on and try to get this over with as soon as possible. I already miss home and its not looking any better as time goes on, so if you will, lords, let us be on our way.”

“Go on, Ms. Thistlebottom, the lords will be up shortly.” Agamemnon stated and motioned for Aleeta to climb the steps up to the waiting ship. She nodded and promptly cleared the steps agilely and entered the ship.

“A halfling? You could find no humans that could pilot us?” Derek asked.

Agamemnon shrugged.

“It is as she says, my lord, in Concordia, the halflings are the premier pilots. It’s hard to find human pilots with her credentials and she is fully rated on this design.”

“Its because she’s probably the only one that can fit on the cockpit.” Perseus mumbled.

“My lord, there is some disturbing news that I have just received via courier from our listening posts on Gana.” Agamemnon said lowly.

“Selena?” Derek asked softly.

“Their last transmission via seeing stone. There is evidence that they may have been waylaid by orcs.”

There was silence on the tarmac for a long moment as the words sank in. The very existence of the Protectorates was founded on the fear of Concordia that the Orcs would once again descend upon the Star Sphere in a Great Horde like the one that wiped clean the Great Circle. The Protectorates were formed to create a wall against any incoming orcish threat and it was a threat that was taken extremely seriously. Orcs occasionally raided into the Protectorates but they were always beaten back. Orcs were the bane of the Protectorate lords and nothing could act quicker to band the disparate Protectorate clans into a unified fighting force than an orcish attack.

No one was more familiar with orcs and their tactics than the Protectorate Lords, and unfortunately that made the possibility of rescuing Selena and his intended even more remote.

“By Kistar’s Hammer, the orcs have our women folk. This does not bode well, my lord. For them worse than us.” Perseus lamented.

“Now, now, lads there is only the suggestion that it may have been orcs. We cannot know for sure.” Griswold said trying to comfort the young men. Derek’s shoulders visibly slumped.

“Selena.” he whispered knowing all too well the horrors that the brutes inflicted on female captives. He had seen it several times when inspecting the sight of orcish raids with his father. The thought of his baby sister in the hands of those beasts chilled his heart.

“Time’s wasting, let’s get going young lords!!” Aleeta called down to them.

“Good journey my lord, may the wind be at your backs.” Agamemnon said and saluted the young prince but there was no joy, no excitement. Derek looked into Agamemnon’s eyes.

“We will return with Selena, in whatever condition she may be…” He could see Agamemnon hesitating as if debating whether to say something. He solved the debate. “And my intended as well. Look after the Protectorate, I leave it in your more than capable hands.”

Agamemnon nodded and turned to his son as Derek began walking up the stairs to the ship.

“You look after him, Perseus. There is no more honorable charge for a Man at Arms than protecting his lord.”

“Of course father.”

They stared at each other for a moment then Agamemnon swept his son in his arms and embraced him tightly.

“You look after yourself boy. I want to see you back here alive.” He paused as he kissed his son’s cheek. “I am so proud of you.” He whispered in his ear.

Perseus gripped his father’s arm and nodded. He walked away, gave his father one last glance before turning back to walk up to the ship. Griswold fell in step with him.

“To think, Griswold poor Selena and Derek’s intended in the arms of the orcs.” Perseus commented sadly. Griswold nodded to himself as they started to reach the top.

“So tell me, young lord. How does your first adventure strike you?”

Perseus stared at the old magus as he paused at the door, leaning on his staff.

“Be careful what you wish for, young one. The universe has a nasty tendency to give you what you wish.” Griswold finished and stepped into the starjammer.

Agamemnon watched as the ship lifted off and quickly darted out of view into the sky. He felt her presence slip in beside him and he smiled softly as he turned to look at his wife. She was looking up at the sky, despite the fact that the ship was no longer in view.

“You know, I could have sworn from watching the two of them that it was you and Lord Michael off on another of your grand crusades.”

Agamemnon winced as he remembered the title he and Lord Michael gave to their wars of expansion. Grand Crusades indeed.

“Save for three things my love.”

“Oh?” she looked up at him quizzically. Agamemnon was massive next to his small frail wife. He loved this woman like no other.

“One we were never that young.”

His wife smiled. She did not have the heart to tell him that they had in fact looked younger.

“Two when we left we had an entire armada lifting off with us. These two are leaving far too alone and vulnerable for my tastes.”

“Why did you let them go then?”

“Let them go, love? I am not the lord of the realm, that is Derek Dartanian’s post. I obey.”

