Posted: 2002-09-09 12:18am
This story is easier to read hereSpacewolf cleaned up please leave any comentary in this thread to keep the cleaned version clean, Thank you
Chapter One
Rate my Story,
The First Encounter
By Daniel Bradbury
Out of the void of space a small canister drifted among a field of twisted metal, all that was left of a prestigious starship. Dismembered bodies floated amongst the rubble. A handful of recovery shuttles moved through the rubble. Resembling a pack of vultures pecking through a dead corpse as they searched through the floating debris. One of them moved towards a drifting canister.
"Hey, it's an escape pod! We might still have some survivors! Get the recovery shuttle over here immediately!"
"Where's this one from?"
"Looks like its the bridge pod, sir. And I'm getting some faint life readings."
"Bring it aboard, and let's get the hell out of here! Whoever blew this thing apart might be back any second."
"Copy that, there's nothing more for us to find here and if whomever is in this pod thought it necessary to disable the pod's beacon then we are playing with borrowed time."
"Everyone's ready, lets go"
The flotilla of shuttles approached an almost glass-like square in the fabric of space. As they entered it they seemed to disappear as if they had passed into the surface of a still pond and then in a flash they were gone.
Dr. Peter Christinov, MEET #64 Chief Science Officer, JULY 27, 2164
To my knowledge, I am the only surwivor. I have been adrift in deep space for more than two veeks. I am making this recording so that vhen my surwival pod is found somevone vill know vhat happened to us.
My ship, MEET #64, vas on its last stellar surwey; the first Manned Exploratory Excursionary Transport or M.E.E.T. to be retired. The computer log was so full of names and numbers for stars that it vould no longer accept any more. To save time ve named this star MEET after our ship's designation.
Things vere going vell (gasp)until ve had entered the inner system. The asteroid field contained an asteroid that had been carved into a huge starship of some kind. It vas abandoned, apparently due to a meteor impact. The forvard portion had vhat looked like two sections. The larger section resembled a crescent moon with an extension in the center of the crescent that attached to the smaller section. The smaller, (gasp)a relative term, resembled an ellipse with a set of three cones that resembled an airplane's nose; the center vone being longest. It vas another ship of this type that attacked my ship. Ve were attacked after ve began to surwey the third planet. The inhabitants of the planet resembled large insects so ve logged the planet as Arthropodia.
The air in my pod is running low and it is (gasp)getting hard to breathe. I only have a few hours left to live. I vill now go to sleep so that my death is somevhat pleasant."
(mechanical noises)
... RECORD ENDSTranscribed by Samuel F. Mason
As he finished the document, Earth President McCleary, looked up and asked, “Was that everything in the recording?”
“Yes, it is Mr. President. Fortunately Dr. Christinov was rescued.”
“What condition is he in?”
“Last I checked, it was critical. The medics don’t think he will make it through to speak to us about his ordeal.” Chief Engineer Charles Eicher, replied rubbing his cyborg eye.
“Was he the last?”
“Sixty percent of the crew is still unaccounted for. We do not expect anyone else we find to be alive. Fortunately, those who escaped using the shuttle craft, avoided the trauma Dr. Christinov suffered. Still, it’s shame to see your former ship destroyed without provocation like this. How will we respond, sir?.”
The president turned to gaze out the space station’s windows. After nearly a minute his voice broke, “But, why?”
“I don’t know, and I don’t think it matters right now. According to the survivors’ reports the bastards have something like our stargates which they carry on individual ships. Worse they can reach Earth without giving us any warning.”
“I don’t think it will take them much more than twelve months to backtrack our own stargate signatures in hyperspace. I suggest that we begin immediate construction of a space navy and planetary defenses for Earth and the colonies.”Charlie opined.
The president’s reflections in the titanium-steel walls spun as he turned to face his advisor across the red carpet. “I don’t think that such drastic measures are in order, Charlie. After all this whole thing may just be a misunderstanding. Too many wars have been started for such reasons. Maybe we should try to establish diplomatic relations first.”
“That’s the answer I expect from a former first-contact expert. But, if that doesn’t work we would be left defenseless and at their mercy,” Charlie rebutted. “We still need to have something here. I suggest that we reactivate and refit all of the old war equipment stockpiles, especially the hover-tanks.”
“Aye, but that will require a recommendation from the Planetary Senate, Charlie, that might take some time. After all this is the first war request since the Seige of Babylon It might be best for you to start doing design work on a space navy yourself. That computer-enhanced brain you have should help you a lot in that regard.” The president replied. “Okay. That’s it. Get to work, you don’t have time to waste.”
“This cabinet meeting is called to order. Charlie tells me that the Spacewolf designs are complete. The working prototype will be completed in two months. We still need three men to fly it. And since we have not been at war for over a century not many people have the training required to operate a military craft. Does anyone have a suggestions were we might find a qualified pilot and two gunners?” the President queried.
Charlie steps up to the table and places a holodisk into the table's holo-projector. The lights dim as a 3D-holo hologram projects from the middle of the table sending a soft glow into the room. The image of a small rocket shaped fighter appears with a elegant swept back wings and a foward pod that has three small seperations dividing it into three smaller pods. On each pod a laser cannon extends as well as a two more laser hardpoints midway down the chassie. On the end of the wings two long large laser weapons extend. On the very top of the ship a large missile launcher is mounted. Everyone in the room looked at the image intently.
“Is there a reason it is called a Space‘Wolf ‘?” asked the Secretary-O-State, Daniel Sutton.
“Certainly,” replied Charlie, “I designed the ship to be compact and to attack in groups of at least twenty-much like a wolf pack”
“And just how much is this going to set us back?” asked the Secretary of Finance, James McDougall.
“We could be a smoking crater and you would still be pinching pennies.” joked Thomas Armstrong, the Secretary of Trade.
“This is serious,” The president reminded. “They’ve already attacked some of our colonies near their system, and they didn’t think twice about shooting a defenseless shuttle carrying diplomats.”
“So you need a pilot, huh?” responded the President of North America, Samuel Johnson. “Well, that’s easy to solve. Tomorrow in Chicago we’re having a big airshow and pilots from all over the world will be there. Surely we can find a qualified pilot there.”
“Good idea, Sam, but where are we going to find people qualified to operate the guns?”
“How hard could that be? You just have to know which buttons to push, right?” quipped the Secretary-of-Education, George Sagan.
“Actually, they’ll need to be very comfortable with operating in a V.R. helmet for long stretches. That’s in addition to being fantastic shots and having lightning reflexes,” answered Charlie.
“Sounds like a video game addict to me,” George Sagan shot back.
“Either that or a programmer, tester, or something similar,” replied Thomas Armstrong.
“Well, that’s a start, gentlemen. Thank you.” The president continued, “I’ll have my assistants start compiling a list of programmers that might fit the bill. Now, about that Krajickan trade agreement.
The President’s entourage arrived the next day at Chicago’s O’Hare Spaceport to see thousands of pilots competing for the year’s trophies in several events including air races and formation flying. Professional pilots provided entertainment by performing stunts and engaging in mock dog fights. The President and Charlie were especially interested in these pilots.
During the airshow, an unfortunate accident occurred. Ace Skyhawk’s antique F-15 began to have engine trouble. One of the engines burst into flames and he began to lose altitude. He proved he deserved his star rating by landing the old craft safely. His actions were just what the president had been waiting to see. He was so impressed that he rushed down toward the tarmac to meet the pilot, dragging Charlie with him.
