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The People's Choice

Posted: 2003-10-24 12:13pm
by Stravo
This thread is for fans and fans only to make suggestions as to what fics they think should be up for nomination for the illustrious Golden Stardestroyer Award

A fan can simply list any fanfics that they would like to have considered for the GSDA's or if there is a particular category they believe a fic is particlularly strong to be nominated in that can be laid out as well.

Just as a reminder, the categories used last year were the following:

Best Character Development
Best Ending
Best Ground Combat
Best Space Battle
Best Duel
Best Romance
Most Creative Tactic -
Best Use of Technobabble
Best Title -
Best Torture
Best Use of Star Trek –
Best Use of Star Wars -
Funniest Death -
Goriest Fanfic
Highest Body Count
Most Fair and Unbiased Fanfic –
Most Humorous Fanfic –
Most Original Character -
Most Original Story
Most Spectacular Death
Overall Best Fanfic

Posted: 2003-10-24 12:20pm
by Singular Quartet
I suggest one of the following fic awards:

The Lt. Cmdr. Data "This is highly illogical" award for most fucked up fic.


The "WHAT IS YOUR MALFUCNTION?!" award for most fucked up fic.


Also, if the first suggestion is used, I would recommend changing Technobabble award to either Ensign Harry Kim or Captain Catherine Janeway


Best Character Development - Pablo Sanchez: Suicide Squad
Best Ending - consequences: Thirty Years Warning
Best Ground Combat - Pablo Sanchez: Suicid Squad
Best Space Battle - consequences: The True Rebellion
Best Duel - Stravo: Abel and Cain - Neo vs. T-800s
Best Romance
Most Creative Tactic - consequences: Thiry Years Warning - Earth's second moon
Best Use of Technobabble
Best Title - Kuja: How Stravo Got his Groove Back
Best Torture - NecronLord: Cruel and Demented Crossover - Janeway
Best Use of Star Trek - consequences: The True Rebellion - Apath Iruled's test
Best Use of Star Wars - consequences: The True Rebellion - Liberal use of ion cannons
Funniest Death - consequences: Thirty Years Warning - Janeway
Goriest Fanfic
Highest Body Count
Most Fair and Unbiased Fanfic - Stravo: Twilight War
Most Humorous Fanfic - Kuja: How Stravo Got his Groove Back
Most Original Character - consequences: The True Rebellion - Apath Iruled
Most Original Story - Stravo: Twilight War
Most Spectacular Death
Overall Best Fanfic

Posted: 2003-10-24 06:22pm
by haas mark
Best Character Development -
Best Ending -
Best Ground Combat -
Best Space Battle -
Best Duel -
Best Romance -
Most Creative Tactic -
Best Use of Technobabble -
Best Title - Suicide Squad by Pablo Sanchez. Just because. -note to self: read it-
Best Torture -
Best Use of Star Trek -
Best Use of Star Wars -
Funniest Death -
Goriest Fanfic -
Highest Body Count -
Most Fair and Unbiased Fanfic -
Most Humorous Fanfic - How Stravo Got His Groove Back by Kuja
Most Original Character -
Most Original Story - The Scars You See, the Scars You Don't by Kuja
Most Spectacular Death -
Overall Best Fanfic -

That's really all I can come up with. :?


Posted: 2003-10-24 06:34pm
by Pablo Sanchez
verilon wrote:Best Character Development - Since I haven't read too much of anything, Starcrossed by Stravo
It won that one last year, it can't get it again :P

Posted: 2003-10-24 06:37pm
by Stravo
Pablo Sanchez wrote:
verilon wrote:Best Character Development - Since I haven't read too much of anything, Starcrossed by Stravo
It won that one last year, it can't get it again :P
Really? :(

Posted: 2003-10-24 06:43pm
by Singular Quartet
Pablo Sanchez wrote:
verilon wrote:Best Character Development - Since I haven't read too much of anything, Starcrossed by Stravo
It won that one last year, it can't get it again :P
Yep, but it still hasn't won the following:

Best Ending
Best Romance
Best Title
Best Torture
Goriest fic
Most Humourous Fic

I don't think it'll win Ending (this year, anyways), Torture(Lt. Hit-man or Necronlord has that one, although Shep and his unnamed pron fanfic might wedge in) or Humor (Kuja owns it)

Posted: 2003-10-24 06:55pm
by haas mark
Pablo Sanchez wrote:
verilon wrote:Best Character Development - Since I haven't read too much of anything, Starcrossed by Stravo
It won that one last year, it can't get it again :P
You see.. this I would not remember offhand.. I'm trying to do ten million things at once.. and that's a bad idea. ;)

As for that, I guess I'll have to rescind that one, because I don't know anything else well enough or at all in order to be able to put something there..


Posted: 2003-10-24 07:36pm
by Pablo Sanchez
Stravo wrote:Really? :(
How fair would it be to everyone else if you could win the GSDA time after time?

Posted: 2003-10-24 08:50pm
by Mark S
The best is supposed to win. If people still think Stravo has the best of the year, he should win again.

