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My own new fanfic

Posted: 2003-09-07 12:56am
by Omega-13
Well this fanfic has a bit to do with starwars and a bit to do with another popular science fiction series, this is the first chapter, I know I annoy you people a lot but enjoy my writings, more to come soon.


Coruscant was the most populated of all Imperial worlds, it had stood the capital of all that was known for thousands of years, its control spreading to the very reaches of the galaxy. With millions of worlds there were by nature millions of trade routes and diplomats leaving and arriving at Coruscant on a daily basis. On this particular day, a sleek silver transport was cruising quickly towards the bright planet flanked by smaller fighters for protection. Its gleaming hull reflected the hard work that Coruscant represented.

Moving through the atmosphere the pilot could see buildings rising above the clouds, much like mountains. The docking platform was up ahead appearing through the mist hitting the canopy.
“We are approaching the landing platform” stated the pilot to his most important cargo. There was no response, however he knew that she had received the message. With a soft touchdown the ramp opened on the bottom of the shuttle where Senator Amidala walked slowly down, bodyguards surrounding her. Both fighters had landed on either side of the transport, the pilots now stepping out of their own cockpits when a huge explosion engulfed the landing platform. Hissing chucks of hot metal whizzed past the pilots heads as hot fire consumed the now broken transport….

“We are so very sorry that such acts occurred last week to the members of your crew, it is unfortunate that something so awful could happen.” Spoke an old crinkled man standing behind a black desk facing Amidala.
“I am also sorry… “ spoke Amidala who did not shift or change her stair at Palpatine, the chancellor of the Republic. In her heart she could not trust him, she could not trust anyone anymore, not even the Jedi of the Republic.
“Technical malfunctions have been ruled out, what would cause someone to go do such an aggressive act towards someone representing Naboo?” Mace Windu sat across from Master Yoda who was also in the chancellor’s office. The question was to no one in particular. Yoda was in deep thought, he had been unsuccessful in finding the culprit through the force, his connection to the force had diminished over the last several years, Mace shared this knowledge as it was affecting him as well.
“All my resources are being used to look into this catastrophe, I can assure you of that” said Palpatine who was now slowly moving towards Amidala. She had noticed over the past several years that his face had really changed, it used to have a sign of life to it, even a sparkle in his eyes. Now that face had turned into nothing more than a shell, un-readable to even the Jedi some had said. “I am sure if it is possible we will catch whoever was responsible. Although so far no signs point to anyone, or organization.” Yoda was watching Palpatine carefully, he had in the past scene the chancellor come to wonderful conclusions, however there was information missing that would allow an average person come to such conclusions. “In case another attack arises, you will be provided with a stronger security force, let us hope there will be no more surprises.” Amidala was about to open her mouth when Palpatine raised his finger to interject. “And you will accept them” A smile crept from his thin lips before turning and leaving the office with his aid behind.

