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Fanfiction Feedback (and advice)
Posted: 2002-10-15 04:52pm
by Kuja
While we all sit around and wait for the almighty Stravo to publish his latest chapter, other writers, such as Kelly Antilles and myself, are posting their own stories. Take it from me, there's nothing a writer enjoys more than positive feedback and constructive criticism. So if you read a fanfic and have something to say, even if it's nothing more than 'good job' or, 'that was dumb because...' please post!
Thank you.
Posted: 2002-10-15 06:07pm
by Mr Bean
Your writing left much to be desired, Your plot was lacking, your charaters contrived and flat, through assocate with them I have come to hate you. I have hired a illerate person to tear up the manuscript for safty reasons
Mr Bean
(PS:I hope somthing that is large, heavy, and hopefuly pointly lands on you today... and tommorow)
Hows that for feedback?
Posted: 2002-10-15 07:01pm
by Kuja
Better than nothing.
Why have a fake friendship when you can have honest hatred?
Posted: 2002-10-15 07:49pm
by Kuja
Addenda: This does NOT give you the right to run around trashing people's threads. Constructive criticism is welcome:
"I don't think these two characters fit with the plot."
But outright flaming is unacceptable:
"Your story is bullshit and so are you, you little bastard."
Thank you.
Posted: 2002-10-15 07:51pm
by Mr Bean
Posted: 2002-10-15 08:13pm
by Stravo
"Young minds fresh tolerant"
Posted: 2002-10-15 08:20pm
by Mr Bean
"Young minds fresh tolerant"
Ahh does that mean they get better with age like Wine? Or do they get smelly and spoiled like meat?
Posted: 2002-10-15 08:21pm
by Kuja
Posted: 2002-10-15 08:39pm
by Kelly Antilles
Thanks for making the suggestion IG.
I respectfully request you TO GET THE NEXT CHAPTER OF YOUR STORY DONE NOW!!!
Posted: 2002-10-15 08:41pm
by Kuja
*meep* I'm working on it! *gulp*
Posted: 2002-10-15 08:47pm
by Mr Bean
I know! I'll start rating storys the Rabit Monkey way in Honor of that old say
It was once said IG-88 that 1000 Monkeys with typewriters given an infinte amount of time will evnutaly write all the works of Shakspear
You latest work?
3 Monkeys, 15 mintues
*Edit at least I'm being...
Posted: 2002-10-15 08:54pm
by Kuja
Mr Bean wrote:I know! I'll start rating storys the Rabit Monkey way in Honor of that old say
It was once said IG-88 that 1000 Monkeys with typewriters given an infinte amount of time will evnutaly write all the works of Shakspear
You latest work?
3 Monkeys, 15 mintues
Well then Bean, considering that, I'll have to rate your latest fanfic*goes looking* oh heres one! "Command Decisions".....hmmm...since it would be a stretch to even call this a chapter, I'd rate it at
.4 Monkeys, 50 seconds.
Posted: 2002-10-15 10:01pm
by Mr Bean
Funny I gave it a Full monkey but only 6.8 seconds
Posted: 2002-10-15 10:31pm
by Stravo
I HATE it when my monkeys start getting lazy...
Posted: 2002-10-17 09:31pm
by Kuja
Posted: 2002-10-17 09:39pm
by Mark S
Maybe my additions come out so slow because I'm slapping my monkey around too much.
Posted: 2002-10-17 09:44pm
by Ted
Oh my Lord!
Posted: 2002-10-19 01:13pm
by Sparkticus
I don't like where this thread is headed. I thought comment's about spanking the monkey were usually confined to Wong's threads?
Posted: 2002-10-24 11:14pm
by Kuja
Can we delete these extraneous posts and make this a sticky?
Posted: 2002-10-25 12:10am
by Coyote
I have a few short stories that revolve around a universe of my own creation, it is roughly similar in tech level to Star Wars (they would be a few years behind, actually, but still comparable) and is entirely of my own creation rather than my version of an existing universe. Still, I suppose it would qualify as fanfic...
