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Titan IV - Evangelion

Posted: 2003-10-26 03:31pm
by Micheal Ryans, Beta pilot
Titan IV: Evangelion

“This is Princeps Hekate to all Titans, advance into the pit, maximum power.”

“Aye Dictatio, but what do you plan?” Princeps Tyyl of the Imperious Fulcare asked.

“My plan is to obliterate that thing,” Hekate replied. “Advance and do not falter. The very bodies of our God-Machines are anathema to it. ADVANCE!

The five remaining Titans strode forward, searing warp energy that no lesser vehicle could withstand flickering across their void shields as they marched resolutely into the teeth of the daemon-thing.

Dictatio’s shields met the flesh of the enemy, and then the Titan itself touched the monster.

For a heartbeat, nothing happened; then a brilliant light enveloped the Titans, Voss screamed something incoherent about the sensors going off the scale, and Hekate blacked out from the shock.


“Princeps? Princeps, are you alright?”

Hekate blinked, attempting to clear his vision.

“Yes Moderati, I am fine, aside from a headache that feels like a capital ship just hit me,” Hekate replied. “Now, where are we?”

“I’m not sure sir,” Voss said, “Thanks to our shields the EMP didn’t cripple us this time – which Dorn is very grateful for, believe me – but the background radiation is disrupting most of our scanners; I can barely get a clear pict display, much less a long-range surveyor reading.”

“I see,” Hekate said, his spinal link sore, as it generally was after long periods of inactivity.

“Sir,” Zygo reported, his neural links glowing slightly as information from both the Titan’s sensors and the tactician’s mind flickered between both, “I’m detecting something on the fringes of our sensor range.”

“Which is?” Hekate replied, feeling Dictatio activate.

“I’m not sure. It appears to be about our size, but…organic?” Zygo said, incredulous.

“Any indications of hostile intent?” Hekate asked, returning to the command chair.

“No sir, I’m not detecting anything. It appears to be… Wait!” Zygo cried, “Energy spike in the target! It’s charging weapons!”

Posted: 2003-10-26 03:57pm
by Singular Quartet
I'll withhold critique until I see more.

Posted: 2003-10-26 04:11pm
by Micheal Ryans, Beta pilot
Singular Quartet wrote:I'll withhold critique until I see more.
There won't be any more, at least until I work out whether this is the 3rd or 14th Angel Zygo spotted. :x

Posted: 2003-10-26 04:49pm
by Singular Quartet
Micheal Ryans, Beta pilot wrote:
Singular Quartet wrote:I'll withhold critique until I see more.
There won't be any more, at least until I work out whether this is the 3rd or 14th Angel Zygo spotted. :x
How much firepower can it bring to bear?

Posted: 2003-10-26 06:03pm
by Micheal Ryans, Beta pilot
Singular Quartet wrote:How much firepower can it bring to bear?
A lot. Dictatio's armed with twin shoulder turbo laser batteries, a volcano cannon on the left arm, and a gatling blaster on the right.

Hekate describes nine Warlord Titans as being enough to conquer a world about halfway through Cold Steel, and I don't count that as hyperbole because Hekate wasn't trying to impress anyone, just stating facts (internal monologue, no one to impress).

There's also what happens when Titans engage regular forces in Storm of Iron, which includes Titans atomising tanks and Warhounds playing football with Land Raiders.

Posted: 2003-10-27 04:27pm
by Singular Quartet
Micheal Ryans, Beta pilot wrote:
Singular Quartet wrote:How much firepower can it bring to bear?
A lot. Dictatio's armed with twin shoulder turbo laser batteries, a volcano cannon on the left arm, and a gatling blaster on the right.

Hekate describes nine Warlord Titans as being enough to conquer a world about halfway through Cold Steel, and I don't count that as hyperbole because Hekate wasn't trying to impress anyone, just stating facts (internal monologue, no one to impress).

There's also what happens when Titans engage regular forces in Storm of Iron, which includes Titans atomising tanks and Warhounds playing football with Land Raiders.
In other words, it could take on both of them, rip through the rest of the angels, glass tokyo-3, and then quick run over to some nearby city and let the pilot eat lunch.