“Master how many people can you sense in this room right now?” asked Anakin as he took another sip of his drink. Obi-wan wiped a bit of sauce from the side of his mouth with a napkin and looked around. People from all walks of life spent their free time here. It was a bar full of music and visual screens showing different events around the galaxy. The bar in the middle was excellent, serving all sorts of drinks, only draw back thought Obi-wan was that the music was a bit too loud.
“Well, I would hope all of them” responded Obi-wan with a smile on his face. Anakin raised an eyebrow and had another sip of his drink. He wished he could feel just how many Obi-wan could sense, so he could get an idea of his own ability. There were plenty of people, he could sense their thoughts and feelings, but the most people he tried to sense, the more of a clutter it became.
“Master….” Said Anakin “Do you think you can ever be killed?” Obi-wan was halfway through his second sandwich when he almost shot out the remainder onto this plate,
“What non sense are you talking about? Of course I can be killed, we all can. A jedi’s powers aren’t infinite, we are still very mortal.” He put a lot of emphasis on the last few words before taking another bite. “You will learn that my young Padawan.”
“I do not think I can be killed….” Said Anakin firmly. Obi-wan raised an eyebrow and put down his sandwich.
“And what makes you so confident? Even Master Yoda knows he can die and be killed.” Anakin stood up and stretched his sore back, sitting in the bar for that long had made him stiff.
“I just have a feeling, I feel I can sense enough to ward off whatever comes my way.”
“You will need to Anakin, we have a mission starting tomorrow, protecting our old friend from Naboo.” Obi-wan had kept the information from Anakin for the last several days taking him out to supper so he could tell his Padawan in person, hoping to see a great expression. Instead Anakins face went cold and stern, totally opposite of what he expected.
“I will not fail her mast….” Before he could finish he was bumped across the shoulder by a sturdy looking man with strange protectors over his eyes. “Watch where you are going.” Said Anakin sharply. The man continued to walk towards the front entrance leaving without looking back. “Those were stupid looking clothes he had on, never seen anyone wear that ridiculous….” Anakin stopped and looked at Obi-wan slowly, “Why is it I could sense his body but not his thoughts?” Obi-wan was looking towards the entrance where the man had left, he waited a moment and then responded,
”Some species have the ability to naturally block out the force” stated Obi-wan.
“He looked human…” Obi-wan did not answer, only picking up his sandwich and continued eating in deep thought.

“Was it him?”
“The Padawan Jedi”
”With his master”
“Were we detected?”
“Let us wait”
“For Palpatine”
“It will not be long”

Posted: 2003-09-07 02:14am
by Shroom Man 777
Hmm.... is that dude with a strange protector over his eyes your typical joe Terminator with his sunglasses? Wearing clothes thousands of years outdated?

Posted: 2003-09-07 02:39am
by SeebianWurm
Intriguing, but I recommend formatting, and although I fear being accused of pedantry, that you learn and use the proper form of dialogue.

For example, this:
"We are so very sorry that such acts occurred last week to the members of your crew, it is unfortunate that something so awful could happen." Spoke an old crinkled man standing behind a black desk facing Amidala.
Should be this:
"We are so very sorry that such acts occurred last week to the members of your crew, it is unfortunate that something so awful could happen," spoke an old crinkled man standing behind a black desk facing Amidala.
Assuming I, too, am not mistaken of course.

Your word choice is somewhat awkward, such as the example above. "Spoke" doesn't flow naturally, and your sentences don't seem to end where they should. I would have put the example above into two different difference sentences when the man is speakingk, and the description of the speaker seems out of place and convoluted.

The only way I know to resolve issues such as this is simple: write more.

And that's a rather interesting set-up you've got going here. Parallels to canon events always spark my interest, because I'm waiting for the twist.

Posted: 2003-09-07 02:41am
by Crayz9000
Here's a really quick hint: Go out and find some science fiction novels. It doesn't matter who they're from. Read them, and make note of the way they handle dialogue. Use the same formatting style.

Posted: 2003-09-07 05:48am
by Peregrin Toker
Interesting... however, I can't say much since you've only posted the prologue.

Re: My own new fanfic

Posted: 2003-09-07 03:09pm
by Kuja
Another word of advice: put whitespace between paragraphs. For example:

“Master….” Said Anakin “Do you think you can ever be killed?” Obi-wan was halfway through his second sandwich when he almost shot out the remainder onto this plate,
“What non sense are you talking about? Of course I can be killed, we all can. A jedi’s powers aren’t infinite, we are still very mortal.” He put a lot of emphasis on the last few words before taking another bite. “You will learn that my young Padawan.”
“I do not think I can be killed….” Said Anakin firmly. Obi-wan raised an eyebrow and put down his sandwich.
“And what makes you so confident? Even Master Yoda knows he can die and be killed.” Anakin stood up and stretched his sore back, sitting in the bar for that long had made him stiff.
“I just have a feeling, I feel I can sense enough to ward off whatever comes my way.”


“Master….” Said Anakin “Do you think you can ever be killed?” Obi-wan was halfway through his second sandwich when he almost shot out the remainder onto this plate,

“What non sense are you talking about? Of course I can be killed, we all can. A jedi’s powers aren’t infinite, we are still very mortal.” He put a lot of emphasis on the last few words before taking another bite. “You will learn that my young Padawan.”

