Suicide Squad
Posted: 2003-08-30 03:40pm
Underappreciated on SDN, the character fic which predates the creation of the board and hasn't been updated in Six Months... is now updated. Whee. I await your unresponsiveness.
Suicide Squad
Three Day Pass
"I hate Coruscant. I've always hated it," Sanchez was saying.
Dalton shook his head, "Have you ever actually been here before?"
"Me personally?" Pablo asked.
"Yes, of course you personally," Dalton clarified.
"In that case, no. But I have heard a great deal about it," Pablo replied, "from people whose opinions I trust."
"That's no way to go about life. How will you ever find new things if you've already decided how you felt about them?"
"Why should I want to meet new people and discover new experiences? Things are complicated enough, I want to keep them simple enough that I can be drunk and ignorant twenty-four hours a day. Coruscant doesn't fit into that scheme."
Rob shook his head, "Drunk and ignorant. That's quite a goal, do you think that you'll be able to accomplish it?"
"It's easy to fail," Pablo replied, "but it requires a lot of effort and training to fail as spectacularly as I am planning to fail. Take the new morale officer, for example."
Dalton smiled, "I'd love to."
Pablo nodded and continued, "You know what I did this morning? I asked her if she knew what fine Tercilian wine tasted like. She didn't know, naturally, because there's no such thing. So I downed the cup of red wine I was holding and asked if she wanted to find out."
"That's a good one, Sergeant, really it is. What did she say?" Dalton asked with a roll of his eyes.
Sanchez shrugged, "She didn't say much of anything. She tried to punch me but I rolled with it and it didn't do much. I she had connected, though... what a woman. Now, have you ever failed so utterly at something like that?"
"You see? You just don't have my experience," Pablo concluded.
The platoon was on Coruscant for rest and refit, a nice diversion from the icy winter death zone of Shelemin Beta. They had helped to prevent the capture of a minor waystation on the road to a larger waystation which was on the road to the capitol of the Galactic Empire, and they were damned proud of this achievement. Especially those members of the group which had had their field promotions confirmed, Strowbridge beaming with pride as he was soon to be transferred to command of an obscure guards rifle company somewhere in the obscurity of the central rim theatre.
In the meantime, however, he had been presented with an incredible opportunity to fullfil his devious plan of finding out what the hell was happening to him and his platoon, and why everyone wanted them dead. Most of his men, he could understand people having a desire to kill, but he was simply too pretty and charming for anyone to dislike. It had to be a conspiracy which was focussed on him, just as ninety percent of all events happening anywhere were focussed on him. (It was good to be an egomaniac).
As part of its rest and relaxation programme, the platoon (né company) under his command was guarding the Imperial Defense Board library, a cavernous building which housed a lot of information. Strowbridge did not know exactly how much data was there, and when he had asked Sergeant Crayz, the computer-savvy unit quartermaster, the man had told him to think of a big number, then multiply it by the biggest number he could think of, and then that would get him somewhere in the ballpark of how many different documents pertaining to the production of female hygenic products were the mainframes. Everything relating to the conduct of the Second Galactic Civil War was running through those computers. This presented the guard (Strowbridge) and his slicer (Crayz) with an incredible opportunity to find out exactly why people wanted them dead (actually nobody really wanted Crayz dead, it was only the members of the team actively involved in combat, which made the horrible accidental death of former Morale Officer Chuck Sonnenburg all the more tragic).
"Look, goddamnit, I can't just /find/ the data. It has to be searched for! You need to be specific, or it'll take hours. Give me a seed, for a god's sake," Crayz said despairingly.
Captain Strowbridge thought, "Personnel profile documents. Our PPDs."
No soldier was supposed to get hold of his own PPD, which housed all of the information that the army had collected on them. The two men sat hunched around one of the hundreds of terminals in a tertiary library, which was empty at that time of night. The immediate area around them was lit only by the glow of the holomonitor. As Crayz initiated the search, a series of crashes and moans sounded behind them.
Strowbridge turned around, squinting into the inky blackness, "Damnit, Björn, get your shit together!"
There was no danger of them being discovered, because that tertiary library was being guarded by their platoon. But the bumbling was dispelling the very hip secret agent feel that Strowbridge was getting.
