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FanFic which im going to start soon,...hopefully...

Posted: 2003-12-29 12:33pm
by Dartzap
I am currently setting out ideas for a Discworld/Lotr crossover

The main ideas I have at the moment are in the begging it is to be similar to the beginning of Night Watch., with the temporal time /magic storm, but this time it takes all of the Ankh Morpork City Watch and all of the students and Wizards of UU and about fifty thousand dwarfs and fifty thousand Trolls all the way to the pellinor Fields, or at least near to there anyway, now you have to ask yourself, who is going to lead these forces?

One word , One name

so far i have a few bits sorted out and one bit that been done is the first chapter, and this is the fist line ...
,”Oh not again……”

could someone help me with proof read when ive done some of it......? :oops: