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GSDA Category Listings

Posted: 2003-11-10 10:56pm
by Dalton
Here's the current list of categories. New ones are bolded, ones under consideration for removed are italicized:

The Darth Vader "The Force is Strong in this One" Award for Best Character Development

The Grand Moff Tarkin "Evacuate? In our Moment of Triumph?" Award for Best Ending

The General Veers "You May Start Your Landing" Award for Best Ground Combat

The Lando Calrissian "We'll Last Longer Than We Will Against That Death Star!" Award for Best Space Battle

The Master Yoda "Judge Me By My Size, Do You?" Award for Best Duel

The Darth Vader "Luke...I am your Father" Award for Most Unexpected Plot Twist

The Princess Leia "I'd Just as Soon Kiss a Wookiee!" Award for Best Romance - Let's face it, romance isn't a big part of any fics here :) If you guys want to keep it, though, fine by me, but this category has usually been very thin.

The Grand Admiral Thrawn "When You Understand a Species' Art, You Understand that Species" Award for Most Creative Tactic

The Lt.Cmdr. Data "Quantum Tetryon Actuator" Award for Best Use of Technobabble

The George Lucas "Better than 'TPM/AOTC'" Award for Best Title - Because The Phantom Menace was just as lame as Attack of the Clones.

The Jean-Luc Picard "THERE ARE FOUR LIGHTS!" Award for Best Torture

The Borg Collective "Resistance is Futile" Award for Best Use of Star Trek

The Jabba the Hutt "My Favorite Decoration" Award for Best Use of Star Wars

The Tasha Yar "That's it!" Award for Funniest Death

The Commander Worf "Feeling Aggressive Tendencies" Award for Goriest Fanfic

The Mon Mothma "Many Bothans Died to Bring Us This Information" Award for Highest Body Count

The C-3PO "Let the Wookiee Win" Award for Most Fair and Unbiased Fanfic - I'm considering removing this one. Fairness and bias aren't very relevant to a good story.

The Han Solo "I Know That Laugh" Award for Most Humorous Fanfic

The 7 of 9 "You Think in Such Small Terms" Award for Most Original Character

The Reginald Barclay "Strict Dress Code" Award for Most Original Story - This one needs a new character line.

The Boba Fett "No Disintegrations" Award for Most Spectacular Death

The Emperor Palpatine's Highest Honor for Overall Best Fanfic

The Mr. Spock "You Are Most Illogical" Award for Most Fucked-up Fanfic - Contributed by SQ.

The Mark Sheppard "Imperial Phoenix" Award for Best Denizen-based Fanfic - Mark started the denizen fic craze with Imperial Phoenix. With Mark's permission, of course.

The following are some I've been mulling over:

The Odo/Quark Headbutting Award for Best Rivalry (or something) - For characters that play off each other really well.

The Constable Odo "Rom is an Idiot" Award for Dumbest Idea, Villain or Tactic - Though this would qualify more as a Rusty Transport Award.

The Enterprise Crew Award for Best Ensemble Cast - Probably'd fit more with denizen fics.

I've considered changing some other character lines and quotes as well. Thoughts, comments, concerns?

Posted: 2003-11-11 12:46am
by Hotfoot
Dalton wrote:The Reginald Barclay "Strict Dress Code" Award for Most Original Story - This one needs a new character line.
How about this?

The James T. Kirk "To boldly go where no man has gone before" Award for Most Original Story

Posted: 2003-11-11 04:16am
by Dalton
Hotfoot wrote:The James T. Kirk "To boldly go where no man has gone before" Award for Most Original Story
Perhaps, but Kirk was already used for the Lifetime Achievement Award a couple years back.

Re: GSDA Category Listings

Posted: 2003-11-11 10:41am
by Singular Quartet
Looks Alright to me... but then again, since my award suggestion made it in... I'm not one to complain.

Posted: 2003-11-13 12:20am
by weemadando
Dalton wrote:
Hotfoot wrote:The James T. Kirk "To boldly go where no man has gone before" Award for Most Original Story
Perhaps, but Kirk was already used for the Lifetime Achievement Award a couple years back.
How about the "Well its not Kevin J. Anderson" Award for Most Original Story.

