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Fanfic Ideas

Posted: 2003-12-30 04:32pm
by Agent Fisher
Which is best?

The unit size will be a company. The story will be like Band of Brothers, which I just finished watching.

Posted: 2003-12-30 04:34pm
by Stravo
I have a feeling a stromtrooper POV would be very dull because there would be little to no chance at character development. We're talking about a corps of soldiers that are fearless, are genetically predisposed to take orders and are used as cannon fodder shock troops. All their thoughts are bent towads the good of the Empire and its Emperor. A far better choice would be either regualr Imperial army units or TIE Fighter pilots corps.

Posted: 2003-12-30 04:38pm
by Crazedwraith
NR mainly becuase you can give them any equipment you want and not have canon purists breathing down your neck.

Posted: 2003-12-30 04:44pm
by The Aliens
You can bring a much better 'motley crew' of people with the NR. The Imperials will all have much the same background, growing up and then being sent to Academy at a very young age, but you can bring in people from all over with the NR.

Posted: 2003-12-30 10:54pm
by Darth Raptor
Stravo wrote:I have a feeling a stromtrooper POV would be very dull because there would be little to no chance at character development. We're talking about a corps of soldiers that are fearless, are genetically predisposed to take orders and are used as cannon fodder shock troops. All their thoughts are bent towads the good of the Empire and its Emperor. A far better choice would be either regualr Imperial army units or TIE Fighter pilots corps.
Stormtroopers aren't clones are they? :?

Posted: 2003-12-30 11:08pm
by Darth Yoshi
Stravo thinks they are, and there is evidence both for and against it. Whether they are or aren't isn't really important, since the consensus seems to be that the stormtrooper corps originated as clones.

Posted: 2003-12-31 07:06am
by Shroom Man 777
How about a storm trooper corps coming from Tatooine or some other place like that? I'd like to see some story which follows the format of that SW fan movie "Troops".

Posted: 2003-12-31 07:38am
by haas mark
Stravo wrote:I have a feeling a stromtrooper POV would be very dull because there would be little to no chance at character development. We're talking about a corps of soldiers that are fearless, are genetically predisposed to take orders and are used as cannon fodder shock troops. All their thoughts are bent towads the good of the Empire and its Emperor. A far better choice would be either regualr Imperial army units or TIE Fighter pilots corps.
While that may be true, there really isn't much if any insight into the lives behind the suits, am I correct?


Posted: 2003-12-31 08:28am
by Shroom Man 777
Huh? I thought stormies were recruits, not just clones.

Posted: 2003-12-31 11:26am
by Stravo
I'm certainly NOT getting into that debate. I have my position certain other members have theirs. Admittedly mine is more of a cinema purists view while the others have a more holistic EU view.

Posted: 2003-12-31 11:33am
by Dartzap
i think you should go with the NR idea, as you would get diffrent species and this could lead too interesting charcaters,who could hate each other guts because of the smell of them .Ryn perhaps?)or the way they breath.

you could certinly get something more originil anyway

Posted: 2003-12-31 12:22pm
by Agent Fisher
Well i have decided to do a NR company of soldiers. Are there any airborne troops in Star Wars? and I would like some suggestions for the species of the company.

Posted: 2003-12-31 12:37pm
by The Aliens
Wookies. Wookies make everythign fun, and you can do all sorts of cliches involving droids. And not to add fuel to the fire, but the EU says that Stormtoopes get indoctinated from youth, indicating they're all going to have somewhat the same background.

Posted: 2004-01-02 03:39am
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
I'd say NR. I can imagine it would allow for more character development, and you don't have to deal with the issue of whether they are clones or recruits.

Posted: 2004-01-02 04:49am
by Stofsk
Which time period will it be set in? New Republic puts it around Thrawn's time, if I recall correctly. Are they going to be a regular army unit, or some kind of special forces commando group?

Species: Wookiees are fun. Sorry, I don't know much about SW aliens other than the ones who're onscreen. How about a Transdoshan mercenary? A battledroid? An Ewok? :?

Posted: 2004-01-02 02:09pm
by Agent Fisher
by new rebulic i also mean the rebellion. As for what type of unit they will be they will be like the Paratroopers of WW2.