“You trained Perseus yourself, my love. There is no one Lord Dartanian would be safer with.”

“Yes, but who will protect Perseus my wife?”

She nodded and rubbed his beard with her small hand.

“You ask yourself the same question that I asked myself when you boldly strode off with Lord Michael.”

He frowned softly and took one last look up into the sky.

“And the third thing wife is something that has been bothering me since all these crisis began. When we left for our Grand Crusades, there was a different feeling in the air. Now, it feels as if darkness is closing in on us and night is ready to fall. I fear that there is a fire upon the deep and we have only seen the beginning.”

The two remain silent under the slowly darkening sky.

Posted: 2003-04-29 05:54pm
by 2000AD
Cripes Stravo, how many fanfics have you got!

Posted: 2003-04-29 06:23pm
by Stravo
To be fair, this is an original piece of work not using ST, SW, or any other sci fi setting AND this was written months ago for the contest between me and Chuck. Besides, Im can be very prolific when I want to be. Once the muse strikes I've been known to type out a chapter of Starcrossed in a day/day and a half.

Posted: 2003-04-29 11:57pm
by The Prime Necromancer
I remember reading this and thinking that it had a lot of potential. It was my favorite of the two stories. So I vote yes. :D

Posted: 2003-04-30 05:48pm
by Mark S
Reminds me of Spelljammer. Though only what I've heard as I've never read any of the Spelljammer series.

Posted: 2003-04-30 10:29pm
by Stravo
Chapter 2: Chance Encounters

THE HORDE – Name given to the massive armies that have flooded out of the Great Void (See Great Void) twice in the recorded history of the Star Sphere. In both instances the Horde devastated the Star Sphere and causing the fall of empires. The First Great Horde flashed out of the Great Void in the youngest days of the Star Sphere, when there was only one empire, ruled by the Founding races that populated the Star Sphere, not just humans. The Star Home as it was known was shattered after millennia of peaceful growth and coexistence by the First Great Horde. They came from the Void seeking death and destruction and raping and pillaging as they raged through the Star Sphere. The Mighty Elven Armadas fled the war into the great vortex in the center of the Star Sphere. The Dwarves locked themselves away in their fortress worlds leaving only men to face the final onslaughts. The halfling nations, recent arrivals in the Star Sphere allied themselves with men and they did war for a full century against the Horde until they were finally banished back to the Void.

The Second Great Horde destroyed the Great Circle, the human empire that dominated the galaxy for nearly two millennia after the fall of the Star Home. The Concordance of the Heavens rose in the Circle’s place and is currently engaged in short but brutal wars with the Horde as they constantly probe the Star Sphere for weaknesses.

The Horde is a generic name given to the inhabitants of the Void. Orcs form the backbone of these armies, but they are by no means the sole warriors of the Void. There are necromancers, black magi, demons and other unspeakable denizens of the Void that hunger for death and desolation.

---Biblex Historia

The StarJammer exploded out of the void like a cannon ball, but suddenly slowed and a beautiful canvas of silken light unfurled behind the craft like a fine lady’s gown. The Ether sails were designed to catch the energy of the ether that suffused the void. The starjammer quickly accelerated again and gracefully began a desperate hunt.

“Anything yet?” Derek asked impatiently.

Aleeta peered out of the corner of her eye as she piloted the small swift craft and smirked.

“We’ve just starshifted in, Lord Dartanian. It takes time to pick up a trai-”

The craft shuddered hard and a deep boom reverberated through the hull.

“What was that?” Perseus asked, glancing at the walls of the ship with concern.

“We hit something.” Aleeta replied cautiously as she glanced at her instrumentation.

“That’s all you have to say? We hit something? What did we hit?” Griswold asked angrily and clutched his staff tightly so that his knuckles whitened.

“Relax, I have everything under control.” She replied wanly.

Another impact shook the Starjammer and the boom that reverberated through the hull was a little louder.

“Are we being shot at?” Perseus demanded as he stuck his head into the small cockpit and peered past Aleeta, straining to catch some glimpse outside the small bubble on the fore of the small ship.

“Do you mind!” Aleeta huffed as she shoved at the young man to get out of her field of vision.

“I’m going to bring us around for a quick pass and see what’s going on.”

“What kind of weapons are we carrying?” Derek asked.

Aleeta frowned.

“Several light ballista in the back and one on the top side, other than that, we’re pretty much unarmed.”

“Looks like your father was right once again. These starjammers are next to useless in a fight. What good are light ballista going to be against an Orc raider?” Derek commented to Perseus in disgust.

