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Simple Question About A New FanFic I Might Write

Posted: 2004-02-07 03:50pm
by Techno_Union
I am thinking about writing a fanfic based off of a game my friend and I have been talking about. It will be only a SW theme.
EDIT: I have taken out the other galaxies and will concentrate on the Impeiral Galaxy.

NAME OF FANFIC:Star Wars a Universe of War

LOCATIONS:Imperial Galaxy

CHARACTERS:Wont really be using any of the normal SW characters, ie.Luke Skywalker, Leia, Han, C3PO, Darth Vader. But The main characters are going to be Cloned Emperor Palapatine and Carnor Jax (with different personalities just using the same names)

MILITARIES INVOLVED:Empire (might be named Crimson Empire), Rebellion to Restore the Empire, Hapans, Chiss, CSA, Various Warlords, ect.

GALAXIES:Basicaly there is only the Imperial Galaxy. The story will take place in the Imperial Glaxy set in a timeline from the rise of the Empire to DE II (so all superweapons and what not can exist). The time for the galaxy is independant from the SW timeline, meaning invasion by others will not happen when they are supposed to, ie. the YV. Time is basically going just not with the books. The exactness of the times is going to be the most difficult parts.

MAIN STORY:The story starts out in the Imperial Galaxy, all is thriving and peace is at hand. Palapatine had never created the tyrannical Empire but an Empire just as powerful but less corrupt, except for 2 men. The Empire is headed by the Supreme Chancellor which is in charge of the High Command and Imperial Senate. The head of the Imperial Military is the Grand Admiral (Carnor Jax), his control over the military is only superseeded by the High Command and in certain times the Supreme Chancellor. While the Empire continues its growth in the outer rim territories with the Grand Admiral continuing his campaign to bring the Empire to the less civilized societies of the Galaxy, a dark figure looms at Byss. The man is the head of Dark Force, a secret branch of the military dedicated to superweapons and the wars the Empire could never publicly fight. Only the Grand Admiral knows of Dark Force and its leader (Cloned Palpatine). While the Grand Admiral continues to pretend to be loyal to the Empire, he and Palpatine have created plans to overthrow the High Command and drag the Empire into a massive civil war. If I do write this I do not want to give away to many things but I will tell you that both Jax and Palpatine are very able to betray each other and the different species of the galaxy are going to play a good role in the war.

Now if anybdy is interested and wants to know more just ask. I will only write this and post it if anybody is interested. Suggestions I am more then willing to except if you have some. Nothing is written in stone so names and things can be changed.

Posted: 2004-02-07 03:57pm
by Knife
I don't know about the plot device of the seperate galaxies. Maybe a frame of reference but contained in the same galaxy. Just off the top of my head. That many galaxies might be too big for a story. Just my opinion.

Posted: 2004-02-07 04:01pm
by Techno_Union
Knife wrote:I don't know about the plot device of the seperate galaxies. Maybe a frame of reference but contained in the same galaxy. Just off the top of my head. That many galaxies might be too big for a story. Just my opinion.
The other galaxies are not going to have their own stories or anything like that. In actuality they really wouldn't play a big role, only if i wanted to expand the story which we have invasions of the different galxies, so I will most likely take them out.

Posted: 2004-02-08 03:49pm
by Comosicus
Maybe I'm not the most competent voice, but I think you should give it a try. In the worst case it would be an exercise to polish your writing skill.

Posted: 2004-02-08 08:39pm
by The Aliens
I don't personally like the idea, but I'd read it to see how it turns out.

Posted: 2004-02-08 09:13pm
by Techno_Union
i thought I'd swing the idea by a few people to see what they think. I will most likely write it on my laptop here and there and I might put up a couple chapters to see what you guys think.

Also this would be a story for the more Empire lover.

Posted: 2004-02-08 11:55pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
I think that it would work better without the SW connections.

Posted: 2004-02-09 04:00pm
by Crazedwraith
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:I think that it would work better without the SW connections.
I totally agreew, you seem to be saying you've changed everytihng and just want to use the SW names.

Posted: 2004-02-09 05:05pm
by Techno_Union
Ya that is true, mainly I just wasnted to use the SW ships and so forth with my own Empire, sorta.

Posted: 2004-02-10 11:20am
by Crown
Techno_Union wrote:Ya that is true, mainly I just wasnted to use the SW ships and so forth with my own Empire, sorta.
There is nothing really wrong with that, it is after all a fanfic and it helps you out, by not having to explain to everybody what X ship is and what a Y starfighter looks like and what it can do ... it might work, give it a try I say!