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Trigun Revised

Posted: 2003-08-06 06:13am
by Darth Fanboy
A short story I wrote after a dream I had envision Vash the Stampede in a more inner city setting.

As late as it was, the streetlights were no longer effective. What dim light they could produce radiated a short ways and was quickly enveloped into the night. All across the city of July the darkness moved into every alley, sidestreet and crevice. For many the day was over, and it was time to retire. For others the night gave way to their time of activity. The nocturnal people would now take to the streets, bringing their grudges and vendettas with them.

The acrid stench of sewer gas and rotting garbage in the summer heat was a scent overwheming enough to any living creature in the city to begin with, and by the end of the evening there would be one more smell to add to that list, fresh corpses.

The 82nd Street Wizards and North Side Maniax had been fighting over Gilman Park. Not that a block of dirt with patches of grass and a few beat up old benches was worth that much but the area was a haven for the sort of lowlifes that these gangs wanted to court. The gangs had been competing in the coke trade for months but had avoided conflict by keeping their dealers a good distance apart from one another, shootings were bad for buisness. But the other night one of the Wizards was shot by a pair of Maniax as part of an initiation. Blood had been spilled and the Wizards leader had countered and placed the hit. Thew two Maniax who had killed the Wizard dealer were found later that week in a dumpster, neatly stuffed into several garbage bags with several pieces missing.

The Maniax crept through the darkness, keeping their weapons concealed, but at the ready. the Wizards had been spotted earlier strutting around the park spreading a nasty rumor that the Maniax were bugging out of the park, that they were scared of the Wizards.

The Wizards were in the park just like the Maniax' informant had said. There wasn't as many of them as they had though though, emboldened by their numerical advantage, the Maniax walked toward the group of Wizards, who had already begun backpedaling towards an alley in their own turf.

"Hey boys, nice jackets, too bad they're the wrong fucking colors for this park, seeing as how its fucking ours!"

"Yours? You stupid-ass Maniax wouldn't know what to do with this place even if you did own it."

"Maybe so, ut we'll figure out. After we kill your ass."

The Maniax drew their guns and pointed them, afer several clicks the Wizards knew they were on the wrong end of this standoff and started to backpedal a bit faste. One of the Maniax fired a warning shot though and forced the Wizards to stop.

"This here park is ours now, why don't you run along and that THAT word motherfucker, take it right back to your bitch ass bossman."

Several shots rang out from behind the Maniax as the green clad gangbangers fell. It was a trap carefully laid out by the Wizards' leader to take out his rivals for good. instinctively, the two sides began spraying bullets at each other from two ends of the park. the Maniax took heavy fire in the beginning, but managed to fire back several rounds and create a stand off in the park. Neither side was budging.

Suddenly another figure arrived at the park, dressed in a long flowing coat and brandishing a huge handgun he stopped within the volleys of bullets and watched thetwo gangs fire away at each other.

"What the fuck are you doing you dumbass?" Yelled a Wizard "You wanna get shot? Fine by me."

But the man didn't flinch, he simply raised his gun and then suddenly disappeared in a blur of speed. Several shots rang out followed by shrieks of pain, both Maniax and WIards fell to the hail of bullets this mysterious person was letting loose.

"Jesus," said one of the Maniax "Hey man which of you is hit?"

"I am, got two in the legs"

"That guy fucked up my arm man."

"My damn knee!"

The Maniax leader cursed to himself, eight of his guys shot and at least that many Wizards shot. No fatal injuries, yet damaging enough to stop the fight. All done by a guy who could move faster than a guy could follow.

"You know what? I Fucking hate Vash the Stampede."

Thats all for now....

Posted: 2003-08-07 05:27am
by Darth Fanboy
Cheez I didn't realize it sucked this bad. A comment or two would be nice, though since Im not planning on writing anymore u can skip the feedback

Posted: 2003-08-07 05:33am
by Crazedwraith
Its Ok
Bit cinfusing
Is this based on something?
If it is that would explain my confusion never heard of "vash the stampede" before

Posted: 2003-08-07 06:46am
by Darth Fanboy
Crazedwraith wrote:Its Ok
Bit cinfusing
Is this based on something?
If it is that would explain my confusion never heard of "vash the stampede" before
If youve never seen the anime "Trigun" you probably wont get it.