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Posted: 2004-01-13 06:06am
by GySgt. Hartman
I read some SWvsST-fanfics, ans I liked some of them a lot. In fact, some are really awesome, so I decided to start writing one myself.
Right now, I don't have much time to write, so the next chapters will take me a while, I still want to post the first chapter to see if I should invest more time and energy into this project. Please tell me how you like it, even if you think that it sucks really bad.

Oh, I almost forgot: Please post welcomes not related to this story here: Welcome Thread


From: Rasid, Analysis: Crypt
To: Ubiqtorate
Subject: intergalactic passage
Confirmed: SEND; TRAN 97/104; RECV
Context: 2E50; PURG;
Phasecycle: 15647785462132146787654548173151;

SIGINT has intercepted a coded transmission from an IN Recon Cruiser to
Alkanon Sector Navy HQ. The contents are alarming: Astronomy found that
the appended sensor data originated from a galaxy in a cluster known as
MW-2378. In the system named below there have been anomal sightings in
apparently regular intervals of approx. 1.7 std. years.
I have not yet informed anyone of these findings.


TO: Alkanon Sector HQ
FR: CAPT Lowen, RCN Cruis 2144-3
RE: spatial anomaly
We were entering the Ssrugi System on regular patrol when a bright light
erupted on 72 port just outside the system. Following standard procedure,
we jumped in to investigate.
The light was gone, but we detected a slight but constant background
flimmering distributed regularly through all frequencies. This caused me
to launche a probe.
The probe disappeared after 2.3 seconds, but continued to broadcast
its sensor data. Space seemed empty, but we could not match the star
configuration recieved from the probe to any known one in our charts,
so I decided to append it to my report.
I sent the probe the self-destruct signal to prevent it from falling
into enemy hands. Approximately 0.16 hours after the initial perception,
we noticed a bright ring collapsing to a point in front of us. After
a second flash the background flickering ended, and we were not able
to detect any further signs of the anomaly.


Agent Skorn fumed. He was sitting in his office in the main building of the
Imperial Intelligence Bureau of Operations on Coruscant and read his mission
orders. Naturally, Intelligence should lead the information gathering
operation that was to take place in this new galaxy - and now this:
Colonel Rener of the Investigations Unit of the Imperial Security Bureau had
been appointed head of the scouting operation, and had even been promoted to
major general in order to affirm his seniority on this operation. Giving this
mission to the ISB was a sure way to have it fail. He himself had placed
several moles inside ISB, and he was confident they couldn't watch their own
rear ends. After calming down, he looked over the file of Rener again; ISB
agents were known to be chosen for their unwavering loyalty to the Empire
above anything, but this was the file of an exceptionally low Imperial
bootlicker. According to this file, this man had even sold out his own parents
to the Empire. He would have to watch him carefully.
A battle squadron under Commodore Lenenkorn had been assigned to the task force
headed by Gen. Rener. Having known this for several time beforehand, Skorn
had had enough time to place one of his men as Lieutenant in the security
company of the lead ISD - you never know. His thougts were interrupted when
someone knocked at his door. Agent Mallori entered: "Sir, it's time."

Skorn got up and joined the rest of his team waiting for him at the turbolift.
Half an hour later he was aboard one of two shuttles heading for the ship that
would be their new home for about 2 years: The "Hypnos", a Tagge Industries
modular taskforce cruiser, fitted with a modified observation module.
About 1,500 ISB officers were already on board. Not long after the shuttle had
landed in a hangar bay, the cruiser accelerated away from Imperial Center.
Gen. Rener was already waiting for him in his office. Skorn knocked and stepped
into the room: "Agent Skorn, Imperial Intelligence Bureau of Operations,
reporting as ordered."
Ge. Rener offered him a seat. After a short pause he replied: "I know that
there have been many differences between our organisations, but I do not intend
to let these differences affect the outcome of our mission negatively".
"An easy thing to say when you are in charge", Skorn thought to himself; still,
he replied "Of course not, sir. The Empire always comes first".
"I assume you have been briefed as to the nature of our mission?"
"Yes, sir."
"Very well. You will report directly to me, and to me only, understood?"
"Yes, sir."
"Any questions?"
"No, sir."
"Lt. Gryley will show you to your office and your quarters. Dismissed."
Agent skorn got up and turned to the squat Lt. leading him to the part of the
ship that was reserved for II operations.