“I do not think I can be killed….” Said Anakin firmly. Obi-wan raised an eyebrow and put down his sandwich.

“And what makes you so confident? Even Master Yoda knows he can die and be killed.” Anakin stood up and stretched his sore back, sitting in the bar for that long had made him stiff.

“I just have a feeling, I feel I can sense enough to ward off whatever comes my way.”

It's easier on the eyes.

Posted: 2003-09-07 04:04pm
by 2000AD
I think the paragraph spaces might just be a error from copy and pasting from Word (or whatever he used) to the board. I've had the same problems in the past.

Posted: 2003-09-08 12:41am
by Omega-13
Ok guys i changed the format a bit like you said, chapter 2,
CHAPTER 2 : Truth is in the eye of the beholder

“Take these, and be careful they can be poisonous….and Zen, there can be no mistakes this time.” Zen turned once again before putting her veil back on and moved towards her ship. “My client is growing impatient there can be no mistakes this time” Jango watched until Zen’s speeder was only another ship in the sea of ships and speeders moving down a virtual highway between the buildings. ‘This cannot fail’ thought Jango. They were the most poisonous insects across twelve sectors, he had paid a lot of money to get this hands on them. If Zen were to fail this assassination attempt again, he would have to do the job himself, taking Zen down along with Amidala. With his long past of violence and double crossing there was no one in the galaxy Jango could trust, sometimes not even himself. Money was his only motivator in life, searching the galaxy for people with problems and the money to solve them. He knew that Dooku in time would double cross him, lie to him or try and outright kill him. Being a Jedi was his greatest advantage on Jango, he had always considered killing a Jedi for a sum of money, although no one had yet had the money to pay for such an attempt. However he mused, if the client had enough money anything was possible.

“Mr. Fett…”

Jango spun around on the balls of his feet pulling his blasters from either side and pointing them at three gentlemen standing on the very edge of the building ledge. Incredibly they had stopped their small transport so silently Jango had failed to hear it from even twenty meters away. Jango’s knees were slightly bent and his weapons were drawn pointed right at these new comers. He had no idea who they were, no idea how they knew his name but he knew that there could be a potential for problems. His thermo scanners were showing strange readings. While a normal human or even aliens body temperature fluctuated, theirs remained exactly the same level.

“It is Mr. Fett is it not?” the gentlemen remained motionless. Two other men dressed exactly the same, but looking slightly different were standing on either side of him, only inches from the side of the building. Jango’s mind was racing, ‘Blast them now, and leave no one with the knowledge of his name, or perhaps even the transaction that occurred with Zen.”

“We” the man gesturing to himself and comrades “are here to help you fulfill your mission, help you achieve what you are being paid to do” the man took a step forward, his eyes were hidden behind strange protectors only covering his eyes. ‘I have to blast them…now is my chance, finish this before it be-‘ Jango’s helmet beeped and his bank account appeared in front of his eyes. There had been a deposit, twice as much as Dooku had paid him. A memo was attached to the deposit,

“We are your friends, trust us”

“I do not know that name” responded Jango still not lowering his blasters. Surprising to Jango all three men found themselves with small arrogant smirks across their faces.

“I am sure you might find this surprising, but we are on ….your side. Perhaps that was not enough? Want more? “ Yet again Jango’s account balance appeared on his data screen inside his helmet, now with twelve times the balance. ‘This is impossible!’ thought Jango. He immediately squeezed the triggers of his blasters but to his dismay his blasters crumpled in his hands, their very makeup turned into nothing more than soft woven material. Jango threw down the now useless incarnations of his blasters and dove to the side at the same time raising his right arm to engage his rope gun. It did not work.
The lead man stepped forward again, his too associates making up the steps behind.