“Charlie, this man is just who we need!!”
“You really think so, Sir? Well, we did just see something very amazing, but it could have been just part of the act.” Charlie said.
As they were speaking the plane on the runway burst into a ball of flame. The ground and fire crews ducked for cover as the debris flew everywhere. The pilot on the airstrip removed his helmet and gave his plane a final salute.
“Now what do you say, Charlie, just part of the show? Surely, with that eye of yours you should be able to tell a real fire from a fake one?”
“Hey, can’t a guy ever be wrong? Being half machine doesn’t make me perfect!”
“Mr. President,” Ace said approaching the group with the president, “They said you wished to speak with me. What can I do for you?”
“As you know, we are under a national emergency. The aliens from the planet that we designate as Orthropataria have already begun attacking our colonies near their star system,” the president replied. “They have also killed all of our diplomatic envoys. We have, fortunately, under construction an advanced space fighter. I want you to fly the first prototype. This will be a big commitment because this fighter will be our entire navy for about six months. What do you have to say?”
“Sounds like fun, Mr. President, but are you sure you want to trust me with that expensive a craft. It only took me three years to destroy my grandfather’s F-15. It took over ten to recondition it.”
“I think the engine failure was a maintenance problem rather than a piloting error. We want you to fly the thing, not build it,” replied Charlie.
“Well, that being the case, I accept! Finally something to do with my piloting skills besides loop-de-loops at air shows! When do I start?!!” Ace replied excitedly.
“The ship itself will be ready in about two months, Mr. Skyhawk,” the president answered, “But we need you to come with us now to get some combat training in our flight simulator. The ship we want you to fly has a minimum crew of three. Is there anyone who you would like to have fly with you? They need to be well trained in computers and be extremely good shots. The new cadets will not be trained for several months.”
“I can think of two people who would fit perfectly. They are also in the entertainment business. They design and test virtual-reality chambers. They also design the flight simulation programs for most of the commercial flight simulators in North America; and above all they are good friends of mine If you want good shots, they would fit in nicely. They are George and Jonathan Star”
“Where can we find these men? I would like to meet them.” Charlie replied, “I think that they could give us some pointers in the flight-training simulators that we are building for the new navy academy.”
“I can tell you where they are, but finding them there will be a little tricky. They are usually in their V.R. chamber here in Chicago testing new scenarios or making the games difficult for their patrons. It is not easy to find them while they are in the chamber.” Ace replied.
“Well take us to where they are.”
The Virtual Reality chamber at Reality Games Inc. contained a badlands canyon. The hot sun seemed to beat down on the new occupants of the chamber and the walls of the canyon appeared to rise high into the desert sky. The entire scene was visible to the naked eye and the walls could be touched with the bare hand. A pleasant stream flowed through the canyon.
“When you said Virtual Reality chamber, I didn’t expect this! This is what I would call a reality chamber!” President McCleary stated raising his arms into the air.
“Wow! This is the most amazing use of a Matter Transducer I have ever seen. This scene is totally realistic. I know that objects created with my invention can last for several months if not under stress. I invented it as a form of prototyping. In the standard system the matter in the storage chamber becomes energy for a short period. I would like to play with this use of my invention but don’t want to end up being vaporized. Can it be safely be changed while we are in here?” Charlie said.
“Yes, it can. Since I know their codes, I can override the computer system. I was planning on it anyway because I figured that you didn’t have all day to look for them,” Ace, replied. “Computer, alpha sigma epsilon, code-blue eagle. Reset the chamber to a plains environment and remove all vegetation. Also, I want a bright red spotlight over both George and Jonathan Star. Execute, code-blue eagle.”
The canyon terrain began to disappear layer by layer. Within a few minutes, sterile plains appeared and the true size of the room was revealed. The room was larger than a standard football field, having been converted from an old indoor stadium. The red spotlights shone down on a pair of men wearing sensor suits in the center of the room. They looked a little bewildered at the sudden change in their surroundings. A few robotic target drones wandered the landscape.
“See, much easier this way, Mr. President.” Ace stated,
“Hey! Why don’t you two shooting stars get over here? I’ve got an important person who wants to meet you.” he yelled across the room.
When the first of the two reached the group he spoke saying, “So, Ace, not used to knocking are ya? Well, who is this important person that wants to meet us?!... Oh, um, uh, hello, President McCleary. How are you today?” said Jonathan rather surprised.
“I’m feeling fine, but our planet as a whole is in dire circumstances. The alien attack will arrive much sooner then previously thought. We are building a space fighter prototype called a Spacewolf. Your friend Ace has already volunteered to pilot the new ship. We would like you and your brother to serve as the gunners of the vessel. Will you accept the position?” The president answered.
“We sure will, Mr. President. I am sure George here would love to be a hero for real.”
“Hold on, Johnboy. Why do you always have to push me into things. You know that I don’t like doing things like that,” snapped George.
“Hey, I’m flying, what have you got to worry about,” Ace said.
“Plenty, someone could shoot at me, I could get maimed, I could get killed, or, or... a lot of other nasty things like that,” he snapped back.
“But, you spend all day under fire in here making it difficult for our players, George. You have nothing to worry about,” Jonathan said.
“Yeah, so? I can get bruises in here. That’s a lot different from having my eyeballs explode due to vacuum, being impaled by a laser, or ending up as a slave to some slimy alien. Besides, didn’t he say prototype? We could blow up on the launch pad! ” replied George. “I’d rather stay safe in my V.R. chamber and make more games”
“Nothing will be safe if they orbitally bombard the planet, George.” responded Charlie.
“And they’d do it three months.” added President McCleary.
“You can’t possibly mean that. How could they do that?”
“Simple; teleport into the system, grab a convenient asteroid, and drop it on any inhabited planet. And that is only one scenario”
“You can still make games in the meantime. I want you to fly with me because you’re the best shot I know. An enemy is like a shark. Once you pull their teeth they can’t hurt me or you.” Said Ace.
“I guess you are right, no one can fly better than Ace here, and if we are as good of shots in the real world as we are in the virtual world we ought to do well. I’m sure the pay will be good too,” George admitted.
Two months later, on January 1, 2165, the Spacewolf fighter was ready to be launched. The launching had received large amounts of press attention. The fields around the Kennedy National Spaceport was filled with spectators. The loudspeakers announced the crew, Stardust, Nova and Supernova, was boarding the new ship. In the monitors, the 45 meter, powerful-looking starship stood gleaming in the morning sun. They saw the large hexagonal main hatch as it swung shut and was secured by several technicians. The technicians scramble to the elevator gantries and then into an underground bunker. The wing tips of the ship could be seen on the sides of the launch scaffolding with the silver laser cannons reaching for the sky.
The spectators strained to see as the final countdown began. 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-Ignition-1-0-liftoff! boomed the loud speakers, and with a spectacular trail of fire, the ship, gleaming, rose into the sky.
The ship flew out of the atmosphere and its course sent it flying past a majestically lit space station. A man stood behind the central windows as they buzzed the station. He held something in his hand which he brought to his mouth.
“Stardust, glad to see that you have finally made it off the ground. This is President McCleary speaking. There’s been a change of plans. No time for the target practice session we intended. You’re going to need to head for the stargate immediately. We just received a transmission that Orthropatarian forces are attacking the planetary nation of Vega. We want to send the Orthropatarians a message. We will not tolerate them attacking us or our allies. I will now switch you to Charlie for further instructions.”