Posted: 2003-10-24 08:51pm
by Stravo
Pablo Sanchez wrote:
Stravo wrote:Really? :(
How fair would it be to everyone else if you could win the GSDA time after time?
Silly, we're not talking about fairness here. :P

Posted: 2003-10-24 09:04pm
by Pablo Sanchez
Mark S wrote:The best is supposed to win. If people still think Stravo has the best of the year, he should win again.
Boy, you sure do know a lot about the GSDAs--more about them, in fact, than the people who created them! Thank you for your input, Mark S, but I'm more inclined to believe your good friend and mine, Dalton of the ASVS Fanfic Archive and FUQ, in this matter, being that he's the person who actually runs the contest.

Posted: 2003-10-24 10:58pm
by Mark S
Pablo Sanchez wrote:
Mark S wrote:The best is supposed to win. If people still think Stravo has the best of the year, he should win again.
Boy, you sure do know a lot about the GSDAs--more about them, in fact, than the people who created them! Thank you for your input, Mark S, but I'm more inclined to believe your good friend and mine, Dalton of the ASVS Fanfic Archive and FUQ, in this matter, being that he's the person who actually runs the contest.
Wow. I had no idea you were going to take my opinion so hard. You're right. I obviously don't remember the rules that well. I bow before your superior knowledge of the rules. :roll:

Posted: 2003-10-24 11:30pm
by Pablo Sanchez
Mark S wrote:Wow. I had no idea you were going to take my opinion so hard.
I should be happy when someone walks into a discussion without any frame of reference and flatly contradicts me?
You're right. I obviously don't remember the rules that well. I bow before your superior knowledge of the rules. :roll:
Why yes, you are incorrect in this issue, and I am better informed than you. Did you have a point?

Posted: 2003-10-25 01:40am
by Kuja
Mark S wrote:The best is supposed to win. If people still think Stravo has the best of the year, he should win again.
Dalton has said flatly: it's not allowed, and I agree with him. It's not fair to other writers who are submitting fics for a single popular fic win the same GSDAs over and over. One GSDA in a category is enough to tell people, "Hey, this fic is great in this area!" It doesn't need multiples.

No offense to Stravo; I think Starcrossed is a GREAT story, and if it wins any awards it missed last year, that's cool. But I don't think it should continue to recieve layers of accolades at the expense of other deserving stories.

Posted: 2003-10-25 01:44am
by Stravo
And Kuja's right.

Posted: 2003-10-25 03:00am
by Dalton
Huh, guess I put it off a bit too much. Sorry, I've been busy. I guess I should begin work. The only thing I really have a problem with is the nomination process.

Mark S: Oscar-nominated and Oscar-winning films don't get to run/win again. The same holds true for the GSDAs. At least, for that category (a precedent established in year 2).

Posted: 2003-10-25 04:02am
by Lex
well it will be hard to award stravo with the best ending award... hmm funniest FF, nah... heck i dunno what Goriest FIc means, so no... best Torture? well i havent seen one good in SC, so nah

I'll give out two awards:

Best Title - Stracrossed by Stravo
Best Romance - Starcrossed by Stravo

Posted: 2003-10-25 05:44pm
by Dalton
I'm probably going to phase out the Best Title award this year.

Posted: 2003-10-25 05:46pm
by Lex
pfftt just cause i chose it? meany

Posted: 2003-10-25 06:49pm
by Mitth`raw`nuruodo
Starcrossed was a GREAT title... I didn't think about it at the time, but we're reading Romeo & Juliet in English class and...yeah. (prolouge had the word, so I went to look it up...)

Posted: 2003-10-25 07:04pm
by Stravo
Dalton wrote:I'm probably going to phase out the Best Title award this year.
Don't take this the wrong way but I think thats a mistake. Authors spend ALOT of time thinking up a title for their work. They deserve some credit for that.

Posted: 2003-10-25 08:23pm
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
Stravo wrote:
Dalton wrote:I'm probably going to phase out the Best Title award this year.
Don't take this the wrong way but I think thats a mistake. Authors spend ALOT of time thinking up a title for their work.

...Yes, they, er, do...

Posted: 2003-10-25 08:33pm
by Singular Quartet
Grand Admiral Thrawn wrote:
Stravo wrote:
Dalton wrote:I'm probably going to phase out the Best Title award this year.
Don't take this the wrong way but I think thats a mistake. Authors spend ALOT of time thinking up a title for their work.

...Yes, they, er, do...
You've never spent four days tyring to think up a decent titles, and omly come up with shit. There's a reason both of my most recent peices of writing have shitty one word titles.

Posted: 2003-10-26 01:51am
by Dalton
I'll reconsider.

Posted: 2003-10-26 11:49am
by Pablo Sanchez
Grand Admiral Thrawn wrote:...Yes, they, er, do...
Well, I'm writing something now and it took me around three days to decide on a title... but 90% of that period was deciding between the two choices I came up with almost immediately.