“We are here to ensure that you do not fail your job, we are here to ensure that your friend Zen does not fail her job, we are here to ensure that you survive.” Jango stayed on his one knee, concentrating more on his diagnostic scan of his equipment than this one sided conversations.

”Allow us to introduce ourselves, we are Agent Johnson”
“Jackson” They all spoke as if the same person.

“I do not know that name, I have no idea what you are talking about” Jango lied. He knew perfectly well what was going on. Dooku had done exactly what he thought would happen, double cross him. ‘How did they manipulate my weapons?!’ thought Jango. Even Jedi could not do that he said to himself.

“We are not here to hurt you…we only wish”
”help” they all said. Jango slowly got to his feet, his diagnostic almost completed. Johnson was taking another step forward when Jango activated his jetpack sending him rocketing up into the sky. He had to warn Zen he thought. Had to warn her to speed up the process, the droid would have no time to scan the room for security units.

“Target acquired”
“we will need”
“to intervene now.”
“The Jedi are present”
“but are of”
“no concern”

Senator Amidala’s Quarters

“…and besides your generalizing, the chancellor doesn’t appear to be corrupt,” said Anakin looking directly at Obi-wan in the lobby of Amidala’s Quarters.

“Palpatine is a politician, I have observed he is very clever and following the passions and prejudices of the senators” responded Obi-wan,

“I think he’s a good man, I…” Anakins Jedi senses instantly went into over drive, there was danger.

“I sense it to” Anakin spun one hundred eighty degrees and ran towards the senators bedroom. There were intruders in the room, two of them. The door slid open and he could see the giant centipedes moving towards the senator’s neck. ‘MY GOD’ alarm bells sounded in Anakin’s head as he could sense three more beings in the room, it couldn’t be! The window exploded inward sending chards of glass spraying in all directions. In what seemed like slow motion, Anakin could see the very same man who bumped him in the bar leaping through the air right towards him. He had to kill the creatures on her bed, he could not let himself be stopped!

In what looked like an impossible act, Anakin bent backwards and allowed the attacker to fly right past him, smashing into the night table beside Amidala’s bed. Jackson and Thompson were quick to move jumping into the room in an effort to stop the Padawan. Obi-wan ignited his lightsabre at the same time force pushing Thompson and Jackson back out the very window they had jumped in from. Both agents were sent free falling towards the ground many kilometers below. At the same time Anakin was now on the bed swiping at the assassins who were crawling towards Amidala’s neck. Shockingly she had no awaken from the explosion of events, there was something wrong…

“PADME!” Screamed Anakin who shook her violently. Obi-wan who was looking at Anakin sensed danger from his right. It was too late, Johnson’s punch connected with his midsection sending him flying. Anakin jumped off the bed and pulled his stunned master to his feet. Johnson now rose to his full height, giving the two Jedi a quick glance each. His back was to the door, blocking their exit.

“What did you do to her!” screamed Anakin at the top of his lungs. Aids could be heard scrambling towards the room, when the door suddenly slammed shut. A small smirk could be seen forming from the corner of Johnson’s mouth, his hands slowly closed into fists as he moved towards the Jedi.
“Only human”

Too be continued…

Posted: 2003-09-08 01:14am
by Shroom Man 777

Neat man! Fabulous! Love the last line of Johnson, I loved it all, although you might need to improve the format of your thing, like paragraphing an whatnot, but I loved it.

I'd love to see some Terminator action too :)

Posted: 2003-09-08 02:34am
by Omega-13
Shroom Man 777 wrote:OMG!!!

Neat man! Fabulous! Love the last line of Johnson, I loved it all, although you might need to improve the format of your thing, like paragraphing an whatnot, but I loved it.

I'd love to see some Terminator action too :)
thanks man, i'm trying to figure out a 'stable' format so its easier to read,

Posted: 2003-09-08 02:51am
by NecronLord
It's Zam.

Posted: 2003-09-08 03:34am
by Shroom Man 777
Omega-13 wrote: thanks man, i'm trying to figure out a 'stable' format so its easier to read,
Just use the "enter" button.