Agent Skorn stood at his quarter's window and stared at the whirling streaks of
light outside. They would be at the meeting point in a few minutes. From there,
they would set of into a whole new galaxy. He had no idea what they would
encounter there. Totally alien life forms, ready to be conquered in the name
of the Empire, or a superior intergalactic civilization that would see the
anomaly as an invitation for conquest themselves?
He looked up again as the starlines outside the plastisteel window shortened,
twisted and faded, and the familiar black background reappeared, dotted with
little white stars. In the middle of this picture, a bright, bluish sun had
two giant planets firmly in its grip. A small supply station circled around
the outer planet, Ssrugi II. About four dozen ships were clustered around the
station, the largest of them an Imperator-II class Star Destroyer.
His comm beeped: "The shuttle to the 'Invader' is leaving in 10 minutes."
When he left his quarters, Agent Mallori was already waiting for him. The two
made their way to the shuttle bay.

In th conference room aboard the Invader, Gen. Rener opened the staff meeting:
"Greetings, gentlemen. I am Major General Rener, ISB, and I am responsible for
this operation. This is my advisor, Zerrak Lissiri."
Skorn cursed silently. Why didn't he know about this advisor? There had been no
files about him, nor was he mentioned in any document on this mission. This
probably meant that he had been sent from very high up. Not unexpected on a
mission like this, but he still had ab ad feeling about this guy.
"This is my staff", Rener continued, "Commodore Lenenkorn, squadron commander;
he has six dreadnaughts, twelve strike-class cruisers and 24 Carracks at his
disposal and will be responsible for the security of the five taskforce cruisers
and our two supply ships.
"Captain Barrakis, the commander of this ship."
"Agent Skorn, Imperial Intelligence; he and his team will scout inhabited worlds
and will brief us on culture and technology."
Skorn nodded friendly into the round.
"Dr. Doorna, chief medical officer; he will develop vaccines against new
diseases, which we are likely to encounter."
"Probably a bioweapons specialist", Skorn whispered to his aide Mallori.
"Dr. Samuul, chief engineer; he and his team will try to reengineer the
technologies of that new galaxy."
"Dr. Kraken, head of the astrogation staff; he will map out the new galaxy and
find hyperspace routes for our ships."

"Once we are through that anomaly, we will be completely on our own for 1.7 years.
We don't know anything about galaxy MW-2378-H91, but that will change soon.
Our mission goals are as follows:
We will determine the technological level of the civilizations we encounter, and
determine if they pose a threat to the Empire. If this is the case, we will return
to our galaxy and hope we can find a way to seal this passage.
If they are less advanced than we are, we will determine which worlds are ripe for
conquest. We will map out hyperspace routes and try to find out as much about our
targets as we can, especially about their military and industrial capabilities,
thus paving the road for an invasion force.
Until that force arrives, we must avoid detection at all costs. We have therefore
implemented some changes to standard procedures:
There will be no more subspace transmissions; communications will be point-to-point
or by messenger.
Trash dumping before going to hyperspace is not an option. Trash will be collected
and disposed into suns.
Active scanning will be restricted to a minimum, and needs to be approved by me or
Commodore Lenenkorn.
"You will find a summary of all changes in your 'appendix to standard procedures I'.
"In addition, all ships have been outfitted with cloaking devices.
"Any questions?"
Nobody answered.
"Very well. Return to your ships, the anomaly is scheduled to appear in 37 hours."

Posted: 2004-01-13 02:37pm
by Darth Phoenix
Looks interesting.
Continue please.

Posted: 2004-01-13 03:03pm
by Col. Crackpot
[vader] the force is strong with this one [/vader]

thalt shalt continue :wink:

Posted: 2004-01-13 05:30pm
by darthdavid
I like it already

Posted: 2004-01-14 01:33am
by LT.Hit-Man
(Vader VO)
Impressive, most impressive but you are not a sith lord yet

I like it keep up the good work.

Posted: 2004-01-14 02:55pm
by GySgt. Hartman
Siryessir! We're on it, sir!
*turns to his men* "You heard the Lt.! Let's move!"

Posted: 2004-01-30 01:20pm
by GySgt. Hartman
There you go. Comments on content as well as style are, as usual, appreciated.