“I don’t think it’s an orc raider.” Perseus replied hesitantly.


“Because we would be dead by now.” Griswold replied coolly.

Derek nodded slowly.

“I think I have our answers lords and mage. Take a look.” Aleeta commented. They all crowded around her cockpit and looked out into the void.

A field of broken parts and torn sails floated around them in a cloud.

“A debris field?” Derek noted.

“Yes, and it looks like its forming a trail.” Perseus noted pointing to the field as it slowly descended towards a barren world beneath them.

“This looks like it’s going to be easier than I thought.” Aleeta commented.

Derek frowned a she looked down at the small halfling.

“That debris field is coming from the transport my sister was on. She could be dead and all you can say is that this search is now made easier?” he asked darkly.

A large blackish metallic plate struck the port side of the cockpit window and continued flipping end over end as the starjammer descended.

“I’d say from the look of that plate that your sister gave as good as she got.” Aleeta replied wanly.

Derek turned to Perseus.

“Black Iron, only the Orcs used that in their ships. Looks like it was a fight, however I wonder how this all turned out.” Perseus commented.

“We’re about to find out, because it looks like the fight took them all the way down.” Aleeta added as she pointed to a gouge in the earth that could be clearly seen from the height that they were descending to. The crater was fresh, smoke still rose from the various small fires started by the impact.

Derek squeezed Perseus’ shoulder as he watched the crater grow as they descended. The trees around the crater were all pushed up and out and at the end on a raised mound was the twisted wreckage of a ship. There was no telling its class or allegiance at this distance nor was it likely they could standing on it, it was nothing more than twisted metal and wood.

“I’m sure they’re fine.” Perseus lied.

Derek frowned.

He prepared himself for the worst. Aleeta clucked as she brought the Starjammer around to inspect the wreckage before finding a spot to set down.

“Damn shame to see a ship reduced to that.” she muttered.

“I’m more concerned about the passengers at this point.”

“There is another question troubling my mind, where is exactly is this place?” Griswold added as he peered out the cockpit window at the light foliage around them as the Starjammer finally settled down on the ground with a soft sigh.

“The charts say that this is Orthego.” Aleeta answered as she opened up a very crumpled map. “Or it could juts be an ale stain on this chart.” she added slowly examining the area more closely.

“Orthego? That’s not in the Protectorates. Whatever in the hell were they doing out here?” Perseus wondered.

“If this world is not in the Protectorates then we’re in greater danger. That means that whomever or whatever we find out here will not recognize our authority.”

“Oh, its much worse than that my lads. They may even be allied with the Great Void.” Griswold interjected and shook his head sadly as he gathered his things.

“I’m stepping out first, any sign of danger and you get my lord out of here.” Perseus ordered Aleeta.

Aleeta smiled softly.

“Of course, My lord, but trust me, if the orcs are going to ambush us they will wait until we’re all out of here, so the heroics can wait, huh?” Aleeta replied and walked to the back of the starjammer and opened a small chest on the wall. She pulled out a sword and scabbard belt. She cinched it on and pulled on a leather jacket.

“That’s it?” Perseus asked sardonically as she walked back to the group. Perseus and Derek looked imposing in their full body armor and they were now donning their helmets. each checked their swords and nodded to each other.

“Well, the way I see it I have two strong handsome men to protect me so what do I have to worry about?” She replied with a wink and a nudge,

Perseus blushed and quickly slammed his helmet’s face plate down.

Aleeta activated the switch and a door hissed open, a pneumatic cough followed and a rope ladder launched itself into the ground below.

“You know, I can definitely see the disadvantages of these starjammers when it comes to landings and boarding.” Griswold grumbled. The starjammer was floating several meters off the ground, gently swaying in the breeze.

“Oh, come now, magus, would you like me to sling you over my shoulder?” Perseus asked with a grin as he swung his leg over the lip of the gangway and started to descend the rope ladder.

“Have a care, Man at Arms, I have done worse to people for far less.” Griswold replied haughtily but it sounded ridiculous coming from the grizzled old man.

Perseus winked and descended.

“Just why is this contraption necessary madam?” Griswold asked as Derek gently helped him over.

“The landing struts, they’re too heavy.”

“Excuse me?” Griswold asked as he paused at the lip of the gangway.

“We’ve stripped absolutely everything that we could out of these ships to get more speed and acceleration. There’s a price to be paid, wizard if you want to claim to have the fastest ship in the Star Sphere.” Aleeta explained and shooed him down the ladder. Derek motioned regally to her and she smiled.