Like this:

”Allow us to introduce ourselves, we are Agent Johnson”
“Jackson” They all spoke as if the same person.

Instead of that, you go:

”Allow us to introduce ourselves, we are Agent Johnson”


“Jackson” They all spoke as if the same person.

Plus also this:

“We” the man gesturing to himself and comrades “are here to help you fulfill your mission, help you achieve what you are being paid to do” the man took a step forward, his eyes were hidden behind strange protectors only covering his eyes. ‘I have to blast them…now is my chance, finish this before it be-‘ Jango’s helmet beeped and his bank account appeared in front of his eyes. There had been a deposit, twice as much as Dooku had paid him. A memo was attached to the deposit,

That's wrong.

The format of most stuff is like this:

"Bla bla... talky talky yadda yadda," saids the giant gorilla. "Bla bla bla....."

The unbolded part should be in another paragraph.

Posted: 2003-09-08 12:38pm
by Kuja
I like it, but you really need to work on your grammar. What typing program do you use?

Posted: 2003-09-08 01:46pm
by Omega-13
Kuja wrote:I like it, but you really need to work on your grammar. What typing program do you use?
yea my grammar sucks,
microsoft word

Posted: 2003-09-10 01:05am
by Omega-13

CHAPTER 3 : Unfinished Business


“Master Obi-wan…everything has been reviewed for the last several weeks….we want to know if you have anything else to add” asked Mace who was sitting in his usual chair beside Yoda. Obi-wan thought it over for a moment. Everything had been said, there was no more to say.

“Nothing” Mace was about to open his mouth when,

“Is it a crime to fight for your life?” asked Obi-wan.

“Yes……yes…you did didn’t you…” the words oozed from the lips of Palpatine who was for the first time was seated in one of the Jedi Council’s chamber. He had specifically asked to monitor the entire investigation to what happened in Amidala’s quarters last month. This was the final meeting about the topic before the file would be closed and the first time he had said anything. He stood slowly, his back towards the two Jedi standing in the center of the room. “It is greatly appreciated by this government that you were there Obi-wan..imagine….if you were not there….what would have happened….then..” he let the last words linger in the room a few moments before he turned again. “These so called ‘bounty hunters’ you speak of are no where in our records. Nowhere in anyone’s wildest dreams. Not even a Jedi can do things your apprentice documented. It is my recommendation that they be stripped of their ranks.” Yoda’s eyes widened in shock as he looked over at Palpatine who was motionless.

“Internal matter this is…Proud of you we are Master Obi-wan. May the force be with you” with a small bow Master and apprentice left the council chambers. Yoda turned to Mace and they shared a long but silent stair, each reading each others thoughts in only an instant. ‘Grave danger in the months ahead’


“My lady…” said Anakin softly. Senator Amidala was standing near the window of her now secret office. She had been worried about the two Jedi for weeks as the deliberations continued to see what would happen to them. She was ever thankful of their actions. Even though she had received many medical scans no one could explain her behavior that night. There was no reason why she had not waken from her sleep as the fight ensued in her in own bedroom.

“Ani…you saved my life that night. Imagine if the bounty hunters had succeeded in their mission…imagine if…” she stopped and looked out at the busy traffic of the Coruscant night.

“Padme’….I will continue to protect you” said Anakin who was now moving closer to the window. Amidala spinned around suddenly,

“What if you can’t though Ani? What if they come again?” Anakin opened his mouth to respond and promptly closed it again. He took a long moment and then sat on the sofa.

“He was fast…faster than anything I’ve ever seen. I thought he was a Sith at first…or even a Jedi…but then….but then there was no way it could have been.” Amidala moved from the window and sat beside Anakin, watching him closely. “He somehow sealed the doors, he turned the door into a solid wall. We were trapped….I know it sounds strange because there were two of us…but if only you would have seen him.”

“Did he have a lightsabre or a blaster?” asked Amidala who had just recently awaken from an unknown coma.