Paulsen had tripped over a console and knocked a great number of things from a nearby shelf. He groaned, "Can't we turn on the lights, sir?"
"For the last time, no! It's an atmospheric choice; stop being such a buzzkill!" Strowbridge said.
"Got 'em," Crayz announced, "Most of them are only classified level Mother, easy to crack. Who do you want first?"
Strowbridge leaned over and looked at the holodisplay, "Who do you think?"
"Captain Narcissus it is," Crayz said as he stroke the proper keys, "Uploaded to our cube. Highlights..."
Crayz was speed reading the display. Strowbridge had just recently found out just after the Fall of Sonnenburg that Crayz was not an ordinary, stock human. He was a crusty veteran, of course, but the reason he was a quartermaster instead of a combat soldier had been unknown. It turned out that Crayz had been shot in the head but survived, much like the late Ryan Spickard. However, Crayz had been fighting at a time and in a theatre in which the medical corps had not yet begun to blow off their responsibilities, and he had recieved a cybernetic brain upgrade in the interests of saving his life.
When the accountants at the central hospitals had found out, they had immediately fired off a barrage of memos ordering the doctors to let their head-wounded patients deal with it by dying or going insane (both being cheaper than fixing the problem) and moved Crayz to quartermaster duty because his improved brain was too valuable to be distributed all over some swampy battlefield by an unlucky blaster bolt.
Which was fine with him.
He cleared his throat, "'Personality traits: Egomaniacal, ruthless, self-centered, ambitious, competent. Recommend placement in penal or one hundred PLR force.' That's a One Hundred Percent Loss Rate force, abbreviated."
"They hit the nail on the head, didn't they?" C.S. whispered, "What else?"
"Combat record, blah blah blah, full psych evaluation, yadda yadda yadda. Boring stuff. It's on the cube, let's move on," Crayz continued.
"How about Kynes?" Paulsen suggested from the floor, under his shelf and heap of datacubes.
"Okay, he's still listed with us, but awaiting transfer to another platoon," Crayz said as he skimmed the document, "Amoral, fond of holding grudges, sex-crazed, intelligent. He seduced the psychiatrist and didn't call her the next morning, so she recommended that he be placed in a 100PLR."
"Simple enough," Paulsen said, "me next!"
Strowbridge growled, "I'll decide who we look at next. Paulsen it is."
"This is good. The assessor wrote, 'Intelligent, courteous, educated, highly competent. Looks like your winning streak is OVER, fucker.' How do you like that, Björn?"
The medic was too busy making choking noises of rage to be bothered.
Strowbridge considered for a moment. He wanted to find out the story behind the assassination mission he had gone on with Sanchez, so the new sergeant would be next.
Crayz opened the file and hissed at the screen, "Double-U Tee Eff?"
"What is it?" Strowbridge asked.
"Just hyper-links to other documents. It says 'See, FamilyProject.opeval, CPabloSanchez6770.ppd, OPabloSanchez.ppd.' And they're all classified at Level Victor; it'd take me days to crack them. I don't know what the hell this means," the slicer said.
"Try Yates. We hooked up with him on the same mission," the Captain ordered.
Crayz did so, "The same thing. Two 'Family Project' documents, one for development and one for operational evaluation, and then two Nathan Yates files with minor differences from eachother."
"Shit. How long did you say you needed to crack it?"
"Three, maybe four days," Crayz answered.
"Make it so," Captain Strowbridge ordered.
"Now, I know all you men are very bored with this guard duty," Lieutenant Antilles said over the mic, "but think of this: You're guarding a library complex. It's not just dry reports. There's also the Imperial Defense Board recommended entertainment list. There's a lot of very good stories, movies, and games to be found. I have prepared a short list."
She cleared her throat, "On the literary side: Generals' Gambit, The Defenestration of Corellia, Starcrossed, Journal of the Righteous Defense of Coruscant, and much more. You may acquire a full list with directions for access after my announcements have concluded."
"Next, there are the movies. There are many popular and artistically excellent films which can be viewed in the library cinema, here are just a few: Marching Through Dantooine, Last Days of the Imperial Palace--"
Someone interrupted Kelly Antilles at this point. The entire platoon under Strowbridge except for those on guard duty and those involved in mysterious middle-of-the-night intelligence operations had been called down to an auditorium to address the crippling issue of boredom and its effect on morale. But, since most of them had not seen a woman in some time, and were boorish pigs in the best of times, the focus soon shifted.
