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2003 GSDA Nomination Preliminaries...

Posted: 2003-10-12 11:39am
by MKSheppard
Seeing as 83% of 2003 has gone by already, I think it's time we started to
organize up the GSDAs for '03.

I hereby nominate Suicide Squad for best ground combat fanfic (and yes,
this is to avoid a repeat of last year, when I totally forgot to nominate it)

Nothing like getting the nomination in a few months early to avoid forgetting
about it :P

Posted: 2003-10-12 01:13pm
by 2000AD
Crap, i really need to finish off chapter 2 of my HP crossover if i'm to get any nominations like last year.

Posted: 2003-10-12 01:46pm
by Singular Quartet
2000AD wrote:Crap, i really need to finish off chapter 2 of my HP crossover if i'm to get any nominations like last year.
Most of my fans (all four of them(No, I'm not kidding)) are on SBC, so I prolly won't get a single nomination...

Just to remind everybody, categories are (Along with my nominations)

Best Character Development
Best Ending - consequences: Thirty Years Warning
Best Ground Combat - Pablo Sanchez: Suicid Squad
Best Space Battle - consequences: The True Rebellion
Best Duel
Best Romance
Most Creative Tactic - consequences: Thiry Years Warning - Earth's second moon
Best Use of Technobabble
Best Title - Kuja: How Stravo Got his Groove Back
Best Torture
Best Use of Star Trek - consequences: The True Rebellion - Apath Iruled's test
Best Use of Star Wars - consequences: The True Rebellion - Liberal use of ion cannons
Funniest Death - consequences: Thirty Years Warning - Janeway
Goriest Fanfic
Highest Body Count
Most Fair and Unbiased Fanfic - Stravo: Twilight War
Most Humorous Fanfic - Kuja: How Stravo Got his Groove Back
Most Original Character - consequences: The True Rebellion - Apath Iruled
Most Original Story - Stravo: Twilight War
Most Spectacular Death
Overall Best Fanfic

Maybe this will remind people that there are more than the big name stuff out there, with my more than liberal use of consequences... actually keep an eye out for the little fics, people. Let's not have another Stravo this year (sorry Stravo. I figure your ego is big enough...)

Posted: 2003-10-12 01:54pm
by consequences
I'm going to have to say that funniest death goes to GAT for pretty much any of the bridge crew deaths in his 'Unnamed SW/ST fanfic'.

Best duel? Stravo, Starcrossed, Kirk vs. Boba Fett.

I think Stravo's got highest body count if we count off-screen deaths, as the whole universe seems to be imploding in Starcrossed.

Best Torture: The torture of Captain Janeway in 'Demented and Cruel Crossover' by Necronlord

Will edit(again) as I think of more

Posted: 2003-10-12 01:55pm
by 2000AD
Come on ! How can Harry Potter and the Multi Franchise Crossover not got the Best Title! :lol:

Posted: 2003-10-12 02:04pm
by Stravo
Last year was as much a shock to me as anyone else. And I whole heartedly agree, lets get the field open to more nominees so we have a good open competition.

Posted: 2003-10-12 02:09pm
by NecronLord
Singular Quartet wrote: Most Spectacular Death
Does smashing the Ent-E to death with molten ejecta from the Earth exploding qualify?

Posted: 2003-10-12 02:12pm
by consequences
No, but I think you deserve Best Torture if that's any conslolation.

Posted: 2003-10-12 02:33pm
by Pablo Sanchez
consequences wrote:I think Stravo's got highest body count if we count off-screen deaths, as the whole universe seems to be imploding in Starcrossed.
The backdrop to Suicide Squad is a WWI style leveè en masse slog involving an entire galaxy. In chapter five I talk about the Imperial fleet massacring hundreds of billions of people in one minor raid to prevent the New Republic from developing a more economical line of military transports.

Thankfully, off-screen deaths do not count.

Posted: 2003-10-12 02:38pm
by Peregrin Toker
Singular Quartet wrote: Goriest Fanfic
Some days ago I updated the latest chapter of The Wormhole War - including some much gorier descriptions of the dead Jardra soldiers. Please check the latest TWW chapter out before deciding which you'll nominate as Goriest Fanfic.

(However, before I start begging for nominations - I'd like to know whether work-in-progress stories such as TWW can be nominated)

As for my nomination for Goriest Fanfic - I nominate "Liberators of Gor". That's not particularly bloody, but it's set on Gor... how can it not be Gory? :P

Posted: 2003-10-12 02:42pm
by NecronLord
consequences wrote:No, but I think you deserve Best Torture if that's any conslolation.
Yay, nominate me, nominate me! :D

Posted: 2003-10-12 02:54pm
by Kuja
Singular Quartet wrote:Funniest Death - consequences: Thirty Years Warning - Janeway
Oh, just you wait, my friend. That'll change.


Posted: 2003-10-12 03:23pm
by Singular Quartet
Actualy, that was mostly to get people out fo the woodwork to mention other fics. I'll agree with Necronlord

Best Torture - Necronlord: Cruel and Demented Crossover -or- Rennisance(sp) of the Daleks - Janeway

And "Harry Potter and the Multifranchise Crossover"? Meh, nowhere near as cool as "Fist of the Blazing Wormhole Phoenix of Honour-bound Death without end" aka "Fist of the... oh, fuckit. Doomriser's fic."

Best Title - Mike Wong: Reign of Terror

Oh, and Simon: See Lt. Hit-man's fanfiction over on the Archive. That is gore.

Posted: 2003-10-12 03:35pm
by NecronLord
Singular Quartet wrote:Best Torture - Necronlord: Cruel and Demented Crossover -or- Rennisance(sp) of the Daleks - Janeway
"Renaissance of the Daleks" - I was trying to stick with the R... of the daleks pattern of the last three TV stories featuring them, and somehow, revenge of the daleks sounded like a B-movie.

