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Our Story - The Spiran Adventure

Posted: 2003-08-18 02:28am
by Steve
I went ahead and finished the First Arc of "Our Story" tonight, in a marathon writing event, and now it's here for you to download.

Why did I rush it like this instead of putting it in parts like originally planned? Oh, trust me, the reason is very.... good. :twisted: Those in the know are hereby asked to keep it to themselves. :D

Well, here it is. Criticisms are welcome if constructive.

Posted: 2003-08-19 02:37am
by phongn
Pretty good, but rather short, I think. The ending was kinda fast; climax and conclusion were shoved together. The characters also seemed to grow into their powers far too quickly; maybe a longer journey would have worked better.

Still, a good story :)