"I was in that one," Sanchez shouted, "It sucked! Why don't you just sing us a nice song, that'll get morale up!"
"Among other things!" someone in the back row said.
Any further comments were drowned out by a wave of hooting and hollering. Sergeant de Fromage strode across the stage and grabbed the microphone out of Kelly's hand.
"Alright, you fuckers. You want something to do, I will PT your asses till you fucking die!" he shouted, "I am NOT Kynes, I will NOT tolerate this innuendo bullshit!"
Private David, who was sitting in the front row, decided that it was time to do something. He nimbly hopped onto the stage and pulled a electronic pocket megaphone up to his mouth.
"Alright," he said to the crowd, "I have an idea! A dream, if you will!"
Edam threw his microphone to the ground, eliciting a horrid screeching from the speakers until they automatically cut off.
"Where did you get that thing, you rat bastard?" he yelled.
David turned and blasted the NCO with his amplifying device, "Shut up!"
He turned back to the crowd, "Now, my friends, I have a dream. Do you know what that is?"
Dalton, in the front row, asked, "Did you dream of a rhetorical question?"
"No! I had a dream of porn, gripe sessions, and a forum for free expression. A brotherhood of men, and potentially a sisterhood of sex workers closely involved. I have found a derelict lounge for just this purpose beneath the library, who is with me?"
The men cheered, for this was exactly the sort of thing that they needed. Edam was less enthusiastic, and he grabbed the pocket megaphone and threw David from the stage. But the force of his idea was too great, and the men in the front row merely caught him and carried him off to the abandoned lounge on their shoulders. Edam stormed out, and soon the only people left in the auditorium were Sanchez and the morale officer.
"That didn't go too well, did it?" the sergeant called up to her.
Kelly gritted her teeth, "Obviously not."
Pablo grinned, "Well, do you want to--"
Lieutenant Antilles screamed, "No!"
Coruscant was a capital city during a massive war. This meant one thing: there were a lot of bars doing very well. All it took to make a good amount of money on Coruscant was a supply of alcohol which would not maim the consumer. Just as the entrepeneurial mind was aware of this, so was the military mind. It was obvious, then, that all troops were supposed to be confined to their barracks or their posts, and that the soldiers and the bars would do their damndest to get them out on the town.
This created conditions that made the formation of a secret society very likely. When men are forced into a regimented setting and have no access to mind-numbing chemicals, disaster is never far off. Many a mutiny had occurred under just those circumstances, but there was nothing to be done about it. The boredom destroyed respect of the chain of command and commonly resulted in buggery, violence, or desertion. On more than one occasion the New Republic and Galactic Empire had conspired to open a new front solely for the purpose of getting soldiers into the more controllable state of combat fatigue.
The platoon now had its own secret society. Most of the troops who had been guards for more than a few months did not bother with it, the conscripts being the major participants. It had created an espirit de corps and structure of command wholly separate from the army, which was a bad thing. They did not care about conventional discipline any more, and there was very little anyone could do about it. When the troops reentered combat, the new society would shatter, but who knew when that would take place? There were stories of whole divisions transferred to Coruscant that sat and sat for so long that they deserted and disappeared from the Imperial order of battle, fading into the deep recesses of the Imperial City to live a troglodyte raiding existence.
Until one or the other of those ends took place, David's society was occupied with trying to have some fun.
"Leave me alone, you fuckers," Crayz shouted, "I've got work to do!"
David sneered at his superior, "This is more important."
"For the last time, there is no porn on this datanet. This is a government network, why would they have porn?" the quartermaster asked.
One of the crushing crowd of David's followers shouted, "You never know!"
Crayz shook his head sadly. This was such a bunch of bullshit that he could hardly believe it. There had to be nearly twenty of them. He wished that Strowbridge was there, they might have listened to an officer.
"Where did you come from, asshole, you're not even a member of this platoon!" he yelled back at the man.
David stood up straighter, "It's none of your business, my friend."
"You will address your superior as 'sir!'" someone shouted from behind the group.