Guess it doesn't really matter which one you fight, then...

I'd suggest basing it on how much work you want to do. Do you want the damn thing in the entire series or do you want it in only about half the series?

Posted: 2003-10-27 04:33pm
by Micheal Ryans, Beta pilot
Singular Quartet wrote:In other words, it could take on both of them, rip through the rest of the angels, glass tokyo-3, and then quick run over to some nearby city and let the pilot eat lunch.
I'm going to overstate the Eva/Angel's power levels, so that Dictatio has a challenge. That's one of the reasons I'm ignoring the quote in Crusade for Armageddon that gives any volcano cannon-armed unit giga/teraton range weapons. :twisted:
Guess it doesn't really matter which one you fight, then...
If it was Honouris Causa, then having it and Zeruel going at one-another would be cool. Honouris Causa has a powerfist BTW.
I'd suggest basing it on how much work you want to do. Do you want the damn thing in the entire series or do you want it in only about half the series?
That's what I'm trying to work out.

Posted: 2003-10-28 02:23pm
by Companion Cube
Wheee. :) Two universes I like in one package.

Posted: 2003-10-29 07:35am
by Spanky The Dolphin
I honestly could not make any sense of that entire section...

Posted: 2003-10-29 08:42am
by Companion Cube
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:I honestly could not make any sense of that entire section...
He's sticking to the WH40K universe, and adding some angels in, as far as I can see. It wouldn't make much sense unless you know a fair bit about the Warhammer 40,000 universe.

Posted: 2003-10-29 10:02am
by Singular Quartet
3rd Impact wrote:
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:I honestly could not make any sense of that entire section...
He's sticking to the WH40K universe, and adding some angels in, as far as I can see. It wouldn't make much sense unless you know a fair bit about the Warhammer 40,000 universe.
Actually, it seemed to me that he had dumped the Titan direclty ontop of Tokyo-3 when an Angel is attacking.

Posted: 2003-10-29 10:35am
by Micheal Ryans, Beta pilot
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:I honestly could not make any sense of that entire section...
I'll try and explain then.

Titan: Walking war machine used by the Adeptus Mechanicus, the machine-priests of Mars. Titans vary in size from 20 (Warhound) to 100 (Imperator) meters, and are the often singular most powerful unit deployed in land-based combat. Mounting weapons capable of flattening entire cities, it is no understatement to refer to Titans as God-Machines.

Princeps: A princeps is part of the Titan he commands, the flesh and blood half of the symbiosis between man and machine. Princeps of the Adeptus Titanicus are called 'Gods of Battle', for combined with their Titans they are indeed, to all who fight with them and all who would dare oppose them, gods.

Mind-link: The bond between princeps and Titan that allows them to fight and think as one.

Moderati: Effectively a co-pilot, a Titan's moderati handles those systems the princeps can't focus his attention on, diverting power, activating autoloaders, and so on.

Tactician: Another supporting crewmember, the tactician co-ordinates with coventional forces, mointors the Titan's sensor arrays, and provides the moderati and princeps with relevant battlefield data.

Chief engineer: This crew position is filled by a Tech-Priest, charged with maintaining the ancient and sacred mechanisms that comprise the Titan's reactor core and weapons systems. He is assisted in this task by ~six lesser Tech-Adepts and a small army of Servitors, some slaved to the close-in defence weapons and others roaming the walker, performing repairs and routine checks.

3rd Impact: Actually, Hekate has just been rather unceremoniously dumped a few miles from Toyko-3. This is, understandably, going to be rather disruptive to the EVa-verse timeline

Posted: 2003-11-04 05:49pm
by Micheal Ryans, Beta pilot
Spanky: I'll be digging out some more of the fluff I've got on Titans, both for research and for reading, since Titans are what attracted me to 40K in the first place. Something about telepathically controlled thousand-tonne war machines with their own personality appeals to me :) .

So, need any info on Titans in particular, or just the 40K universe in general?

Posted: 2003-11-04 05:57pm
by Rye
Micheal Ryans, Beta pilot wrote:Spanky: I'll be digging out some more of the fluff I've got on Titans, both for research and for reading, since Titans are what attracted me to 40K in the first place. Something about telepathically controlled thousand-tonne war machines with their own personality appeals to me :) .