“All right, you three hot shots are going to get the Reader’s Digest version of a mission briefing. Your destination is gate coordinates 1243-Vega. The Vegans have extensive planetary defenses and army, but due to many treaties with the Taurusans have no space navy. Your objective is to stall the Orthropatarians until the Vegans can get their systems to full combat readiness. By the way, we don’t understand much about the Orthropatarian’s command structure. It’s important for you to come back in one piece. Note, we didn’t load a complete weapons arsenal at the launch so be careful.
Remember, besides having the standard Multi-Ordinance Weapons Launcher or M.O.W.L. we added the ability to launch the device as a sort of doomsday weapon. You have the ability to fire two of these devices but because we didn’t expect combat that’s all you’ve got. So if you fire them both you will have no missile defense. We felt that this was a good addition to your standoff firepower. That is all. See you in twelve hours. By the way make sure that your flight recorder is on before you enter the gate. We need the information it will provide us.”
The Spacewolf fighter approached the spherical stargate. It had a cylindrical equatorial collar. Attached to the collar were several large, T.V. shaped objects with what looked like the screens facing out. A square-shaped portal projected from one of these.
“We are preparing to enter the stargate matrix. I want you two to hang onto your hats and be ready to engage the enemy. According to my navigation computer, it looks like we’ll be hot dropped out of the gate in the orbit of the second moon of third planet of the Vegan system. I’m sure that our arrival will draw a lot of attention.” Stardust said.
“You have got to be kidding?” said Nova.
“Of course not. Did you think that this is going to be a cakewalk.”
“This is Stargate 1, coordinate control center, state your coordinates after the beep. Have a safe journey and thank you for using the Terran Space Rapid Transit System.” An operator’s voice came over the radio system, followed by a loud beep.
“1243-Vega, execute code red defensive mode upon exit at our destination.”
Within seconds the square portal slammed into the ship and with a burst of light the ship began its journey into history. The president watching from his window gave them a parting salute.
“ Good luck my friends, and may God go with you.”
“What do you mean there are bogies in the outer net?!” Asked Colonel James Donaldson, “I don’t believe it, activate main holo display. Holy smokes, where did they all come from?”
In the center of the room a gigantic 3D-view of the planet appeared, all around it thousands of red dots flashed in and out.
“They just appeared, like they came out of a hole in space. So far there are approximately one thousand of them and they are firing on our satellites!” Major Betty Sonner responded.
”Sound general quarters and, Major. Lieutenant, notify Marshal Rodin immediately!”
(alarms in background)
”But, it’s midnight and he’s at home, sir,” responded Lieutenant Peter Mecham.
”Then wake him!”
”Why me? The lieutenant whined.
”Just do it.”
”Major Kersey, what is the situation at Alpha Base.”
”Sir, we have a communication from the Alpha Base Commander!” responded Major Anthony Kersey.
”Put him on!”
”This is Commander Abrams, I’ve got bogies all over here! They will be able to strike my base in less that four minutes I’m going to have to use at least half of my forces just to cover the base. Curse those Taurusan treaties.! It would be nice to have some guns on this hunk of junk.”
”We have similar reports coming in from Beta and Gamma, sir.”
Rushing into the room, slamming the armored doors behind him, Marshal Rodin stormed into the control room. His uniform was ruffled and unkempt, and he had a sour look on his face. “All right Colonel Donaldson, this had better be good.” He snapped.
”What did you say to him, lieutenant? 1 min, 25 sec is a new record.” Major Kersey muttered as Donaldson addressed the Marshal.
”Marshal Rodin, there are thousands of bogies in the outer net. We have already lost 10,000 of the outer laser satellites, leaving us at 95% and falling.” he responded as the general quarters lights shone red all about him.
”How long have they been here?”
”Almost two minutes now, sir. That’s not the worst of it. Look at the screens! More ships continue to jump into the area. Losses are up to ten percent of the outer laser net. Still no losses among the missile or sensor platforms, or the inner net.”
”Send a communication to Earth, immediately! They warned us about these guys but we didn’t take it seriously enough. They should be launching their Spacewolf any second now. Also activate Defense Plan Wraith, now”
“Outer missile Satellites are operating at optimal efficiency. We have 50% activation on the inner net. One hundred fifty seconds to full combat effectiveness.” Major Sonner’s soprano piped.
“We have President McCleary on the horn, sir.”
“Give him a report on our situation.”
“We have a priority one signal from Alpha Base, sir.”
“Put him on the screen. Bill, old buddy, what is the problem.”
“We have all of our 300 ready shuttles launched from all three of my bases but we have a new problem! These aliens seem to have at least some intelligence for as soon as we launched our fighters they have teleported right into range of my bases. I may not be able launch all my fighters if they are going to destroy them as I launch them. <Crashing Sounds and the image shakes> I need something to cover me. How long before the Inner net will be ready?”
“In about two minutes, commander. Begin emergency procedures now!”
“Switch me to the wing commander, Major Kersey.”
“Yes Marshal, one moment.”
“This is Captain Thomas Zimmermann. My men and I are doing the best we can. (Squads four and five to sector 1-6, Squads two and three set up cover fire in sector 1-1, take down enemy units only if you can do it without losses.) I’m a might bit busy out here, Marshal. What?”
“How good are they, Zim?”
“Individually they’re not, but they attack like a swarm of hornets. Swatting one or two just isn’t cuttin’ it. (Squad one, cover Alpha Base now! Large numbers of bogies heading that way.) Uh oh! Got one on my six! Gotta get back to business, I’ll talk to you later.”
“Colonel! Scanners report that a large energy disruption just appeared on the outer edge of the system at about the eighth planet. It might be something for the Earth’s Spacewolf to check out.”
“Marshal, Earth reports that their Spacewolf is in the air and on its way. They should be here in under seven minutes. Is their anything specific we want them to know?”
“We wouldn’t have the time to tell them all that they would need to know. It would be best to fill them in on the fly. That is assuming at least some of our pilots are still around when they get here.”
“Colonel, the aliens seem to have slowed their arrival rate.” Reported Major Sonner.
“Let’s see those figures.”
“She’s right, Marshal. We seemed to have survived the first wave, sir.”
“If that’s the first wave I’d hate to see the second wave.”
“This is Gamma Base. I don’t think that this slowing of the alien arrival is a respite. I think that they’re just testing our defenses. They’ve paused to either analyze or apply what they’ve learned.”
“Zim, here. My men and I have eliminated about ten thousand of the enemy fighters, but we lost over 45% of the 500 shuttles launched. I don’t know how long we can hold out. We have used ninety percent of our missile payloads.”
“You’ll just have to do your best with cannons.”
“But each shuttle only has two laser cannons, sir. That’s the max that the treaties will allow. That’s why we carry twelve missiles.”
“I’m fully aware of that!”
“Reload the outer net’s 200,000 Missile Satellites. Commander Abrams, how long before we can launch all of our shuttles?”
“I’d give it two minutes just to get them ready and two more to launch the remaining 1900 attack shuttles. That’s assuming that we aren’t attacked for four minutes.”
“Execute defense plan Romeo Sierra. I want every available joule going to the planetary shields. Get them up soonest.”
“Missile satellite magazine recycling complete, sir.”
“Ground installations are now online and will soon be ready to fire. The outer net has lost 35 % of its laser satellites. The inner net is now at 95 % readiness. All Inner Net missile satellites are armed and ready... wait! New bogies in the net! I read about 10,000 units.”
“All units move to intercept, now!” Rodin barked.
