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Using Important Characters in Fanfics

Posted: 2003-11-14 07:46pm
by Kitsune
I have begun working on my new Star Trek Story. It is going by the name Star Trek: Rebellion.

My question is if I should use some of the name TV Series characters? The story is eight years after the Dominion War. I am also wondering what people would be doing such as do you think Riker has ever gotten command of the Enterprise but if he is still second officer. Also, how would audiance look at them being villians in the story.

Posted: 2003-11-14 08:09pm
by Singular Quartet
Well... Riker, according to Nemisis, finally decieded to take command of his own ship, actually (and took Deanna along with him as his wife.) Data got wiped out and was pathetically resurected in the form of B-4. Rather sad, really...

If you are going to use ST, just ignore Nemisis, since it was rather shitty.

Posted: 2003-11-14 08:12pm
by Kitsune
Singular Quartet wrote:Well... Riker, according to Nemisis, finally decieded to take command of his own ship, actually (and took Deanna along with him as his wife.) Data got wiped out and was pathetically resurected in the form of B-4. Rather sad, really...

If you are going to use ST, just ignore Nemisis, since it was rather shitty.
With teh changes, do you think that emans the end of the TNG movies?

Posted: 2003-11-14 10:10pm
by Singular Quartet
Kitsune wrote:
Singular Quartet wrote:Well... Riker, according to Nemisis, finally decieded to take command of his own ship, actually (and took Deanna along with him as his wife.) Data got wiped out and was pathetically resurected in the form of B-4. Rather sad, really...

If you are going to use ST, just ignore Nemisis, since it was rather shitty.
With teh changes, do you think that emans the end of the TNG movies?
I hope so. Nemisis, I think, was the last straw with many ST fans. The entire movie was a sack of steaming shit, wrapped in extrement, and padded with feces. I hope in pary, to whatever gods that give a damn, that I will never have to watch that movie again.

Granted, the only reason I ever watched it is because my gf's a trekkie, but still...

Posted: 2003-11-14 11:26pm
by darthdavid
A massive fucking starship is coming at your ship. What do you do?
A)blow it up
B)move out of the way
C)Wait till it hits and then turn on your thrusters at full revers leaving your ship heavily dammaged
I think i'll pick c...

Re: Using Important Characters in Fanfics

Posted: 2003-11-14 11:34pm
by Stofsk
Kitsune wrote:I have begun working on my new Star Trek Story. It is going by the name Star Trek: Rebellion.
I take it that this will be an overthrow of a corrupt communist federation? Sounds like a dumb question, but its piqued my interest.
My question is if I should use some of the name TV Series characters? The story is eight years after the Dominion War.
Depends on the characters. I can't really like anyone from that period. It does depend on the plot and setting, however.
I am also wondering what people would be doing such as do you think Riker has ever gotten command of the Enterprise but if he is still second officer. Also, how would audiance look at them being villians in the story.
I personally think they ARE villians in the story. The way Picard and Sisko (who were following orders from the Federation) treated the Maquis was abominable. I also think its a neat twist, particularly since we've come to expect Starfleet as a Den of Heroes, it would be nice to see them presented in a different point of view.

Why not have some Maquis survivors as your characters? Chakotay was a good character, up until he got neutered by Janeway. Maybe he went on a spirit quest or whatever after Voyager returned, got himself sorted out and is leading the rebels? Paris is also another character who you could take a look at, since the VOY writers didn't. :?

Kira is also a good leader. By this time Bajor may be a part of the Federation and seen the reality for what it is. I can see Picard being the guy who follows orders and realises, albeit too late, that he was following the 'wrong' orders. Riker may turn into a renegade. OR, Riker's clone might have a faceoff with the 'original' Riker - two sides of the same coin.

Has that helped?

Re: Using Important Characters in Fanfics

Posted: 2003-11-15 10:23am
by Kitsune
Stofsk wrote: I take it that this will be an overthrow of a corrupt communist federation? Sounds like a dumb question, but its piqued my interest.
Not the whole Federation but multiple systems will decide to succede. I am getting some ideas from a Novel called Insurection from Steve White and David Weber. If the title Inserrection was not already taken, I would probably use that title. I have an outline of the story if you want it sent privately. The story is a follw on to mym stoy "The Last Voyage of the Avenger"

I personally think they ARE villians in the story. The way Picard and Sisko (who were following orders from the Federation) treated the Maquis was abominable. I also think its a neat twist, particularly since we've come to expect Starfleet as a Den of Heroes, it would be nice to see them presented in a different point of view.
Well, I have already learned that my fisr Star Trek story is hated by most Trekkies but at least the non trekkies seems to have enjoyed it. I immagine that Revoluution will be the same and be hated by most hardcore Star Trek fans.
Why not have some Maquis survivors as your characters? Chakotay was a good character, up until he got neutered by Janeway. Maybe he went on a spirit quest or whatever after Voyager returned, got himself sorted out and is leading the rebels? Paris is also another character who you could take a look at, since the VOY writers didn't. :?
I have thoughts on using Maquis survivors noty as main characters but as secondary charcaters.
Kira is also a good leader. By this time Bajor may be a part of the Federation and seen the reality for what it is. I can see Picard being the guy who follows orders and realises, albeit too late, that he was following the 'wrong' orders. Riker may turn into a renegade. OR, Riker's clone might have a faceoff with the 'original' Riker - two sides of the same coin.
Has that helped?
That would be intersting, have the Rikers face each other off. Some things I plan to see if I can suggest and have the audiance come to conclusions.

