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New Fanfic - The Death Star Haiku-Series

Posted: 2003-10-20 12:55am
by JME2
Disclaimer: Star Wars and the characters are owned by Lucasfilm and Twentieth Century Fox.. I own the story and any original characters. No copyright infringement is intended.

Synopsis: The Death Star, the most formidable weapon ever conceived is immortalized in a devilishly crafted Haiku!

The Death Star Haiku

A long time ago
In a far, far, galaxy
Dwelt the Empire

They built the Death Star
A weapon of destruction
Like none before it.

A super laser
Could fire from Death Star
And destroy a world.

It was a measure
Of the Emperor’s terror
As he did decree

But the Rebels knew
About the awesome project
Of mass destruction

A Senator did
acquire the Death Star Plans
For the Rebellion

Her name was Leia
of beautiful Alderran
And royal prestige

On the Tantive IV
She escaped from Lord Vader
Of the Empire

Vader persued her
To the world of Tantooine
And boarded her ship

Yes, the battle plans
Were his and necessary
For the Empire

They contained a flaw
In a thermal exhaust port
That destroy it

That is the tale
Of the Death Star’s own dark death
At the moon Yavin

It was a farm boy
Who destroyed the creation
Of the Empire

His name is really Luke
Luke Skywalker precisely
Hero and Jedi

The alliance won
The Battle of Yavin Four
And did save the day

For evil is bad
And the alliance is good
For they have the Force

This haiku will now end
All we wish of you is”May
The Force be with you.”

Posted: 2003-10-20 01:57pm
by Peregrin Toker
A Star Wars Haiku??? It deserves a bonus point for novelty value alone.

Posted: 2003-10-20 03:10pm
by Companion Cube
Hehe. Very nice. :)

Posted: 2003-10-20 03:49pm
by Singular Quartet
Haiku poet,
The form does not have verses,
Thou you do not care.