The men all turned around to get a look at the new entrant, already beginning to jeer.
Sanchez had just walked into the library where Crayz was doing his work. He had wanted to get something, but there were about twenty idiots in his way, berating a superior officer. Sanchez had seen this problem of collapsing discipline before, or at least he had heard about it (he could never remember what had happened to him, and what he had merely been told).
At any rate, he knew he had to do something about it before the situation got worse. He asked himself the question which a surprising number of NCOs across the Empire asked themselves: 'What would Kynes do?'
Pablo knew. It was imperative in this situation to assert dominance; Crayz could not do it, because the soldiers thought of him as a soft rear-echelon mother fucker who posed no real threat. Sanchez was a short, dark man who had killed many people without hesitation and would do it again. These men were soldiers like him, but also unlike him, because not every soldier is a killer--especially among the conscripts which composed these people. It was thus possible for him to do something.
He was still carrying his DL-44, so he whipped it out and pointed it directly in the face of the nearest thug.
"Say it!" he ordered.
The man's eyes went wide and he stuttered, "S-say what?"
"'We were all just leaving, sir!'" Sanchez replied.
The man haltingly obeyed the command.
"Good! Now get your hairy asses out of this library," the sergeant gestured with his gun.
The men quietly filed past, and as the last one went by, Sanchez reached out and grabbed him by the collar.
"You stay, David," he growled, turning to Crayz, "Get the Last Days of the Imperial Palace, unedited version."
Crayz tapped out the command and handed Pablo the datacube. The sergeant pressed it into David's palm, "Here is one of the best holofilms ever made. You hatfuckers can watch that."
He pushed David away, and the private stalked out of the room, plotting his revenge.
Pablo faced Crayz again, "Three-day pass."
"Easy enough," the slicer said, "Just crack this password prompt and commandeer someone's signature... got it."
A sheet of flimsiplast emerged from a slot in the terminal, giving Pablo the right to move through Coruscant almost at will. Without even a word of thanks, the assassin snatched up the sheet and sprinted out of the room, as if he was afraid it would evaporate in his hands if he waited even a moment.
Crayz turned back to where he was trying to slice into Sanchez's own personnel files.
"Everybody's an asshole," he mumbled to himself.
Suicide Squad
Three Day Pass
"I hate Coruscant. I've always hated it," Sanchez was saying.
Dalton shook his head, "Have you ever actually been here before?"
"Me personally?" Pablo asked.
"Yes, of course you personally," Dalton clarified.
"In that case, no. But I have heard a great deal about it," Pablo replied, "from people whose opinions I trust."
"That's no way to go about life. How will you ever find new things if you've already decided how you felt about them?"
"Why should I want to meet new people and discover new experiences? Things are complicated enough, I want to keep them simple enough that I can be drunk and ignorant twenty-four hours a day. Coruscant doesn't fit into that scheme."
Rob shook his head, "Drunk and ignorant. That's quite a goal, do you think that you'll be able to accomplish it?"
"It's easy to fail," Pablo replied, "but it requires a lot of effort and training to fail as spectacularly as I am planning to fail. Take the new morale officer, for example."
Dalton smiled, "I'd love to."
Pablo nodded and continued, "You know what I did this morning? I asked her if she knew what fine Tercilian wine tasted like. She didn't know, naturally, because there's no such thing. So I downed the cup of red wine I was holding and asked if she wanted to find out."
"That's a good one, Sergeant, really it is. What did she say?" Dalton asked with a roll of his eyes.
Sanchez shrugged, "She didn't say much of anything. She tried to punch me but I rolled with it and it didn't do much. I she had connected, though... what a woman. Now, have you ever failed so utterly at something like that?"
"You see? You just don't have my experience," Pablo concluded.
The platoon was on Coruscant for rest and refit, a nice diversion from the icy winter death zone of Shelemin Beta. They had helped to prevent the capture of a minor waystation on the road to a larger waystation which was on the road to the capitol of the Galactic Empire, and they were damned proud of this achievement. Especially those members of the group which had had their field promotions confirmed, Strowbridge beaming with pride as he was soon to be transferred to command of an obscure guards rifle company somewhere in the obscurity of the central rim theatre.