“If this is the start of the wave than we’re in trouble, Marshal.”
“Open up with the ground installations. Launch all shuttles, don’t wait to load all of the missiles, we need them all in the air now.”
“Surface air control, reporting, we have 10,000 attack shuttles of Plan Wraith ready to launch and they are fully loaded. I just hope that the Taurusans don’t eat us alive for having over the quota.”
“This just might turn the tide. Hey Bill, could you use some help up there?”
“Sure could, I just lost twenty men. You’re not really planning what I think, are you?”
“Launch our secret arsenal. This should even the odds.”
“Zim, here. Cmdr. Abrams, hey, where all those shuttles come from? I thought we could only have 3200 combat capable shuttles?”
“We felt that we needed to keep all our options open.”
“So where are the inflatable battleships?”
“Not funny.”
“Four point six-five minutes to Spacewolf arrival. Six point six-three minutes for planetary shielding to reach full charge but they are ready for activation at 35 % power. The Earth’s stargate reports that they can target anything within point five light-years. They could send one of our shuttles or satellites to the location of that strange disturbance. The only problem is that if they do that they won’t be able to use their defensive portals and the aliens might be able to take the stargate down. What do you recommend Marshal, they are standing by?”
”Tell them to continue to defend themselves. We can’t afford to have the stargate go down. What is the estimated power level of the planetary shields when the Spacewolf will arrive?”
”I estimate that they will be at about 75 %, Sir. But that is assuming that they take no damage.”
”The shields are down on Gamma Base, I’m taking heavy ... Ah!! (static)”
”Marshal, we just lost Gamma Base! I’m afraid that Alpha and Beta aren’t far behind. I’m evacuating them now! All of the shuttles are launched anyway.” Reported Cmdr. Abrams.
”All enemy units are retreating, repeat all enemy units are retreating. Alpha and Beta bases now stand on automation only, all personal evacuated. Outer Net is now at 45 % and we lost 65 % of our fighters. We have eliminated about 1,000,000 units.” reported Major Sonner, “I don’t know how much more of this we can take.”
”What is the Earth thinking. There is no possible way that one hot shot is going to be able stand against these guys?”
”Well what was the American Revolutionaries in their history thinking when they took on the British Empire in a fight for freedom?”
”I guess you’re right but what does that have to do with this situation?”
”Think about it, sir. I think that they are planning to strike and fade in so many places that the Orthropatarians will assume there are hundreds of units instead of just one.”
”Uh oh, here they come again. These guys just can’t seem to quit.”
”I just hope that Earth’s Spacewolf is all that it’s cracked up to be.”
”You’re right, they should be here any second.”
So far every wave of the Orthropatarian fighters had been destroyed but their numbers seemed limitless. The seemingly endless bombardment had begun to take it’s toll on the inner net of defense. As the enemy forces began to fire on the planet itself, they didn’t notice the flash of light from the stargate in orbit of the planet’s second moon. They were so intent on their targets that several were nearby the stargate were hit by its defensive portals; which instantly vaporized them. This was more than enough to attract the attention of the nearby Orthropatarian force. Like a swarm of hungry locusts they turned to engage this strange new ship. As they moved to engage Stardust fired his M.O.W.L.’s primary weapon, the Explosive Cluster. A meter square door snapped opened and several ball shaped objects that were covered with spines launched from it. The enemy was surprised by the sheer maneuverability of the weapons as they were hit from long range. They burst into spectacular balls of flame. Enraged by this move, several of them teleported right into the sights of the Spacewolf’s gunners. Laser fire lit the sky as they, one by one, had their guns shot off their hulls and then finished by anti-matter modules, from the M.O.W.L., fired by Stardust. Undaunted the swarms of ships closed in on the small Spacewolf with all the enthusiasm of a Kamikaze bomber. “There are just too many of them! We need cover!” shouted both Nova and Supernova. “Head for the satellite net.”
“I think command expected this tactic to be used by them or they would not have installed a doomsday weapon on the ship. Keep shooting their guns off until the swarm is in range of the M.O.W.L. weapons cluster.” reassured Stardust. Targeting the swarm of fighters in the M.O.W.L. target computer, Stardust reported to his crew, “ Lets take Charlie’s little doomsday toy for a test drive.”
Releasing the cluster from the holding bay just behind the pilot cockpit created a spectacular display. The one meter cube exploded with the furry of a volcano sending a thousand small warheads into the swarm. “These aliens are easier than I thought!” Stardust shouted across the intercom.
“Yea, they seem to fly right into our weapons!” Supernova shouted back.
“You would think that they at least try to dodge.”
“I don’t think that they have really meet with much opposition before. Either that or they are just dumb.” Nova added.
“Probably because they can hide behind that.” Stardust shouted “Look at your scanners at what just entered the system. These fighter ships whole purpose may be to just soften up the defenses so that whatever that is can finish it off!”
“It’s huge.” Shouts Nova, “It must be over two kilometers long.”
“Don’t over exaggerate, Nova. We’re here to stop them from destroying this planet, Stardust, and we have already gotten a lot of fighters. So, lets take that thing out and get out of here!” Supernova shouted “Why don’t we turn that thing into star dust , Stardust!”
“Right with you, boss!”
“Couldn’t we think about this first guys.”
“Shut up, Nova!” They both shouted back
The ship that was the asteroid ship that had been described by the survivors of M.E.E.T. # 64. It looked much more deadly than survivors had described. The vessel had so many small gun emplacements that it looked like a porcupine along it’s sides. It was obviously a world killer as near the tail were two very menacing looking gigantic missile pods with missiles that looked larger than the Spacewolf itself. Its immense size did not thwart the Spacewolf crew, while one of them, Nova, did seem to develop a trigger finger. The command ship’s six large laser turrets were to slow to be affective even before they were destroyed by some explosive clusters. The Spacewolf was so maneuverable that the ship’s smaller guns could barely get a clear shot. The missiles that the ship was able to fire were intercepted by the Spacewolf’s micro missiles (also from the M.O.W.L.). After this Stardust shouted, “I am going to try Charlie’s little doomsday weapon on this thing. I doubt anything else will phase it. Be ready to cover your eyes everyone.”
At this moment, he launched the ship’s M.O.W.L. at the Orthropatarian command ship. The weapons cluster was amazingly effective. One quarter of the giant ship was destroyed and the mountains of debris filled the vortex of space. It was apparent that no one had ever damaged the ship before as escape pods and shuttles were jettisoning from the ship in all directions.
“Looks like we scared them!” Stardust shouted to his comrades. “Sensors are detecting some kind of plasma bomb on the ship. It appears that they have set some kind of self-destruct device. I’m going to get us some distance.”
“Sounds good to us.” Said Nova and Supernova.
“Hey, all of the other fighters just vanished! I think that we must have really scared them. Never thought that they would retreat that easily. If they had taken out a battleship that belonged to us we would be trying to get as many of them as possible. There must be something very important about that vessel that makes it either impossible to fight or very difficult.”
Behind them the enemy ship burst into a brilliant ball of flame. The victorious Spacewolf headed back toward the now reactivated stargate. Calls of thanks came by the hundreds from the planet below as they entered the stargate bound for home. Their arrival at the Earth’s capital space station was greeted with cheers from the docking crews. They were escorted to the president’s office in the center of the John Marshall Space Station. There they were given medals of honor, Earth’s first war heros in over a hundred years. The crew of the Spacewolf knew however that their adventures were far from over. They were looking forward to the day when they would once again strap themselves into the Spacewolf Fighter.