“No…no blaster or lightsabre. He used a fighting technique that I’ve never seen or heard of. It was something you’d dream of. It didn’t look like it would work at first, but it did. He attacked us Padme’… he attacked two Jedi. Avoiding our strikes…nothing worked against him. We used the force to push him around, even tried to hold him steady. ” Anakin shook his head in frusteration. “It was like trying to control a razor beast…or a blaster bolt…but then….then it happened”

“What happened?” asked Amidala as she put her hand on his knee.

“Master…” Anakin’s hands started to shake “Master always told me that I was too aggressive, that I had to settle down and focus on the force. Well if I would have been more aggressive I might have stopped him but he got a hold of me. He snapped my spine like a tree branch, threw me right into Obi-wan!” raged Anakin. “Cause of Obi-wan I have a mechanical spine.” He was seething at the lips as his anger grew stronger and stronger. “I was laying on the ground! Laying on the ground as you lay in your bed, you were defenseless. The other two bounty hunters came out of nowhere, somehow they came through the door, it slid open for them. I don’t remember really what happened but the next thing I remember I was waking up in the medical center. Master says he killed one of them, but no one found anything. No blood…D.N.A.…nothing! We escaped when a security shuttle came up to the window, Obi-wan used the force to carry me and you onto it.”

“You don’t believe that happened Ani?” the young Jedi looked away for a second and looked back towards her,

“All I’m saying is that if Master would let me be myself…we would have killed the first bounty hunter. I don’t see how my master could have taken on three of those guys. And….how can he not remember a single thing that happened?”

“He doesn’t remember anything?”

”No…” Amidala looked shocked…for a moment she was starting to believe Anakin’s histaria…

“Did they find anything?”


“What?” Anakin turned away from her,

“Three dead children…”
To be continued….

Posted: 2003-09-10 01:19am
by Kuja
And it thickens...fascinating...*stops staring at own penis* Oh yeah, good chapter. So Anakin's got a mechanical spine and the Agents are throwing Jedi around. Very good.

Just one comment, I don't think Anakin would refer to Obi-wan as just 'Master'. I think he'd say 'Master Obi-wan' or just 'Obi-wan'.

Posted: 2003-09-10 01:26am
by Omega-13
Kuja wrote:And it thickens...fascinating...*stops staring at own penis* Oh yeah, good chapter. So Anakin's got a mechanical spine and the Agents are throwing Jedi around. Very good.

Just one comment, I don't think Anakin would refer to Obi-wan as just 'Master'. I think he'd say 'Master Obi-wan' or just 'Obi-wan'.
he was emphasising it was his master, and he was pissed, because he is always being told what to do, but it didn't work (or so he thinks it doesn't work well)
for all we know, it could have got him killed instead

Posted: 2003-09-10 01:31am
by Exonerate
Well, it's suprisingly good writing for somebody with an Villiage Idiot title... I have to say at least I enjoyed it a little...

Btw, you might want to take it out of the quote tags... It's a little easier on the eyes.

Edit: Btw, it's usually referred to as "Ani" not "Anni"

Posted: 2003-09-10 10:10am
by Peregrin Toker
Good what you have written so far. What I'd personally like to see in upcoming chapters would be a believable explanation of how the Matrixverse is connected to the SW universe - the concept of a SW/Matrix crossover is certainly interesting.

Posted: 2003-09-10 10:30am
by Shroom Man 777
Amazing, nice. Although I'd love to see how they really did fight, maybe in a cool dream sequence, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. The concept of an Agent snapping Ani's spine is great! I love it!

Hmm... I do concur with SHJ, I would wanna see how they're connected.

Hmm... I think we should petition for the removal of your vastly degrading title.

Hmm.... and I do hope no Jedi trolling comes into this thread, I know Jedi are really strong, but your story was really, really nice.

Posted: 2003-09-10 01:06pm
by Ace Pace
never noticed he was a VI, but I like it, the right blend of action + plot for me.

Posted: 2003-09-11 08:00am
by Peregrin Toker

Just so you don't forget - I've recently posted another chapter of my fic "The Wormhole War" as well as removed most typos.