TO: Amgol Susket, Imperial Advisor
FR: Moff Remex
RE: monthly progress report
The construction of the special fleet you had ordered is going as planned.
Production is going into the final state; the ships will be ready when you
require them. There have been no breaches of security.


The task force hung silent in space, gathered aroud the lead ISD. The crew was
alert, ready for battle, but fearing what might happen before their watch was
over. The anomaly should appear any minute now. The tension on board the ships
was more real than an A-wing spinning towards the bridges viewports.
All ships had raised their shiels, and readied their guns. All fighters were
manned, and crewmembers that were not on duty had been ordered to stay in their
quarters. Stormtroopers had taken up defensive positions, ready to repell
Nothing happened.

Capt. Barakis went over to Cmd. Lenenkorns post. "Sir, we have been on
full battle alert for over three hours. Space outside is calm, and there is no
sign of an "anomaly".
Lenenkorn reflected on this for a minute, then he made a decision:
"Alright then.Lower to defcon 2". Barakis turned to his deck officer.

Right before them, space exploded into a white flash.

A white ring of fire seemed to burn space itself away, only a few dozen
kilometers in front of the waiting ships. Inside the ring, there was only the
blackness of the new galaxy, the blackness that was their future.

"All ships, move in."
Fifty ships accelerated towards the hole. Barakis anxiously waited for something
to happen.
"Sir, we are now moving through the anomaly."
"Continue as planned."
Barakis turned to Lenenkorn: "Sir, if science is right, we should be in this new
galaxy now."
"Good. Full sensor scan, then bring us away, in case somebody out there comes to
"Yes, sir." He turned away: "Sensors: Full scan, I want to know what's out there".
A junior officer reported from the sonsors consoles. "Sir, there is nothing out
there. Up to maximum scanner range, there is only empty space."
"Ok. Helm: bring us away from here, 20 secs, direction 50, 10."

On board the Hypnos, Agent Skorn watched hundreds of survey drones swarm out of
the Hermes, the survey taskforce cruiser. They would map out the new galaxy,
making line-of-sight minijumps and transmitting their data back to Astrogation.
A new age had begun for the inhabitants of this galaxy, and they didn't even
know it. If everything went as planned, they wouldn't know for another 1.7 years.
He wondered what they were like, these aliens that lived here, what his mission
would be like.

Two Months later, Agent Skorn reviewed the file his men had created on B'lon, a
lonely planet on the fringe of Dominion space. When the fist survey probe had found
a planet, he had ordered a surveillance satellite to be placed in orbit around it.
It had recorded planetary communications, allowing the protocol droids to decipher
their language and add it to their translation database. Then his men had started
to collect information on this society. They had studies video feeds to find out
about the appearance of the aliens, their clothing, their behaviour, commerce,
their means of transportation, everything they had needed to make a civ-profile,
the first step in infiltration.

Agent Mallori had spend the last two days memorizing the civ-profile of B'lon, his
newest assignment. He had been trained for infiltration since he was a teenager,
but even with several years of experience, these jobs never became routine - this
one even less. He had just woken up from plastic surgery a few hours ago, and now
he was already in his quarters, looking at himself in the mirror. Wearing typical
B'lon clothes, he barely recognized himself. He was still tall, with a sharp edge
to him, but the boney protrusions added to his forehead looked like two little horns,
and his skin had darkened quite a bit, adapted to life on B'lon, where radiation
on the surface was more than twice as intense as galactic standard. He switched
the miniature communicator on and tried to speak his first B'lon words.
They sounded quite strange to him, but he would get used to it fast, like he always
did. He would have to, since he had only four days of training with a protocol droid
before he would get shipped out to the planet.

When he finally boarded the sigma-class shuttle waiting for him in the main hangar
bay, he felt confident. His only worry was that the coins they had manufactured for
him would convince the people long enough for him to complete his mission.
Inside the shuttle, he eyed his repulsorcar. The droids had attached wheels to it,
because repulsorlifts hadn't been developed yet in this sector. He stashed his
small suitcase, packed with a transmitter and a few gadgets in the back and took his
seat behind the steering wheel, feeling the shuttle lifting off. When he felt the
shuttle entering atmosphere, he started his 'car. He would be dropped off a long way
from the next settlement in order to make sure the shuttle was not detected.
No sensor-stealth coating would keep it from being spotted by casual observers.