So, need any info on Titans in particular, or just the 40K universe in general?
I used to have an Imperator Titan in ultramarine colours, include one of them at some point. :D

Posted: 2003-11-04 06:04pm
by Micheal Ryans, Beta pilot
Rye wrote:I used to have an Imperator Titan in ultramarine colours, include one of them at some point. :D
:shock: Cool.

I do intend for a full Legio to put in an appearance at one point, probably at the point EoE is set, and I like the idea of a blue and white Imperator striding forth onto the battlefield, so I'll see what I can do.

Posted: 2003-11-05 05:23am
by Spanky The Dolphin
To tell you the truth, I really don't care. :)

But I'd be glad to answer any Eva-related questions.

Posted: 2003-11-05 01:40pm
by Micheal Ryans, Beta pilot
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:To tell you the truth, I really don't care. :)

But I'd be glad to answer any Eva-related questions.
Thanks. I don't know as much about NGE as I'd like, which is rather unfortunate.

Posted: 2003-11-18 05:40pm
by Micheal Ryans, Beta pilot
Just posting to let you know I haven't forgotten this, and am working my ass off to get a new post ready.

Posted: 2003-12-13 01:29pm
by Black Admiral
Sorry abouty my tardiness with this chapter, but I lost what I had written when I had to format my HD.
Titan IV – Chapter Two

Hekate touched Dictatio’s machine spirit, bracing for combat.

“Dorn, bring the reactor up to full power and set the servos for striding speed. Voss, power up all weapons, activate autoloaders and prepare to raise shields. Zygo, give me target locks now.”

The command crew raced to follow Hekate’s orders as Dictatio advanced, each step carrying it dozens of meters as power and hydraulic fluid flowed through its artificial veins.


- NERV headquarters

“Ma’am, Geofront armour levels 1 through 18 breached!” Shigeru Aoba shouted, bypassing damaged systems relays and powering up defences that had never been meant for use within the Geofront itself.

“Damn. Unit Two’s status?” Misato snapped.

“ETD sixty seconds,” Hyuga, the most junior of the ops staffers, called back.

Misato swore inventively in several different languages.

NERV needed a miracle.

And then a miracle happened.

Four blinding streaks of energy slammed into the Angel, searing great wounds in its flesh.

On the main screen, a gigantic shape, resembling only vaguely an Eva, or the failed Jet Alone – and then only because its shape was roughly humanoid – strode towards Toyko-3.

It stood over sixty meters tall, as tall as an EVA and much bulkier. Both arms were weapons, one a giant gatling gun and the other some unknown cannon. The legs were vast flared towers, built to support the huge torso, upon which rested twin gun batteries.

The head resembled a stylised human skull, supported by a ‘neck’ consisting of powerful hydraulic cables.

The screen flickered, and then resolved into an image of a man in his mid-fifties, with a thin moustache and strikingly close-cut black hair.

“Voss, have you got the damn hololith-caster working yet?” he snapped at someone off-screen.

“Yes sir,” the unseen technician – or whatever this ‘Voss’ was – replied.

“Well good,” the man said. “My apologies for my moderati’s tardiness in establishing a communications link. I am Ervin Hekate, princeps of Imperius Dictatio and a warrior of the Legionnes Titanicus. It would seem I and my crew chose a fortuitous moment to arrive.”

“Um, what exactly is that thing you pilot?” Misato said, before she though otherwise.

“It is a Warlord-class Battle Titan, and I honestly don’t have time for this. Do you want my help or don’t you?” Hekate snapped.

“Well, if you’re offering it,” Misato replied.

“I am. I’d appreciate any tactical data you have on this thing, as well as weak spots, known or theory,” Hekate said. “My tactician has more exact details – Wait. Zygo, confirm those readings; they looked like a weapon charging.”

The camera zoomed out, revealing a command centre not unlike the Over the Rainbow’s, except smaller and with only three command stations.

“Readings confirmed sir,” a dark-skinned – not to mention obviously younger – man said, fingers dancing over a control board. “Seems like something of equal power to our turbo laser batteries.”