Posted: 2003-09-16 08:28pm
by Omega-13

Planet Celus
Massad Testing Facility

“Welcome to Massad Trumble’s testing facility Obi-wan Kenobi” a pale thin human greeted Obi-wan with a handshake as he came through the front entrance.

“Ah thank you very much, may I introduce my apprentice Anakin Skywalker.” The man bowed his head slightly before continuing.

“I am Massad director of this facility, how may I help you.”

“We are interested in seeing your newest model of security droid.” Massad could not help but smile, he had been hoping that the news of his new droids had spread around the galaxy, but a Jedi wanting to see them? That was fantastic.

“Oh absolutely! Please follow me and I can show you a full demonstration of her capa-“ he was interrupted,

“Not to be so bold Massad, but I would like to test it myself. And if we are satisfied one will be purchased” stated Obi-wan with a small smile.

“Absolutely!” said the enthusiastic director. ‘If my droid was to defeat a Jedi, I would make enough money in sales to buy a province’ thought Massad.

“So what exactly is the main purpose of these droids?” asked Anakin

“Well” responded Massad as he gestured both of them to follow him down a long hall, “they can be programmed for whatever you desire. Bodyguard…labourer, although I don’t recommend you waist such a specimen on labour. Infact I’ve even have clients who wanted them as just…oh….shall we say…company.” Said Massad with a slight snicker. “The truth is that we program them before they are shipped off, or I should say…before one is shipped off. They are rather pricey.”
“Can they be trained to use a lightsabre and hand to hand combat?” Inquired Obi-wan.

“Yes of course, we have a massive database of all techniques and tactics for such things, in fact I just recently sold three for those exact specifications!” Massad was almost shouting with excitement. Obi-wan and Anakin immediately stopped.

“When were these sold and to whom?” asked Obi-wan.

“Oh well they were sold only about a week ago, I mean they are new, top of the line nothing gets better than this. Here we are, if you would just follow me.”

The two Jedi and Massad walked into a large arena full of seats and electronic equipment. The actual floor area was a dozen or so meters in diameter, where the ceiling stretched up to over fifty. In the middle of the floor was a beautiful woman. She had long blond hair, and a beautiful body…a body suited for the eyes of any man. In the first row were a dozen men in white coats looking over instruments and monitoring equipment.

“Please let me introduce you to Guri. She is our top of the line model, only three have been sold.” Obi-wan and Anakin stopped just behind Massad looking at the beautiful women in front of them. She was perfect, no man or Jedi would want anything more refined.

“Do they all look like that?” asked Anakin trying to keep his composure.

“Oh no..not at all, we can make a mold for their appearance they can look however you want.” That was a very important statement thought the Jedi. These droids could be what they faced only a few weeks ago.

“Hello gentlemen.” Guri’s voice flowed through the air like silk ribbons, touching each of their hearts. She walked a few steps forward and stood only feet from both the Jedi. Her tight leather outfit seemed to complement every centimeter of her body.

“Hello, are you up for some sparing?” asked Obi-wan as he removed his cloak. A stupid question he thought as he pulled out two lightsabres. She was a droid he thought. Programmed to do as she was told, no hesitation or thinking. Although there was something eerie about her. He could sense her body, but as all droids there was no mind behind it. Over the last week he had been having nightmares about the encounter at Amidala’s, his memory slowly returning.

“So….” Smacking his hands together “what is first Obi-wan?” asked Massad.
Obi-wan tossed Guri a training lightsabre and moved into the center of the floor with her.

“Just a bit of sparing for now” he replied

Massad moved out of the ring floor with Anakin over to where his scientists were eagerly awaiting the biggest test their droid had ever faced. Obi-wan was moving side to side slightly, half convincing himself that this was the right thing to do. He knew very well that this droid model could be the very same that he had faced at Amidala’s, making it easier to find the buyer…however if it was the wrong droid it would only lead to disappointment.

Guri stood motionless with her legs bent in an defensive stance, the lightsabre ignited and raised slightly higher than Obi-wan would have expected. ‘Must be a technique that suites the droid best’ he thought.