In the meantime, however, he had been presented with an incredible opportunity to fullfil his devious plan of finding out what the hell was happening to him and his platoon, and why everyone wanted them dead. Most of his men, he could understand people having a desire to kill, but he was simply too pretty and charming for anyone to dislike. It had to be a conspiracy which was focussed on him, just as ninety percent of all events happening anywhere were focussed on him. (It was good to be an egomaniac).
As part of its rest and relaxation programme, the platoon (né company) under his command was guarding the Imperial Defense Board library, a cavernous building which housed a lot of information. Strowbridge did not know exactly how much data was there, and when he had asked Sergeant Crayz, the computer-savvy unit quartermaster, the man had told him to think of a big number, then multiply it by the biggest number he could think of, and then that would get him somewhere in the ballpark of how many different documents pertaining to the production of female hygenic products were the mainframes. Everything relating to the conduct of the Second Galactic Civil War was running through those computers. This presented the guard (Strowbridge) and his slicer (Crayz) with an incredible opportunity to find out exactly why people wanted them dead (actually nobody really wanted Crayz dead, it was only the members of the team actively involved in combat, which made the horrible accidental death of former Morale Officer Chuck Sonnenburg all the more tragic).
"Look, goddamnit, I can't just /find/ the data. It has to be searched for! You need to be specific, or it'll take hours. Give me a seed, for a god's sake," Crayz said despairingly.
Captain Strowbridge thought, "Personnel profile documents. Our PPDs."
No soldier was supposed to get hold of his own PPD, which housed all of the information that the army had collected on them. The two men sat hunched around one of the hundreds of terminals in a tertiary library, which was empty at that time of night. The immediate area around them was lit only by the glow of the holomonitor. As Crayz initiated the search, a series of crashes and moans sounded behind them.
Strowbridge turned around, squinting into the inky blackness, "Damnit, Björn, get your shit together!"
There was no danger of them being discovered, because that tertiary library was being guarded by their platoon. But the bumbling was dispelling the very hip secret agent feel that Strowbridge was getting.
Paulsen had tripped over a console and knocked a great number of things from a nearby shelf. He groaned, "Can't we turn on the lights, sir?"
"For the last time, no! It's an atmospheric choice; stop being such a buzzkill!" Strowbridge said.
"Got 'em," Crayz announced, "Most of them are only classified level Mother, easy to crack. Who do you want first?"
Strowbridge leaned over and looked at the holodisplay, "Who do you think?"
"Captain Narcissus it is," Crayz said as he stroke the proper keys, "Uploaded to our cube. Highlights..."
Crayz was speed reading the display. Strowbridge had just recently found out just after the Fall of Sonnenburg that Crayz was not an ordinary, stock human. He was a crusty veteran, of course, but the reason he was a quartermaster instead of a combat soldier had been unknown. It turned out that Crayz had been shot in the head but survived, much like the late Ryan Spickard. However, Crayz had been fighting at a time and in a theatre in which the medical corps had not yet begun to blow off their responsibilities, and he had recieved a cybernetic brain upgrade in the interests of saving his life.
When the accountants at the central hospitals had found out, they had immediately fired off a barrage of memos ordering the doctors to let their head-wounded patients deal with it by dying or going insane (both being cheaper than fixing the problem) and moved Crayz to quartermaster duty because his improved brain was too valuable to be distributed all over some swampy battlefield by an unlucky blaster bolt.
Which was fine with him.
He cleared his throat, "'Personality traits: Egomaniacal, ruthless, self-centered, ambitious, competent. Recommend placement in penal or one hundred PLR force.' That's a One Hundred Percent Loss Rate force, abbreviated."
"They hit the nail on the head, didn't they?" C.S. whispered, "What else?"
"Combat record, blah blah blah, full psych evaluation, yadda yadda yadda. Boring stuff. It's on the cube, let's move on," Crayz continued.
"How about Kynes?" Paulsen suggested from the floor, under his shelf and heap of datacubes.
"Okay, he's still listed with us, but awaiting transfer to another platoon," Crayz said as he skimmed the document, "Amoral, fond of holding grudges, sex-crazed, intelligent. He seduced the psychiatrist and didn't call her the next morning, so she recommended that he be placed in a 100PLR."