Chapter One
Rate my Story,
The First Encounter
By Daniel Bradbury
Out of the void of space a small canister drifted among a field of twisted metal, all that was left of a prestigious starship. Dismembered bodies floated amongst the rubble. A handful of recovery shuttles moved through the rubble. Resembling a pack of vultures pecking through a dead corpse as they searched through the floating debris. One of them moved towards a drifting canister.
"Hey, it's an escape pod! We might still have some survivors! Get the recovery shuttle over here immediately!"
"Where's this one from?"
"Looks like its the bridge pod, sir. And I'm getting some faint life readings."
"Bring it aboard, and let's get the hell out of here! Whoever blew this thing apart might be back any second."
"Copy that, there's nothing more for us to find here and if whomever is in this pod thought it necessary to disable the pod's beacon then we are playing with borrowed time."
"Everyone's ready, lets go"
The flotilla of shuttles approached an almost glass-like square in the fabric of space. As they entered it they seemed to disappear as if they had passed into the surface of a still pond and then in a flash they were gone.
Dr. Peter Christinov, MEET #64 Chief Science Officer, JULY 27, 2164
To my knowledge, I am the only surwivor. I have been adrift in deep space for more than two veeks. I am making this recording so that vhen my surwival pod is found somevone vill know vhat happened to us.
My ship, MEET #64, vas on its last stellar surwey; the first Manned Exploratory Excursionary Transport or M.E.E.T. to be retired. The computer log was so full of names and numbers for stars that it vould no longer accept any more. To save time ve named this star MEET after our ship's designation.
Things vere going vell (gasp)until ve had entered the inner system. The asteroid field contained an asteroid that had been carved into a huge starship of some kind. It vas abandoned, apparently due to a meteor impact. The forvard portion had vhat looked like two sections. The larger section resembled a crescent moon with an extension in the center of the crescent that attached to the smaller section. The smaller, (gasp)a relative term, resembled an ellipse with a set of three cones that resembled an airplane's nose; the center vone being longest. It vas another ship of this type that attacked my ship. Ve were attacked after ve began to surwey the third planet. The inhabitants of the planet resembled large insects so ve logged the planet as Arthropodia.
The air in my pod is running low and it is (gasp)getting hard to breathe. I only have a few hours left to live. I vill now go to sleep so that my death is somevhat pleasant."
(mechanical noises)
... RECORD ENDSTranscribed by Samuel F. Mason
As he finished the document, Earth President McCleary, looked up and asked, “Was that everything in the recording?”
“Yes, it is Mr. President. Fortunately Dr. Christinov was rescued.”
“What condition is he in?”
“Last I checked, it was critical. The medics don’t think he will make it through to speak to us about his ordeal.” Chief Engineer Charles Eicher, replied rubbing his cyborg eye.
“Was he the last?”
“Sixty percent of the crew is still unaccounted for. We do not expect anyone else we find to be alive. Fortunately, those who escaped using the shuttle craft, avoided the trauma Dr. Christinov suffered. Still, it’s shame to see your former ship destroyed without provocation like this. How will we respond, sir?.”
The president turned to gaze out the space station’s windows. After nearly a minute his voice broke, “But, why?”
“I don’t know, and I don’t think it matters right now. According to the survivors’ reports the bastards have something like our stargates which they carry on individual ships. Worse they can reach Earth without giving us any warning.”
“I don’t think it will take them much more than twelve months to backtrack our own stargate signatures in hyperspace. I suggest that we begin immediate construction of a space navy and planetary defenses for Earth and the colonies.”Charlie opined.
The president’s reflections in the titanium-steel walls spun as he turned to face his advisor across the red carpet. “I don’t think that such drastic measures are in order, Charlie. After all this whole thing may just be a misunderstanding. Too many wars have been started for such reasons. Maybe we should try to establish diplomatic relations first.”
“That’s the answer I expect from a former first-contact expert. But, if that doesn’t work we would be left defenseless and at their mercy,” Charlie rebutted. “We still need to have something here. I suggest that we reactivate and refit all of the old war equipment stockpiles, especially the hover-tanks.”
“Aye, but that will require a recommendation from the Planetary Senate, Charlie, that might take some time. After all this is the first war request since the Seige of Babylon It might be best for you to start doing design work on a space navy yourself. That computer-enhanced brain you have should help you a lot in that regard.” The president replied. “Okay. That’s it. Get to work, you don’t have time to waste.”
“This cabinet meeting is called to order. Charlie tells me that the Spacewolf designs are complete. The working prototype will be completed in two months. We still need three men to fly it. And since we have not been at war for over a century not many people have the training required to operate a military craft. Does anyone have a suggestions were we might find a qualified pilot and two gunners?” the President queried.
Charlie steps up to the table and places a holodisk into the table's holo-projector. The lights dim as a 3D-holo hologram projects from the middle of the table sending a soft glow into the room. The image of a small rocket shaped fighter appears with a elegant swept back wings and a foward pod that has three small seperations dividing it into three smaller pods. On each pod a laser cannon extends as well as a two more laser hardpoints midway down the chassie. On the end of the wings two long large laser weapons extend. On the very top of the ship a large missile launcher is mounted. Everyone in the room looked at the image intently.
“Is there a reason it is called a Space‘Wolf ‘?” asked the Secretary-O-State, Daniel Sutton.
“Certainly,” replied Charlie, “I designed the ship to be compact and to attack in groups of at least twenty-much like a wolf pack”
“And just how much is this going to set us back?” asked the Secretary of Finance, James McDougall.
“We could be a smoking crater and you would still be pinching pennies.” joked Thomas Armstrong, the Secretary of Trade.
“This is serious,” The president reminded. “They’ve already attacked some of our colonies near their system, and they didn’t think twice about shooting a defenseless shuttle carrying diplomats.”
“So you need a pilot, huh?” responded the President of North America, Samuel Johnson. “Well, that’s easy to solve. Tomorrow in Chicago we’re having a big airshow and pilots from all over the world will be there. Surely we can find a qualified pilot there.”
“Good idea, Sam, but where are we going to find people qualified to operate the guns?”
“How hard could that be? You just have to know which buttons to push, right?” quipped the Secretary-of-Education, George Sagan.
“Actually, they’ll need to be very comfortable with operating in a V.R. helmet for long stretches. That’s in addition to being fantastic shots and having lightning reflexes,” answered Charlie.
“Sounds like a video game addict to me,” George Sagan shot back.
“Either that or a programmer, tester, or something similar,” replied Thomas Armstrong.
“Well, that’s a start, gentlemen. Thank you.” The president continued, “I’ll have my assistants start compiling a list of programmers that might fit the bill. Now, about that Krajickan trade agreement.
The President’s entourage arrived the next day at Chicago’s O’Hare Spaceport to see thousands of pilots competing for the year’s trophies in several events including air races and formation flying. Professional pilots provided entertainment by performing stunts and engaging in mock dog fights. The President and Charlie were especially interested in these pilots.
During the airshow, an unfortunate accident occurred. Ace Skyhawk’s antique F-15 began to have engine trouble. One of the engines burst into flames and he began to lose altitude. He proved he deserved his star rating by landing the old craft safely. His actions were just what the president had been waiting to see. He was so impressed that he rushed down toward the tarmac to meet the pilot, dragging Charlie with him.
“Charlie, this man is just who we need!!”