*Goes off to plot the sequel, where the GE comes calling on the ST galaxy, and pisses off the new owners.* 8) *Adds in similar treatment to Daala, although she's not as deserving as Janeway.*

Posted: 2003-10-13 03:58am
by Peregrin Toker
Singular Quartet wrote: Oh, and Simon: See Lt. Hit-man's fanfiction over on the Archive. That is gore.
I've read "Phoenix Company" now and it doesn't seem that gory compared to following excerpt from The Wormhole War:

Then, after his squad had desperately trod several hundred metres fleeing from the armoured Kh-Sriil while carrying seriously injured soldiers desperately in need of medical aid, the smell of dead flesh was upon him and he looked down upon the ground, to find several dead Jardra soldiers bathed in their own blood.

Not only did the area look like if it had rained with blood that day, but all of the dead Jardra did bear even more gruesome signs of traumatic injury, definately inflicted upon them by Kh-Sriil troops. Many of them had their body armour shattered into lots of tiny bits by high-velocity bullets. On one corpse, it was evident that two 20mm cannon projectiles had hit just below his shoulder blades, thus injuring his lungs - a fact confirmed by the thick river of blood flowing from his mouth. Qvarao, as he watched down upon the deceased brother-in-arms, could not help but wonder if he was dead from pneumothorax and swelling of interstitial tissues more than any of the other injuries he had sustained. Slightly nauseated despite being trained not to panic at the sight of mangled corpses, Uroul Qvarao turned around and found yet another Avarnam Defense Force soldier. He had been hit not only in the chest but also directly in his crotch - a wound not only fatal but also humiliating in case he survived. A third casualty had been evidently hit by the blast from a grenade or other explosive device, as evidenced by the shrapnel and scattered pieces of body armour which laid around his corpse along with pieces of bloody flesh.

Qvarao, however, noted that one casualty was even more frightening to behold than the others. His skull was split by a 20mm solid projectile - blood and cerebrospinal fluid covered all of his head and most of his short neck. Another 20mm projectile had impacted in his chest section with such might that the body armour was scattered into many tiny pieces. In fact, Qvarao quickly found that this unfortunate Jardra had his intenstines hanging straight out of his abdomen.

If that isn't gory I don't know what's your definition of gory!

Posted: 2003-10-13 05:05am
by Darth Fanboy
I think I might have to try some submissions dis year.

Planet of Dying Dreams, Escape from San Francisco



Posted: 2003-10-13 05:59am
by MKSheppard
Simon H.Johansen wrote: If that isn't gory I don't know what's your definition of gory!
Too verbose. Where's the horror? The guy is catalogueing the wounds
suffered by various people like he's a clinical pathologist.

Posted: 2003-10-13 08:45am
by Singular Quartet
Simon H.Johansen wrote:
Singular Quartet wrote: Oh, and Simon: See Lt. Hit-man's fanfiction over on the Archive. That is gore.
I've read "Phoenix Company" now and it doesn't seem that gory compared to following excerpt from The Wormhole War:


If that isn't gory I don't know what's your definition of gory!
You really want to read... hmmm... I think Cooking With Gas might be good, although Fear is also fairly explanatory...

Posted: 2003-10-13 12:54pm
by Kuja
Simon H.Johansen wrote: I've read "Phoenix Company" now and it doesn't seem that gory compared to following excerpt from The Wormhole War:

If that isn't gory I don't know what's your definition of gory!
Dude, you gotta read his Fanfic Reviews. Then read Cooking With Gas. Then come back to us.

Posted: 2003-10-13 03:08pm
by Peregrin Toker
Singular Quartet wrote:You really want to read... hmmm... I think Cooking With Gas might be good, although Fear is also fairly explanatory...
(reads "Fear" )

Good golly, that's gory!! I indeed have a lot to learn in the field of describing injuries!

Don't worry - next time I'll write a ground combat chapter for TWW, I'll do my best to make it gory in the Lt. Hit-Man sort of way! I've also updated the chapter I've excerpted from as a response to your criticisms.

(writes down notes such as "smokey stench of charred flesh", "spray of boiling blood" and "Admiral Daala's clitoris" :twisted: )

Posted: 2003-10-13 03:42pm
by Pablo Sanchez
MKSheppard wrote:Too verbose. Where's the horror? The guy is catalogueing the wounds suffered by various people like he's a clinical pathologist.
I personally prefer the cursory way of describing the damage. It's not as if the people involved are really going to be staring at the damage inflicted. At best they're going to look to make sure the wound is incapacitating and then move on.

Posted: 2003-10-13 05:18pm
by Peregrin Toker
Okay, now I've changed the chapter in my posting of TWW to correspond to your requests for more cursory and less pathological descriptions of the corpses. I suppose that should satisfy you.

Posted: 2003-10-13 05:43pm
by Pablo Sanchez
Simon H.Johansen wrote:Okay, now I've changed the chapter in my posting of TWW to correspond to your requests for more cursory and less pathological descriptions of the corpses. I suppose that should satisfy you.
I wasn't asking you to do anything; you should write what you feel and not worry so much about what other people tell you.

Posted: 2003-10-14 03:31am
by Peregrin Toker
then again, I'm sure that very few of my readers even have a clue what "pneumothorax" means.

Posted: 2003-10-17 01:37am
by LT.Hit-Man
Count me out of this mess.
I was going to say my Humanty's last stand fic for goriest death, what happened to Mike in that fic was a nasty way to go but fuck it I'm out of the running and as such I'll not be voting any fics.