"Simple enough," Paulsen said, "me next!"
Strowbridge growled, "I'll decide who we look at next. Paulsen it is."
"This is good. The assessor wrote, 'Intelligent, courteous, educated, highly competent. Looks like your winning streak is OVER, fucker.' How do you like that, Björn?"
The medic was too busy making choking noises of rage to be bothered.
Strowbridge considered for a moment. He wanted to find out the story behind the assassination mission he had gone on with Sanchez, so the new sergeant would be next.
Crayz opened the file and hissed at the screen, "Double-U Tee Eff?"
"What is it?" Strowbridge asked.
"Just hyper-links to other documents. It says 'See, FamilyProject.opeval, CPabloSanchez6770.ppd, OPabloSanchez.ppd.' And they're all classified at Level Victor; it'd take me days to crack them. I don't know what the hell this means," the slicer said.
"Try Yates. We hooked up with him on the same mission," the Captain ordered.
Crayz did so, "The same thing. Two 'Family Project' documents, one for development and one for operational evaluation, and then two Nathan Yates files with minor differences from eachother."
"Shit. How long did you say you needed to crack it?"
"Three, maybe four days," Crayz answered.
"Make it so," Captain Strowbridge ordered.
"Now, I know all you men are very bored with this guard duty," Lieutenant Antilles said over the mic, "but think of this: You're guarding a library complex. It's not just dry reports. There's also the Imperial Defense Board recommended entertainment list. There's a lot of very good stories, movies, and games to be found. I have prepared a short list."
She cleared her throat, "On the literary side: Generals' Gambit, The Defenestration of Corellia, Starcrossed, Journal of the Righteous Defense of Coruscant, and much more. You may acquire a full list with directions for access after my announcements have concluded."
"Next, there are the movies. There are many popular and artistically excellent films which can be viewed in the library cinema, here are just a few: Marching Through Dantooine, Last Days of the Imperial Palace--"
Someone interrupted Kelly Antilles at this point. The entire platoon under Strowbridge except for those on guard duty and those involved in mysterious middle-of-the-night intelligence operations had been called down to an auditorium to address the crippling issue of boredom and its effect on morale. But, since most of them had not seen a woman in some time, and were boorish pigs in the best of times, the focus soon shifted.
"I was in that one," Sanchez shouted, "It sucked! Why don't you just sing us a nice song, that'll get morale up!"
"Among other things!" someone in the back row said.
Any further comments were drowned out by a wave of hooting and hollering. Sergeant de Fromage strode across the stage and grabbed the microphone out of Kelly's hand.
"Alright, you fuckers. You want something to do, I will PT your asses till you fucking die!" he shouted, "I am NOT Kynes, I will NOT tolerate this innuendo bullshit!"
Private David, who was sitting in the front row, decided that it was time to do something. He nimbly hopped onto the stage and pulled a electronic pocket megaphone up to his mouth.
"Alright," he said to the crowd, "I have an idea! A dream, if you will!"
Edam threw his microphone to the ground, eliciting a horrid screeching from the speakers until they automatically cut off.
"Where did you get that thing, you rat bastard?" he yelled.
David turned and blasted the NCO with his amplifying device, "Shut up!"
He turned back to the crowd, "Now, my friends, I have a dream. Do you know what that is?"
Dalton, in the front row, asked, "Did you dream of a rhetorical question?"
"No! I had a dream of porn, gripe sessions, and a forum for free expression. A brotherhood of men, and potentially a sisterhood of sex workers closely involved. I have found a derelict lounge for just this purpose beneath the library, who is with me?"
The men cheered, for this was exactly the sort of thing that they needed. Edam was less enthusiastic, and he grabbed the pocket megaphone and threw David from the stage. But the force of his idea was too great, and the men in the front row merely caught him and carried him off to the abandoned lounge on their shoulders. Edam stormed out, and soon the only people left in the auditorium were Sanchez and the morale officer.
"That didn't go too well, did it?" the sergeant called up to her.
Kelly gritted her teeth, "Obviously not."
Pablo grinned, "Well, do you want to--"
Lieutenant Antilles screamed, "No!"