“Ah. Voss, bring power up to full combat levels. Dorn, I want striding speed and our shields up at maximum. Zygo, I need firing solutions, now.” Hekate commanded, then turned back to Misato. “I wish to know the name of my hunting partner, Ma’am.”

“Major Misato Katsuragi, princeps.”

“In that case, Major Katsuragi, good hunting. Dictatio out,” Hekate said, turning off the holoprojector.


Within the city of Toyko-3, living Gods clashed, one forged of sacred metal, the other of living flesh.

“Dorn, get those damn shields back up!” Hekate yelled, parrying another blow on the volcano cannon arm and pistoning the gatling blaster into the enemy’s ‘face’.

The Angel, as the tactical data Zygo had received identified it, clawed at the reactivated void shields, sending arcs of lightning flaring all around the Titan – harmless, but spectacular.

Of more worry to Hekate was the information gleaned from this engagement. The enemy’s photon burst cannon, as Zygo had dubbed it, was far more potent than its power output suggested, and had nearly stripped them of their void shields’ protective bubble in one strike.

A mad charge had brought them into close quarters range, which was proving somewhat more suicidal than Hekate had hoped. He was sure a god-engine such as an Emperor-class Titan could prevail, but his already damaged Warlord…

“Have faith!” he chided himself.

“Of course sir,” Voss replied, thinking a reply was need, “’For a warrior’s faith in his commander is his best armour and his strongest weapon,’” the moderati quoted.

Hekate smiled. His crew were the finest, and that quote awoke the warrior’s fury within.

“Truth, moderati. Now let’s kill this monster.”


Far, far away, a lone figure stared at the stars, looking into the Empyrean beyond.

His name was Aurielius, and he was a Lexicanium Librarian of the Raven Guard.

He was also extremely troubled by what he saw.

Nonetheless, he noticed when another warrior, clad in the black and white of a captain strode into the meditation chamber.

“Brother-Captain Heras. I’ve been expecting you. There are ripples in the Warp. I sense the fleet, and we, are needed somewhere,” Aurielius said, concentrating, trying to follow the thread of his destiny.

“Where?” Heras asked.

“You know the answer to that,” Aurielius replied. “The city we both have seen, in our dreams. There is where we must go, and it must be done quickly. I have never been surer of anything than I am of this; if we do not go now, then billions of the Emperor’s citizens will die, and the enemies who killed them will go free.”

“Very well.” Heras nodded, then activated his vox-link. “Heras to the bridge, change heading to the course Aurielius will give you when he arrives. Inform the fleet to do the same.”

The strike cruiser Kiavahr's Pride altered course, sliding into another warp ‘current’, followed momentarily by the fleet of warships and transports it was accompanying.

None of the captains dared refuse a request for aid from the Space Marines; to them, such was a dire heresy.

Posted: 2003-12-13 02:54pm
by Companion Cube
That was interesting. :D

I'm waiting on the Space Marines vs. SEELE battle... :wink:

Posted: 2003-12-13 03:01pm
by Black Admiral
3rd Impact wrote:That was interesting. :D

I'm waiting on the Space Marines vs. SEELE battle... :wink:
Aurielius and the Raven Guard should (read 'are going to') arrive sooner than EoE.

Strike cruisers are a damnsight quicker than standard Navy ships after all.

Posted: 2003-12-16 04:06am
by Spanky The Dolphin
I think Aoba would call Misato "Major Katsuragi" rather than "Ma'am."

Which Angel is being featured?

Posted: 2003-12-16 01:55pm
by Singular Quartet
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:I think Aoba would call Misato "Major Katsuragi" rather than "Ma'am."

Which Angel is being featured?
Zeruel is the name, I forget which number it is, though. It's the flaoty one with the ribbons. You figure that out by how it blasted through the first 18 layers of the geofront in a single shot.

Posted: 2003-12-16 04:49pm
by Black Admiral
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:I think Aoba would call Misato "Major Katsuragi" rather than "Ma'am."
Feth. You know, I knew I'd make at least one mistake like that.
Which Angel is being featured?
The 14th, Zeruel as I recall.

Posted: 2003-12-16 07:13pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
I see. I was tired and didn't make the connection, so assumed that it was a new one, which would be impossible.