“You really think so, Sir? Well, we did just see something very amazing, but it could have been just part of the act.” Charlie said.
As they were speaking the plane on the runway burst into a ball of flame. The ground and fire crews ducked for cover as the debris flew everywhere. The pilot on the airstrip removed his helmet and gave his plane a final salute.
“Now what do you say, Charlie, just part of the show? Surely, with that eye of yours you should be able to tell a real fire from a fake one?”
“Hey, can’t a guy ever be wrong? Being half machine doesn’t make me perfect!”
“Mr. President,” Ace said approaching the group with the president, “They said you wished to speak with me. What can I do for you?”
“As you know, we are under a national emergency. The aliens from the planet that we designate as Orthropataria have already begun attacking our colonies near their star system,” the president replied. “They have also killed all of our diplomatic envoys. We have, fortunately, under construction an advanced space fighter. I want you to fly the first prototype. This will be a big commitment because this fighter will be our entire navy for about six months. What do you have to say?”
“Sounds like fun, Mr. President, but are you sure you want to trust me with that expensive a craft. It only took me three years to destroy my grandfather’s F-15. It took over ten to recondition it.”
“I think the engine failure was a maintenance problem rather than a piloting error. We want you to fly the thing, not build it,” replied Charlie.
“Well, that being the case, I accept! Finally something to do with my piloting skills besides loop-de-loops at air shows! When do I start?!!” Ace replied excitedly.
“The ship itself will be ready in about two months, Mr. Skyhawk,” the president answered, “But we need you to come with us now to get some combat training in our flight simulator. The ship we want you to fly has a minimum crew of three. Is there anyone who you would like to have fly with you? They need to be well trained in computers and be extremely good shots. The new cadets will not be trained for several months.”
“I can think of two people who would fit perfectly. They are also in the entertainment business. They design and test virtual-reality chambers. They also design the flight simulation programs for most of the commercial flight simulators in North America; and above all they are good friends of mine If you want good shots, they would fit in nicely. They are George and Jonathan Star”
“Where can we find these men? I would like to meet them.” Charlie replied, “I think that they could give us some pointers in the flight-training simulators that we are building for the new navy academy.”
“I can tell you where they are, but finding them there will be a little tricky. They are usually in their V.R. chamber here in Chicago testing new scenarios or making the games difficult for their patrons. It is not easy to find them while they are in the chamber.” Ace replied.
“Well take us to where they are.”
The Virtual Reality chamber at Reality Games Inc. contained a badlands canyon. The hot sun seemed to beat down on the new occupants of the chamber and the walls of the canyon appeared to rise high into the desert sky. The entire scene was visible to the naked eye and the walls could be touched with the bare hand. A pleasant stream flowed through the canyon.
“When you said Virtual Reality chamber, I didn’t expect this! This is what I would call a reality chamber!” President McCleary stated raising his arms into the air.
“Wow! This is the most amazing use of a Matter Transducer I have ever seen. This scene is totally realistic. I know that objects created with my invention can last for several months if not under stress. I invented it as a form of prototyping. In the standard system the matter in the storage chamber becomes energy for a short period. I would like to play with this use of my invention but don’t want to end up being vaporized. Can it be safely be changed while we are in here?” Charlie said.
“Yes, it can. Since I know their codes, I can override the computer system. I was planning on it anyway because I figured that you didn’t have all day to look for them,” Ace, replied. “Computer, alpha sigma epsilon, code-blue eagle. Reset the chamber to a plains environment and remove all vegetation. Also, I want a bright red spotlight over both George and Jonathan Star. Execute, code-blue eagle.”
The canyon terrain began to disappear layer by layer. Within a few minutes, sterile plains appeared and the true size of the room was revealed. The room was larger than a standard football field, having been converted from an old indoor stadium. The red spotlights shone down on a pair of men wearing sensor suits in the center of the room. They looked a little bewildered at the sudden change in their surroundings. A few robotic target drones wandered the landscape.
“See, much easier this way, Mr. President.” Ace stated,
“Hey! Why don’t you two shooting stars get over here? I’ve got an important person who wants to meet you.” he yelled across the room.
When the first of the two reached the group he spoke saying, “So, Ace, not used to knocking are ya? Well, who is this important person that wants to meet us?!... Oh, um, uh, hello, President McCleary. How are you today?” said Jonathan rather surprised.
“I’m feeling fine, but our planet as a whole is in dire circumstances. The alien attack will arrive much sooner then previously thought. We are building a space fighter prototype called a Spacewolf. Your friend Ace has already volunteered to pilot the new ship. We would like you and your brother to serve as the gunners of the vessel. Will you accept the position?” The president answered.
“We sure will, Mr. President. I am sure George here would love to be a hero for real.”
“Hold on, Johnboy. Why do you always have to push me into things. You know that I don’t like doing things like that,” snapped George.
“Hey, I’m flying, what have you got to worry about,” Ace said.
“Plenty, someone could shoot at me, I could get maimed, I could get killed, or, or... a lot of other nasty things like that,” he snapped back.
“But, you spend all day under fire in here making it difficult for our players, George. You have nothing to worry about,” Jonathan said.
“Yeah, so? I can get bruises in here. That’s a lot different from having my eyeballs explode due to vacuum, being impaled by a laser, or ending up as a slave to some slimy alien. Besides, didn’t he say prototype? We could blow up on the launch pad! ” replied George. “I’d rather stay safe in my V.R. chamber and make more games”
“Nothing will be safe if they orbitally bombard the planet, George.” responded Charlie.
“And they’d do it three months.” added President McCleary.
“You can’t possibly mean that. How could they do that?”
“Simple; teleport into the system, grab a convenient asteroid, and drop it on any inhabited planet. And that is only one scenario”
“You can still make games in the meantime. I want you to fly with me because you’re the best shot I know. An enemy is like a shark. Once you pull their teeth they can’t hurt me or you.” Said Ace.
“I guess you are right, no one can fly better than Ace here, and if we are as good of shots in the real world as we are in the virtual world we ought to do well. I’m sure the pay will be good too,” George admitted.
Two months later, on January 1, 2165, the Spacewolf fighter was ready to be launched. The launching had received large amounts of press attention. The fields around the Kennedy National Spaceport was filled with spectators. The loudspeakers announced the crew, Stardust, Nova and Supernova, was boarding the new ship. In the monitors, the 45 meter, powerful-looking starship stood gleaming in the morning sun. They saw the large hexagonal main hatch as it swung shut and was secured by several technicians. The technicians scramble to the elevator gantries and then into an underground bunker. The wing tips of the ship could be seen on the sides of the launch scaffolding with the silver laser cannons reaching for the sky.
The spectators strained to see as the final countdown began. 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-Ignition-1-0-liftoff! boomed the loud speakers, and with a spectacular trail of fire, the ship, gleaming, rose into the sky.
The ship flew out of the atmosphere and its course sent it flying past a majestically lit space station. A man stood behind the central windows as they buzzed the station. He held something in his hand which he brought to his mouth.
“Stardust, glad to see that you have finally made it off the ground. This is President McCleary speaking. There’s been a change of plans. No time for the target practice session we intended. You’re going to need to head for the stargate immediately. We just received a transmission that Orthropatarian forces are attacking the planetary nation of Vega. We want to send the Orthropatarians a message. We will not tolerate them attacking us or our allies. I will now switch you to Charlie for further instructions.”