Coruscant was a capital city during a massive war. This meant one thing: there were a lot of bars doing very well. All it took to make a good amount of money on Coruscant was a supply of alcohol which would not maim the consumer. Just as the entrepeneurial mind was aware of this, so was the military mind. It was obvious, then, that all troops were supposed to be confined to their barracks or their posts, and that the soldiers and the bars would do their damndest to get them out on the town.
This created conditions that made the formation of a secret society very likely. When men are forced into a regimented setting and have no access to mind-numbing chemicals, disaster is never far off. Many a mutiny had occurred under just those circumstances, but there was nothing to be done about it. The boredom destroyed respect of the chain of command and commonly resulted in buggery, violence, or desertion. On more than one occasion the New Republic and Galactic Empire had conspired to open a new front solely for the purpose of getting soldiers into the more controllable state of combat fatigue.
The platoon now had its own secret society. Most of the troops who had been guards for more than a few months did not bother with it, the conscripts being the major participants. It had created an espirit de corps and structure of command wholly separate from the army, which was a bad thing. They did not care about conventional discipline any more, and there was very little anyone could do about it. When the troops reentered combat, the new society would shatter, but who knew when that would take place? There were stories of whole divisions transferred to Coruscant that sat and sat for so long that they deserted and disappeared from the Imperial order of battle, fading into the deep recesses of the Imperial City to live a troglodyte raiding existence.
Until one or the other of those ends took place, David's society was occupied with trying to have some fun.
"Leave me alone, you fuckers," Crayz shouted, "I've got work to do!"
David sneered at his superior, "This is more important."
"For the last time, there is no porn on this datanet. This is a government network, why would they have porn?" the quartermaster asked.
One of the crushing crowd of David's followers shouted, "You never know!"
Crayz shook his head sadly. This was such a bunch of bullshit that he could hardly believe it. There had to be nearly twenty of them. He wished that Strowbridge was there, they might have listened to an officer.
"Where did you come from, asshole, you're not even a member of this platoon!" he yelled back at the man.
David stood up straighter, "It's none of your business, my friend."
"You will address your superior as 'sir!'" someone shouted from behind the group.
The men all turned around to get a look at the new entrant, already beginning to jeer.
Sanchez had just walked into the library where Crayz was doing his work. He had wanted to get something, but there were about twenty idiots in his way, berating a superior officer. Sanchez had seen this problem of collapsing discipline before, or at least he had heard about it (he could never remember what had happened to him, and what he had merely been told).
At any rate, he knew he had to do something about it before the situation got worse. He asked himself the question which a surprising number of NCOs across the Empire asked themselves: 'What would Kynes do?'
Pablo knew. It was imperative in this situation to assert dominance; Crayz could not do it, because the soldiers thought of him as a soft rear-echelon mother fucker who posed no real threat. Sanchez was a short, dark man who had killed many people without hesitation and would do it again. These men were soldiers like him, but also unlike him, because not every soldier is a killer--especially among the conscripts which composed these people. It was thus possible for him to do something.
He was still carrying his DL-44, so he whipped it out and pointed it directly in the face of the nearest thug.
"Say it!" he ordered.
The man's eyes went wide and he stuttered, "S-say what?"
"'We were all just leaving, sir!'" Sanchez replied.
The man haltingly obeyed the command.
"Good! Now get your hairy asses out of this library," the sergeant gestured with his gun.
The men quietly filed past, and as the last one went by, Sanchez reached out and grabbed him by the collar.
"You stay, David," he growled, turning to Crayz, "Get the Last Days of the Imperial Palace, unedited version."
Crayz tapped out the command and handed Pablo the datacube. The sergeant pressed it into David's palm, "Here is one of the best holofilms ever made. You hatfuckers can watch that."
He pushed David away, and the private stalked out of the room, plotting his revenge.
Pablo faced Crayz again, "Three-day pass."
"Easy enough," the slicer said, "Just crack this password prompt and commandeer someone's signature... got it."
A sheet of flimsiplast emerged from a slot in the terminal, giving Pablo the right to move through Coruscant almost at will. Without even a word of thanks, the assassin snatched up the sheet and sprinted out of the room, as if he was afraid it would evaporate in his hands if he waited even a moment.
Crayz turned back to where he was trying to slice into Sanchez's own personnel files.
"Everybody's an asshole," he mumbled to himself.