Posted: 2004-01-02 02:41pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Stravo wrote:are used as cannon fodder shock troops.
Not really.

Pax Emperica is a fascinating story of Stormtroopers. Setting them in a brutal mission to Kashyyyk, the Stormtroopers appear to be normal men, but the story reveals layer after layer of deception and brainwashing. It goes from brutal Vietnam-type war story to 1984.

In the end our Corporal, disillusioned and wanting to leave the Marines, realizes he can't live without the Empire; he loves the Empire. Great homage to 1984 and an excellent story both explaining and offering a glimpse into the Imperial Stormtrooper.

AND FOR THE LAST TIME. ALMOST ALL STORMTROOPERS IN THE OT ARE CLONES. Pax Emperica establishes once and forever that it is a fact that more than 40% of Stormtroopers are clones, and the direct implication is the percentage is vastly greater than that.
Stravo wrote:I'm certainly NOT getting into that debate. I have my position certain other members have theirs. Admittedly mine is more of a cinema purists view while the others have a more holistic EU view.
Sorry Stravo, but yours is wrong and irrelevent as much as Darkstar's. You may hold those opinions as you wish, but they are as rationally unteniable and unwarrented as any other purist view.

Posted: 2004-01-02 03:29pm
by Companion Cube
Illuminatus Primus wrote:*snip*
So...Stormtroopers are clones? Isn't that what Stravo said? And is Pax Emperica a book or a fanfic?

Posted: 2004-01-02 08:14pm
by Techno_Union
A Stormtrooper squad would be interesting around the time of Thrawn. Due to Thrawn's tactical abilities the unit would probably be on some cool mission to assasinate the leaders of the NR.

Or even if it is a storm squad during the imperial civil (after Return of the jedi) war and they fight on Coruscant and try to infiltrate the intirm council to kill them all.

Posted: 2004-01-07 11:32pm
by Agent Fisher
I have decided what to do. I am going to do a Rebel unit. They are going to be mostly human and a few other species.

What I need some help on is this:

1) list of possible names. If i cant think up any STAR WARS names, I will just use english names.

2) does Star Wars have anything remotely similar to a Paratrooper force.

3) if so what type of thing subsitutes Parachutes, if nothing I will just make something up.

4) need a list of items that would be found in a Medics Feild Kit.

5) any blaster that would subsitute for a Colt pistol.

I have decided to give the troops E-11's and two T-21 light repeating blasters per platoon.

Posted: 2004-01-08 01:03pm
by Crazedwraith
Agent Fisher wrote:I have decided what to do. I am going to do a Rebel unit. They are going to be mostly human and a few other species.

2) does Star Wars have anything remotely similar to a Paratrooper force.
not that we heard of the closest would be repulsorpacs from YJK: Jedi seige
3) if so what type of thing subsitutes Parachutes, if nothing I will just make something up.
Repulsor packs
4) need a list of items that would be found in a Medics Feild Kit.
Bacta patchs bacta loctions, laser scapel, tranquilisers good o' fashioned bandages. splints. cast making stuff. read the wraith squadron books for a beter idea.
5) any blaster that would subsitute for a Colt pistol.
Just make one up.
Han Solo uses DL-44 theres a less powerful DL mentioned in DFR.
Jango Fett uses WESTAR 25s

Posted: 2004-01-08 02:20pm
by Companion Cube
Well, IIRC, WEG's Rebel Alliance Sourcebook mentions Rebel Commandos using Paragliders, which look like parachutes in the accompanying illustration.

Posted: 2004-01-08 03:12pm
by Chardok
Wait, wait, wait. Stormtroopers cloens? Where was this debate held? I thought the emporer outlawed cloning?

Posted: 2004-01-08 03:24pm
by NecronLord
Chardok wrote:Wait, wait, wait. Stormtroopers cloens? Where was this debate held? I thought the emporer outlawed cloning?
IIRC Lucas has said they are, and that Ep 3 will show this. I might be wrong though.

Posted: 2004-01-08 10:51pm
by Agent Fisher
Alright I have decided to use repulsor packs. Also I am shrinking the unit size to a platoon.