“All right, you three hot shots are going to get the Reader’s Digest version of a mission briefing. Your destination is gate coordinates 1243-Vega. The Vegans have extensive planetary defenses and army, but due to many treaties with the Taurusans have no space navy. Your objective is to stall the Orthropatarians until the Vegans can get their systems to full combat readiness. By the way, we don’t understand much about the Orthropatarian’s command structure. It’s important for you to come back in one piece. Note, we didn’t load a complete weapons arsenal at the launch so be careful.
Remember, besides having the standard Multi-Ordinance Weapons Launcher or M.O.W.L. we added the ability to launch the device as a sort of doomsday weapon. You have the ability to fire two of these devices but because we didn’t expect combat that’s all you’ve got. So if you fire them both you will have no missile defense. We felt that this was a good addition to your standoff firepower. That is all. See you in twelve hours. By the way make sure that your flight recorder is on before you enter the gate. We need the information it will provide us.”
The Spacewolf fighter approached the spherical stargate. It had a cylindrical equatorial collar. Attached to the collar were several large, T.V. shaped objects with what looked like the screens facing out. A square-shaped portal projected from one of these.
“We are preparing to enter the stargate matrix. I want you two to hang onto your hats and be ready to engage the enemy. According to my navigation computer, it looks like we’ll be hot dropped out of the gate in the orbit of the second moon of third planet of the Vegan system. I’m sure that our arrival will draw a lot of attention.” Stardust said.
“You have got to be kidding?” said Nova.
“Of course not. Did you think that this is going to be a cakewalk.”
“This is Stargate 1, coordinate control center, state your coordinates after the beep. Have a safe journey and thank you for using the Terran Space Rapid Transit System.” An operator’s voice came over the radio system, followed by a loud beep.
“1243-Vega, execute code red defensive mode upon exit at our destination.”
Within seconds the square portal slammed into the ship and with a burst of light the ship began its journey into history. The president watching from his window gave them a parting salute.
“ Good luck my friends, and may God go with you.”
“What do you mean there are bogies in the outer net?!” Asked Colonel James Donaldson, “I don’t believe it, activate main holo display. Holy smokes, where did they all come from?”
In the center of the room a gigantic 3D-view of the planet appeared, all around it thousands of red dots flashed in and out.
“They just appeared, like they came out of a hole in space. So far there are approximately one thousand of them and they are firing on our satellites!” Major Betty Sonner responded.
”Sound general quarters and, Major. Lieutenant, notify Marshal Rodin immediately!”
(alarms in background)
”But, it’s midnight and he’s at home, sir,” responded Lieutenant Peter Mecham.
”Then wake him!”
”Why me? The lieutenant whined.
”Just do it.”
”Major Kersey, what is the situation at Alpha Base.”
”Sir, we have a communication from the Alpha Base Commander!” responded Major Anthony Kersey.
”Put him on!”
”This is Commander Abrams, I’ve got bogies all over here! They will be able to strike my base in less that four minutes I’m going to have to use at least half of my forces just to cover the base. Curse those Taurusan treaties.! It would be nice to have some guns on this hunk of junk.”
”We have similar reports coming in from Beta and Gamma, sir.”
Rushing into the room, slamming the armored doors behind him, Marshal Rodin stormed into the control room. His uniform was ruffled and unkempt, and he had a sour look on his face. “All right Colonel Donaldson, this had better be good.” He snapped.
”What did you say to him, lieutenant? 1 min, 25 sec is a new record.” Major Kersey muttered as Donaldson addressed the Marshal.
”Marshal Rodin, there are thousands of bogies in the outer net. We have already lost 10,000 of the outer laser satellites, leaving us at 95% and falling.” he responded as the general quarters lights shone red all about him.
”How long have they been here?”
”Almost two minutes now, sir. That’s not the worst of it. Look at the screens! More ships continue to jump into the area. Losses are up to ten percent of the outer laser net. Still no losses among the missile or sensor platforms, or the inner net.”
”Send a communication to Earth, immediately! They warned us about these guys but we didn’t take it seriously enough. They should be launching their Spacewolf any second now. Also activate Defense Plan Wraith, now”
“Outer missile Satellites are operating at optimal efficiency. We have 50% activation on the inner net. One hundred fifty seconds to full combat effectiveness.” Major Sonner’s soprano piped.
“We have President McCleary on the horn, sir.”
“Give him a report on our situation.”
“We have a priority one signal from Alpha Base, sir.”
“Put him on the screen. Bill, old buddy, what is the problem.”
“We have all of our 300 ready shuttles launched from all three of my bases but we have a new problem! These aliens seem to have at least some intelligence for as soon as we launched our fighters they have teleported right into range of my bases. I may not be able launch all my fighters if they are going to destroy them as I launch them. <Crashing Sounds and the image shakes> I need something to cover me. How long before the Inner net will be ready?”
“In about two minutes, commander. Begin emergency procedures now!”
“Switch me to the wing commander, Major Kersey.”
“Yes Marshal, one moment.”
“This is Captain Thomas Zimmermann. My men and I are doing the best we can. (Squads four and five to sector 1-6, Squads two and three set up cover fire in sector 1-1, take down enemy units only if you can do it without losses.) I’m a might bit busy out here, Marshal. What?”
“How good are they, Zim?”
“Individually they’re not, but they attack like a swarm of hornets. Swatting one or two just isn’t cuttin’ it. (Squad one, cover Alpha Base now! Large numbers of bogies heading that way.) Uh oh! Got one on my six! Gotta get back to business, I’ll talk to you later.”
“Colonel! Scanners report that a large energy disruption just appeared on the outer edge of the system at about the eighth planet. It might be something for the Earth’s Spacewolf to check out.”
“Marshal, Earth reports that their Spacewolf is in the air and on its way. They should be here in under seven minutes. Is their anything specific we want them to know?”
“We wouldn’t have the time to tell them all that they would need to know. It would be best to fill them in on the fly. That is assuming at least some of our pilots are still around when they get here.”
“Colonel, the aliens seem to have slowed their arrival rate.” Reported Major Sonner.
“Let’s see those figures.”
“She’s right, Marshal. We seemed to have survived the first wave, sir.”
“If that’s the first wave I’d hate to see the second wave.”
“This is Gamma Base. I don’t think that this slowing of the alien arrival is a respite. I think that they’re just testing our defenses. They’ve paused to either analyze or apply what they’ve learned.”
“Zim, here. My men and I have eliminated about ten thousand of the enemy fighters, but we lost over 45% of the 500 shuttles launched. I don’t know how long we can hold out. We have used ninety percent of our missile payloads.”
“You’ll just have to do your best with cannons.”
“But each shuttle only has two laser cannons, sir. That’s the max that the treaties will allow. That’s why we carry twelve missiles.”
“I’m fully aware of that!”
“Reload the outer net’s 200,000 Missile Satellites. Commander Abrams, how long before we can launch all of our shuttles?”
“I’d give it two minutes just to get them ready and two more to launch the remaining 1900 attack shuttles. That’s assuming that we aren’t attacked for four minutes.”
“Execute defense plan Romeo Sierra. I want every available joule going to the planetary shields. Get them up soonest.”
“Missile satellite magazine recycling complete, sir.”
“Ground installations are now online and will soon be ready to fire. The outer net has lost 35 % of its laser satellites. The inner net is now at 95 % readiness. All Inner Net missile satellites are armed and ready... wait! New bogies in the net! I read about 10,000 units.”
“All units move to intercept, now!” Rodin barked.
“If this is the start of the wave than we’re in trouble, Marshal.”