“Why thank you, sir.” She replied with a slight curtsy and quickly scuttled down the ladder. Derek finally swung his leg over and followed the rest down to the field. When he stepped off the ladder he quickly glanced around.

They were alone in the field, a large copse of trees to their right and the unmistakable smell of burning wood.

Perseus moved quickly in a low crouch, sword drawn as he scouted ahead for the others. He listened intently but could hear nothing but the natural sounds of the forest.

That was the giveaway.

If there were any orcs about the wood would be silent as a tomb. As denizens of the Void, the orcs were outside of nature. They were creatures that inspired fear, dread and disgust from the natural world.

He stood up slowly and peered out to see the wreckage ahead. He gently tapped the side of his faceplate and the wreckage zoomed in closer thanks to special lenses built into the faceplate. There did not seem to be any movement from the wreckage. He did not dare tell Derek that he believed that the lady Selena was most likely slain. He doubted anyone could have survived that wreck. Simultaneously he felt relief that the ladies died this way and not at the hands of the filthy orcs.

He raised his hand and waved the group forward. Almost immediately he heard a stumble and a crash to the ground. He whipped his head around in time to see Griswold complaining as he tried to get back up.

Perseus rolled his eyes.

Griswold would be the death of them.

The group finally reached him.

“You know something, wizard? If you keep acting as you do you will get the lord and myself killed.”

“Oh stop acting like some grizzled veteran, Perseus! I remember when you were in swaddling clothes crying for your mother’s tit!” he spat.

“Enough!” Derek barked.

The group settled down.

“My Lord, I’ve looked ahead, it looks like there is no movement around the wreckage. I don’t believe that there are any orcs around right now but that doesn’t make things any safer.” Perseus reported.

Derek nodded trying to ignore the gnawing feeling that this mission had been all for naught. He looked around and made a decision.

“We came to find my sister and my intended and that is what we are going to do. Until I see the bodies this mission is not over.” Derek stated grimly.

Aleeta cleared her throat.

“Did you ever think that maybe it would be best not to see the bodies. I’ve been piloting these ships most of my life. I’ve seen accidents like these. The results are never pretty.” Aleeta commented and her eyes had a strange mix of concern and curiosity.

Derek looked down at the halfling.

“I am a Lord of the Protectorate. I will not allow my blood to rot inside the hull of a ship in some forsaken world. If she is dead, I will bring her back to her home.”

“Have a care, Derek. This is not a game.” Griswold warned.

“Enough, everyone fan out. Perseus take point.”

“Yes Milord.” Perseus replied and immediately went back into a crouch and stalked towards the wreckage. Aleeta drew her own short sword and crept along towards the wreckage but the expression on her face clearly showed her displeasure at the prospect of what was happening.

Derek followed, hand on the hilt of his sword but he kept an eye on Griswold. The old wizard was not accustomed to this. He was a house wizard. He had come to the Protectorate as a wandering teacher from the Crystal Moons. Poor was the Protectorate house that could not afford a magi of their own. Particularly one from the Crystal Moons.

Derek never looked on Griswold as an ornament or a status symbol. He was always old Griz. Griz the magnificent teller of tales, Griz the magical jester, Griz the teacher that always let them play an extra hour outside because he felt that children belonged outdoors not in a stuffy room learning history.

He smiled softly as he watched the old magus negotiate a patch of rocks leading up to the wreckage. He would never forget the look in the magus’ eyes when Derek once told him that he wanted Griswold to teach his won children.

The old mage smiled and Derek swore that he wiped something from his eyes as he patted him on the head.

“Enough foolish nonsense, lad. What noble woman would want to marry a rapscallion like yourself and HAVE children.” He replied with a snort.

Derek loved the old man.

The woman that would want to marry him may be entombed in this very wreck.

He stopped at a small rise in the dirt and looked out over the wreckage. The shattered remains of the ship were twisted beyond recognition, entire trees and mounds of earth were mixed with the metal and wood frame of the vessel. He could see bits of the ether sails still fluttering uselessly in the light breeze.

Perseus was standing on the largest chunk of the wreckage and was shaking his helmeted head at Derek. Nothing.

Derek was about to speak when he felt a bone jarring impact that sent him sprawling down the crater’s edge and down into the wreckage itself. He landed with an awful thud and his vision blurred for a moment. Something landed a few feet away and was readying a weapon.

