Page 1 of 1 Fanfic update ?

Posted: 2004-02-19 06:31pm
by Lord of the Lurkers
Has anyone heard when/if Chapter 6 "Reign of Terror" from Mike Wong will be posted to his website ?


Posted: 2004-02-19 06:40pm
by Mr Bean
As Darth Wong's complelty un-offical represenative and empowered only by power of attorney(Next time Wong read your "water bill" before you sign it :D )

Mr Wong's offical statment on the matter on when Chapter 6 "Reign of Terror" will be posted is

Whenever I feel like it

Posted: 2004-02-19 07:39pm
by darthdavid
Read starcrossed, then you can have 2 authors to whinge at.

Posted: 2004-02-20 03:52pm
by Singular Quartet
darthdavid wrote:Read starcrossed, then you can have 2 authors to whinge at.
Two things: first, you misspelled "whine" and second, also read Manifest Destiny, adding a third.

Posted: 2004-02-20 05:06pm
by Crazedwraith
Singular Quartet wrote:
darthdavid wrote:Read starcrossed, then you can have 2 authors to whinge at.
Two things: first, you misspelled "whine" and second, also read Manifest Destiny, adding a third.
no, whinge is a word in itself. Mean the same thing really but it is a word.

Posted: 2004-02-20 05:09pm
by Soontir C'boath
It's been months since MD wasn't updated. I wonder if it's safe to say it has been discontinued.~Jason

Posted: 2004-02-26 09:08am
by Mark S
Thanks for the plug guys. Sorry I haven't worked on MD in a LONG time but I have had, as they say, a lot of shit to do. I haven't even been to SDnet in months.

Posted: 2004-02-26 10:02am
by Xon
Soontir C'boath wrote:It's been months since MD wasn't updated. I wonder if it's safe to say it has been discontinued.~Jason
Wait for roughtly a year before considering it discontinued. 'On Hold' would be its current status :D

Posted: 2004-02-26 04:38pm
by Singular Quartet
ggs wrote:
Soontir C'boath wrote:It's been months since MD wasn't updated. I wonder if it's safe to say it has been discontinued.~Jason
Wait for roughtly a year before considering it discontinued. 'On Hold' would be its current status :D
That, and Mark just said it wasn't dead. Doesn't mean you can't go and read it and be pissed off because another person isn't updating.

Posted: 2004-02-26 06:04pm
by Crayz9000
Crazedwraith wrote:no, whinge is a word in itself. Mean the same thing really but it is a word.
It's only in common use because a few lackeys on IRC thought they'd be really l33t, and the rest of the uberl33t kiddie community caught on.

If you want to sound mature, don't use stuff like that. But if you enjoy sounding like a 12-year-old living in his parents' basement, go right ahead...

Posted: 2004-02-26 06:12pm
by Stravo
Yeah I hate those lazy bastards. First they hook us with their rivetting tales of high adventure then they up and take their sweet time updating. :wink:

Posted: 2004-02-26 06:13pm
by phongn
Crayz9000 wrote:If you want to sound mature, don't use stuff like that. But if you enjoy sounding like a 12-year-old living in his parents' basement, go right ahead...
Well, it is in the Oxford Old English Dictionary as a noun and as a verb.

Posted: 2004-02-26 06:20pm
by Crayz9000
phongn wrote:Well, it is in the Oxford Old English Dictionary as a noun and as a verb.
The word, yes... but the definition...?

Posted: 2004-02-26 06:26pm
by phongn
V: "intr. To whine; esp. to complain peevishly. Hence whinging (also w(h)ingeing) vbl. n. and ppl. a. "

N: "A whine, esp. a peevish complaint. "

Posted: 2004-02-26 06:41pm
by Crayz9000
Now I feel like a complete dolt.

Posted: 2004-02-26 08:57pm
by phongn
Crayz9000 wrote:Now I feel like a complete dolt.
Fear the might of the Oxford Old English Dictionary (Online).

Posted: 2004-02-27 05:06am
by Comosicus
Stravo wrote:Yeah I hate those lazy bastards. First they hook us with their rivetting tales of high adventure then they up and take their sweet time updating. :wink:

*starting to put names on a list*