The pilot slowed their descent, and the ramp started to open. Mallori carefully
steered his car down the ramp and into the open. The shuttle immedately took off
again, leaving him on his own in this strange world. Wasting no time, he started
to make his way to the only city on this backwater world. The sun already started
to rise, and it would get very hot very fast.

The sun was still touching the horizon when he arrived. Mallori stopped at a small
restaurant for breakfast and purchased a small portable computer before heading
to the library where he would spend the next few days downloading as many files
on history, technology, xenobiology and current interstellar politics as he could
find. A map of the city was stored in his datapad, so in the afternoon he went
straight to a gun shop to buy himself a small handheld beam weapon the salesman
called a "phaser". Tomorrow he would look for a ship!

Four days later, Mallori was on his way to the library again. Today would be his
last day on that planet. He had gotten to know quite a few people, talked to them
about politics and other things of common interest, bought himself a small ship and
modified it for his special needs, and was almost done with his job. He only needed
to download a few of the less interesting tech files from the lib, then he could again
be with his people. When he entered the library, they were already waiting for him.
Two B'lon that tried to look remarkably inconspicuous; they had eyed him from the
moment he opened the doors. He pretended not to have noticed and tried to walk past them.
The smaller one of them blocked his way.
"May we have a word with you?"
"Who are you?" Mallori answered.
"We are from the Dominion Ministry of Internal Peace. You show a great interest in
technology. In fact, we have noticed that you downloaded more files in the last
three days than you could possibly read in three decades."
"I am just preparing an historical article for the 'B'lon technical review'. I am
a technical jounalist."
"That is our next point. Where are you from? You have never been seen here until
about four days ago. May I see your ID please?"
Mallori knew they would want to take him somewhere he wouldn't exactly like to be.
"Sure" he replied, and slid a hand into his jacket, grabbing his phaser.
The tall, silent officer reacted quickly, reaching for his weapon, but Mallori was
faster. His elbow connected to the officers chin as he drew his phaser. The first
officer reached for his gun, but the phaser beam reached him first. He collapsed
onto the floor. Mallori turned and fired at the other man that was still laying
om the floor, then he walked calmly out of the building, trying not to look too
suspicious. When a white beam impacted on the wall next to him, he started to run,
hoping that they had not posted guards at his car. He got around the next corner,
dodging fire from directly ahead of him, and was relieved to see that there was
nobody near his car. He jumped in and fired up the engines, steering right into
morning traffic, and headed for the spaceport. He pulled a comm unit out of his
pocket and tried to reach the small astromech brain he had connected to his ships
main computer. When it replied, he told it to warm up the engined and prepare for
takeoff, all that while trying to get through the heavy traffic fast.

All of a sudden, a police car came out of a side alley right before him. He instinctively
pulled the steering wheel towards him, lifting the repulsorcar off the street and over
the police vehicle, flying for a few meters before touching the ground again.
Damn! He shouldn't have done this, it might very well give them reasons to launch
a full investigation. The spaceport showed up in front of him, but instead of taking
the main entrance, he just busted through the metal fence surrounding it. His ship
turned to face him, lowering its ramp. Mallori drove the car right into the cargo hold
and the droid brain controlling the ship initiated lift off when he heard the first small
explosions outside. They were still firing at his ship when it rapidly gained height,
heading for open space and into safety. Now he would only have to make a small jump out
of the system and have the frigate pick him up a little early.

Posted: 2004-02-01 07:50pm
by GySgt. Hartman
Anybody? Please? If it sucks, at least tell me why.

Posted: 2004-07-14 12:21pm
by GySgt. Hartman
My infinite generosity has compelled me to present you with a further chapter.


TO: CMD Lenenkorn, IN Taskforce Ny Gamma
FR: CAPT Rayesh, RCN Cruis 5-4
RE: status report
Were able to locate the target. Confident we have so far been able
to avoid detection. Holding position and awaiting your orders.


The small Imperial fleet sat motionless in space, orbiting the newly named
planet porta IV. The star destroyer overshadowed the five task force
cruisers and two supply ships that were surrounded by a protective sphere
of six dreadnaughts. Twenty carracks were distributed through the system,
forming an early warning sensor net.