He rolled away just as the weapon impacted on the earth where he had lain only a second before. Suddenly there was a clash of metal on metal and he heard a curse.

Derek got up into a sitting position and pulled out his own sword.

He saw his assailant clearly now.

It was a human in jet black battle armor. The helmet was on, face plate down and he was moving with cat like grace around the crater. Slim and deadly fast the armored attacker had a wicked looking sword drawn, notched and bloodied, this weapon had recently seen combat and had obviously dealt death as well.

However, standing between Derek and his attacker was Perseus with his won sword drawn and he stalked after the smaller but quicker opponent. Where the black armored one was small and lithe, Perseus was large and powerful.

Perseus advanced on the black armored warrior and the parried a quick slice to the midsection. Derek scrambled to his feet and tried to discern who the mystery warrior was. There was no symbol of coat of arms on the armor. The color black was a generic armor coating for fighting in the void, so there was no way to tell that way.

Perhaps the fighting style may be a clue? Some of the Protectorate Houses concentrated on certain forms of fighting.

Perseus stepped in and sliced out with his blade at the black warrior’s head. The armored figure bent backwards and let the blade pass over head before whipping his own blade around for a strike at Perseus’ exposed midsection. Perseus was already turning at the waist and the blade passed within mere inches of his torso. Both warriors recovered and faced each other slowly circling, looking for weakness.

Suddenly the black armored warrior launched a series of quick furious strokes. Perseus parried in long smooth turns of his arm as he was driven backwards by the attacks. He waited and saw his opportunity as the black armored warrior finally tired in his assault. Perseus launched his own counter attack and began a series of quick furtive strikes that drove the black armored warrior back, as soon as he had him back enough his strokes became longer and stronger as he bore his strength and weight down on the enemy, trying to simply batter through the defenses.

The black armored warrior suddenly launched herself backwards in the air and landed on the lip of the crater.

“You’re not getting away from me that easily.” Perseus grunted as he leapt after her.

He continued his attack as soon as he landed on the crater. The black armored warrior parried and leapt about like a panther, staying just ahead of Perseus’ powerful thrusts and strokes.

Perseus grunted hard as he thought he had him in one sweep and instead struck a tree. Such was the power of Perseus’ strike that his blade passed clear through the thick tree trunk, exited the other side and with a blow from him as he charged past the tree toppled over. Unfortunately for the black armored warrior, the tree toppled right on top of him and he could barely scuttle out of the way.

The black armored warrior gracefully spun out of the path of the tree right into Perseus’ free hand, now fist.

The black armored warrior didn’t make a sound as he toppled to the ground on his back and Perseus leapt up on top of him and put his blade on the warrior’s throat.

“It’s finished.” he hissed.

“Is it?” The black armored warrior replied and Perseus felt something tapping against his lower abdomen. He hesitantly glanced down and caught sight of the blade resting against his belly, ready to strike.

“A bit of an impasse, no?” the black clad warrior added.

There was something odd about the voice.

“Wrong, he is not alone.” Derek replied appearing beside Perseus.

They were silent for a moment, contemplating each other when a bolt of fire struck the earth behind Derek and Perseus, sending them both leaping out of the way. The black clad warrior kipped up and stood his ground.

“Neither am I.” he replied hotly.

“Stop this nonsense at once!” a voice commanded from beyond the copse of trees.

“In the name of the Dartanian Protectorate step out to face us!” Derek boomed.

Perseus and the black armored warrior continued facing each other swords drawn.

“Aren’t you going to do anything?” Aleeta asked Griswold as she helped him up over the lip of the crater.

“What am I supposed to do? Swords and dueling are the province of these warriors, I’m just along as an advisor and occasional assistant.”

“Some magus you are.” Aleeta harrumphed. Griswold shrugged.

There was silence again for a moment and a figure suddenly appeared at the edge of the tree line.

“No milady, don’t!” the black armored warrior shouted.

“Selena?!” Derek exclaimed.

The young woman at the edge of the tree line stood holding a pulse musket in one hand and the tattered remains of an elegant gown in the other. There was dirt, blood, leaves and various other stains in the once beautiful gown but it did not detract from her beauty. Her blonde hair shone like spun gold in the low sunlight filtering in under the copse of trees.

“Derek?” she whispered and when she squinted and recognized the seal on the breast plate of his armor she shouted, “Derek!”

She raced across the distance between them and threw herself into his arms. Derek smiled and held her tight in his arms, smelling her hair and feeling the warmth of his beloved sister in his arms.

“I thought you were dead kitten.” he whispered.

“You know I hate it when you call me that.” she whispered in return and looked up at him, eyes brimming with tears of joy. He wiped a stray leaf out of her hair.

“And this one?” Perseus asked tersely not lowering his defenses and the black armored warrior doing the same.

“Perseus, stand down.” Selenna ordered suddenly collecting herself and standing up regally as she spoke.

“With all due respect my lady, I am your brother’s man.” Perseus replied politely.

“Enough of this, I’ll stand down.” The black armored warrior sighed and touched a button on the collar of his armor. The faceplate and helm suddenly snapped down into the collar of the armor revealing a woman with long crimson hair currently kept in a tight bun on the back of her head. Her eyes were piercing green, the only thing that marred her alabaster skin was a long jagged scar down left cheek. The wound must have paralyzed part of her face because her lips on the left side of her face were in a crooked sneer and they did not seem to change expression much.

Perseus was grinning at the black clad woman.

“You’re a woman.” He said with a snort.

“Oh, I see you’re the bright one.” She replied frostily.

Derek stared at her. She was beautiful. The emerald green eyes flashed between them like huntress and there was a fire there, a defiance he had never seen before in a woman.

“Is this how my royal personage and retainers are treated?” another voice intruded on the revelation.

The others quickly turned to face the newcomer.

A woman strode towards them with a regal dress on, it like Selenna’s was worn and torn with grime and dirt but it somehow hung differently on her, as if she were born to it or it were part of her. She moved with a sublime grace and her soft blue eyes calmly regarded each of them as she approached. A gentle toss of her head sent a cascade of raven black locks over her right shoulder as she stood by the black armored woman.

“Lady Ursula?” Derek asked curiously.

“Lord Dartanian, I take it.” She replied coolly.

“Yes my lady.”

Ursula calmly extended her hand and waited. Derek glanced at Perseus and Selenna. Selenna nudged him forward with a quick elbow to the ribs. He walked over to her and took a hold of her hand and gently kissed the knuckles.

Ursula withdrew her hand and examined the young man with a critical eye.

“The last time we met, you were twelve years old and you were not very fond of me.” She said in a calm conversational tone.

“Uh, well, My lady, as you can see, I am not that twelve year old anymore. I have grown up.”

‘That remains to be seen.” Ursula replied softly. The black clad warrior woman smiled to herself. Perseus frowned slightly.

“Now please, call off your attack dog. Xenia is my man at arms.”

“She’s a woman.” Perseus replied evenly.

“Not all the Great Houses have held on to such antiquated notions that men make better warriors. She suits me.”

“I see.” Derek replied eyeing the pair with some doubt.

Ursula sighed.

“Are we going to remain in this forsaken place or can we leave now?”

Derek blinked.

“Of course milady. If you will follow me.”

Aleeta smirked.

“That is one woman which elicits my sympathies for any man that has to marry that.”

Griswold chuckled softly.

“That young woman is my lord’s intended.”

Aleeta looked from Griswold to Ursula and back at Griswold.

“You’ll forgive me if I say this but who arranged THAT and what were they smoking at the time.”

“What are you implying?” Griswold asked in mock seriousness.

“You fought well, milady.” Perseus said to Xenia and he sheathed his sword. Xenia watched him with a hawk like gaze. She waited for a moment then was suddenly very close to him and her blade rested against his genitals.

Perseus froze.

“Let us get one thing clear, MAN at Arms…I am NO ONE’S lady. I am NOT a lady. SO the next time you care to grace me with your loutish platitudes say good bye to your little friend.” She spoke in a calm monotone. She finished by jabbing the blade upwards eliciting a cringe from Perseus. She withdrew her weapon and smiled amiably, save for the left portion that turned her smile into a half sneer. “And I do mean little.”

She strode away to be with her lady.

Perseus stared after her and shook his head. Derek walked over to Perseus.

“Well, I see that you are getting along with my future wife’s Man at Arms.”

“Is it too late for you to consider an annulment?” Perseus asked with a grin but it suddenly froze on his face.

“What is it?” Derek asked cautiously, hand drifting down to his blade.

“Nothing.” Perseus replied softly and drew his weapon. “That’s just it, Derek. There’s nothing, not a sound. The forest has grown still.”

Derek immediately knew what that meant and drew his own weapon.

“No, get the women to the ship and I’ll cover the retreat.”

“Perseus..” Derek began.

“There is no time!” Perseus hissed.

Then the first orc horn sounded from the wood.