Because, well, lets face it, when was the last time he wrote something original.

Posted: 2003-11-13 02:30am
by Dalton
weemadando wrote:
Dalton wrote:
Hotfoot wrote:The James T. Kirk "To boldly go where no man has gone before" Award for Most Original Story
Perhaps, but Kirk was already used for the Lifetime Achievement Award a couple years back.
How about the "Well its not Kevin J. Anderson" Award for Most Original Story.

Because, well, lets face it, when was the last time he wrote something original.
KJA does not deserve the honor of being insulted in the GSD awards.

Posted: 2003-11-14 11:56pm
by Singular Quartet
Dalton wrote:
weemadando wrote:
Dalton wrote: Perhaps, but Kirk was already used for the Lifetime Achievement Award a couple years back.
How about the "Well its not Kevin J. Anderson" Award for Most Original Story.

Because, well, lets face it, when was the last time he wrote something original.
KJA does not deserve the honor of being insulted in the GSD awards.
That's harsh.

Posted: 2003-11-14 11:56pm
by weemadando
Dalton wrote:
weemadando wrote:
Dalton wrote: Perhaps, but Kirk was already used for the Lifetime Achievement Award a couple years back.
How about the "Well its not Kevin J. Anderson" Award for Most Original Story.

Because, well, lets face it, when was the last time he wrote something original.
KJA does not deserve the honor of being insulted in the GSD awards.
Awwwwww... You're no fun anymore!

How about we create a dishonourable award: "The Wachowski Bros. Award for Incoherent Plot development"

Posted: 2003-11-14 11:57pm
by Singular Quartet
weemadando wrote:
Dalton wrote:
weemadando wrote: How about the "Well its not Kevin J. Anderson" Award for Most Original Story.

Because, well, lets face it, when was the last time he wrote something original.
KJA does not deserve the honor of being insulted in the GSD awards.
Awwwwww... You're no fun anymore!

How about we create a dishonourable award: "The Wachowski Bros. Award for Incoherent Plot development"
I think I got that cornered with the "Most fucked up fanfic" award...

Posted: 2003-11-26 07:37am
by Dalton
SQ, that's for fics that are fucked up in a GOOD way :D

Re: GSDA Category Listings

Posted: 2003-11-26 07:46am
by Darth Fanboy
Dalton wrote:
The Princess Leia "I'd Just as Soon Kiss a Wookiee!" Award for Best Romance - Let's face it, romance isn't a big part of any fics here :) If you guys want to keep it, though, fine by me, but this category has usually been very thin.
Well There's a budding relationship in that wonderfully written fanfic "Escape From San Francisco" However, there have been no nominations due to its lack of popularity, which stems from a lack of quality, which can be directed at the author's writing style, which includes several tranquilized monkeys, delicious Teriyaki sauce, and an intricate pulley system.

Posted: 2003-11-26 12:09pm
by Singular Quartet
Dalton wrote:SQ, that's for fics that are fucked up in a GOOD way :D
Oh, alright.

Oh, and Fanboy: When are you going to post the next chapter. I'm been waiting for 2000AD's death for some time now...

Posted: 2003-11-26 02:19pm
by Darth Fanboy
Singular Quartet wrote:
Dalton wrote:SQ, that's for fics that are fucked up in a GOOD way :D
Oh, alright.

Oh, and Fanboy: When are you going to post the next chapter. I'm been waiting for 2000AD's death for some time now...
youre thinking of gnome Hunter,

Unfortunately for Gnome hunter, recent events that are taking place in "how Stravo Got His groove Back" too closely mirror what I was going to do, so in the interest of uniqueness and idividuality I scrapped the latest chapter AGAIn and its now set back about a week, possibly further depending on how many more Ducks games I decide to go to before Christmas

Posted: 2003-11-27 08:03am
by Singular Quartet
Darth Fanboy wrote:
Singular Quartet wrote:
Dalton wrote:SQ, that's for fics that are fucked up in a GOOD way :D
Oh, alright.

