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Posted: 2003-10-20 04:29pm
by Singular Quartet
"Hello!" It said, in a far to cheerful voice.

"Um... hello..." He said, his voice cracking, backing up against the wall. It seemed to slither forward, even with its four legs.

"So how are you today?" It asked, continuing as though it were some telemarkerter from deepest depths of Hell, acting like it was your friend as it drew closer to your throat and wallet. This, however, was simply going for his throat. It didn't give a dman about his wallet, and looked into his eyes. He rather wished it didn't.

"Um... you know... scared out of my mind... little thing like that..."

It drew away. "Sorry about that."

"You are?"

It briskly nodded. The man calmed down. "Yep. It'll be all over soon."

The man looked back up. "All.. over... soon?"

It contiued nodding. "Oh, yes. Well.... for you, anyways... but you needn't worry, it'll be quite painless!" it said, as though it were a good thing.


"You know, your death. When I kill you. What, you thought I wasn't?"

"Well... that was the impression you gave..."

It drew back further, as through insulted. "I did? Darn... I suppose I'll have to work on that..."

"So... umm..."


"Why are you..."

"Doing this? Randomly killing all who are in my sight? That sort of thing?"

"Umm... well... yes..."

"Ah. Fully understandable question, I suppose... although if I keep letting people ask it, it would make my reasons all that much more annoying... Although... I suppose I at least should do this for you... Do you think I'm crazy?" It suddenly asked.

" will you kill me depending on my answer?"

"Silly, I'll kill you no matter what you answer!"

"And if I don't?"

"Hmm... I suppose silence counts as an answer, so I figure I'll just kill you flat out." It shrugged.

"Then... yes, I think you're crazy."

"Ah, I thought as much. You see, one of the things about crazy is that, quite simply, it means 'not normal.' Do you know what normal is?"

"Well... not really..."

"Then how can you say I'm crazy? If everybody were like me, then wouldn't you," It pointed at him accusingly, "be crazy?"

"Well... I suppose..."

"So, if I were to kill everybody, in the whole wide universe, wouldn't I, then, be the norm?"

The man thought for a moment, before shaking his head. "No."


"The norm would be to be dead."

"Hmm... hadn't thought of that... and that does make things more complicated... I'll have to think on that one. Thanks for your help. Kill you later!"

And with that, it turned, and left.

Posted: 2003-10-21 10:53am
by Peregrin Toker
Truly a well-deserved title - this story earns a "Pretty Damn Weird" label from me, and in my mind that's good.

However - there are a few typos.

Posted: 2003-10-21 11:07am
by haas mark

Amusing, nontheless.. but.. :wtf:


Posted: 2003-10-21 12:19pm
by Singular Quartet
*Looks at responses*


*continues to write random stuff to weird people out.*

Posted: 2003-11-27 12:01am
by LT.Hit-Man
I like that, it makes alot of sence.
Keep up the good work.

Posted: 2003-11-27 08:41am
by Singular Quartet
LT.Hit-Man wrote:I like that, it makes alot of sence.
Keep up the good work.
First, your over a month late. Second, glad you like it.

Posted: 2003-12-02 07:40pm
by darthdavid
Write more to keep me from writing anymore of my fucked up fic.

Posted: 2003-12-02 07:59pm
by Singular Quartet
darthdavid wrote:Write more to keep me from writing anymore of my fucked up fic.
Tempting, but how could I continue this?

Posted: 2003-12-02 08:43pm
by darthdavid
Warning, if he uses my idea spoilers below, if he doesn't then the below is a spoiler for my own fic. So don't read it unless you don't like plot ideas coming as a suprise.
Make him come back, rape him, act as though he's about to kill him then leave. Rinse, repeat. When this gets old make a bloody death scene then move on to another person. Also, if you don't wanna use this then it's going into my fic except with a storm trooper and a pokemon.

Posted: 2003-12-02 08:54pm
by Singular Quartet
darthdavid wrote:Warning, if he uses my idea spoilers below, if he doesn't then the below is a spoiler for my own fic. So don't read it unless you don't like plot ideas coming as a suprise.
Make him come back, rape him, act as though he's about to kill him then leave. Rinse, repeat. When this gets old make a bloody death scene then move on to another person. Also, if you don't wanna use this then it's going into my fic except with a storm trooper and a pokemon.
*blink* *blink*

Umm... no. Most certainly not. You cna keep it, thank you very much.

Posted: 2003-12-02 09:13pm
by darthdavid
By letting this go into my fic you have brought an unimaginable horror down upon the world. Thanks.

Posted: 2003-12-02 09:13pm
by Singular Quartet
darthdavid wrote:By letting this go into my fic you have brought an unimaginable horror down upon the world. Thanks.
Your welcome... I think.

Posted: 2003-12-02 09:15pm
by darthdavid
Singular Quartet wrote:
darthdavid wrote:By letting this go into my fic you have brought an unimaginable horror down upon the world. Thanks.
Your welcome... I think.
I don't think you'll be thinking that after i complete my fic :twisted: :wink: .

Posted: 2003-12-02 09:26pm
by Singular Quartet
darthdavid wrote:
Singular Quartet wrote:
darthdavid wrote:By letting this go into my fic you have brought an unimaginable horror down upon the world. Thanks.
Your welcome... I think.
I don't think you'll be thinking that after i complete my fic :twisted: :wink: .
Oh, joy... Now, cna we just let this thread die?

Posted: 2003-12-02 09:52pm
by darthdavid
i still think more can be done with this but, meh, back to my cave i go.

Posted: 2003-12-02 10:37pm
by Singular Quartet
darthdavid wrote:i still think more can be done with this but, meh, back to my cave i go.
Yes, but I don't think there can, so there.

Posted: 2003-12-26 04:45pm
by victorhadin
Beautifully odd. My commendations on your complications. :)

I kinda pictured it as a dragon, mind. *Shrug.*

Posted: 2003-12-26 05:34pm
by Kuja
victorhadin wrote:I kinda pictured it as a dragon, mind. *Shrug.*
I pictured an Elite from Halo. :)

Posted: 2004-01-02 04:49pm
by Singular Quartet
Kuja wrote:
victorhadin wrote:I kinda pictured it as a dragon, mind. *Shrug.*
I pictured an Elite from Halo. :)
I've actually considered working on drawing this fic into a sort of comic book or soemthing, and the designs I've come up with make it look like some sort of weird twisted snake-thing with four arms/legs.

Don't know if I will or not, as I suck at drawing.