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Request for Review

Posted: 2003-10-28 12:31pm
by jegs2
As my story isn't sci-fi related, I won't post it, but click this link to see it on I value the input of my fellow authors, so tell me what you think.

Posted: 2003-10-29 04:35pm
by The Duchess of Zeon
I'll try to provide one this weekend.

Posted: 2003-10-29 05:23pm
by Singular Quartet
Hmm... not bad, I'd have to say. Can't really compare it to my chidlhood, as we never really had any pranksters in our calls, and the obly bullies I ever had were not a pair of idividuals, but most of my entire 3rd grade class instead...

As to the actual writing... hrmm... I'd ahve to say you encompassed the natural rambling of small children very well, along with their worries and games, too. Semantically, it's very good. Synatxtically... it looks fine. Didn't see anything obvious, and nothing that didn't mesh. Looks fine, to me.

Posted: 2003-11-06 03:14pm
by jegs2
Thanks for the review, SQ. May try to rewrite and publish a Coast Guard story next...