I've written one 'vs.' fanfic involving my setting stumbling across an Alien and would like to post it. [ignorance revealer] However, I am not sure how to post it. It is Microsoft Word 5.0 Rich Text Format and I'm on a HP Pavilion 700 (Pentium 4) with a lightning fast cable modem. How can I bring this aboard?[/ignorance revealer]
Posted: 2002-10-25 05:54am
by haas mark
Coyote wrote:I have a few short stories that revolve around a universe of my own creation, it is roughly similar in tech level to Star Wars (they would be a few years behind, actually, but still comparable) and is entirely of my own creation rather than my version of an existing universe. Still, I suppose it would qualify as fanfic...
I've written one 'vs.' fanfic involving my setting stumbling across an Alien and would like to post it. [ignorance revealer] However, I am not sure how to post it. It is Microsoft Word 5.0 Rich Text Format and I'm on a HP Pavilion 700 (Pentium 4) with a lightning fast cable modem. How can I bring this aboard?[/ignorance revealer]
set all bold within and italics within and underline...etc... Then copy and paste to the forum, and BOOM! That's what i did.
Posted: 2002-10-26 11:26pm
by Kuja
OK, gentlemen. While we all enjoy goofing around, please don't do this in between the chapters of fanfics. Kelly posted a chapter in her porno fanfic, and the spamming went on for SIX PAGES thanks to Verilon and Evil Sadistic Bastard. I'm ashamed to say it, but Captain Frank and I were just as poorly behaved in GATs flamefic.
Spamming like this heavily detracts from the thread's story. If you want to argue a point or start some kind of joke contest, do it in another thread. This is the fanfic forum, so please just post a quick reaction and go back to sullying the other forums.
Posted: 2002-10-26 11:29pm
by haas mark
IG-88E wrote:OK, gentlemen. While we all enjoy goofing around, please don't do this in between the chapters of fanfics. Kelly posted a chapter in her porno fanfic, and the spamming went on for SIX PAGES thanks to Verilon and Evil Sadistic Bastard. I'm ashamed to say it, but Captain Frank and I were just as poorly behaved in GATs flamefic.
Spamming like this heavily detracts from the thread's story. If you want to argue a point or start some kind of joke contest, do it in another thread. This is the fanfic forum, so please just post a quick reaction and go back to sullying the other forums.
Okay, can you let go of that...or at least just say "due to spamming"? However, you do have a point, and I apologize (once again) for my actions. I must also say, however that humans have a weird atention span, and things tend to veer off-topic, and that really can't be helped. That's why we end up with "spam," even if it wasn't originally intended to be that way.
Also, on arguing points, you can also do it via PM or even email. AIM, ICQ, MSN, Y! also work just as well.
Posted: 2002-10-26 11:33pm
by Kuja
OK, there aren't any guidlines in place here to deal with the FF, so I'll try laying down some rules and advice.
1. Violence is OK.
2. Sex (in all its forms) is apparently OK
3. If you want advice, post in the 'Resources' thread, or here.
4. Please don't spam the story threads.
5. Try posting in chapters, not all at once.
6. If you've hit a wall, try pushing aside your story for a while and not thinking about it. Ideas came pop up at strange times.
7. Try writing an outline before the actual story so you have an idea of where you want to go.
8. Yes, posting a non-ST/SW story is acceptable.
Posted: 2002-10-26 11:39pm
by haas mark
Question: Do you guys normally comment on the fics, or is mine just so lame and OT that it's not really worth commenting on? If so, how can I improve? I don't know a whole lot of Star Trek or Star Wars (or much SF in general), but I am still interested in writing, and learning what others think of my writing. I don't have the money to actually go buy books, otherwise I might do so, so I can't really write SW/ST fanfics. *sigh* I guess that is all I wanted to, how can I improve my writing?