“Open up with the ground installations. Launch all shuttles, don’t wait to load all of the missiles, we need them all in the air now.”
“Surface air control, reporting, we have 10,000 attack shuttles of Plan Wraith ready to launch and they are fully loaded. I just hope that the Taurusans don’t eat us alive for having over the quota.”
“This just might turn the tide. Hey Bill, could you use some help up there?”
“Sure could, I just lost twenty men. You’re not really planning what I think, are you?”
“Launch our secret arsenal. This should even the odds.”
“Zim, here. Cmdr. Abrams, hey, where all those shuttles come from? I thought we could only have 3200 combat capable shuttles?”
“We felt that we needed to keep all our options open.”
“So where are the inflatable battleships?”
“Not funny.”
“Four point six-five minutes to Spacewolf arrival. Six point six-three minutes for planetary shielding to reach full charge but they are ready for activation at 35 % power. The Earth’s stargate reports that they can target anything within point five light-years. They could send one of our shuttles or satellites to the location of that strange disturbance. The only problem is that if they do that they won’t be able to use their defensive portals and the aliens might be able to take the stargate down. What do you recommend Marshal, they are standing by?”
”Tell them to continue to defend themselves. We can’t afford to have the stargate go down. What is the estimated power level of the planetary shields when the Spacewolf will arrive?”
”I estimate that they will be at about 75 %, Sir. But that is assuming that they take no damage.”
”The shields are down on Gamma Base, I’m taking heavy ... Ah!! (static)”
”Marshal, we just lost Gamma Base! I’m afraid that Alpha and Beta aren’t far behind. I’m evacuating them now! All of the shuttles are launched anyway.” Reported Cmdr. Abrams.
”All enemy units are retreating, repeat all enemy units are retreating. Alpha and Beta bases now stand on automation only, all personal evacuated. Outer Net is now at 45 % and we lost 65 % of our fighters. We have eliminated about 1,000,000 units.” reported Major Sonner, “I don’t know how much more of this we can take.”
”What is the Earth thinking. There is no possible way that one hot shot is going to be able stand against these guys?”
”Well what was the American Revolutionaries in their history thinking when they took on the British Empire in a fight for freedom?”
”I guess you’re right but what does that have to do with this situation?”
”Think about it, sir. I think that they are planning to strike and fade in so many places that the Orthropatarians will assume there are hundreds of units instead of just one.”
”Uh oh, here they come again. These guys just can’t seem to quit.”
”I just hope that Earth’s Spacewolf is all that it’s cracked up to be.”
”You’re right, they should be here any second.”
So far every wave of the Orthropatarian fighters had been destroyed but their numbers seemed limitless. The seemingly endless bombardment had begun to take it’s toll on the inner net of defense. As the enemy forces began to fire on the planet itself, they didn’t notice the flash of light from the stargate in orbit of the planet’s second moon. They were so intent on their targets that several were nearby the stargate were hit by its defensive portals; which instantly vaporized them. This was more than enough to attract the attention of the nearby Orthropatarian force. Like a swarm of hungry locusts they turned to engage this strange new ship. As they moved to engage Stardust fired his M.O.W.L.’s primary weapon, the Explosive Cluster. A meter square door snapped opened and several ball shaped objects that were covered with spines launched from it. The enemy was surprised by the sheer maneuverability of the weapons as they were hit from long range. They burst into spectacular balls of flame. Enraged by this move, several of them teleported right into the sights of the Spacewolf’s gunners. Laser fire lit the sky as they, one by one, had their guns shot off their hulls and then finished by anti-matter modules, from the M.O.W.L., fired by Stardust. Undaunted the swarms of ships closed in on the small Spacewolf with all the enthusiasm of a Kamikaze bomber. “There are just too many of them! We need cover!” shouted both Nova and Supernova. “Head for the satellite net.”
“I think command expected this tactic to be used by them or they would not have installed a doomsday weapon on the ship. Keep shooting their guns off until the swarm is in range of the M.O.W.L. weapons cluster.” reassured Stardust. Targeting the swarm of fighters in the M.O.W.L. target computer, Stardust reported to his crew, “ Lets take Charlie’s little doomsday toy for a test drive.”
Releasing the cluster from the holding bay just behind the pilot cockpit created a spectacular display. The one meter cube exploded with the furry of a volcano sending a thousand small warheads into the swarm. “These aliens are easier than I thought!” Stardust shouted across the intercom.
“Yea, they seem to fly right into our weapons!” Supernova shouted back.
“You would think that they at least try to dodge.”
“I don’t think that they have really meet with much opposition before. Either that or they are just dumb.” Nova added.
“Probably because they can hide behind that.” Stardust shouted “Look at your scanners at what just entered the system. These fighter ships whole purpose may be to just soften up the defenses so that whatever that is can finish it off!”
“It’s huge.” Shouts Nova, “It must be over two kilometers long.”
“Don’t over exaggerate, Nova. We’re here to stop them from destroying this planet, Stardust, and we have already gotten a lot of fighters. So, lets take that thing out and get out of here!” Supernova shouted “Why don’t we turn that thing into star dust , Stardust!”
“Right with you, boss!”
“Couldn’t we think about this first guys.”
“Shut up, Nova!” They both shouted back
The ship that was the asteroid ship that had been described by the survivors of M.E.E.T. # 64. It looked much more deadly than survivors had described. The vessel had so many small gun emplacements that it looked like a porcupine along it’s sides. It was obviously a world killer as near the tail were two very menacing looking gigantic missile pods with missiles that looked larger than the Spacewolf itself. Its immense size did not thwart the Spacewolf crew, while one of them, Nova, did seem to develop a trigger finger. The command ship’s six large laser turrets were to slow to be affective even before they were destroyed by some explosive clusters. The Spacewolf was so maneuverable that the ship’s smaller guns could barely get a clear shot. The missiles that the ship was able to fire were intercepted by the Spacewolf’s micro missiles (also from the M.O.W.L.). After this Stardust shouted, “I am going to try Charlie’s little doomsday weapon on this thing. I doubt anything else will phase it. Be ready to cover your eyes everyone.”
At this moment, he launched the ship’s M.O.W.L. at the Orthropatarian command ship. The weapons cluster was amazingly effective. One quarter of the giant ship was destroyed and the mountains of debris filled the vortex of space. It was apparent that no one had ever damaged the ship before as escape pods and shuttles were jettisoning from the ship in all directions.
“Looks like we scared them!” Stardust shouted to his comrades. “Sensors are detecting some kind of plasma bomb on the ship. It appears that they have set some kind of self-destruct device. I’m going to get us some distance.”
“Sounds good to us.” Said Nova and Supernova.
“Hey, all of the other fighters just vanished! I think that we must have really scared them. Never thought that they would retreat that easily. If they had taken out a battleship that belonged to us we would be trying to get as many of them as possible. There must be something very important about that vessel that makes it either impossible to fight or very difficult.”
Behind them the enemy ship burst into a brilliant ball of flame. The victorious Spacewolf headed back toward the now reactivated stargate. Calls of thanks came by the hundreds from the planet below as they entered the stargate bound for home. Their arrival at the Earth’s capital space station was greeted with cheers from the docking crews. They were escorted to the president’s office in the center of the John Marshall Space Station. There they were given medals of honor, Earth’s first war heros in over a hundred years. The crew of the Spacewolf knew however that their adventures were far from over. They were looking forward to the day when they would once again strap themselves into the Spacewolf Fighter.