Your suggestions have been pretty useful

Posted: 2003-11-15 10:27am
by Kitsune
Singular Quartet wrote: I hope so. Nemisis, I think, was the last straw with many ST fans. The entire movie was a sack of steaming shit, wrapped in extrement, and padded with feces. I hope in pary, to whatever gods that give a damn, that I will never have to watch that movie again.

Granted, the only reason I ever watched it is because my gf's a trekkie, but still...
Well, I would like to ignore "Voyager" as well but I want to keep the timeline as incommon with the Paramount timeline as possible until the Rebellion

Re: Using Important Characters in Fanfics

Posted: 2003-11-15 10:52am
by Stofsk
Kitsune wrote:If the title Inserrection was not already taken, I would probably use that title. I have an outline of the story if you want it sent privately. The story is a follw on to mym stoy "The Last Voyage of the Avenger"
Sure. Send it to my email.

Well, I have already learned that my fisr Star Trek story is hated by most Trekkies but at least the non trekkies seems to have enjoyed it. I immagine that Revoluution will be the same and be hated by most hardcore Star Trek fans.
Why is it hated by hardcore trekkies? What was it about?
Your suggestions have been pretty useful
Glad to be of service. :D

Re: Using Important Characters in Fanfics

Posted: 2003-11-15 04:43pm
by Kitsune
Stofsk wrote: Why is it hated by hardcore trekkies? What was it about?
Long story, basically I break most of the trekies assumptions

Re: Using Important Characters in Fanfics

Posted: 2003-11-15 05:33pm
by Singular Quartet
Kitsune wrote:
Stofsk wrote: Why is it hated by hardcore trekkies? What was it about?
Long story, basically I break most of the trekies assumptions
Oh, well, that's not much of a problem.

Posted: 2003-11-16 10:50am
by Iceberg
The important thing with writing important characters in a story is to absolutely AVOID changing their personalities, even if you want to use them as villains. You can change their characterization, highlighting different aspects of their personalities, but actually making them into different persons with the same name and appearance is a BIG no-no. A good villain angle on Picard, for example, would be his strict adherence to authority in the face of clear evidence that the authorities are wrong.

Really, the established characters, if you write them as villains, should remain sympathetic regardless - they're doing bad things, but they're doing them for good reasons.

Posted: 2003-11-16 01:10pm
by Crazedwraith
Just remember it's Ben Sisko not "Cisco" as you splet it in in "Last Voyager of the Avenger" (Which was a kick-ass fanfic a might add)

Also is "Rebellion" a sequel to "Avenger"?

Posted: 2003-11-16 05:26pm
by Singular Quartet
Where can I find this "Last Voyage of the Avenger" fic?

Posted: 2003-11-16 07:40pm
by Kitsune
Crazedwraith wrote:Just remember it's Ben Sisko not "Cisco" as you splet it in in "Last Voyager of the Avenger" (Which was a kick-ass fanfic a might add)
Also is "Rebellion" a sequel to "Avenger"?
Rebellion will be a sequel

I used find and replace to put the right spelling in <g>
Seriously, isn't he a good like being that should not be involved

Posted: 2003-11-16 07:43pm
by Kitsune
Iceberg wrote: Really, the established characters, if you write them as villains, should remain sympathetic regardless - they're doing bad things, but they're doing them for good reasons.
If I use them, I need to work real hard to make sure they have the right personalities

Posted: 2003-11-16 07:47pm
by Kitsune

Posted: 2003-11-17 06:21pm
by Kitsune
I wnated to add that one of my ideas would be to not actually come out and state that it is the enterprise commanded by Picakrd but suggest it. I have seen other writers do it in other stories such as "Bubba" being Elvis turned into a vampire in "Dead after Dawn"

Posted: 2003-11-17 08:05pm
by JME2
darthdavid wrote:A massive fucking starship is coming at your ship. What do you do?
A)blow it up
B)move out of the way
C)Wait till it hits and then turn on your thrusters at full revers leaving your ship heavily dammaged
I think i'll pick c...
A! A!

Posted: 2003-11-18 05:46pm
by Singular Quartet
First, to answer, A

Second, on "Avenger." It needs some work, mostly in the form of a good beta-reader. It has a slight problem with repitition, and some of the language is a little unclean, but otherwise it's rather good.

Posted: 2003-11-18 07:07pm
by Jawawithagun
Singular Quartet wrote:First, to answer, A

Second, on "Avenger." It needs some work, mostly in the form of a good beta-reader. It has a slight problem with repitition, and some of the language is a little unclean, but otherwise it's rather good.
I agree, plus the text needs a bit of loosening up. Lots of big tight chunks of text = hard to read.

Definitely looking out for the next story.

Posted: 2003-11-21 11:33pm
by Kitsune
How about killing off Janeway in Rebellion?

Posted: 2003-11-22 02:26am
by Stofsk
Kitsune wrote:How about killing off Janeway in Rebellion?
Poor Janeway, no-one likes her at all... not surprising, mind you...

To fully exploit how pathetic she is, why not simply keep her as a functionless Admiral who's a slave of the beaurcracy? :wink:

How were you thinking of offing her? As a minor villian that get's zapped? A major villian who dies at the climax? As a hero who sacrifices her life to save the rebels - bit of a stretch...

Posted: 2003-11-22 02:31am
by Sarevok
Kitsune wrote:How about killing off Janeway in Rebellion?
Not a bad idea.

Posted: 2003-11-23 10:15am
by Kitsune
evilcat4000 wrote:
Kitsune wrote:How about killing off Janeway in Rebellion?
Not a bad idea.
Janeway cetrainly is not well loved