Oh, and Fanboy: When are you going to post the next chapter. I'm been waiting for 2000AD's death for some time now...
youre thinking of gnome Hunter,

Unfortunately for Gnome hunter, recent events that are taking place in "how Stravo Got His groove Back" too closely mirror what I was going to do, so in the interest of uniqueness and idividuality I scrapped the latest chapter AGAIn and its now set back about a week, possibly further depending on how many more Ducks games I decide to go to before Christmas
*grumbles something about juju, hexes, and the Ducks*

Posted: 2003-11-29 11:48am
by The Yosemite Bear
"I think I just saw a white rabbit run past here"(ST Shore Leave), for most just plain BENT fiction....

ok so it's one that LT Hitman will win every year with mild competition from Me, Spyda, Sheppard & Ray Cav.....

Posted: 2003-11-29 01:19pm
by 2000AD
Darth Fanboy wrote:
Singular Quartet wrote: Oh, and Fanboy: When are you going to post the next chapter. I'm been waiting for 2000AD's death for some time now...
youre thinking of gnome Hunter,

Unfortunately for Gnome hunter, recent events that are taking place in "how Stravo Got His groove Back" too closely mirror what I was going to do, so in the interest of uniqueness and idividuality I scrapped the latest chapter AGAIn and its now set back about a week, possibly further depending on how many more Ducks games I decide to go to before Christmas
Muhahahaaaa, i survive for another week!

Posted: 2003-11-30 01:28pm
by Singular Quartet
2000AD wrote:
Darth Fanboy wrote:
Singular Quartet wrote: Oh, and Fanboy: When are you going to post the next chapter. I'm been waiting for 2000AD's death for some time now...
youre thinking of gnome Hunter,

Unfortunately for Gnome hunter, recent events that are taking place in "how Stravo Got His groove Back" too closely mirror what I was going to do, so in the interest of uniqueness and idividuality I scrapped the latest chapter AGAIn and its now set back about a week, possibly further depending on how many more Ducks games I decide to go to before Christmas
Muhahahaaaa, i survive for another week!
If I win, then trust me, you'll be surviving for a while...

Posted: 2003-11-30 02:03pm
by Crayz9000
Perhaps we should be splitting the GSDAs into two parts: the Golden Stardestroyer Awards, for good fanfics, and the Rusty Galaxy Awards, for bad fanfics...

Posted: 2003-11-30 06:20pm
by 2000AD
Singular Quartet wrote:
2000AD wrote:
Muhahahaaaa, i survive for another week!
If I win, then trust me, you'll be surviving for a while...
I'd say wahoo, but given your preious posts i'm betting there's something loooooong and painful in there somewhere.

Posted: 2003-11-30 07:39pm
by Singular Quartet
2000AD wrote:
Singular Quartet wrote:
2000AD wrote:
Muhahahaaaa, i survive for another week!
If I win, then trust me, you'll be surviving for a while...
I'd say wahoo, but given your preious posts i'm betting there's something loooooong and painful in there somewhere.
t won't be painful. Trust me. :twisted:

Posted: 2003-11-30 07:40pm
by 2000AD
Singular Quartet wrote: t won't be painful. Trust me. :twisted:
Phew, that's a reli- hey wait a minute!

Posted: 2003-11-30 07:41pm
by Singular Quartet
2000AD wrote:
Singular Quartet wrote: t won't be painful. Trust me. :twisted:
Phew, that's a reli- hey wait a minute!
What? :angelic:

Posted: 2003-11-30 10:53pm
by Raoul Duke, Jr.
How about, The Khan Noonien Singh "From Hell's Heart I Stab At Thee..." Award For Toughest Character?

Posted: 2003-11-30 10:57pm
by darthdavid
The "whiskey tango foxtrot?" award for most fucked up fanfic

Posted: 2003-11-30 11:10pm
by Raoul Duke, Jr.
The Agent Smith, "It is inevitable." Award For Most Predictable Fanfic