“This isn’t right” whispered Anakin to Massad. “What is she waiting for?” Massad looked over at Anakin with a confused look on his face,

“Mr. Skywalker, my droids are programmed not to attack first.”

“Make her attack” said Anakin not taking his eyes off the center of the room. With a nod, Massad instructed his scientists to do as the jedi had said. With a small series of inputs, Guri instantly came to life and sprang forward towards Obi-wan. He had known about this attack for a few moments as the force took control of his reactions. With an easy block and side step he gracefully parried the first attack. Guri looked at his movements carefully, calculating all possible methods of attack and checking with her database, the total time only being a few hundredths of a millisecond. She lunged forward but was thrown violently backwards against the far wall by the force. Obi-wan straightened himself and paced for a few seconds. Guri lay on the ground rebooting for a few moments as her self diagnostic tools did their work.

“What manner of fighting is this?” demanded Massad who was now out of his seat. “You never mentioned anything about this manner of behaviour, I-“ he closed his mouth as Guri lept into the air and landed behind Obi-wan who narrowly avoided a side swipe. She was more aggressive this time avoiding certain positions where the force gave him the biggest edge, she was learning. Billions of bytes of data were being processed as she continued to learn after each attack and block. She knew she could not defend against force pushes and holds, so she had to make do with what she had. In a flurry of swipes Obi-wan found himself back peddling out of the testing area. He was in the hall now as Guri poured on the pressure. Her blocks were perfect as each lightsabre parry was immediately followed by a counter attack. All was going well until she found herself once again on her back as the force swept her off her feet. Obi-wan needed room to maneuver and to rest for a few moments. Guri got up quickly and moved forward when her lightsabre mysteriously deactivated. ‘Let us see how she does now’ thought Obi-wan. Anakin and Massad came pouring out of the testing room into the hall to witness the struggle. Guri threw the lightsabre aside and stood in a defensive stance. Obi-wan moved forward and attacked with his weapon, slicing burn marks all over Guri’s molded skin. After a few moments he stopped and stood a few paces from her. While Obi-wan was debating to himself to continue this, Guri was busy processing the data and formulating an attack plan.

“Guri, thank yo-“ Obi-wan was cut off as she exploded forward in a series of complex moves using her strength and agility to her advantage. She was getting nicked and burned but she continued onward, striking a blow to Obi-wans stomach. She stood motionless and Obi-wan collapsed onto the ground holding his abdomen.

“I am sorry” she said helping Obi-wan up. “I figured you would have avoided that.”

“Well you certainly can fight” he said as he regained his composure.

“Yes thank you.” Anakin rushed over and pulled his master aside,

“Master if this isn’t the things we are looking for I don’t know what is.” Obi-wan thought for a few moments trying to dig into this memory of the events a few weeks past.

“Yes I think you are right, she learns very quickly” Anakin nodded and looked back at her. She was now talking with Massad across the hall. She was an exceptional fighter thought Anakin.

“The three other droids had more time to prepare against us…that would explain what happened.” Said Anakin.

“Inform the council we will need funds to purchase her, we need to learn all we can about her incase those droids come back” Obi-wan sent Anakin on his way to the speeder while he walked up to Massad.

“Who was the buyer of the other three droids?” he asked.

“Name was Dooku”
to be continued…

Posted: 2003-09-17 01:10am
by Kuja
Hmmm...fascinating. Very good description of the fight.

Posted: 2003-09-17 09:09am
by Shroom Man 777
Very nice..... awww shucks! I thought we'd get to Terminators at this point :cry:


But still nice!

And I was hoping for it to be T-X once you said about tight leather outfit!


Anyway, very nice, but will the Agents be droids or will they be real Agents? I never thought droids could manipulate material :shock:

So will it be droid vs. Agents? Kewl!

I wanna see what other stuff you pull out, this is really nice, I love this stuff man. The fight was nice, although more would've been better.

More soon, okay? I'm really digging into your plot man, fantastic stuff!