On board the Invader, Agent Skorn was on his way to another meeting. It had
taken his men more than three and a half months to fully analyse all of the
data agent Mallori had collected on B'lon, but the results had been stunning.
Skorn entered the main briefing room where most of the other officers were
already waiting: The eight Line Captains, seated according to their sqadron's
number with Capt. Barakis of the Invader at the first place, and the senior
officers of the army and the starfighter corps at their place at the table's
upper end. The science advisors Dr. Doorna and Dr. Samuul had been placed at
the lower end.
He took his seat to the right of GCapt. Kothari, commander of the starfighter
corps, just as General Rener entered, followed by Lissiri, Commodore Lenenkorn
and Colonel Sekhmet, Senior ISB officer and in Command of the Hypnos.
All officers rose and stood at attention. Rener took his seat at the head of
the oval table, with Lenekorn to his right. Lissiri sat down at his left,
right next to Skorn, who tried hard not to display his uneasiness about this
arrangement too openly.

"Gentlemen", Rener began, "I have called this meeting to determine our future
course of action. Intelligence was able to secure us a large amount of
information on this galaxy and have provided us with a clear picture of it.
Colonel Sekhmot, please."
The Colonel rose, and a hologram of the galaxy flickered to life on top of the
"For reasons Dr. Doorna will explain later, we have adopted a local system of
lettering quadrants of this galaxy. We are currently in the Gamma quadrant,
the others are named Alpha, Beta and Delta, counterclockwise."
Two red plains divided the hologram into four lettered sections.
"The largest power in our sector is the Dominion, which employs genetically
engineered warriors to protect its borders."
A violet shadow appeared on the map to mark the Dominion's territory.
"Dr. Samuul's team had the chance to go over a civilian vessel, and found its
technology to be vastly inferior to ours. We also know about a weakness of
theirs that we can exploit for an easy and quick victory. Their territory will
make a good base for our further actions."
He tipped a small button on the table before him, and a section of the galactic
map lit up green.
"One of the major powers in this galaxy are the Borg, located in the Delta
quadrant. They are a collective, what unifies them is not race, but the way they
modify their bodies wth cybernetic implants."

Skorn's thoughts drifted off. He had played a major part in preparing this report
and aready knew everything this ISB lackey was going to say. He despised having
to work for the ISB, and the way this Colonel was using their data and passing it
off as his only served to reinfirce his feelings. He would have liked to go on the
planned mission himself, but he was the senior agent and it was his duty to have an
eye on ISB business here, and act as a liaison to "command". Pffft. This "command"
was not even part of the Imperial executive, it was part of the Emperors political
structure. Loyal to the death, but about as competent as a fried Yucca-fruit.
In his eyes, giving this mission to them was a huge mistake; but they would find
out soon enough.

Sekhmot had obviously finished his report and sat down. Gen. Rener asked Dr. Doorna
to report his findings. The squat man got up and looked into the round of
scientifically inept military men. "I will try to keep this as easy as possible.
Col. Sekhmot as introduced us to a local way of labelling this galaxy's quadrants.
We have adopted it, because it is used by a species I would like to call the
'local humans'."
Skorn worked hard to suppress a smile when he saw the reaction of the Captains.
He too had been suprised when he learned of the presence of humans this far away
from home.
"We don't have genetic material available to conduct conclusive tests, but all the
data I have so far been able to peruse points to the same fact: There is a race in
this galaxy, located approximately opposite our current position, that resembles us
very closely. Since this unexpected findig is obviously very relevant to our further
planning, we intend to find out more about them. Agent Skorn please."

Skorn rose and got straight to the point. "The wormhole you see on the map provides
us with a direct access to Federation space. There is a space station at the other
side, which should be a good starting point for our investigations. One of my best
agents will set out for it as soon as we have determined a course of action."

Posted: 2004-07-14 03:32pm
by consequences
Verily, I say thou shoudst continue. It is too early for thine spectators to taketh the fullest measure of thy skills, so thou shoudst seek to rectify that situation with alacrity.

First post! :)

Posted: 2004-07-14 06:01pm
by GySgt. Hartman
It's kind of a boring chapter, but I need it as a preparation and transition to when the action begins. Anyone got an idea how to make it a little more atmospheric?

Posted: 2004-07-19 03:49pm
by Spice Runner
I think this a very interesting story. Can't wait to see the next chapter.